Alfred F Jones Being An Absolute Herald Of Chaos When It Comes To Being Immortal And Also A Dumbass - Tumblr Posts
Your Hetalia lore tastes like really expensive vanilla bean ice cream. Anyway, do you think Alfred would have made an appearance on a Jackass film? What do you think might have happened if we was there? They know he can’t die so the sky was the limit here.
Oh. My. Fuck.
That boy has no self-preservation. Put him on any stunt show and he'll go crazy. Like he will agree to the craziest stunts with no hesitation and a smile on his face. Like "You want me to do a backflip off of the Statue of Liberty? Sweet!"
I feel like they would love his super strength, and make him do dares and challenges that involve things like lifting cars and breaking out of cement. They'd also probably have him wrestle dangerous animals like gators and tigers.
It would be funny if even they are like concerned for how much crazy shit he's willing to do. Like they probably think "Is this the one that's gonna get us sued?"