Ameen - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

May Allah remove any arrogance in our hearts, and make us humble and modest people, dealing with everyone with love, care, and respect. Aameen

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8 months ago

"اللهم ارحم من كان فقدانهم موجع ، وفراغ غيابهم موحِش ، ورحيلهم حزٌن مختلف ، أسأل الله أن يجعل دارهم روضة من رياض الجنة."

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7 months ago
samone96 - SamOne96
samone96 - SamOne96
samone96 - SamOne96
samone96 - SamOne96
samone96 - SamOne96
samone96 - SamOne96
samone96 - SamOne96
samone96 - SamOne96
samone96 - SamOne96

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4 months ago

and i promise you this, unlike the others, i will not be coming back in a few months/years and telling u that u were right about me. so dont hang on to that hope please. move on and do better 💛

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1 year ago

''O Allah, grant us the serenity to accept what can not be changed. tha courage to change that can be changed, and wisdom to know one from other.''

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3 years ago

Time flies and soon it will be Ramadan — may we reach this beautiful month. May our Lord purify our hearts, may He protect our īmān and help us increase our faith.

At anyone reading this — I pray you forgive me if I have hurt you.

I am forgiving everyone for the sake of Allah.

May Allah forgive us all.

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3 years ago

May Allah ﷻ grant our hearts the strength to live through this world.

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2 years ago
May This Month Of Ramadan Be Full Of Blessings, Forgiveness And Guidance For You And Your Family!

May this month of Ramadan be full of blessings, forgiveness and guidance for you and your family!

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2 years ago

may this ramadan bring peace to your heart and light to your soul.


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2 years ago

اللهم اني اسالك الجنة

Allahumma inni as’aluka al-jannah

“O Allāh, I ask You for Paradise.”

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2 years ago

May Allah remove any arrogance and malice in our hearts, and make us gentle and modest people, dealing with everyone with love, care, kindness and respect.

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2 years ago

Transgenders & gays are increasing. The climate is changing. Billions of birds are disappearing. Much killings & chaos in the world. Alcohol, zina & music has brought fitnah to the Ummah. Earthquakes are increasing. Extinctions of animals are increasing. Muslims are imitating the non-Muslims to point you cant tell the different. Muslim countries are in chaos. Refugee camps around the world are filled with Muslims. Muslims in the west are unmindful of their religion. Mankind laws are being treated better than the laws of Allah. Children are disobeying their parents. Divorce rate is high. Hijab as become fashion icon instead for the sake of Allah who made it obligatory. Muslims chasing fame instead of chasing the 5 daily obligatory salat. Quran is being abandoned for music. Musicians are be praised over the Sahabah. Muslim Feminism are being treated as heros who are displeased with the commands of Allah. Muslims are treating their enemies with love & respect. Feeding the poor is no longer a thing. Giving charity became a greed. Muslims are neglecting salat. Muslims are leaving the religion for worldly gains. The scholars are being treated like liars. The Prophet (Sallahu Alayhi Wa Salam) and what he came with is being neglected. Muslim rulers have close relationships with the ones who are ill treating other muslim becuz money is involved. Immodest has precede over modesty. Muslim are becoming musicians and models who revealed their body for few dollars. Time is going fast. The minor signs of judgment day are here. The major signs will appear after the minors.

May Allah save us all , may Allah save us all, may Allah aide and protect us from following the way of the disbelievers , May Allah help our ummah and protect our youth. May Allah help us all, may Allah rectify the ummah affairs, the ummah is sick subhan’allah so sick. May Allah restore Quran and Sunnah in our hearts, May Allah never leave us to ourselves for even an blank of an eye . May Allah have mercy on us all, may Allah protect us with his shade on the day of Yammul Qiyamah🗣

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2 years ago

As a wife and mother of several children, I must give you mothers and future mothers a little reminder

Seek knowledge my sisters. Do not rely solely on your man to do everything as he is mostly outside the home/ working. It is you the children will spend the majority of their time with and it almost means that you have the greatest influence and an enormous responsibility. Children are much smarter and pick things up much faster than we think, so you need to teach them right from wrong and wrong from right very early.

Teach your children about our prophets, avabout sahaba and sahabiya, stories about some scholars, tawhid, quran, tell them how we Muslims feel today and how we are treated, how we should never give in or "refine" Islam to fit in, adab, akhlaq, tell them that the goal is akhira and that dunya is temporary, that one should always strive to be the best servant to Allah one can become and a follower of the sunnah. Do not put the children in front of movies, music and such that will harden your children's hearts, do not let the iPad be your children's parents.

One last thing.... Do not forget that as a parent, you must implement what you teach because the children see you, they look at you and see both you and the father as role models, so don't be a bad one. Surround your children with loyal Muslims that has the same goals. Do not give up! I know it's tough, I know that you will sometimes feel like a failure and that you are not doing enough, but do not give up.

May Allah make it easier for every Muslim parent, may He give us righteous children. Children who will have gheeeah for Islam, children who will benefit the ummah. Ameen

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