And Even Then I Can Def Still Keep Going. Like Yea 10-14hrs Easy. 16-18 Hrs Is Prolly Personally Where Id Start To Feel Pretty Rough - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

There's a stereotype that USAmericans tolerate very long car rides.

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where tf are you from op?? my limit is 10 and the only reason i stop every 2/3 hours is for gas <prev tags right? 2hrs or more??? dude…. dont even start to get butt-sore until like the eight hour mark?? and even then i can def still keep going. like yea 10-14hrs easy. 16-18 hrs is prolly personally where id start to feel pretty rough i wonder if its a physical roads built different kind of deal?? cos tbf long distance driving in the us is primarily highways/interstates/other really big roads that are (compared to back country roads) relatively smooth and gradual in both their winding and altitude shifts and can be i suppose more peaceful? ig???? than say the two-way traffic steep mountain park roads with no gaurdrails and sheer cliffside which wouldnt change my answer to the poll but i could def understand having to take a break every coupla hours from the stress if thats the sort of road ur on or maybe its literally the build of the cars?? i know american cars are massive compared to a lot of the rest of the worlds cars? maybe we have a higher tolerance cos we have more leg room???? also there are so many places in the US that like. u dont have a choice. my fam once had to drive from the bottom left corner of Utah to the top right corner only ​took like 6hrs ish (and we stopped for dinner) but like legit there were hour+ stretches where there were just. nothing around. no people. no towns. no gas stations. ur only real option was to keep driving like you *could* pull over to the side of the road for a min if u needed ig but 1) iirc there really wasnt much in the way of a shoulder and 2) depending on the time of day both u and ur car were at serious risk of overheating if u stopped and turned off the engine for to long and its not like there was much in the way of traffic to lend a hand if u ran into car trouble (and while all the folks i met on that trip were very lovely people being trapped on the side of the road without a fuctioning vehicle inheriently ​puts u in a vulnerable position. and not just from threats of nature. universally — not just in any one state. hell. not just in america. so yeah sometimes ur only real option is to drive) so ​put on some good music and get comfy dude ‘2hrs to become intolerable’…….. wild…………. (/aff /lh)