Muslim - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Arabs are taking the fuck OVER they will not be stopped

It wont be long before women are praised in bringing up brown children, white children will have their own separate classrooms and Muslim boys will be at the top of the pecking order, aspiring to go further in life ! this is where societal change will stem from... the Arab takeover of the education system.

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10 months ago

available for FULL on my patreon

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9 months ago
Your First Sexual Experience Was With An Arab Lad. The Strength Of His Pheromones And The Layer Of Hot

Your first sexual experience was with an arab lad. The strength of his pheromones and the layer of hot sweaty musk that lined his abs was any whiteboys dream. After that experience sex was never the same ! Sex with any other ethnicity didn’t feel like sex , it felt underwhelming, only Arab men had the cock big enough to satisfy and satiate your needy whiteboy hole.

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9 months ago
Why Worry About Bills, Money And Your Career When You Can Invest In A Beautiful Muslim Husband For Your

Why worry about bills, money and your career when you can invest in a beautiful Muslim husband for your wife.

Not only would he bring the money that your wife would need but he'd also save your marriage with a beautiful brown baby, a product of his virile seed, acting as a constant reminder that your weak white penis couldn't do the job. This could all be done in the blink of an eye under one condition, your white manhood would have to stay locked until it becomes reduced to a certain size. Every now and again he would compare your weak white dicklet to his gigantic Muslim meat, humiliating you in front of your wife.

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7 months ago
arabsucker - Arab Appreciation

Before your relationship with Omar, you often found yourselves taken advantage of by other men, specifically touchy white men. This all stopped with Omar around. If a man was ever bold enough to come close to you, Omar would punish him, making sure he learned his lesson by choking on his gigantic Pakistani meat. You'd find that after a few days you'd hear a knock on your front door, it was the countless numbers of men that would come to apologise, in their heads they'd fantasise about their time with Omar and on their lips the dried cum that they hadn't bothered to wash off days earlier.

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7 months ago

for the FULL file subscribe to my Patreon

For The FULL File Subscribe To My Patreon

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7 months ago



Your entire life your parents had pushed you to settle down with white men. Your relationships with white men ended when you found one of them trying out your clothes. You needed something more permanent - more masculine.

You would see groups of muslim men at the gym all egging each other on in achieving new PR's - you'd be pleasantly surprised at how quickly the'd bulk up and put on muscle - this was the moment your perception of white superiority shattered, your memory went back to the image of your boyfriend arching his back with your panties on in your mirror, compared to the large mound of brown muslim beef you saw before you, the embodiment of masculinity.

Your parents wouldn't be too happy about your new taste in men, but it would all be worth it just to be called his proud Muslimah.

( )

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7 months ago



It was love at first sight, Omar had spotted you from across the gym, a flicker in his eye and his body language told you to keep away, the more you told yourself you wanted to look away the more you had to catch a stray glimpse at the muscled adonis'. Omar's glimmering body shone in the light of the gym. Something about the dominance of Arab guys just felt right, after all everything about them was bigger than you, even that... that bulge - WOAH! it was huge, just nestled in his boxers, you wondered how heavy it was or even how well it would fit in your mouth or even pumping your guts with baby muslims.

you knew it wasn't going to be long before he came over and swept you away

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6 months ago
Its Getting Increasingly Harder To Disobey Your Husband. You Follow His Wishes And You Get A Brand New

Its getting increasingly harder to disobey your husband. You follow his wishes and you get a brand new diamond encrusted watch or the new 'talk of the town' handbag that you've wanted for the longest time - but when Abdul really listens is when you get bored of the materialistic items that he throws your way, he likes when you get bored and play with yourself in the mirror, telling him how you don't think your lips are full enough, or you whine about how flat your figure is, he likes when you self deprecate - Abdul is smarter than you- he knows that instead of getting you the new Chanel bag, he'll ring up his Muslim mates and they'll fast-track your appointment at the plastic surgery clinic, tomorrow you'll come home less of a person and more of a plaything for Abdul.

P.S new file out on Patreon

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6 months ago
Relax And Obey ! Being Submissive To Him Gives You Purpose

Relax and obey ! being submissive to him gives you purpose

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5 months ago
You Dont Know How It Happened So Fast You New Boss Just Appeared, At Least Thats How You Remember It.

You don’t know how it happened so fast… you new boss just appeared, at least that’s how you remember it. You can remember his beautiful brown skin, his bulging muscles that flexed and tightened the fabric of his suit, his cocky-alpha attitude. Before he came along - you were the boss. Except now you were semi naked, standing in his presence with only your white boxer briefs to cover the miserable reality that was your small white penis. He didn’t need to look down to reassure himself of your inferiority. He knew his bulge was bigger. He was sure of it. There wasnt much he was wrong about anyways - you could see it in his eye, he was sizing you up, as an alpha does by instinct, you tried doing the same at first but - fuck was he hot- look at his sharp jaw, his perfect lips, even his body is sculpted. It's not everyday you see a big beefy muslim like this. It's true - muslims love going to the gym, getting swole and showing off, but something about him made you want to have… to have- have his children.. Fuck there you said it.

you want his muslim babies, you don't care anymore, you want your belly to be pumped with alpha muslim seed and your children to grow into big strong muslim men.

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3 years ago
Onlar, Ufak Tefek Kusurlar Dnda, Byk Gnahlardan Ve Irkin Ilerden Uzak Duran Kimselerdir.phesiz Rabbin,

Onlar, ufak tefek kusurları dışında, büyük günahlardan ve çirkin işlerden uzak duran kimselerdir. Şüphesiz Rabbin, bağışlaması çok geniş olandır. Sizi, topraktan yarattığında da ve analarınızın karnında ceninler iken de, en iyi bilendir. Bunun için kendinizi temize çıkarmayın. Çünkü O, Allah’a karşı gelmekten sakınanları en iyi bilendir. NECM SURESİ 32. AYET

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3 years ago
SRA SURES 30. AYETphesiz Rabbin, Dilediine Rzk Bol Bol Verir Ve (dilediine) Ksar.nk O, Gerekten Kullarndan

İSRA SURESİ 30. AYET Şüphesiz Rabbin, dilediğine rızkı bol bol verir ve (dilediğine) kısar. Çünkü O, gerçekten kullarından haberdardır ve onları görmektedir.

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3 years ago
Mslman Mslmann (din) Kardeidir.

Müslüman Müslümanın (din) kardeşidir.

Ona zulmetmez.

Onu düşman eline vermez (himaye eder).

Her kim Müslüman kardeşinin bir ihtiyacını giderirse,

Allah da onun bi ihtiyacını giderir.

Her kim bir Müslümanın bir sıkıntısını giderirse,

Allah da onun (bu iyiliği) sayesinde kıyamet sıkıntılarından bir sıkıntısını giderir.

Her kim dünyada, bir Müslümanın (ayıbını) örterse,

Allah da kıyamet günü onun (ayıbını) örter.


(MüSlim, Birr, 58)

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3 years ago





Alper Çağlar | @alperenlive3

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2 years ago
Har Suresi Hakknda

Haşr Suresi Hakkında

Medine döneminde inmiştir. 24 âyettir. Sûre, adını ikinci ayette geçen “elHaşr” kelimesinden almıştır. Haşr, toplamak demektir. Sûrede başlıca,Medine’de yaşamakta olan ve Hz.Peygamberle yaptıkları antlaşmaya ihanet ederek İslâm toplumunu ortadan kaldırmak üzere Mekkeli müşriklerle ittifak yapan Nadîroğulları’nın Medine’den topluca sürülmesi hadisesi ile Yahudilerle antlaşma yapan münafıklar konu edilmektedir.

Özellikle sûrenin ilk âyeti ile son üç âyetinde, bütün varlıkların Allah’ı eksikliklerden tenzih ettiği, O’nun birliği, yüceliği, ilminin sınırsızlığı, rahmet ve şefkatinin enginliği, irade ve gücünün mutlaklığı, eşsiz yaratıcı olduğu belirtilerek kalplere tevhid inancının, Allah sevgisi ve saygısının yerleştirilmesi hedeflenmektedir. 2-10. âyetlerde antlaşmalarını bozan bir yahudi kabilesinin başına gelen sürgün felâketi örnek gösterilip bundan ibret alınması istenmekte ve müslümanlara toplum olarak elde edilen imkânların paylaştırılması konusunda yol gösterilip ideal mümin tipiyle ilgili tasvirler yapılmaktadır. 11-17. âyetlerde müslüman göründükleri halde ahitlerini bozan Ehl-i kitap’la gizli ilişkiler kurarak türlü entrikalar çeviren münafıkların ve yandaşlarının bazı zaaflarına değinilerek müslümanlar hem bu tür davranışlardan sakındırılmakta hem de kendilerine moral verilmektedir. Müteakip âyetlerde her insanın yapması gereken nefis muhasebesinin ve ebedî hayat için hazırlıklı olunmasının önemine ve sonuçlarına dikkat çekilmekte; Kur’an’a muhatap olmanın ne büyük şeref olduğunu ama aynı zamanda ne büyük sorumluluk getirdiğini hatırlatan bir örnek verilmektedir (İngiliz şarkiyatçısı Richard Bell’in Haşr sûresiyle ilgili bir makalesinde sûredeki âyetlerin tertibiyle ilgili olarak ileri sürdüğü görüşün eleştirisi için bk. Emin Işık, “Haşr Sûresi”, DİA, XVI, 426).

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2 years ago
Allah, Peygamber Korkusu Bilmez Alaklar!

Allah, peygamber korkusu bilmez alçaklar!

Unutmayın ki, intikam gecikir ama asla yaşlanmaz!

SULTAN 4.MURAT HAN (1612 - 1640)

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2 years ago
Reslullh Buyuruyor Ki:

Resûlullâh ﷺ buyuruyor ki:

"Allah Teâlâ kıyâmette şu üç kişi ile ne konuşur, ne onları temize çıkarır, ne de yüzlerine bakar. Onlar için şiddetli bir azâb vardır: Zinâ eden ihtiyar, yalancı hükümdar ve kibirli fakir."

Hadis-i Şerif (Müslim, Îmân, 172)

Resûlullâh ﷺ buyuruyor ki:

"Büyük günahlardan sakınıldığı müddetçe; günlük beş vakit namaz, iki Cuma ve iki Ramazân, aralarındaki işlenecek küçük günahlara kefârettir."

Hadis-i Şerif (Müslim, Tahâret, 5)

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2 years ago
Ftr Sresi Mekkede Nzil Olmutur. 45 Yettir. Smini 1. Yette Geen Cenb- Hakkn(Ftr) Sfatndan Alr. Buna Melike

Fâtır sûresi Mekke’de nâzil olmuştur. 45 âyettir. İsmini 1. âyette geçen Cenâb-ı Hakk’ın اَلْفَاطِرُ (Fâtır) sıfatından alır. Buna “Melâike” sûresi de denilir. Resmî tertîbe göre 35, iniş sırasına göre 43. sûredir.

Sûre ağırlıklı olarak Allah’ın varlığı, birliği ve kudretinin kâinatta tecelli eden pek çok delillerinden söz ederek, O’nun kulluğa lâyık tek ilâh olduğu fikrini işler. Yaratan O’dur, rızık veren O’dur, izzet ve şeref veren O’dur. O zengin ve müstağnî, insanlar ise O’na sonsuz derecede muhtaçtır. Bütün izzet ve şeref yalnızca O’na mahsus olduğundan, izzet ve şeref isteyenler için O’na inanmak, O’na teslim olmak, yalnızca O’na kul köle olmak zarûrîdir. Acı ve tatlı deniz, gece ile gündüz, âmâ ile gören, karanlıkla aydınlık, ölü ile diri gibi âlemde birbirinin zıddı olarak tecelli eden varlık ve olaylar, iman ile küfrün hakikatini anlamak için birer misaldir. İman güzelliklerin, küfür ise kötülüklerin temsilcisidir. Bu sebeple sûrede iman ehlinin nâil olacağı ebedi mutlulukla, küfür ehlinin feci halleri canlı birer tablo halinde arz edilir. İnsanların zulmü ve nankörlüğüne rağmen Cenâb-ı Hakk’ın onlara mühlet verdiği, dolayısıyla bu mühletin iyi değerlendirilmesi gereği üzerinde durulur.

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