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4 months ago

Análise do Livro "Amor & Sorte" de Jenna Evans: Uma aventura irlandesa para aquecer o coração

Anlise Do Livro "Amor & Sorte" De Jenna Evans: Uma Aventura Irlandesa Para Aquecer O Corao

Palavras-chave: onde comprar o livro amor e sorte, sinopse do livro amor e sorte, download amor e sorte, ler online amor e sorte, análise amor e sorte, livros de romance para jovens adultos, livros para viajar pela irlanda, livros para superar um término de relacionamento, melhores livros de romance

Jenna Evans Welch nos presenteia mais uma vez com uma história envolvente e cheia de aventuras em "Amor & Sorte". Após o sucesso de "Amor & Gelato", a autora nos leva para a exuberante e misteriosa Irlanda, em uma jornada repleta de romance, autodescoberta e paisagens deslumbrantes.

Uma viagem para curar feridas

Addie, a protagonista, embarca em uma viagem à Irlanda após um término de relacionamento doloroso. Com um guia de viagem roubado e um coração partido, ela busca encontrar um novo significado para a vida. Acompanhada por Rowan, um motorista excêntrico e charmoso, Addie explora os encantos da Ilha Esmeralda e se envolve em situações hilárias e emocionantes.

A magia da irlanda

A Irlanda, com suas paisagens verdes, castelos medievais e pubs aconchegantes, serve como o cenário perfeito para a história de Addie. A autora descreve com maestria a beleza natural do país, transmitindo aos leitores a sensação de estar explorando cada canto da ilha.

Romance, amizade e autodescoberta

Além do romance entre Addie e Rowan, a história aborda temas como amizade, família e autodescoberta. Addie encontra em sua jornada a oportunidade de se reconectar com seu irmão e de encontrar um novo propósito de vida.

Por que você vai amar este livro:

Uma viagem inesquecível: A Irlanda é retratada de forma tão vívida que você se sentirá como se estivesse viajando junto com Addie.

Um romance encantador: A história de amor entre Addie e Rowan é divertida, emocionante e cheia de química.

Uma jornada de autoconhecimento: Addie enfrenta seus medos e aprende a seguir em frente após um coração partido.

Uma escrita envolvente: A narrativa fluida e os personagens cativantes te farão virar as páginas rapidamente.

"Amor & Sorte" é a dose perfeita de romance, aventura e comédia para aquecer o coração. Se você busca uma história leve e inspiradora, com paisagens deslumbrantes e personagens memoráveis, este livro é perfeito para você.

Link para download do pdf grátis: aqui. (Por favor, compre o livro após lê-lo)

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9 years ago

OMG! That translates all I think.

Gaslighting or gas-lighting is a form of mental abuse in which information is twisted or spun, selectively omitted to favor the abuser, or false information is presented with the intent of making victims doubt their own memory, perception, and sanity

You know what this reminds me of? This chapter:


Pretty sentiments. But complete and utter bullshit. Kagome actually has every right to hate Kikyfart’s guts. And the way Rumiko Takahashi twists and glosses things to make it like its all Kagome’s fault is one of the most disgusting things in the manga.

See Kikyou has consistently treated Kagome like shit and Kagome had every right to confront her about it. But of course Kagome gets to have the ~realization~ that she imagined it all. All so Kikyou will never have to actually confront all the crap she’s pulled.

Look at how she sent Kagome off to begin with:


Keep in  mind she’s spouting all this while 100% believing that Kagome wont succeed.


She ‘s so stupid and proud that she’s willing to send a potential ally (who could help her) on a wild goose chase.

Even excluding the fact that Kikyou’s 100% willing to use Kohaku, Kagome has every right to have negative feelings towards her based on how she’s treated her in the past. You need a refresher on Kikyou’s bs??


Is it any wonder that Kagome thinks Kikyou is testing her and making fun of her?

Even without all that look how carelessly Kikyou destroys Kagome’s work.

Kagome shot Naraku? Dont worry Kikyou is going to give him a new body:


Kagome has gathered a lot of shards after working hard, fighting and making sacrifices? Don’t worry. Kikyou’s going to steal them and give them to Naraku.

So basically ALL THROUGHOUT the manga Kikyou has been messing up Kagome’s work (work Kagome made sacrifices to do) and looking down her nose at her and testing her without offering any sort of training or help whatsoever. But according to RT KAGOME is a big old meanie for disliking her precious Kikyou. To have your head stuck THAT far up a marysue’s ass is amazing.

Remember Kikyou has pulled all this crap and never atoned for it to Kagome. Like Kikyou had so much time? Without being a vain asshole she could have offered some training to Kagome?? But she didnt because she’s too proud and RT NEEDS her to be the only special snowflake who is dangerous to Naraku -_-

So what exactly was the Azusa arc supposed to accomplish? Make Kagome realize that she is ~inferior~ to Kikyou in Inuyasha’s heart ? That’s already been done:


To make her realize that she’s equal to Kikyou? That’s what the whole fandom seems to believe except for one tiny problem. Kagome is immediately hit with this:


Azusa arc was not a Kagome development arc. It was about brainwashing Kagome and forcing her to let go of her legitimate grievances towards Kikyou and thus forcing readers to ignore Kikyou’s previous actions too.

I mean look at this bullshit. Kagome disliking Kikyou is such a huge crime that RT goes through all this trouble to set up these two bullshit chapters


And these legitimate negative feelings that Kagome has are treated as oh noez ~so impure~

But KIKYOU using an 11 year old boy’s guilt and suicidal tendencies to manipulate him into sacrificing himself to fulfill HER goal are in RT’s words:


LMAO Kagome having legitimate negative feelings are impure but Kikyou using someone else to achieve her own goals produces ~dreadful purity~ Good one RT.

If this manga was being written by a legitimately talented author (as opposed to a 12 year old in a grownass woman’s body) Kagome’s big revelation would have been: Kikyou maybe important to Inuyasha but that doesn’t mean she has to be important to Kagome too. Its okay if Kagome doesn’t like her because Kagome is an individual not a god and she has her own legitimate history with and feelings towards Kikyou. But wait. For that to happen Kikyou would actually have to be a well written character rather than the glorified author’s pet she turned out to be. -_-

You can say you believe something “because the author said so.” But there is something to be said for analysis. It shows that you’re not just blindly swallowing whatever the author is dishing out but actually thinking about what you’re reading.

Keep reading

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