Alien Pregnancy - Tumblr Posts
A true and thoughtful "about me".
As much as one can be in this context.
I have a humble job. It gets me by. I have creative aspirations in writing and potentially the visual arts. I'm an INFP, libra, and incredibly ADHD.
I have a whole bunch of interests that are independent from, however, can overlap with my myriad of fetishes. I love scifi, horror, and fantasy. I love books, I love movies, and I'm obsessed with music. I really don't have a preferred genre of music, however I tend to like the weirder stuff.
This really is one of the few places where I can express my kinky side, and I really want to get to know more people involved in the various communities.
Anyways, not to bury the lead any further, the sexy stuff!
I've had a belly fetish for as long as I can remember. It was mainly bloating, weight gain, and pregnancy in the beginning, however, I'd get into inflation, vore, navels, etc over the years. For a very long time, I was ashamed, I felt like a freak. I remember researching it, lurking, flirting with the community. As I got older, I got bolder, and I only want to go further.
I've learned that this is an integral part of my sexuality and me as a person, and I've decided to embrace my kinks. It's better than living repressed. Everyone is weird anyways.
I like to bloat/stuff and watch others do the same. I'm a sucker for a foodbaby. I'm a feedee, looking to gain. I also love to rp all of this stuff plus vore, preg (all different kinds of preg too, hehe 😈). Feel free to message me, I love to chat and meet people. Plus, I'd love to find a feeder. Even a cool rp partner, or belly buddy.
Don't be afraid to say hi!
Plus, if you want to, my discord is whatisthishere