scatterbrainedbot - incapable of shutting up in the tags
incapable of shutting up in the tags

zach 🏳️‍⚧️(he/him) // trying to remember how to draw // mostly turtles rn

358 posts

Scatterbrainedbot - Incapable Of Shutting Up In The Tags - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

There's a stereotype that USAmericans tolerate very long car rides.

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where tf are you from op?? my limit is 10 and the only reason i stop every 2/3 hours is for gas <prev tags right? 2hrs or more??? dude…. dont even start to get butt-sore until like the eight hour mark?? and even then i can def still keep going. like yea 10-14hrs easy. 16-18 hrs is prolly personally where id start to feel pretty rough i wonder if its a physical roads built different kind of deal?? cos tbf long distance driving in the us is primarily highways/interstates/other really big roads that are (compared to back country roads) relatively smooth and gradual in both their winding and altitude shifts and can be i suppose more peaceful? ig???? than say the two-way traffic steep mountain park roads with no gaurdrails and sheer cliffside which wouldnt change my answer to the poll but i could def understand having to take a break every coupla hours from the stress if thats the sort of road ur on or maybe its literally the build of the cars?? i know american cars are massive compared to a lot of the rest of the worlds cars? maybe we have a higher tolerance cos we have more leg room???? also there are so many places in the US that like. u dont have a choice. my fam once had to drive from the bottom left corner of Utah to the top right corner only ​took like 6hrs ish (and we stopped for dinner) but like legit there were hour+ stretches where there were just. nothing around. no people. no towns. no gas stations. ur only real option was to keep driving like you *could* pull over to the side of the road for a min if u needed ig but 1) iirc there really wasnt much in the way of a shoulder and 2) depending on the time of day both u and ur car were at serious risk of overheating if u stopped and turned off the engine for to long and its not like there was much in the way of traffic to lend a hand if u ran into car trouble (and while all the folks i met on that trip were very lovely people being trapped on the side of the road without a fuctioning vehicle inheriently ​puts u in a vulnerable position. and not just from threats of nature. universally — not just in any one state. hell. not just in america. so yeah sometimes ur only real option is to drive) so ​put on some good music and get comfy dude ‘2hrs to become intolerable’…….. wild…………. (/aff /lh)
5 months ago
Hi This Is My First Post On Here And I Have No Idea What I'm Doing

Hi this is my first post on here and I have no idea what I'm doing

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5 months ago
Raph Taking Care Of Mikey
Raph Taking Care Of Mikey
Raph Taking Care Of Mikey
Raph Taking Care Of Mikey

Raph taking care of Mikey

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5 months ago

Tmnt2012 and what entities from The Magnus Archives I think would haunt them:

Raph - The Desolation

Leo - The Lonely

Mikey - The Flesh

Donnie - The Stranger

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(replying to prev tags!) rb i could absolutely see the hunt for raph!! hed be an absolutely terrifying and powerful avatar for it i actually kinda went back and forth between the hunt and the vast for him i leaned towards the vast mostly cos the visual of raph floating in the well vastness of a godzilla sized projection towering over new york was too tempting for the tarot card composition and the like mental decent from ‘protective big brother. brother who is the biggest’ to ‘be bigger. protect more’ to taking up the whole dang nyc skyline. trying to protect. but instead smothering everything and casting the whole city in the errie red glow plus becoming himself harder and harder to reach in the center of the ever expanding vastness of his projection (lil bit of a foothold for the Lonely thrown in there bc the fears do sometimes overlap and blah blah blah something about being obsessed with protecting the world u love u end up not only hurting/terrorizing it but also completely unintentionally abandoning the ones who love you most there is a twenty-city-block thick wall between u and them and its only growing they call for you but it is swallowed up by the distance. they reach for you but you are miles away. they are reduced to just shapes upon the horizon. and the sight of them so far away only makes you need to grow bigger- to protect more to keep them safe no matter how far they go (no matter how far you push them) idk its very tasty self fulfilling prophecy and well meaning horror ooooohh if he was an avatar of the hunt tho or more specifically *Savage Raph* was i wonder how many times hed just kinda blank out while patrolling and come back to with blood on his hands and the lingering swoop of andenaline way way way far from the route he was meant to patrol had also kinda leaned away from the hunt cos i do think the aftermath would terrify him but 1) idr how much the Entities actually cared if their avatars were scared - cos for the most part it was just a matter of time till being an Avatar consumed them and then there would only be the joy/thrill/satisfaction of preting on victims & feeding the fear and 2) thinking about Daisy and Trevor and other avatars of the Hunt it really was more to do with the chase than the catch from what i remember which hell yeah the hamatos are all fucking adrenaline junkies u bet ur ass even fully conscious raphie loves a good chase across the rooftops
5 months ago

Muppet Fact #1214

Elmo doesn't know how to get out of Elmo's World.

Muppet Fact #1214


Sesame Street. "The Street We Live On." April 4, 2004.

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5 months ago
My Soft Spot Is Literally Just Its Red Guys. Without Fail Its The Character With A Red Motif. If They
My Soft Spot Is Literally Just Its Red Guys. Without Fail Its The Character With A Red Motif. If They

my soft spot is literally just… it’s red guys. Without fail it’s the character with a red motif. If they have anger management issues that’s just even better

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6 months ago
The Pipeline Of Fixating Over Some Thingy

the pipeline of fixating over some thingy

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wait but are are they not the same picture….? rb [30th drawing of character - type 1:] character is shrouded in beautiful elaboarate fabrics. soulmn expressionin. a regal pose. on display the artist understands them as beautiful trapped and tortured bound by the signifigance of the role the play quite literally weighed down by the glitz and glamor of fineries the artist includes a birdcage in the background for those who may need a lil extra whack over the head of symbolism they are poetic- beautiful and tragic envoking images of the reluctant bride painting or similar bonus points for hints of underlying rage. the fury of something caged and made a spectical of. [30th drawing of character - type 2:] charater is bound and facing horrors in the pits of hell or etc. forever tortured. the artist understands them as tragic and damned (and beautiful for it) perhaps some religious sumbolism thrown in there for funzies a creature ​forsaken and betrayed envoking images of classic greek tales of suffering (prometheus sisyphus tantalus etc) their story will always lead them here. again and again. though they never know it they are poetic - tragic and beautiful not so much a martyr as a warning THEYRE THE SAME PICTURE OP /hj /lh it is my absolute favorite part of being a fan/in fandom tho sinking ur teeth into ur favorite blorbos and slapping them with whatever projected poetics ur heart most desires ‘THE SOIL IS SOFT AND I SHALL DIG’ moments (tho sometimes fandoms can go a bit overboard w it — not like individual artists i mean more like when the whole fandom rewrites a character entirely and it like mmm yes poetry but also uh hey whered blorbo go??) BUT for the most part this sort of thing is my favorite shit in the whole wide world
6 months ago

[Video Description: Sketchy animatic of Rise of the TMNT April doing a Winx Club style transformation. She throws a peace sign before she spins out with her arms up. There's a close up of her leg, arm, torso with a glow surrounding them, and then wings sprout from her back. The clean sketch lines turn messier. She turns to face the camera before flying off, back down, and posing with her hand on her hip with her outfit changed to a sleeveless top, skirt, high boots with heels, and a circular crossbody bag. In the background, the original Italian version of the Winx Club transformation theme plays. /End ID]

I won't finish this for a couple months due to being busy. It's a rough Work in Progress, but I wanted to share it regardless. ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ [emoticon: cheering face with heart]

[Video Description: Sketchy Animatic Of Rise Of The TMNT April Doing A Winx Club Style Transformation.

[ID: Text saying "Pirate Nickelodeon/Paramount+ Shows" edited over the Palestine flag /End ID]

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6 months ago

I looked at it under a microscope. I got a pixel in my eye. I adore this woman🧡

I Looked At It Under A Microscope. I Got A Pixel In My Eye. I Adore This Woman

Под микроскопом разглядывала. Мне пиксель в глаз попал. Я обожаю эту женщину🧡

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6 months ago
2 Years Late But My Hc That Future Raph Died When Casey Was Young So He Doesn't Remember What He Looks

2 years late but my hc that future raph died when casey was young so he doesn't remember what he looks like but can describe his hugs perfectly and in full detail still makes me sad

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6 months ago
6 months ago

my brother just sent me some screenshots he took playing world of warcraft and im crying

My Brother Just Sent Me Some Screenshots He Took Playing World Of Warcraft And Im Crying
My Brother Just Sent Me Some Screenshots He Took Playing World Of Warcraft And Im Crying


My Brother Just Sent Me Some Screenshots He Took Playing World Of Warcraft And Im Crying
My Brother Just Sent Me Some Screenshots He Took Playing World Of Warcraft And Im Crying
My Brother Just Sent Me Some Screenshots He Took Playing World Of Warcraft And Im Crying
My Brother Just Sent Me Some Screenshots He Took Playing World Of Warcraft And Im Crying

im fucking crying

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6 months ago
Hugs 1

hugs 1

just a little thing that shows more of ronin’s everyday

who is this? | 2

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6 months ago
scatterbrainedbot - incapable of shutting up in the tags

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6 months ago

i don't know the etiquette for posting other peoples tiktoks but the delivery of this punchline hit me like a FUCKING TRUCK please

NikhilClayton <- you should follow this guy on tiktok he's fucking hilarious

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