(and I Understand And Love That Too) - Tumblr Posts
Need to rant for a second - does anyone else go feral about Granada Holmes's character development in season one??! Like:
Dancing Men
"He doesn't come to me for sympathy." In the beginning he's more interested in the cypher than anything.
Being generally disinterested in Hilton Cubitt's backstory "then explain - and come to the point!"
Watson having to whisper in his ear to ask the cook to sit down.
Vs Norwood Builder, where
He's restraining himself from offering his client reassurance because Lestrade is there. From the first moment, he is absolutely there to HELP his client, not just to solve a mystery.
In fact WHEEDLES MORE TIME out of Lestrade so he can hear the full story before MacFarlane is arrested.
Immediately asks the housekeeper to sit down and is wrong-footed when she point-blank refuses
Even his reaction to failure! In Dancing Men, when it's clear they're too late he goes cold with anger and does his utmost to, at the very least, prove the widow innocent. In Norwood Builder, when the evidence keeps going against him, he sinks into full despair, and needs Watson to pull him out of it!
Just... *gnashes teeth, shake fist* BRETT!! I've seen discourse before on Watson's growing confidence in his deductions and sort-of-apprenticeship with Holmes, but like. I love Holmes's journey too!