All Those Etgar Keret Stories We Read Get An Honorable Mention - Tumblr Posts
9 years ago
but what was your /least/ favorite book in high school? reblog and put it in the tags! start a fight with your friends! ill start it off: mine was the bluest eye.
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Easy: an American tragedy by Theodore dreiser
it managed to make an awful murder boring
and everything was just uuueeeaatrrghxdnsbsmsb
the most interesting part of this book was when I read about the author's wild lifestyle
Theodore Dreiser
an American tragedy
actually now that i think about it
all those etgar keret stories we read get an honorable mention
I hated them all (with one exception - that story about sigh long passports for illegal immigrants)
but the worst was that that one about the kid and his piggy bank
and tipot (translated: drops)
gah - these are actually making me annoyed just remembering them....