Outer Space - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
The Main Solar System Planets (along With Certain Moons)
The Main Solar System Planets (along With Certain Moons)
The Main Solar System Planets (along With Certain Moons)
The Main Solar System Planets (along With Certain Moons)
The Main Solar System Planets (along With Certain Moons)
The Main Solar System Planets (along With Certain Moons)
The Main Solar System Planets (along With Certain Moons)
The Main Solar System Planets (along With Certain Moons)
The Main Solar System Planets (along With Certain Moons)
The Main Solar System Planets (along With Certain Moons)

The Main Solar System Planets (along with certain Moons)

You can't forget Pluto, too!

I drew these months ago, around October. I even drew other Dwarf Planets and asteroids in the system, but I can only upload 10 pictures at a time. Don't worry though, I'll be uploading them here soon!

I put a bit of my own personal spins to the designs here, like how I personally see Venus as more masculine as the morning star. So my version of Venus is a trans man and, in turn, Mars is a trans woman. I also see Jupiter and Saturn as brothers, as well.

I have a lot to say, but I don't want to bog down this post already, so feel free to ask me any questions.

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1 year ago
Solar System Dwarf Planets (Ceres, Haumea, Gonggong, Makemake, Eris, Quaoar, Orcus, Sedna, And Salacia)
Solar System Dwarf Planets (Ceres, Haumea, Gonggong, Makemake, Eris, Quaoar, Orcus, Sedna, And Salacia)
Solar System Dwarf Planets (Ceres, Haumea, Gonggong, Makemake, Eris, Quaoar, Orcus, Sedna, And Salacia)
Solar System Dwarf Planets (Ceres, Haumea, Gonggong, Makemake, Eris, Quaoar, Orcus, Sedna, And Salacia)
Solar System Dwarf Planets (Ceres, Haumea, Gonggong, Makemake, Eris, Quaoar, Orcus, Sedna, And Salacia)
Solar System Dwarf Planets (Ceres, Haumea, Gonggong, Makemake, Eris, Quaoar, Orcus, Sedna, And Salacia)
Solar System Dwarf Planets (Ceres, Haumea, Gonggong, Makemake, Eris, Quaoar, Orcus, Sedna, And Salacia)
Solar System Dwarf Planets (Ceres, Haumea, Gonggong, Makemake, Eris, Quaoar, Orcus, Sedna, And Salacia)
Solar System Dwarf Planets (Ceres, Haumea, Gonggong, Makemake, Eris, Quaoar, Orcus, Sedna, And Salacia)

Solar System Dwarf Planets (Ceres, Haumea, Gonggong, Makemake, Eris, Quaoar, Orcus, Sedna, and Salacia)

While Ceres is in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter, the rear of the Dwarf Planets lie beyond Neptune, beyond Pluto, in the Kuiper Belt.

With the Dwarf Planets, I wanted to add in cultural aspects to their designs as the main planets are named after Greek/Roman mythological figures, the Dwarf Planets are more diverse.

With the exception of Salacia and her moon Actaea, all of these were drawn in November/December of 2023.

Also, why did the scientists have to give Ceres and Sedna their names when they don't have any moons? They're named after fertility goddesses. And Makemake's moon doesn't have a name! 😭😭😭

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1 year ago
Asteroids 162183 Ryugu, 2 Pallas, 4 Vesta, 3 Juno, 99942 Apophis, 5 Astraea, And 101955 Bennu (ft. Osiris
Asteroids 162183 Ryugu, 2 Pallas, 4 Vesta, 3 Juno, 99942 Apophis, 5 Astraea, And 101955 Bennu (ft. Osiris
Asteroids 162183 Ryugu, 2 Pallas, 4 Vesta, 3 Juno, 99942 Apophis, 5 Astraea, And 101955 Bennu (ft. Osiris
Asteroids 162183 Ryugu, 2 Pallas, 4 Vesta, 3 Juno, 99942 Apophis, 5 Astraea, And 101955 Bennu (ft. Osiris
Asteroids 162183 Ryugu, 2 Pallas, 4 Vesta, 3 Juno, 99942 Apophis, 5 Astraea, And 101955 Bennu (ft. Osiris
Asteroids 162183 Ryugu, 2 Pallas, 4 Vesta, 3 Juno, 99942 Apophis, 5 Astraea, And 101955 Bennu (ft. Osiris

Asteroids 162183 Ryugu, 2 Pallas, 4 Vesta, 3 Juno, 99942 Apophis, 5 Astraea, and 101955 Bennu (ft. Osiris Rex and Earth)

Asteroids! Woohoo!

I'm going to be honest, I don't like the first piece I drew of Bennu with Osiris Rex. The eye and hand is weird, the hair looks bad, etc. Just something to live with, I guess.

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11 months ago
Mars Rovers (plus Little Helicopter Ingenuity)

Mars Rovers (plus little helicopter Ingenuity)

I recently saw a few things about robotics and how we treat them both in the real world and in fiction, along with the fact we named the Mars Rovers.

Sure, robots are programmed and can't "feel" in a typical way, but not all humans can process things all the same either. So why deny that our creations can't feel either? Opportunity's last message makes me weep every time I look at it.

For now, I hope all our little robot companions up on Mars can eventually come home.

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5 months ago
2024 PT5/Earth's Second Moon

2024 PT5/Earth's Second Moon

2024 PT5 is an asteroid first discovered on August 7, 2024, and is currently passing by as a "second moon."

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5 months ago
Europa And Europa Clipper

Europa and Europa Clipper

Today, October 12, 2024, is the launch of the Europa Clipper! They are a space craft set out to learn more about Jupiter's moon Europa!

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2 years ago
The Bubble Nebula! Nearly 7100 Light Years Away From Earth

The bubble nebula! Nearly 7100 light years away from earth

It looks so cool, like one of those soap bubbles when the light hits it perfectly to make it look rainbow


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1 year ago

Clockwork's job is to overseer time and has to watch over the timelines continuously but there would be times where he gets to go out of his tower for a few days to take a break and this time, he wants to hang out with Danny.... In Gotham... To scold a certain speedster while Danny accompanies him.

Danny doesn't know why he has to go with Clockwork cuz he could tell that there's nothing he'll be doing but still decides to go with Clockwork cuz he got bribed with a "3 free straight answers" if Danny ever wants to ask him about something.

So now, Danny was just happily following Clockwork like a duckling with his mother.

Danny doesn't know how and why they're suddenly in space but he doesn't question it. Not even when he encounters a flashy colorful costumed people in front of him.

And this whole time, he was just Danny Fenton so he can't escape without exposing his powers if the people in front of him attacks so he only has Clockwork to rely on as he clutches Clockwork's cloak.

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7 months ago
"What We See"

"What We See"

I've been feeling deeply depressed lately. I've been stuck in the same place for so long, I don't know if I'll ever be able to move forward. I wish this country took actual care of its people that are disabled. Actual care of its people, in general.

Anyways, this piece was inspired by an Art Fight attack I saw, made by ~pricklypaws (the attack was on ~rensstudios).

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9 months ago

The moon landing was staged to distract from the truth that the moon is fake.

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1 year ago

I'mma eat it

I'mma Eat It

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1 year ago



Wednesday, July 26th, 2023

Welcome back,

Linked to the close of the Mayan calendar, a variety of rumors spread regarding ways the world could end back in 2012. One popular contender was Nibiru, a supposed planet that some claimed would collide with Earth at the end of that year. But despite the buzz, there's no scientific evidence supporting the alleged planet's existence — and, of course, our planet survived 2012 without absorbing a massive impact.


Nibiru has been linked to NASA by various bloggers. Because of this claimed connection, space agency officials put out a statement saying that no big planet was coming to destroy Earth in 2012. What follows below is the true science and history of this supposed rogue planet, with reference to a real object, Comet Elenin, that somehow got mixed up in the whole mess.

And we'll also talk about another hypothetical world that may actually exist in the far outer solar system — Planet Nine.


The story began in 1976, when Zecharia Sitchin wrote "The Twelfth Planet," a book which used Stitchin's own unique translation of Sumerian cuneiform to identify a planet, Nibiru, orbiting the sun every 3,600 years. Several years later, Nancy Lieder, a self-described psychic, announced that the aliens she claimed to channel had warned her this planet would collide with Earth in 2003. After a collision-free year, the date was moved back to 2012, where it was linked to the close of the Mayan long-count period. 

When Comet Elenin appeared in 2011, many were concerned that it was the mysterious planet in disguise, despite the fact that planets and comets appear very different under a telescope. (A comet has a gas atmosphere, called a coma, and a tail, while a planet does not.) 


But instead of slamming into the Earth, the comet strayed too close to the sun and broke into pieces. The leftover fragments will continue on their path to the outer solar system for the next 12,000 years, still bits of comet and not a more cohesive planet.

Proponents of the fictitious planet note that, in 1984, a scientific paper was published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters which discussed several infrared sources with "no counterparts" that turned up in a survey of the sky. Such surveys are common in astronomy and usually involve follow-ups that individually detail the more interesting sources.


In the follow-up of the 1984 survey, most of the sources turned out to be distant galaxies. None were identified as planets. Both papers are available to the public.

A planet with an orbit so eccentric that it took 3,600 years to orbit the sun would create instabilities inside our 4.5-billion-year-old solar system. After only a few trips, its gravity would have significantly disrupted the other planets, whose own gravitational pushes would have changed the hypothetical world's orbit significantly.


The easiest and most verifiable piece of evidence arguing against the existence of the theoretical planet can be performed by anyone: According to the information available, a planet with a 3,600-year-long orbit that was due to impact Earth in 2012 should be available to the naked eye. Easily performed calculations show that, by April 2012, it would have been brighter than the faintest stars viewed from a city, and almost as bright as Mars at its dimmest. This would have made it visible to astronomers everywhere.


The most common rebuttal to this is the cry of "Cover up!" However, there are hundreds of thousands of amateur astronomers around the world, many of whom own their own telescopes. On top of that, most of the thousands of professional astronomers are linked not to the government but rather to private universities.

Astronomer David Morrison pointed out in 2012 that "NASA and the government get most of their information from these outside astronomers, not the other way around."


Between the amateur and professional astronomers, there are plenty of people who would have noticed a new "star" in the sky.

Doomsday reports across the internet frequently incite fear, but it's interesting to note they are nothing new. People have been decrying the end of the world for hundreds of years.

Rumors spread like wildfire on the internet, but the same technology can make it easier than ever to delve into the scientific evidence about such events.

Originally published on space.com


(Saturday, July 29th, 2023)


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10 months ago

i made a little uquiz space related quiz,, it's kinda short

i took astrophysics for one week before dropping it so i feel qualified to write this quiz

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3 years ago

Do you guys think daffy is going to play as a team player in Space jam 2 ??

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1 year ago

Hello Everyone!

sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth for a while, life happened and I didn't have much time to be active on here. I've decided to rebrand this account in order for it to align more with my current interests and hobbies. Again, my deepest apologies to my two and a half mutuals on here for disappearing.

things to more of expect from now on:

book reviews and personal writing

space photos and news

in the wise words of Lorelai Gilmore: "coffee coffee coffee!"

a dark academia/downtown girl-esque aesthetic

posts about music, especially jazz and Taylor Swift

star trek, star wars, LOTR, basically everything sci-fi & fantasy

robotics & engineering rambles

posts about my favorite books, films, and TV Series

and much, much more!

I'm always looking for new mutuals, so if any of this interests you, give me a follow!

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