Amanita Mushrooms - Tumblr Posts
Ravenel's Lepidella
Amanita ravenelii
Crawford County, Missouri, USA
Oct. 6th, 2023
Olivia R. Myers
Amanita Sect. Caesareae
Aug. 18th, 2023
Wildwood, St. Louis County, Missouri, USA
Olivia R. Myers
Small-Funnel Veil Amanita
Amanita multisquamosa
Amanita ser. Pantherinae
Also known as the White Panther Amanita, this species is found in forests east of the Great Plains in the United States. It has a mycorrhizal association with oaks and can sometimes be found near conifers as well. Likely psychoactive and presumed toxic. ☠️
Aug. 14th, 2023
St. Louis County, Missouri, USA
Olivia R. Myers
Amanita section Validae
I found this gorgeous, lemon yellow amanita mushroom in a healthy bottomland forest surrounded by pin oaks, river birches, and American elms.
July 26th, 2023
Arnold, Jefferson County, Missouri, USA
Olivia R. Myers