Alex Sparrow - Tumblr Posts

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The Cursed Gym 4
Winston pulled up into the gym parking lot, finding a space that was right in front. The hunk was already shirtless and readied himself to take a selfie for his Instagram so that he could gain more followers.
“Obligatory gym selfie,” the stud laughed to himself. He gave a sly grin and snapped a pic.
When he went to add a caption, the hunk paused when he saw himself in the picture pursing his lips instead of smiling like he was supposed to be. He deleted it and tried again, opting to forgo the smile and look serious instead.
Winston huffed when he looked at the picture and, again, he was pursing his lips. Only this time, they looked a little bigger, almost fuller even.
The stud shrugged his broad shoulders and thought that he must’ve left some kind of filter on when he caught sight of his reflection in the rearview mirror. Winston jerked back in shock as he saw himself pursing his lips seductively in the mirror, and even when he noticed, he couldn’t stop.
The stud was horrified that he couldn’t stop puckering his lips, and not only that, but they definitely were bigger and fuller.
“Like, OMG, what even happened to my lips?” Winston whined, exaggeratedly gasping loudly when he heard himself speak. “Like, what– *cough, what is even wrong with… why can’t I, like, talk normally?” No matter how many times he cleared his throat or focused, the hunk couldn’t shake his new valley girl dialect.
Winston was so caught up in what was happening that he barely registered when another guy walked by his car and caught sight of him, giving him a playful wink. “Those are some nice DSL’s ya got there,” he teased, sending an odd shiver down Winston’s spine.
His body acting on its own, Winston opened up the door. “Well, like, why don’t you try ‘em out,” he giggled, screaming at himself as he helplessly puckered his large lips at the other man.

Poor Alex was stung by some mysterious jellyfish while swimming and he's swelling up a little bit... not that anyone seems to mind.

“Here’s your coffee,” Brandon said as he handed Lance a white cup.
The other man just grunted as he took the offered cup.
Brandon bit down on his lip expectantly, eying his manager cautiously as the cup was brought up towards his lips. Ever since Lance had taken on the manager position at the sporting goods store where they worked, work has been a nightmare. Lance was impatient and arrogant as hell, barking orders at every other employee and seeing himself as higher than all of them. He always strutted around the store like he was top dog and it was annoying everyone else, especially Brandon, who had been hired on at the same time as Lance.
Lance took a sip of the coffee, grimacing as he swallowed. “That’s really bitter,” he muttered, eying the other man up and down. “Did you add the cream and sugar as I’d specified?”
Brandon, a smirk forming on his face since the seller had claimed that only a sip was needed, shook his head. “Nope,” he smiled widely in the small office where they were. “I put something else in there, something I think you’ll enjoy a lot more.”
The manager jerked back in his seat at his desk, looking at his subordinate in shock. “You spiked my coffee?” he asked incredulously. “You realize I can have you arrested, let alone fired, for that…”
He was cut off when one of the buttons on his uniform polo popped off, clattering onto the small wooden desk before him. He scrunched up his brow in confusion and looked down at his shirt in time for another button to pop off, making him gasp when he saw why.
Lance’s previously toned pecs were inflating at a rapid rate. The small mounds were packing on meat as they rounded and puffed out away from his chest, starting to form a shelf. Even his nipples began to enlarge, hardening and poking conspicuously against the straining fabric of his polo.
“Wh-what’s happening to me?!” Lance panicked as he grabbed at his large muscletits, which still expanded under his exploring hands. He stood up and wobbled as the new additions to his chest threw him off balance.
Brandon couldn’t help but stare in awe, knowing that the potion he’d snuck into his manager’s coffee would have some sort of effect, but not like this. He felt so turned on as he watched the inflating man panic over his warping proportions, his cock starting to tent out his uniform khaki pants.
Meanwhile, Lance’s khakis looked like they were vacuuming around his own cock as they started to stretch over his growing ass. The stud whimpered as he looked over his shoulder, paling at the sight of his cheeks packing on size just like his now massive pecs. His bubblebutt continued to inflate until there was a loud rip that echoed throughout the small office. Lance turned around, giving Brandon a full view of the giant ass that had pushed itself through the large tear it had created. His underwear struggled to contain the massive globes, eventually riding up them, resembling more of a thong than briefs.
The warped Lance looked down at himself in horror, trying desperately to piece together what had just happened to him. Moments before, he had been toned yet lanky; but now he was more curvy with thick pecs that obscured his view of below and a giant ass that bounced with every tentative step he took.
All the while, Brandon looked at his manager, smirking as he watched the new himbo try to come to terms with his transformation.
“What happened to me?” Lance whimpered, noting his limited range of movement as his arms kept colliding with his inflated pecs as he tried to feel around his warped body. He took a step forward, wincing when he had to adopt a new stance thanks to his inflated proportions. He had to arch his back due to the massive pecs on his hairy chest and his giant ass kept wagging back and forth, almost as if it were advertising itself.
“Stop worrying and relax,” Brandon said in a calm voice.
“‘Stop worrying’?” Lance repeated incredulously. “How can I stop…” He trailed off when an unknown sense of calm washed over his new body, making him feel incredibly at ease. He was still confused over how his body could’ve changed so drastically, but he couldn’t bring himself to show any of the panic he’d felt mere seconds ago.
Brandon couldn’t help but smirk at the situation before him. “I think this going to be a better fit for you, Lance,” he grinned. “From now on, I’m the manager, and you’re my personal assistant. Got it?”
Lance wanted to argue, to demand to know why the other man was so calm. However, when he parted his lips, he was surprised to hear himself say, “Yes, Sir.”
“Go out on the floor and greet the customers,” Brandon ordered, walking around the desk and sitting down in the large chair. “And make sure to show off for them.” With a flick of his wrist, he waved the former manager away.
Lance’s heart sank in his inflated chest as he felt his legs start to propel him out of his old office. He grimaced as he realized that he was walking out on the store floor with his newly globular asscheeks on display for all to see as they bounced and swayed with every step he took. His pecs were so big that they made his polo end above his navel, looking more like a cut off. His nipples poked through the fabric for all to see, completing his himbo look that was sure to attract lots of attention.
The himbo spotted a man with a dad bod looking over some of the shoes and he felt himself saunter over, a seductive sway in his hips. He internally winced when he stopped in front of the older man, his inflated pecs bouncing with unknown want as his eyes hungrily ran up and down the man’s form.
“Can I help you, Stud?” he practically purred, his eyes widening at how he’d addressed another man. Lance had never had a single gay thought in his life before, yet there he was in a new gay body calling another guy a stud. He wanted to run off and hide, yet the orders he’d received from his new boss forced him to stay put.
The man with the dad bod eyed Lance and smirked. “You sure you’re up for it?” he winked.
Despite screaming at himself to stop, Lance turned around and presented his enormous new ass at the man, giving it a little shake and making it bounce wildly. “I’m positive I can, Sexy,” he moaned. “Why don’t you follow me to the fitting room, and I can show you how I take care of our customers?”
The dad bod man nodded and followed behind Lance to the fitting rooms, all the while the new himbo screamed on the inside over what had happened to him. However, his cock was hardening in his pants as he closed the door to the fitting room.
All the while, Brandon sat back in his new chair and propped his feet up onto his desk as he watched the live feed from the cameras that peeked inside the fitting rooms. He felt himself grow hard at the sight of Lance in his new body bent over and getting fucked by some random guy. Lance was tugging on his larger nipples as he was fucked and his mouth was open indicating that he was moaning loudly. His eyes, however, were panicked and disbelieving.
“I love this job,” Brandon contently sighed as he continued to watch.