Bottomland Woods - Tumblr Posts
Few-flowered Tick-trefoil
Hylodesmum pauciflorum
This species is somewhat uncommon in Missouri and is scattered throughout areas of the southeastern United States. It prefers bottomland or mesic forests with moist, alkaline soils.
Aug. 15th, 2023
St. Louis County, Missouri, USA
Olivia R. Myers
Pale Jewelweed
Impatiens pallida
Native to much of eastern North America, pale jewelweed prefers wet soils in bottomland forests, along streams, etc... Jewelweed is also an old remedy for poison ivy rashes. Hummingbirds love the flowers as well. The pictured plants were growing en masse in a bottomland forest next to the Big River.
Sept. 1st, 2021
Washington County, Missouri, USA
Olivia R. Myers
Some kind of bolete mushroom
This bolete featured unusually large, bright yellow pores.
There are over 150 described bolete species in the Midwestern United States alone, so sometimes it's a challenge to narrow them down to an exact species ID. It's not an ash tree bolete. I found this one while doing field research in an old growth forest near the Meramec River near swamp white oak, pin oak, cottonwood, silver maple, green ash, persimmon, and hackberry trees. I'm not sure which tree it was associated with.
Aug. 18th, 2023
Arnold, Jefferson County, Missouri, USA
Olivia R. Myers
Purple Cress
Cardamine douglassii
Also known as Limestone Cress, this species in the mustard family features clusters of light purple flowers in early spring and can be found in wet and swampy forests with calcium carbonate rich soils. It's native to parts of the eastern United States and southern Ontario, Canada.
The plants I photographed are part of an isolated population remaining in a tiny bottomland forest remnant in St. Charles County, Missouri. Unfortunately, the rest of the forest has been lost due to suburban sprawl and what little of it remains has many invasive species, including winter creeper, callery pear, and japanese honeysuckle trying to encroach from surrounding developments and outcompete native plants like this one.
March 12th & 13th, 2024
St. Charles County, Missouri, USA
Olivia R. Myers
Amanita section Validae
I found this gorgeous, lemon yellow amanita mushroom in a healthy bottomland forest surrounded by pin oaks, river birches, and American elms.
July 26th, 2023
Arnold, Jefferson County, Missouri, USA
Olivia R. Myers