Bloating Kink - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

movie date but I make you drink enough soda to make your shirt tight around your rounded stomach. The almost constant chorus of gurgles from your stomach draws the annoyed attention of other movie-goers who can't hear the movie over your sounds. A cacophony of digestive noises as your stomach tries to settle despite my instigation of further reaction via rubbing and gentle jostling of your ballooned stomach. I hold your hand as you squirm, the arm rests now digging into the side of your taut skin, leaving red marks which I soothe with gentle kisses and kitten licks. You whisper and ask if we're almost done, and I hush you gently and reassure you that we are. I've still got an array of different sodas in big litre bottles under my seat though. And I don't intend for us to be done until you can't see the screen over the crest of your stomach.

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5 months ago

Requesting a piece about fattening up your totally obedient and loyal pet, please~ Especially if you can do it from the pet’s pov~

You feel them ruffle your hair as they praise you for another swallow of the food they pushed past your lips. A groan in your stomach signals the stuffing session might be reaching it's end, but you still enthusiastically open up for another bite.

"Look at you. Y'look like a puppy with worms. Don't even know how you'll fit in your bed like that."

Your stomach rests heavy on your thighs and you watch them reach forward and begin to rub your belly while repeating the words "You're just a good dog, huh?"

The mostly skimpy outfit they asked you to change into is on its last threads, the tights riddled with holes from your swollen thighs, a that has ridden up to hug around your collarbone, and your waistband seems fit to snap. Though every bite you take makes your owner happy so you don't think you'd have it any other way. They look over the remainder of the food on the table before pulling a large gainer shake towards you. You go to reach for the glass but are stopped when your owner tips it back to your mouth instead, startling you for a moment before you start obediently chugging as the fattening shake drips into your mouth.

Another groan from your stomach and their free hand is back on it, massaging around the naval as they tell you how good of a pet you are. As the last drops fall into your mouth, and they wipe any of the dribble that had begun to make it's way down your double chins, they focus their attention on your stomach. Kissing it, rubbing it, massaging the taut skin as they showed you with praise. "Such a good pet." Is the most common one. And while your excitement is unmatched, it's hard to do anything but pitifully squirm as your stomach weighs you down in your chair. You're such a house pet.

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5 months ago

The pet one was super hot~ Any chance you could do some more like that...?

The collar was digging into your neck by this point and you attempted to tug at it with your pudgy fingers, though your owner took your hand away and loosened the collar for you. They might've claimed you were their house pet, but you felt more like a cow or a pig at this point as you clutched and rubbed your stretch marks.

They told you what a good pet you were as they pushed another brownie into your mouth. Behind them was a cake they'd bought an hour or two ago as well and you knew that was the main course. Dallops of sugary frosting and rich chocolate filling that would soon stuff your stomach till you felt you'd burst.

You chewed and felt your owner pat your belly, stirring a groan from your stomach as everything that they'd already packed into you, settled. They rubbed the front of your stomach and told you what a good pet you were, how obedient and docile you were. A "proper" house pet.

Your pet bowl had become a trough, and after that it became hand feeding to pack you tighter than you ever would on normal circumstances. And the pounds had piled on in the dozens after decided to become their pet, though you didn't find reason to complain. You got to be someone's fat house pet, what more could you want?

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5 months ago

OMG that pet story was soo.... hot....

id love if you could do that, but with immobility...

the idea of being a fat pet too bloated to move is just... so hot... <3

You'd outgrown your pet bed, now you lay stomach up and all encompassing on the couch. Your body was a maze of stretch marks and cellulite that your owner traced and kissed frequently between stuffing sessions.

A few months before, you'd stopped being able to move. And in all honesty you weren't sure you wanted to. You got to lay back and have entire holiday meals worth of food pushed into your mouth daily as you lay there rumbling and groaning between bites. Your clothes barely fit anymore, and you suspected you'd need to get a new custom made set again as you'd done since fattening past the size that any store carried.

Rolls of your blubber practically spilled over the side of the creaking leather couch and you honestly weren't sure how long the furniture could hold out. Though you'd cross that bridge when you came to it.

Another bite of rich food was pushed to your lips and another chugging of a soda bottle started and ended with your stomach gurgling. Your owner tossed the now empty can to the side and pressed another kiss to your forehead as they adjusted the collar charm that barely remained visible underneath your chins and neck flab.

"Such a good pet."

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10 months ago
Appreciating A Little Bloat While Encouraging Some Hungry, Growing Men

Appreciating a little bloat while encouraging some hungry, growing men

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7 months ago
I Don't Bloat Often These Days But Sometimes After Dinner And A Few Ciders With A Friend, You Get Home

I don't bloat often these days but sometimes after dinner and a few ciders with a friend, you get home and decide to go a little bigger

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9 months ago

A true and thoughtful "about me".

As much as one can be in this context.

I have a humble job. It gets me by. I have creative aspirations in writing and potentially the visual arts. I'm an INFP, libra, and incredibly ADHD.

I have a whole bunch of interests that are independent from, however, can overlap with my myriad of fetishes. I love scifi, horror, and fantasy. I love books, I love movies, and I'm obsessed with music. I really don't have a preferred genre of music, however I tend to like the weirder stuff.

This really is one of the few places where I can express my kinky side, and I really want to get to know more people involved in the various communities.

Anyways, not to bury the lead any further, the sexy stuff!

I've had a belly fetish for as long as I can remember. It was mainly bloating, weight gain, and pregnancy in the beginning, however, I'd get into inflation, vore, navels, etc over the years. For a very long time, I was ashamed, I felt like a freak. I remember researching it, lurking, flirting with the community. As I got older, I got bolder, and I only want to go further.

I've learned that this is an integral part of my sexuality and me as a person, and I've decided to embrace my kinks. It's better than living repressed. Everyone is weird anyways.

I like to bloat/stuff and watch others do the same. I'm a sucker for a foodbaby. I'm a feedee, looking to gain. I also love to rp all of this stuff plus vore, preg (all different kinds of preg too, hehe 😈). Feel free to message me, I love to chat and meet people. Plus, I'd love to find a feeder. Even a cool rp partner, or belly buddy.

Don't be afraid to say hi!

Plus, if you want to, my discord is whatisthishere

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1 year ago

Just a gassy boy #gassy

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