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Decorative Art by E. A. Seguy
Today we are featuring a portfolio found in Milwaukee Public Library’s Rare Book Room: French artist E. A. Séguy’s Insectes portfolio of pochoir prints, published by Duchartre and Van Buggenhoudt in 1929. Émile-Allain Séguy, whose name is often abbreviated E. A. Seguy was a French artist known for his ornamental patterns of plants and insects in Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles. The portfolios of colored plates were created using the labor-intensive process of pochoir printing, where each layer of color is applied by painting gouache through a stencil. The results are stunning!
There is some confusion about the biographical details of the artist Émile-Allain Séguy because he is often confused with the well-known French entomologist Eugène Séguy who was active during the same period. There is an essay called “Insect Men” by Timothy Young that describes this case of mistaken identity.
What I love about the plates of this portfolio is that there are both extremely realistic illustrations of insects, presented in a stylized, overlapping way, and plates that are very decorative, with imaginative designs and bold colors, inspired by the forms of insects. These ornamental designs were intended to be used for interior art, textiles, and fashion.
E. A. Seguy produced a number of decorative arts portfolios in the 1920s. If you ever have a chance see one in person, I highly recommend it because the vibrancy of the plates is even more dazzling than how they appear online! I made an appointment with our friends over at Milwaukee Public Library’s Art, Music & Recreation Department to look at several of his portfolios, and plan to feature more designs in the future. Stay tuned!
View more posts about decorative arts and pattern books.
–Sarah, Special Collections Graduate Intern
that feel when you’re walking down the street and a beautiful dog you’re passing picks their head up, looks you right in the eyes, and gives you a big smile.
that’s the good stuff.

How do you pronounce Gyrfalcon?
(Honestly, pronounce it however you want. If you’ve seen one in the wild, you’re one up on me. Sigh.)
A book of my comics.
do you know what I want? I want a game where you play the forces of overgrowing nature, where you systematically destroy the mansion in the GardenScapes game I keep seeing ads for.
like. let me grow grass up through those perfect tiled patios and algae in the fountain and vines up through those marble statues and pillars cracking them in half. let me plant wildflowers and berries and lure birds and butterflies into the yard.
let me grow trees up through the roofs and on top of those perfect stone walls and crack them and break them down
no microtransactions, no timed building.
you plant seeds and wait for them to grow, then train them over the top of the walls and wrap around the statues
attract birds and squirrels with water and nesting areas and they’ll bring you seeds
the goal of the game is to get it so quiet and wild that you can support entire ecosystems in what used to be a super colonial classist mansion
the hardest thing in the and is to lure and be able to support a cougar, because it requires the entire property to be FOREST with deer and berry bushes and a stream
there’s also a hidden plot about the rest of the world
it’s the end of oil and the entire world has actually managed to switch over to clean energy, everyone lives in gorgeous green cities and close-knit small towns with super efficient greenhouse agriculture with solar and wind power
all the suburbs and manor-house things have been abandoned because they’re too far away from population centres and there aren’t any cars
there are electric public rail systems in all the cities and between population centres and most people bike and use hover-board drones for transportation
full-on solarpunk
you find this out because there’s a subplot of finding and repairing an iPhone with bits of tech you find in the rubble of the manor house, which you can then access a couple news sites on
but that’s kinda the hidden ending
there are a couple more things like that as well, hidden, like the story of the family who lived in the manor (they were all dicks and economically terrible people which adds even more catharsis to the destruction), some campers that come through if you fit a requirement for scenery, that kind of thing)

These three lovely cats are looking for homes!
They’re friendly but shy, and once they’re comfortable, like hanging out with people and getting lots of pets and skritches!
Unfortunately, they currently live outdoors on a friend’s porch, as she can’t take them in due to allergic family members. They would love to be permanently indoor cats, as they often try to sneak inside.
They can be split up; but the two tuxedo cats would prefer to be adopted together.
We haven’t yet brought them in to the vet for fear of scaring them away permanently, however, it’s highly likely they’re all neutered. When they have plans to be adopted we’ll arrange to get them seen by a vet, get the standard barrage of tests and vaccines, and cover at least the majority of the cost.
They will also be sent home with a decent supply of food, as well as toys, various supplies and food enrichment items.
They’re located in NYC, but I’d be happy to drive a few hours to get them a good home.
If you are at all interested, or have any questions please message me!
Love, Love, Peace, Peace being one of the most genuinely popular Eurovision songs is like Galaxy Quest being widely considered one of the best Star Trek Movies.
And that’s fantastic.
wife is pregnant, due any day
suddenly the contractions start
“CAN’T, WON’T, I’M, HAVEN’T, DON’T, ISN’T" she says
Today is August 2nd. Today is Romani Holocaust Remembrance day. Today, in 1944, the Gypsy camp at Auschwitz was liquidated. Today marks 71 years since brave Roma and Sinti lost their fight against the Nazi’s Final Solution. Today marks 71 years without reparations or even acknowledgement of a Romani genocide during the Holocaust. Today marks 71 years of continued state-sanctioned oppression and brutality. Today, there is still Romani genocide. Today, we still lose our brothers, fathers, and children to police and Neo-Nazi violence. Today, we continue to be exploited for our labor and forced into slavery. Today, we still live in ghettos and camps. Today is August 2, 2015. Today, our stones have become words and books and education. And today, we will not stop fighting.
There was a point where one of the employees at Home Depot recognized me as “that lady who builds lots of different things for a seemingly infinite number of different animals”. I was quite proud of that.
Do Home Depot employees ever wonder what the customers’ projects are? More specifically, do they wonder about mine?
We really are fucked I mean ww3 could break out any day and we’d all be like ”this is so sad alexa play despacito”

The one print on the bottom encourages people to engage in discussion of mental illness; raise awareness, support others and all that good stuff. Cool art, good message.
This lovely illustration was done by Skyler Chui, and the original artwork can be found here on his twitter. His work can also be found on his deviantart page and his instagram account.
Please credit artists!

The spirit of a Generation

Nest parasitism
Bird meme by anonymous friend of mine; original comic by Nedroid
3 Dogs Are Rebuilding Chilean Forests Once Devastated By Fire

The job to replant endless acres of forests seemed like a daunting endeavor. That is until three unusual workers took up the task. Six-year-old Das and her two daughters, Olivia and Summer are three Border Collies who have been trained to run through the damaged forests with special backpacks that release native plant seeds. Once they take root, these seeds will help regrow the destroyed area.
A post shared by @balti_mom on Apr 16, 2017 at 6:51pm PDT
It turns out that Border Collies are an ideal breed for this specific type of job. Bounding through miles of forest terrain requires not only speed, intelligence, and endurance, but also a willingness to stay focused and not get distracted by wildlife. Border Collies were bred to herd sheep, so they’re not as likely to run after or hurt other animals in the forest.

This system is also more efficient than having people spread the seeds manually. These speedy canines can race through a forest and cover up to 18 miles a day. Humans, on the other hand, can only cover a few miles each day. These pups can scatter over 20 pounds of seeds, depending on the terrain. While robots or drones might be able to disperse seeds too, dogs aren’t as pricey to handle. Most importantly, they leave a lighter carbon footprint.

Francisca and Constanza put special backpacks on the dogs, fill them with native seeds and then it’s off to the races. Once the dogs have emptied out their bags, Francisca and Constanza give them plenty of treats, refill their bags, and release them again to dash around the destroyed forest, sprinkling more seeds in their wake. The end goal of all this, of course, is to restore the damaged ecosystem and have the wildlife return to the forests.