Calliope - Tumblr Posts
On Leap Day and just in time for third perigee, this chapter has Dauphine and Uroboros sign up to climb the crime-fighting duo echeladder.
Maybe I might get another of my fics updated too? We shall see...
Because we need a proper segue and send off to Homestuck 1.0 ;_;7

(Seems our dear little Karkat has gotten the attention of a duo of massive cherub girls, and they seem quite pleased with the situation. Karkat….a little overwhelmed.
Good luck karkat, you’ll need it!)
(A great commission from twisted-art-wounders!)

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Even though Calliope’s story was written in the 90s, man does it hold up for the current day, frighteningly so, post #MeToo where people are seemingly more willing to examine the canon “great [male] writers” and interrogate the ways they used, abused, and took advantage of the women in their lives. The way Ric Madoc doesn’t really think he’s done anything wrong because his abuse of Calliope has resulted in his best work yet. The way he uses progressive politics to further his image, (the name dropping during the interview, using the diversity of the staff for his movie as a marketing gimmick.) The way he calls himself a feminist, (and probably genuinely believes in it to,) and yet is wholly unable to examine the harm he has caused. Because you can care about and believe in pushing against harmful systems but still perpetuate them to reap the benefits they give you. The way the story decimates the lone genius archetype with one foul swoop, showing how it’s a poisonous ideal passed down through generations of men who care more of the quality of their art than that of their character. How the story itself is called “Calliope,” and continuously centers her pain, her humanity, refusing to give the spotlight to the wet napkin of a man who technically functions as the story’s protagonist. I could go on!!!
I've been weirdly invested in GOW recently, and kinda have a weird fanfiction-y idea for the next game.
What if after GOW 3, where Kratos kills Hades and all the souls of the underworld escape, what if Calliope, Kratos' daughter, manages to escape and is taken under the wing of one of the few Greek gods that haven't died (Artemis is the one I go to the most).
Calliope is raised to be a warrior/fighter and most likely ends up in Egypt. Perhaps Kratos learns this and him and Atreus goes to Egypt to find her and the Egyptian gods, after hearing the fall of the Greek & Norse Pantheons, don't take it well.
IDK, I know that most likely Egypt is next in GOW and I feel like Santa Monica are gonna have to expand the GOW protagonist to others besides Kratos (Already doing so with Atreus).
I probably just want a warrior lady in the next game and I kinda want to see Calliope after Chains of Olympus.
After Kratos almost kills Atreus when he's in bear form and the dialogue of Atreus wanting to learn the Lyre, I kinda wonder how often Kratos sees Calliope in Atreus.
Calliope and Atreus are both shown to be compassionate, but often naive kids.
Both were born sick and protected by Kratos despite it going against how he was raised.
Both have artistic abilities, Calliope's flute and Atreus drawings.
Kratos sounded so surprised when Atreus asked if he could learn the lyre.
I don't know, this all stemmed from a scene in my head of Kratos looking at Atreus and kinda realizing that he's 'older' than Calliope now.

Have you ever thought about how she would turn out as a adult? Kratos daughter.

How do you think Kratos would feel about her daughter still carrying with her the flute he made for her?

Are you down for a round of chess? Coming back from such a long break with a Homestuck fanart. Nature is healing, I AM HEALING, buahaha

Are you down for a round of chess? Coming back from such a long break with a Homestuck fanart. Nature is healing, I AM HEALING, buahaha

Are you down for a round of chess? Coming back from such a long break with a Homestuck fanart. Nature is healing, I AM HEALING, buahaha

Are you down for a round of chess? Coming back from such a long break with a Homestuck fanart. Nature is healing, I AM HEALING, buahaha

Assorted homestucks number 72382683

A Sherman with a hat.

John has a tough choice to make. Aradia knows best.
I'm currently translating (and rereading) the homestuck epilogues to french. You can check that (among other stuff) on my website:

Art dumping; stuff I drew while taking a bus ride.

My lil' siblings gave me their old color pens, so I tested them around. I have no idea what I just drew but I know it's Homestuck.