SUMMARY | you’re well known across the city for having the perfect love life with your soulmate: lee heeseung. unfortunately for everyone, it’s a complete facade. but with an odd change of events, you find that your connection with heeseung was destined to fail from the start. that’s where riki comes in—the six foot, dark haired boy who always has a smug on his face. you find yourself more drawn to him than you ever have to heeseung, so it only takes a few broken rules for you to be together.
PAIRING | riki x fem!reader
WORD COUNT | 19.4k (this is a big one i fear 😵💫)
GENRE | soulmate au, high school au, strangers to friends to lovers au, fluff, angst!!!!!
WARNINGS | cursing, toxic heeseung, two fight scenes, mentions of blood & food
FEATURING | ENHYPEN, IVE’s wonyoung and rei, & KEP1ER’s bahiyyih
A/N | this is part of @amakumos ’s “written in the stars” collab !!! and the banner was made by the one and only @seungstarss bae thank u sm for making a SECOND banner ily <3 ANYWAYSSSSS THIS TOOK ME TWO MONTHS AND IS DEDICATED TO ONE OF MY BSFS ON THIS APP :( @kaimal u alr know this one’s for u hehe,, lastly !! thank u so much @ijhyo for beta reading this beast
You’re sitting in the crowd amongst a wave of roaring students, parents and teachers. You’re only here for one reason, or rather, one person, but your eyes can’t help themselves as they’re drawn to someone else playing on the court.
Nishimura Riki. You share a few classes with him, so you’re fairly familiar with who he is. He mostly keeps to himself and excels well in the classes that you share, so he doesn’t usually catch your attention. Except when he’s on the court. Due to your..let’s just say connections for the team, you’re actually sitting pretty close to the court so the view you have of Riki is pretty convenient.
Convenient in a way that you can perfectly see how excluded the poor boy is. Standing at the edge of the court, Riki is ignored by not only the opposing team, but his teammates as well. He’s been free for the past ten minutes, and if his team had any sort of mind, they’d pass the ball to him. Guilt dawns on you every time you hear him scream out to his teammates, yelling at them to pass the ball to him, and you frown every time he turns to his coach like a sad puppy. You feel so bad for him, but you can’t do anything about it because of–
“Y/N!” Heeseung jogs up to you from the court, chest drenched in a horrid amount of sweat and hair stuck to his forehead. You hold back a sigh as his eyes are trained on you, resisting the urge to gag at how putrid he smells. You must have blanked out and missed the second quarter call, which is why you’re a little stunned. “Did you see the three pointer I did?” There’s a big smile on his face so you pay him the favour of returning it halfheartedly, despite the desire to push him away from you.
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