Altno.1 - Tumblr Posts
The final chapter has been posted.
Peter Parker is initially targeted as a means to ensure cooperation by Tony Stark. This eventually spurs into something different, and the spider is caught by someone much worse than his original kidnapper. Peter’s a very popular target when it comes to kidnapping, and somehow, Tony Stark must find a way to get his kid back after multiple subsequent kidnappings.
Disclaimer: I own nothing (except for my plot)!
Whumptober: They Made Me Do It
Leonardo watched Michelangelo run round and round the table, getting chased by the wasp. He timed their passes and got ready to jump, just in case he needed to intervene.
"He's really turned running away screaming into an art form," Raphael quipped, and Leonardo couldn't hide a little amused smile.
"Well, at least he's good at something, right?" Donatello commented. Michelangelo, almost immediately after, tripped, and Donatello followed up with: "Good-ish."
The wasp came crashing down after the youngest, and the older three took that as their cue, hopping out of their hiding spot and towards the giant insect.
But, of course, Michelangelo just had to disobey orders, and struck out with his nunchucks, taking both the wasp, and the others, down in the process before getting dragged around in the wasps panic. Donatello and Raphael were thrown against the wall, leaving only Leonardo standing.
Well, per usual, it was up to Leonardo to do something about it. Pushing back his twinge of annoyance, he drew his katanas, ready to end that thing then and there.
The wasp went at him, much faster than he anticipated, and promptly jabbed its stinger into his arm. His vision went dark as pain erupted in his right arm. The next time he could see again, the wasp was dead on the floor and his brothers were discussing why it died.
"...The wasp died because it lost its stinger." Donatello concluded, giving the dead wasp an experimental poke.
Leonardo couldn't swallow his indignance and blurted out: "Yeah, in me! Thanks a lot, Mikey!" That wasn't like him. He didn't usually yell like that. He wasn't too snappy.
"Heh, sorry dude." Michelangelo laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Let me see that," Donatello said, grabbing the stinger and pulling it out harshly. Leonardo let out a short sound of pain and rubbed the swollen spot on his arm. Ow. "Are you okay?" The purple banded turtle asked.
"Pretty sure, but I think I'll think I'll be…" he trailed off with a twitch. Something was pulling him to the far corner of the room. Something was… He needed to find something. "...fine."
Donatello's eyes widened in astonishment as he looked the stinger over. "Mutations are generally anthropomorphic. I've never seen mutagen create giants like this before!"
"Yeah, real fascinating, Donnie." Raphael elbowed him, beak wrinkled and his voice dripping with sarcasm.
The pull intensified to the point it was almost painful, and Leonardo was compelled to follow it. He turned and wandered off to a seemingly inconspicuous pile of newspapers. Pulling them away revealed a large yellowish oval. An egg, he realized.
That egg was important.
He needed to protect that egg.
"Woah, look!" He said instead of keeping it to himself.
"It's some kind of... egg," Donatello said as he approached.
No duh, he snarked silently.
"Stand back. I'll handle this," Michelangelo said confidently, grabbing his nunchucks.
"I'm betting on the egg," Raphael huffed with a smirk.
A surge of protectiveness ran through Leonardo. It wasn't supposed to be there. The egg wasn't anything more than a danger. Still, he yelled, "Wait!" He didn't want to say the rest, he didn't want to say any of it, but it was like he was possessed. "We're not hurting it. We came here to find out what the Kraang are up to, and this egg is our only clue. We should take it back to the lab and let Donnie analyze it."
"Great idea!" Raphael snapped, "Let's take the mutant wasp egg into our home where we live! What's the worst that can happen?"
"It's not safe leaving us around. It'll be fine, I'll just keep an eye on it."
"I'll get it," Michelangelo interfered, reaching down.
No! He'll drop it! This will all be for naught. Well that voice was new.
"Hands off!" Leonardo shouted and pushed himself between the egg and Michelangelo, causing him to yelp and the rest to look over at him.
"Dude, are you alright?" Raphael asked, looking him over, "Because unmotivated bursts of anger are kind of my thing."
"It's just that the egg could be fragile," Leonardo reasoned as he picked up the egg, scrambling to not set off any alarms, "Mikey cannot be trusted with it. I'm carrying it myself."
"I'm beginning to think that he likes that egg more than me," Michelangelo whined, looking over at him longingly. As if he didn't spend as much time as he did with the youngest.
"Well, the egg talks less than you, so there's that," Raphael laughed.
Leonardo stared at the egg the whole way to the Shellraiser. What was going on? He didn't yell like that and he certainly didn't want this thing home. Why was he so protective over it?
Leonardo tapped his knee rapidly, shaking his head like it would fix something. He wanted to go somewhere else, do other things, get rid of this godforsaken egg, but something rooted him to the place. It hurt to move away, hurt to do anything other than watch over it.
It might be worth it, his mind supplied, This might prove fruitful.
His mind was probably right. Trusting his conscience usually worked out for him.
Find other hosts, it immediately tried to order, Others who will protect. Feed. Watch.
His head hurt, and he raised a hand to grab it, trying to alleviate the pain. The voice grew louder.
Attack, fight, protect! Protect spawn, next generation! Gather food, gather hosts!
No! No, he needed to stay right where he was. He wasn't going to fight when it wasn't necessary.
The egg needed protection.
It needed him.
It needed food.
Leonardo shook his head again. Maybe he would just… Sit for a bit. And try to get his thoughts together before he tore himself apart.
Michelangelo eventually came sauntering over, getting far too close for his liking. It set off multiple mental alarms, and Leonardo whirled to face him.
Get him away! Protect! PROTECT!
"Back away!" He screamed, and Michelangelo scrambled backwards. "Touch it and I'll kill you! Go!"
Leonardo froze. That wasn't him talking. He'd never say that to any of his family. What came over him? Why did he say that? He didn't mean it? Why couldn’t he move away?
Michelangelo ran.
Donatello came to him next.
"Leo?" He began, tentatively, as if he was afraid that Leonardo might lash out at him as well, "We're, um, we're worried about you-"
"Go. Now," Leonardo hissed at him.
Something was wrong. He needed to go before he hurt somebody or worse, killed them.
That dang voice again. It was still getting louder, sharpening the pain from his headache until it was like an ice pick stuck in his skull.
Donatello the hint and turned, speed walking back into his lab where Leonardo assumed they were all hiding out. Because he was scaring them.
The egg would not let him move away from it, however, that didn't mean he couldn't take it with him.
Leonardo wrapped his arms around the egg and stood, still careful with its fragile shell. He took it and ran far, far away.
He didn't really have a plan for where he was going, he was just running. Anywhere would work.
No! Whatever that voice was screamed, Go back! Turn them! Create food sources for the next generation!
Leonardo grit his teeth and stopped running. If he wanted to do anything, he needed to stop hearing that voice. Then, he would stop feeling that resistance on his limbs, and he could move a little more freely.
He slammed his head against the wall and screamed as loud as he could, drowning out the shouts about "hosts" and "spawn" and "food". He slammed his skull against the brick wall until blood trickled down his temple and slicked a part of the wall. At least the voice had quieted to something more manageable, even if his head hurt worse. If he could think for ten seconds, he could plan a way out of this mess he’d gotten himself into. All he needed was some kind of plan on how to get rid of the egg, then he’d be fine, right? The voice should go away, after all, it only started when he had the egg.
Shoot, they were coming after him. Leonardo crumpled to the floor, curled up around the egg and leaned against the wall. If he left, it was only to protect them. Why would they go after him when he was dangerous?! As he silently cursed their names, he raised a hand to his head. The voice was back, louder than before now that his family was near.
Leonardo screamed again, this time out of the splitting agony in his head like it was getting cracked open.
Then, the pain was gone, and his body was moving without his command. Panic shot through him, followed by a surge of adrenaline. He wished it wouldn’t, but his body moved forward anyway, one sword drawn with intent to hurt or, god forbid it, kill.
He was sick to his stomach when the blood sprayed. Clawing at his own mind to try and free himself, Leonardo screamed silently as his body lunged forward and struck out at his brothers. Still, he could do nothing, and it drove him crazy.
Raphael got too close, and whatever was controlling him took a chance. Leonardo lunged forward and trapped the second oldest in combat by locking their weapons, just long enough to sink his teeth into his arm.
Yes! It has spread! More hosts for the next generation!
No! No, he had to- He had to keep trying to fight, or else he would hurt them badly.
Leonardo suddenly regained his control of his own body and scrambled backwards, dropping his katana. He needed to run before they went at him again, before they got hurt again.
So he did. He turned and ran as fast as he could. Only after he had achieved a distance that he thought was safe did he sit back down to try and gather his scrambled thoughts.
He bit Raphael.
He had spread that stupid voice to him as well.
Leonardo looked at the egg and set it down, then twisted to look at his remaining katana. Slowly, he drew the blade and shifted to sit on his knees.
He raised the sword high above his head, ready to bring it down upon that cursed egg. Just one strike, the membrane would split open, and the larva inside would die. Then he’d be free, and his family would be safe. It would only take one hit if he did it right.
No! Do not attack the spawn! It is almost time!
The katana fell to the floor with a loud clatter, and he went reeling backwards before curling up and whining. It hurt. It hurt to disobey. It hurt. Ithurtithurtithurtithurt-
The silence was shattered. The sound was quiet, near impossible to hear, but if he strained...
Click click click~
Leonardo glanced down at the sound, freezing when he saw an antenna dangerously close to the surface. They were already hatching? He thought he would have more time! It needed to die as soon as possible, but how?
An idea sparked in his mind. He knew what he had to do.
Grabbing the egg, he scrambled to his feet in search of a body of water deep enough to do what he needed to do.
A pool. He needed a pool. That would work perfectly for this. Against his plastron, the egg twitched and the larva inside pushed against the wall of the egg, yearning for freedom. He had to do it fast, because the offspring of the wasp would wait no longer.
He dropped to his knees and forced the egg under.
Leonardo screamed in agony, dropping far enough that his forehead almost touched the ground, his grip on the egg loosening just a bit.
A crack formed under his fingers, though, and he reset his hold on it as the offspring broke through. No, not one. There were two more behind it. It was only the first of three.
They, however, were not made for swimming, especially fresh out of their egg. Shortly after leaving their cocoon, the hatchlings drowned, sinking slowly in the water.
The screams in his head reached their peak before slowly fading after the wasp's children drowned. He scrambled backwards, reveling in the silence.
It was finally quiet. He was safe. His family was safe. The wasps were gone, (hopefully) to never be seen again.
Leonardo rested his face on his knees and let out a long breath.
He wanted a nap.