Also Love The Vibes Here Like Penelope Is Going To Help Burn The Empire Down With Callisto - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

I absolutely adore the way you write Athy as this Saint/goddess/holy figure in a lot of your WMMAP stories. She deserves all the love and devotion, and it just works really well for her character.

But it got me thinking about VADD and Penelope since (novel spoiler!):

She’s descended from the Ancient Mages that helped found the Empire with the Golden Dragon (Callisto’s ancestor). Now I’m wondering if the Ancient Mages were ever regarded as holy figures before Laila cursed them to be exiled and persecuted. Penelope being regarded as a literal saint because of her lineage would be a really interesting idea to write, especially with most of the nobility hating and reviling her because she’s a commoner only to do a 180 and worship her. Could you perhaps write some headcanons or a drabble for this? Or even a moodboard because with Penelope’s love of fashion she would absolutely look the part. Please? Have a good day!

I Absolutely Adore The Way You Write Athy As This Saint/goddess/holy Figure In A Lot Of Your WMMAP Stories.
I Absolutely Adore The Way You Write Athy As This Saint/goddess/holy Figure In A Lot Of Your WMMAP Stories.
I Absolutely Adore The Way You Write Athy As This Saint/goddess/holy Figure In A Lot Of Your WMMAP Stories.
I Absolutely Adore The Way You Write Athy As This Saint/goddess/holy Figure In A Lot Of Your WMMAP Stories.
I Absolutely Adore The Way You Write Athy As This Saint/goddess/holy Figure In A Lot Of Your WMMAP Stories.
I Absolutely Adore The Way You Write Athy As This Saint/goddess/holy Figure In A Lot Of Your WMMAP Stories.
I Absolutely Adore The Way You Write Athy As This Saint/goddess/holy Figure In A Lot Of Your WMMAP Stories.
I Absolutely Adore The Way You Write Athy As This Saint/goddess/holy Figure In A Lot Of Your WMMAP Stories.
I Absolutely Adore The Way You Write Athy As This Saint/goddess/holy Figure In A Lot Of Your WMMAP Stories.

Penelope has always felt the twinge of not-belonging within her family but little did she know it was truly because she did not belong with those who were beneath her. She who was part of the ancient line of mages who had founded the Empire- was a descendant of those who laid the bricks of what would become the greatest the world has ever seen. Gold jewelry sparkled at her neck and wrists, her white robes swishing at her ankles, her bright magenta hair in ever so soft waves- Penelope was a vision for all to see, but not one they could ever dare to touch.

Anonnnnn thank you so much for loving the way I write Athy QAQ I just did feel that she deserved everything I could possibly give her in the best way possible and if that was through worship, so be it lolol and it turned out to be the great option for me for writing wmmap ehehe and ahhhhhh novel spoiler for Penelope but that did make me intrigued enough, so I hope you enjoyed the moodboard + the little thing I wrote, I may come back to this in the future to write more for the idea too!! <333

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