Amrev Brainrot - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

I felt a lil silly and did that TikTok trend where your pupils expand when you think of "him" and I thought of YOU'LL NEVER GUESS THIS, YOU'LL BE SO SHOCKED... Baron Von Steuben and my pupils expanded by, like, 90x and I think that shows that I am TOO FAR GONE.

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9 months ago



Today my friends would not stop yapping about how much my art sucks, and how much they hate my style and allat. So what did I do as therapy? DRAW LAFAYETTE! It's missing some minor details BC I was just bored, but yayayayay!!!!!!

Enjoy sum bad art :P FT. My failed attempt at vigorously studying side profiles!1!1 I guarantee you I'll come back later and cringe at this, just you wait.


(It looks better in person once again I swear on LAFFY'S grave I just can't take pics and my camera quality sucks and my hands won't stop shaky dgakyy


This is closer to my angle :P


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