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I am very glad GRRM decided to give Theon PTSD pre Ramsay. The fact that Theon gets PTSD in the middle of the war, because he has a break is showing that GRRM has an understanding of both PTSD and that torture doesn’t make you a better person or whatever D&D were going for. Theon developed PTSD during a break in war for him, he started his nightmares about dead people which is something that can totally happen to any person that is coming out of the adrenalin rush of survival (of any sort, but in this case war). The other thing is, Theon subcotiously started to regret his actions, deciding against Robb, letting bad come to the smallfolk of Winterfell, that were in no way at fault for his hostage status and the killing of the miller’s boys, as much as he tries to tell himself that they were JUST the miller’s boys and therefore for war purposes not important. But something in him knows that this is bs, that is is wrong to kill these innocent children and all of that triggers his PTSD way before Ramsay starts torturing him. The way it’s done in GoT shows Theon showing regret and remorse after he gets tortured, wich implys that his change in character comes from said torture whereas book!Theon has this point way before. And that is way better. Being a victim does not make you stronger or a better character. Reflecting on your actions and knowing they were bad does. Torture will just screw your brain up, it will not make you a better person, it will just fuck you up. But apperrently D&D think differently- The same thing happend to Jamie aswell, just saying.