missyasf - Workshop

Missy | 20 | Masterlist | Multi-fandom, @adonis-koo < main

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Imma Try To Be As Non Spoilery As Possible!!! I Wouldnt Say I Loved The Ending, But It Ended The Way

Imma try to be as non spoilery as possible!!! I wouldn’t say I loved the ending, but it ended the way I think it was meant too, if that makes sense? Like it fit the characters and the story even if it wasn’t what I had expected (or had hoped) and the way the name tied together was very clever! It definitely felt a bit lackluster imo, but I as I said before, it felt like it fit the story in a way that, even if it wasn’t the best, I’ll let it pass. When I first finished my feelings were very mixed, but I’ve come to terms with it and I even enjoy the idea of the ending now.

Wouldn’t be the one I chose but I can see why the author did it as it tied everything together flawlessly

To those who have read the Alice in Borderland manga:

What did you think of the ending? Did you like? Not like it? Or were you neutral to it?

I want to try and keep spoilers minimum for show-only watchers but I'm really interested in hearing opinions. Mostly I've heard people think it was okay. I personally liked it a lot (although there's aspects to it I didn't like)

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More Posts from Missyasf

4 years ago

HAHAHA every new creator goes through this especially on tumblr ! Fear not though, as you create you’ll get the hang of things, I can give a few pointers though of course!!

First and foremost almost everyone on tumblr is too shy to send asks without anon, so PLEASE remember to turn anon on (it’s automatically off unless you go into settings), this can be done on PC! Masterlists and headers alike can be created by a multitude of apps! I prefer PicsArt as they make it really easy to edit photos!

Masterlists can be done easily by simply making a post, adding the titles of your imagines, scenarios etc, and clicking over the title of a selected story

HAHAHA Every New Creator Goes Through This Especially On Tumblr ! Fear Not Though, As You Create Youll

By clicking the chain you can then insert the link to your story there

Getting a link to a story is also very easy! You’ll just go to the post with said story and scroll down to the bottom of the post until you find all your options such as like reblog etc

HAHAHA Every New Creator Goes Through This Especially On Tumblr ! Fear Not Though, As You Create Youll
HAHAHA Every New Creator Goes Through This Especially On Tumblr ! Fear Not Though, As You Create Youll

You’ll just hit the arrow and click copy, then drop your link into the highlighted area as seen above!

Masterlists can be as fancy or as basic as you’d like! I’d totally recommend checking out other blogs for ideas on what you’d like to do!

HAHAHA Every New Creator Goes Through This Especially On Tumblr ! Fear Not Though, As You Create Youll

This is my WIP Masterlist which for some reason I haven’t posted, last but not least, here is a quick guide on adding links into your bio such as a link to a masterlist! hope this helps and have fun!!! :)

can- can someone teach me how to tumblr properly😭

I wanna have cool headers & get requests & make a masterlist and shiz like actually have a rlly cool platform where people actively engage and I can openly share everything about my interests but I’m just so DUMB

lmao I have no clue how to rlly use this app can someone help

Can- Can Someone Teach Me How To Tumblr Properly

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4 years ago

girl how dare u writing something this gooooood i’m loving it sm but i hate u for this cliffhanger dkqkdkqkd no jk please keep it up i love the dynamic between chishiya and the reader so much !! omg okay i shut up now but AMAGAAAAD i loved it 😔

!!!! I just knew when I was writing the end that it NEEDED to be like that 😩 I’ve had that moment in my head for the last TWO WEEKS especially to the Dangerous Woman remix I’m slowly creeping and crawling their interest in one another because rn it’s like ??? Mutuals who get on each other’s nerves but everyone else doesn’t like them that much so they chill together???

But I ALSO love pegging Chishiya in that doesnt want to be apart of the group but begrudgingly participates but ONLY because of MC (he secretly enjoys it though) not that he’d ever admit that. Not only this but Queen Kuina is here!! If there’s one dynamic I’m gonna steal from the Netflix adaption it’s their friendship bc I eat that shit up, Chishiya needs 1™️ bastard friend, and it’s Kuina 😌

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4 years ago

My blog would be too boring if I didn’t write for batshit insane characters 😖👋

I love how the best things to come out of aib are people simping for an emotionally unavailable short king and an insecure psychopath🤭

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4 years ago

Last boss was labeled a NEET in the manga, so in some ways is correct, I wouldn’t dub him quite an incel though, he was a shut in that didn’t socialize and he was obsessed with famous travelers will to survive in perilous situations (to the point of obsessively blogging about it despite nobody seeing it). Thus when he entered the Borderlands he didn’t want to leave as he had become the one needing to survive (or something akin to that it’s been awhile since I read 🤡) I can understand peoples fascination with him! Especially given the katana and face tattoos- he caught my attention at first in the adaption-

But as soon as I watched him walk weird I was like BYE 😭 HAHAHA I definitely think he’d be extremely socially awkward and doesn’t understand social cues because...mans was a shut in, but he’s otherwise I think he’s a fairly neural in personality for those in the fandom to develop however they like!

It's funny how everyone is thirsting over last boss like he isnt most likely an incel. Like, are they intentionally blocking out his flashback?? He never left his room which was filled with trash and was disgusting. He was most likely like the neckbeards i have argued with before on reddit. He's probably the type of guy that would call you a slut under his breath if you rejected him. It baffles me that people are into him.

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4 years ago

Anytime Chishiya pisses off Niragi he threatens to accidentally put his snake into the lil rat cage 😋🙌

Chishiya owns pet rats

Niragi owns cute snakes

Pass it on

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