+also Shares Many Parallels W/ Had Two Wives/partners & The Dragon Has Three Heads Which Dany Is Already One Of The Heads & Jon Is One Of+ - Tumblr Posts
Why are people obsessed with Daenerys getting pregnant? And specifically having Jon's child? Like they need her to bear the child of the main romantic hero. Like they think she will gain more importance through that because it's the Jon Snow's and no one else's, cause everyone else is beneath her.
Hello anon,
You must not be a book reader or else you would understand why I like some others have been saying that Dany and Jon will have a child together. I’m pretty sure that I’m one of the few bloggers who was pretty outspoken about the idea of Dany getting pregnant with Jon’s child early on. If I dig up my internet history I can probably find post from 2013 talking about this.
You see in the books there is an ongoing narrative theme through Dany’s arc and that is that she’s the Child of Three. Almost everything of importance that happens to her happens in threes. Three dragons eggs, three dragons, three awakenings after her fevered dream, three wise people come to meet her in the Red Waste, the three walls of Qarth she walks through to enter the city center, the three slave cities she conquers, etc.
If we go by what we learned from the HOTU, Jon will be Dany’s third and final husband and therefore the father of her child. Dany has been pregnant twice, once she had a stillbirth (AGOT IX) and once she had a miscarriage (ADWD X). Now, she is due to have a living child.
There are a lot of similarities between Dany’ final two chapters in AGOT and her final two chapters in ADWD. Here is an interesting one pertaining to this topic:
AGOT Dany IX “Mirri Maz Duur was there, the maegi, tipping a cup against her lips. She tasted sour milk, and something else, something thick and bitter.”
ADWD Dany X “Its flesh was tart and chewy, with a bitter aftertaste that seemed familiar to her.”
Mirri most likely gave Dany an abortifacient in AGOT and Dany in ADWD consumes perhaps the very same aboortificient thus miscarries/stillbirth in both instances.
As to your final statement, get off you ridiculously colored pink fuchsia high horse. Those of us who have been saying this for a while are just applying logic.
Jonerys baby for the win!