Lafayette - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Bathroom In San Franciscomassive Minimalist Master Tile In Gray And Ceramic Picture Of An Alcove Shower

Bathroom in San Francisco massive minimalist master tile in gray and ceramic Picture of an alcove shower with ceramic tile and a gray floor, brown cabinets with flat panels, a one-piece toilet, gray walls, an undermount sink, quartz countertops, a hinged shower door, and white countertops.

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1 year ago
San Francisco Transitional BathroomExample Of A Mid-sized Transitional Kids' Gray Tile And Ceramic Tile

San Francisco Transitional Bathroom Example of a mid-sized transitional kids' gray tile and ceramic tile porcelain tile, gray floor and single-sink bathroom design with shaker cabinets, orange cabinets, a one-piece toilet, gray walls, an undermount sink, quartz countertops, a hinged shower door, white countertops and a built-in vanity

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honestly my biggest achievement is that my two very, very non-hamilton friends will shout "OUI OUI MON AMI JE M'APPELLE LAFAYETTE THE LANCELOT OF THE REVOLUTIONARY SET I CAME FROM AFAR JUST TO SAY BONSOIR TELL THE KING CASSE TOI WHO'S THE BEST? C'EST MOI!" if anyone has the audacity to say 'oui' in their vicinity. or if they're just bored.

they haven't the slightest clue who laff is, but still.

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4 months ago

The concept of a mind palace is interesting but I can only imagine that mine would have a kitchen and you'd open a cupboard, and Guns and Ships from Hamilton starts playing

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6 years ago

*in the meeting room*

America: U remember Lafayette????

France: Who????

America: Marquis de Lafayette. The dude that you sent to America to help us in the Revolution that asked for some more Guns And Ships.

France: Ah, that General. Yah?? Y??

America: Is his name really Marquis de Lafayette??

France: nah.

America: then what is it???

France: *Inhales* Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette...

America: ...

Still America: Nah . No way his name is that long.

France: Yah. It is

America: No

France: Yes



France and America: *at each other's neck about to kill each other*

England: SHUT THE FAK UP!!!

France and America: *looks at Iggybrows* nah

America: Prove it!!


Still France: *Grabs Iggy's computer*


America: *punches Iggy unconscious*

Everyone else: O-O

France: *Goes on Hetalia wiki and searches Lafayette*

France: There!! Is that good enough?!?!

America: *looks at screen* nah.

Franne: *finds another website* Now?!

America: Nope

France: *grabs note Lafayette gave to him and shoves it in Alfred's face* NoW?!?!

Italy: I think this is~a enough evidence Amerika...

America: *smirking* Nope!!

Everyone else: -_-

England: *Still unconscious*

France: ...


*time skip brought to you by Ikea coupons from Sweden*

France: NOW?!?!

America: Nope

France: *Drops onto floor* When are you going to believe me???

America: *pretends to think* now

France: *sparkles around him* Really?!?!

America: I actually knew this whole time~

Everyone else: *sweat drops*

France: THATS IT TU MERDE!!! Cassè-toi L'AMERIQUE!!!* chases America*

America: *Runs*

America: *jumps over England*

France: *Steps on Iggy's D*

England: *wakes up* FRANCE YOU BLOODY WANKER!!!

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5 years ago


Chciałabym Was zaprosić na opowiadanie Alright, Baby!

Wattpad: @AmaisWatterson

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8 years ago

I think this should be Lin's next musical.

adrienne de lafayette: the woman, the icon, the legacy

was only FOURTEEN when she married sixteen year old, awakward, lanky, redheaded fuckboy lafayette

(her mom loved laf but hated them together so she almost didn’t let them marry, didn’t let them sleep in the same room on their weddng night, and sent people with them on outings well into adulthood)

her dumbass husband ran off to america to fight in a war without telling anyone including his wife, so nice job on that one gilbert

her first daughter henriette fucking DIED as an infant, when laf was still in america. so adrienne dealt with that without her husband even being there

she was actually without her husband for quite a while come to think of it. like around 4 years total

handled their family’s finances on her own, because she was a fierce and brilliant woman

popped out four (4) of laf’s weird lookin kids

joined an abolitionist society along with her husband and purchased a cinnamon plantation with the sole purpose of freeing the slaves on the land

 had to deal with her husband doing stupid things like naming their child after general george washington and changing their family motto to “why not?”

and then, to everyone’s surprise and shock, her husband took up another post during the french revolution and went away for five months only to get sent to jail

she and her daughters were put on house arrest

oh and also a bunch of her family and friends had just been beheaded

while on house arrest, she sent letters to a whole shitton fuckton of people to try and get her husband out of an austrian prison and back to france

yeah she didn’t hear from laf for like two years while he was in prison because no one would let him write to her

smart smart woman burned any document or letter that could get laf in trouble 

anyway she finally got to this prison with her daughters except they would let laf out so she was like “fuck you and fuck your rules if he can’t come out i’m coming in”


(did i mention he cheated on her? twice? and she still went through all this shit and never had a bad thought about him :)))))))))

oh and! surprise! she got lead poisoning from the dirty water in the prison ah what a life

so they get out of prison and do you know what she does? she regains all their property, all their money, and gets them out of 200,000 livres worth of debt, because she was a badass

the hilarious end to her story is that she died a very painful death when she was 48 due to the lead poisoning she got n the prison

her last words ever spoken were to laf. and do you know what she said? “i am entirely yours”

anyway i’m dead inside and this woman deserves a bajillion dollars and a halo

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8 years ago

Daveed in a bow tie

Reblog if you agree.

Daveed In A Bow Tie
Daveed In A Bow Tie

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8 years ago

Daveed Digg’s back and hip muscles

Reblog if you agree

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11 months ago

LaFayette is doing something to me, my left calf has been suspiciously ACHING for days in a row😰

I've been on a Hamilton brainrot and I honestly think I'm being haunted by the ghost of Hamilton himself because I've suddenly got the urge to practice cursive writing, write a bunch of essays and letters in a flowery language.

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10 months ago

I really don't think we talk about him enough bc I LOVE HIM SMMM HE WAS GREATTTT

"Une Silhouette D'homme, Pas De Mollusque."
"Une Silhouette D'homme, Pas De Mollusque."
"Une Silhouette D'homme, Pas De Mollusque."
"Une Silhouette D'homme, Pas De Mollusque."
"Une Silhouette D'homme, Pas De Mollusque."
"Une Silhouette D'homme, Pas De Mollusque."

"Une silhouette d'homme, pas de mollusque."


1x01, FRANKLIN (2024)

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9 months ago



Today my friends would not stop yapping about how much my art sucks, and how much they hate my style and allat. So what did I do as therapy? DRAW LAFAYETTE! It's missing some minor details BC I was just bored, but yayayayay!!!!!!

Enjoy sum bad art :P FT. My failed attempt at vigorously studying side profiles!1!1 I guarantee you I'll come back later and cringe at this, just you wait.


(It looks better in person once again I swear on LAFFY'S grave I just can't take pics and my camera quality sucks and my hands won't stop shaky dgakyy


This is closer to my angle :P


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9 months ago

ah fuck man can I have some of that uhmmm

*checks notes*

fried manumission abolitionist

fried bastard orphan

fried obnoxious and disliked congressman

fried baronussy wussy

fried crossdressing sailor

fried trans French diplomat

fried Philadelphia lawyer and certified twink

fried terrible queen

fried slave owning redhead

fried mini french aristocrat

fried VERY mini former president

fried tired commander-in-chief

fried fairly normal president

Aw cool, thanks dawg.

hey man i took your blorbo and scrambled him in a bowl. yeah he's on the pan now. yeag i added some seasoning. yeah im eating him now

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8 months ago


Text: can't believe Lafayette would chop off all his hair. WHAT!? Marquis, I'll never forgive you. Your actions have an effect on others. So we can't share hair ribbons anymore? No cute updos? It's just Laurens and I alone. We're depressed.


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7 months ago

Oh yeah, I still draw sometimes, so here's the gang

Oh Yeah, I Still Draw Sometimes, So Here's The Gang
Oh Yeah, I Still Draw Sometimes, So Here's The Gang

I also tried drawing laffy, but that didn't go well so I evidently gave up.

Oh Yeah, I Still Draw Sometimes, So Here's The Gang

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4 months ago
When You Have The Choice Of Any Topic For A Project. So You Chose The Marquis De Lafayette.

When you have the choice of any topic for a project. So you chose the marquis de Lafayette.

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