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5 years ago

Bloodhound Christmas headcanons

@pieisbestdessert is the one that put me at fifty followers! Thank you so hecking much! Sorry for the rest of the requests that people have made! I have been pretty busy lately. ^-^” Trying to find motivation to draw and such, but I am trying my best, my lovelies! Anyway! Let me begin!

-Bloodhound really enjoys playing Christmas music for their friends for Christmas or anytime for that matter.

-When they aren’t playing for the other Legends, they play for self-indulgent reasons.

-Artur will be out of his cage and sitting on the piano as Bloodhound plays some music.

-The raven fought with the hunter that morning because he didn’t want a Santa hat on. Long story short, Artur lost.

-Despite the hat, Artur was sitting on the piano, and cooing with the beautiful music the hunter was playing.

-There is a gift exchange that all the Legends are attending. (Alexander is trying his best with gifts and such)

-Bloodhound has created candles for all of the Legends.

-Anita received a campfire scented candle. It makes her think back to when she was younger and went camping a lot with her family.

-Ajay got a peppermint scented candle because she loves Christmas and will keep this candle lit all throughout the winter time.

-Octavio got a citrus scented candle because citrus gives you a bit of an energized feeling. Just like this speedy boy.

-Natalie was gifted a cinnamon scented candle because she a lil cinnamon roll.

-Tae Joon received a eucalyptus scented candle because of the soothing qualities it provides.

-Elliott got a cedar wood scented candle. Elliott just loves this scent. It reminds him of his brothers because of the stuff they would use to smell nice. 

-Alexander was gifted an unscented candle because it may tamper with the chemicals the scientist works with.

-Renee was gifted a black chamomile candle because the scent can help sooth your mind and help you sleep.

-Makoa received an ocean scented candle because it reminds him of his home.

-Marvin also received an unscented candle because he can’t really...Smell, but the hunter didn’t want to leave the sweet robot out.

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4 years ago

Caustic headcanons

I was calling my boyfriend last night and I told him how I was kinda getting back into writing. He told me that I should write some headcanons for the stinky gas man. Here ya go @onelargepenguin, some headcanons for your main.

-Alexander likes to do his hair and beard. Just so it isn’t in the way of his chemical work.

-He has gel for his hair. If that gel runs out, he’ll pull it back into a ponytail.

-The scientist, as we know, has a soft spot for the static defender. He often has her help him with his work.

-He will sometimes let Natalie style his hair and stuff. He has liked MOST of the work she has done. I don’t really think he liked that Mohawk very much.

-This man actually REALLY likes candles, but he fears that they may interfere with his work.

-The defender found this out and also figured out that Bloodhound makes candles.

-One day, Natalie asked the hunter if they could make a candle or two for her father figure.

-The hunter gladly agreed and had them done within a couple of hours.

-The defender walked into Alexander’s room and cleared her throat, “Ahem. Dr. Caustic? I have something for you.”

-Alexander looked up from his work and smiled, “You do? What is it?” -Natalie held out a gift bag for the scientist to open.

-He took it and pulled out the tissue paper.

-In the bag contained three candles and a Nessie plushie. (Ya know? The plushie we saw on Caustic’s bed for the season three trailer!) Two of the candles were unscented and the other was lavender scented.

-The scientist really did like to relax.

-He grinned and gave Natalie a big hug, “Thank you, Natalie. I appreciate your gift.”

-She smiled brightly, “De rien.”

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4 years ago

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