And Speaking Of Which. That Latter Could've Had Soooo Much More To It. Been So Cool - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
I Always Think About The Ending Scene To Brink Of Consciousness: Dorian Gray Syndrome. Anna Saved Sam
I Always Think About The Ending Scene To Brink Of Consciousness: Dorian Gray Syndrome. Anna Saved Sam

I always think about the ending scene to Brink of Consciousness: Dorian Gray Syndrome. Anna saved Sam and the two of them are safely reunited back at home - but they had no idea Oscar survived the fall and escaped Goldvale Manor until they watch the news report later that night.

Can you imagine, for those 2+ weeks, how uneasy they would be? Knowing their killer is still on the loose? Sam *knowing* that Oscar blends in to his surroundings, and how hard it would be to spot him on the streets..? The fear that they're still being tracked down and more young people will get killed?

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