Although Some Could Say *cough* It Felt A Little Lazy - Tumblr Posts
Imma try to be as non spoilery as possible!!! I wouldn’t say I loved the ending, but it ended the way I think it was meant too, if that makes sense? Like it fit the characters and the story even if it wasn’t what I had expected (or had hoped) and the way the name tied together was very clever! It definitely felt a bit lackluster imo, but I as I said before, it felt like it fit the story in a way that, even if it wasn’t the best, I’ll let it pass. When I first finished my feelings were very mixed, but I’ve come to terms with it and I even enjoy the idea of the ending now.
Wouldn’t be the one I chose but I can see why the author did it as it tied everything together flawlessly
To those who have read the Alice in Borderland manga:
What did you think of the ending? Did you like? Not like it? Or were you neutral to it?
I want to try and keep spoilers minimum for show-only watchers but I'm really interested in hearing opinions. Mostly I've heard people think it was okay. I personally liked it a lot (although there's aspects to it I didn't like)