Hidden Object Game - Tumblr Posts

Confession time:

I used to play Gardenscapes when I was younger. Not any of the mobile kind - but the desktop one that you could find on Big Fish Games.

Confession Time:

It was a lot of fun and super relaxing to me at the time. I've never played Homescapes or anything, but I might revisit this someday just to see if it still holds up.

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11 months ago

Amazes me how Oscar even managed to survive this fall. From what it looks, the ground might be solid and possibly even concrete, and he fell face-first. Man might've suffered internal bleeding and some broken ribs.

Amazes Me How Oscar Even Managed To Survive This Fall. From What It Looks, The Ground Might Be Solid

Tags :
11 months ago

His Soul (Chapter 9)

His Soul (Chapter 9)

The Book

Summary: After saving the abducted collectors, you were trusted with Curioso's box. What seems like a dangerous possession slowly turns into an opportunity to learn more about this creature and his curse. Can you earn his trust, and possibly, his affection?

Pairings: Curioso/Reader, Curioso/The Detective


You woke up to your alarm on a quiet morning, which would normally calm you, but it felt like your nerves were on fire when you made a realization. You jumped out of bed and rushed out of your room first thing. You found Curioso laying on the couch. The TV was turned off and he instead clutched a large book in his hands, open to a page that looked something like a collage. 

When you got closer, you recognized it as one of your high school yearbooks. When your steps became audible, the jester shut it instantly and sat up in surprise. He sat it down and turned to you with his smile which now appeared sheepish. 

“Detective! Good morning,” His tone was nervous. You blinked at him, still trying to wake yourself up. 

“Were you looking through my yearbooks?” 

He glanced at the large edition sitting beside him and shrugged. “I got bored and then I got curious. You don’t have a lot to do around here.” 

“Mm,” You waved him off and headed towards the bathroom. You could take care of your morning business now that you made sure he was still here. 

While you were brushing your teeth, your eyes were blinded when a flash of light entered the room. You swung around to find the jester teleporting through the door to hold up a picture to you. “-I can’t believe you were in the photography club!” 

“ Curioso !” You scolded, swatting at him and trying to keep some distance. Your bathroom was small and he was nearly 7 feet tall. Surely he knew what ‘personal space’ meant? “You can’t just barge in here!” 

“The door was locked,” He responded simply. 

“For a reason !” You exclaimed, twisting the knob and pushing him out. You slammed it behind him and rinsed out your mouth, grumbling to yourself the entire time. 

“-You were in track & field, too? I didn’t think you were the athletic type,” His voice resumed from the other side of the wood. At least he wasn’t trying to get back in. 

You dried your hands off and sighed. “Those days were long ago. I’m not as fit as I used to be.” 

“Detectives usually aren’t,” He replied. 

You opened the door and found him standing right outside, grinning down at you. You shook your head and swiped the yearbook from his hands, returning it to its proper shelf. You headed to the kitchen and he was on your tail, sitting on the counter again as he watched you make yourself some coffee. 

“What’s for breakfast?” He pried. 

You thought about it. “Eh…A bagel with some cream cheese, I guess. You don’t want anything, do you?”

“I can’t,” He replied sadly. 

You sifted through your drawers. “Well…what did you use to have? Back in those good ol’ days?” 

“Cereal. I remember having a lot of cheerios.” 

That checked out, if his favorite dinner had told you anything about himself. You smiled to yourself as you toasted the bagel and applied some cream cheese. You sat down at your small table and he joined you from the other aside - a replication of what had happened last night. You found yourself appreciating the company…it was always so quiet and boring in the morning before you got to work. 

“I think you mentioned something about setting some ground rules?” He reminded you. 

“Oh. Right.” You swallowed your bite and drummed your fingers on the table. “Uhh…well, rule number one: You can’t invade my privacy, which means not teleporting wherever you want. If my door is locked, then I DON’T want you in there.” 

“I apologize,” He offered with a humble bow of his head.

“Rule number two: No teleporting without telling me. And that includes if you’re about to barge in on me somewhere!” 

His smile was coy.

“Rule number three: No touching any of the knives around here.” 

“What? You think I’m going to try and kill you?” 

His tone was teasing, but it sent shivers down your spine. While you were sure his intent wasn’t to ever KILL any of the collectors, you couldn’t get the imagery out of your mind. With Raymond strapped to that machine as sharp knives hurled at him…and when that poor woman, Julia Hadey, was close to burning alive after Curioso trapped her in a picture. This creature clearly had a sadistic side, and you didn’t want to ever see it again. 

“Rule number four-” You tried to keep your voice steady. “You go back in the box when I tell you to. No fighting me on it.” 

He sighed. “I assume that time is coming soon?” 

“It is.” You stood to put your plate in the sink. “Oh, and…final rule: Don’t go through my things without asking.” 

“Come on, it wasn’t that bad…”

You shook your head in amusement, excusing yourself to get dressed for the day. Curioso finally granted you some privacy and only greeted you when you stepped back in the living room. You motioned for him to follow you down in the office. He obeyed, albeit a little slow and clearly disappointed. 

When you held the paper up that had the code to get him back in, a mechanical hand grabbed it from you. You were about to reprimand him until it flashed and a different order magically appeared on the lines. You narrowed your eyes and looked at him skeptically. 

“I may have lied to you, Detective, and I’m sorry for that,” He handed it back to you and clasped his hands behind his back. “What matters is that I fixed it.” 

You rolled your eyes and grabbed the box, pressing the symbols in the new order that he gave to you. You had a feeling he erased the correct code and was presenting you with a distraction, but the purple mist claimed its prisoner once more, and you were satisfied when he was finally brought back. Patting the top of it with satisfaction, you left to go get your office ready for the day.


Despite the pleasant morning you two had, there was still something important on your mind. You had to get this business done while you could - it was imperative that you had better control of this situation, and to understand the predicament you’d gotten yourself into. 

You strode down into the office and threw on your coat, placing your hat on your head as you double-checked your pockets. As you were about to leave, you paused in the doorway. You didn’t need to inform Curioso where you were going, but you felt some sort of inclination to announce your absence, anyway. 

“I’ll be out running an errand,” You raised your voice so he could hear. “I’ll be back soon.”

Without another word, you shut the door behind you. 


Your eyes were focused as you drove to Andrew Collins’ house, the large structure looking better since the last time you’d seen it. The gates were clear of any thorns and roses that blocked it before. They easily opened the moment you pulled up. You called the owner an hour prior to ask if you could visit, and he seemed intrigued when you stated your business. 

You paused to admire the clear sky above you as you stepped out of your car. You climbed the steps to the front door and rang the doorbell. It wasn’t long before Andrew answered you, and he smiled politely. He stepped to the side and motioned you in.

“Detective! What a pleasure to see you again. Please, come in.” 

You helped yourself inside and hung your coat and hat on the rack by the door. It wasn’t long before you were looking around, dumbfounded. It was strange to see the place in no disarray at all, everything was lively and bright. The rooms and stairs were completely repaired and there had been no implication of any trouble here before. It looked like an eloquent place. Andrew noticed your admiration as he moved around you. 

“We’ve been working on getting the estate repaired since Curioso’s… game caused such a ruckus.” He finished with a pause. “I’m having it listed on the market tomorrow. I’ve decided to move towns since we last spoke.” 

Your expression grew interested. “Oh? What made you want to move?” 

“As dangerous as it was, the game did enlighten me on a few things.” He led you over to the sitting area and motioned for you to take a seat. You gladly rested in a comfortable chair. “While collecting things was something that kept me financially happy, I realized it was no way to live. I’m going to leave my past behind me and start anew in the countryside, to find a way to help people.”

“That’s good to hear,” Your voice brightened at the news. “I hope things go well for you, Andrew.” 

“As do I.” He cleared his throat. “I…understand you’re here to ask me some questions?”

“Oh, yes,” You replied, sitting forward and taking your gloves off. There was no need for them right now. “I understand you were the one who obtained Curioso’s box…and since you’ve given it to me, I’ve been curious about some things.” 

His grin turned sheepish. “I apologize for giving it to you without asking.. I simply didn’t want it anymore, and seeing as you were the one to put him back, I figured it was you who deserved to have it. But I know it was a dangerous thing to gift someone-” 

You waved a hand at him. “-I’m not here to accuse you of anything. I should actually thank you for the gift, as it made a great momentum of the case. I’ve taken good care of it.”

“I see. What is it you wanted to ask, exactly?” 

“You received the box from a friend of yours, if I remember right. I wanted to ask if you knew about its whereabouts before then?” 

“You mean Willy? He is an old friend of mine who owed me for quite a few… things . I didn’t expect him to give me that box, but I thought it was beautiful and erased all his debt for it. He claimed it was something special, but I hadn’t known what he meant back then.” Andrew paused to think. “-I’ve known Willy to take odd jobs and go different places from time-to-time. His latest employment at the time was at a local circus in his town.” 

“Circus?” You repeated.

“Yes, he was one of the janitors there that cleaned after the performances. I didn’t ask too many questions, wanting to add the box to my collection right away. But I would assume he got it from there…I wish I could give you his number, but he disappeared after giving me that box. I haven’t been able to contact him since.”

You were disappointed, but carried on with the conversation. “-So you think Curioso’s box came from that circus?”

“I would have no better guess. And as for anything before that, I’m afraid I can’t tell you.” 

Your lips thinned into a line as you took this information in. It certainly looked like something that came from a circus - it was colorful and grabbed the attention of onlookers. And seeing as Curioso was a jester…maybe that idea wasn’t far-fetched. You only wished you could’ve asked this ‘Willy’ person yourself to know for sure. 

“When you first got the box, it freed Curioso since your collection woke him up. Had he ever…spoken to you before that? Or was there anything amiss that you could see?”

“I’m afraid I saw nothing wrong at first. I had no idea there was anything even in it. I did try opening the thing, but the box didn’t budge, so I assumed it was a decorative item. I didn’t want to damage it in any way. It wasn’t long before Curioso jumped out of it…I had barely been in my house when he sprang out. It scared the life out of me!”

“What was your guy’s first interaction like?” 

“He wasn’t friendly at all, if that’s what you’re asking. He told me he collected human souls and that I was to help him to obtain people. He threatened me when I refused - and I was too terrified to fight back. When I brought the other collectors, I learned what he was doing…he was collecting the dark secrets and vices of these people. I had no idea what they were like when I met them, but Curioso told me their deepest secrets and wrongdoings.” 

“-He threatened you?” You were still surprised by this part of the story. 

“He made it clear that if I didn’t work with him, my soul would be the next of his that he would cage and never let go. I was afraid to challenge him after seeing his powers. He seemed angry, Detective. I’m not sure if it was towards me , or the situation he was in. I think he holds a grudge against humanity, since his only goal was to expose the darkest secrets of those he was collecting.” 

You drummed your fingers on your knee, trying to theorize for yourself. Curioso emerged from the box angry and determined with his goal…so you had to assume something happened to him to cause this. But why would someone be so vexed if they came from the circus? You knew some had poor treatment of their workers, but…he was just a box, wasn’t he? Why would he despise humanity so badly? 

Andrew noticed your silence and stood from his seat. You were snapped back to reality when he reached over and grabbed something from a nearby table. 

“When you called me about the case, I remembered something that I forgot to tell you about. When Willy gave me the box, he handed me something else. He told me it came with it but he had no clue what it was. I assumed it was some sort of instruction manual or how to clean it - but I never had the opportunity to read it, as Curioso hid it from me after breaking his box. While we were cleaning up the other day, I found it, and thankfully, it’s still intact.” 

He handed you a book. You blinked twice as you took it from him - there was no title on it beyond a strange symbol on the front. You opened it and glanced through the pages, only to see odd diagrams and several pages of text. You’d have to read this later. 

“Do you know what it is?” You asked. 

“I’ve only read a little bit of the book, and most of it is cryptic. It must’ve belonged to some magician or educator, because it gave me a headache. I think it has something to do with the box…but I don’t know what . If Curioso hid it from me, then it must be important.” 

“I see.” 

“I regret that I have little more to tell you. I’ve checked in with the others and we are recovering rather well,” A grateful look washed over his face as he leaned over to shake your hand again. “I don’t know how to thank you for freeing me, Detective. It was mad to be in that monster’s control!” 

A hum escaped your mouth, remembering something else you hadn’t asked about. “How exactly did Curioso know about me, by the way?” 

He gestured to a newspaper sitting on the table. “I grab the paper every day to read during my spare time. Curioso happened to catch your name in one of the articles and demanded that I retrieve you for him. He seemed rather eager about it.” 

That made sense. You completed a case not long before Andrew retrieved you for the missing collectors. You have that print at home among your other things with the cases to remember it by. You recall reading it several times that morning, beaming in your seat at the time, proud to have made it in the town’s publication again. You had a feeling it would bring more publicity your way…but you would’ve never predicted what happened next. 

You grasped the book tightly in your hands, standing and tipping your head. “Thank you for your time, Andrew, and I wish you well.”

“And I hope the best for your business. Just be careful of Curioso. I’m not sure where he’s from and how to control that blasted box…I hope you can figure things out.” 

“I’ll try,” You headed towards the front door and shrugged your coat back on. You couldn’t help smirking. “It looks like you’ve given me a new investigation.” 

He sighed melancholy. “Hopefully it’s an easier one than the first I gave you. Good luck, Detective.” 


You sat in your car for an awful long time, the book opened on your lap and your eyes narrowed in confusion. 

Andrew was right - it was extremely cryptic. It was either written in another language or a code you couldn’t understand. Why would Curioso go through the trouble of hiding this thing if no one could read it? You struggled to understand its importance but you knew it held significant weight. Maybe, if you were lucky…the jester himself would tell you. But you had a feeling that wasn’t going to happen so easily. 

You shut it with a defeated sigh and got out of your car. You locked it and headed into your office - unlocking the front door and announcing your presence with a tired groan. Trying to read that thing gave you a massive headache. You should probably lay down for a bit. 

“Why do you have it?” 

You were snapped to attention by Curioso’s voice, which came from his box that you left on your desk. It was glowing a bright purple…you didn’t know what that meant exactly. You approached it and tugged off your gloves casually. How he knew you had the book was beyond you…but you were going to try and tread carefully.

“What are you talking about?” 

“You know what I’m talking about. Tell me. Why do you have it?” 

He sounded upset, so honesty sounded like the best route to you. “Andrew Collins gave it to me.” 

“You visited Andrew?” Curioso’s voice was a mix between confusion and anger. This didn't bode well for you. “Why?” 

“To check on him, of course. He’s not the first client I’ve visited after closing a case.” You moved to hang your coat by the door. “The others are doing fine, by the way. Nancy and everyone else. They’ve been recovering well since your ‘game’.”

The jester either didn’t care or decided not to address that for now. He was still hung up on your new possession. “You need to get rid of it. Do you understand me, Detective?” 

“Woah. Hold on.” You held your hands up as you stepped towards him defensively. “What is it about this thing that you don’t like?”

“You don’t need it, ” He growled. You blinked a couple of times in surprise. That was a new sound.

“Maybe I do. Andrew told me it came with your box, so I should keep the collection together, right?” 

A frustrated noise emerged from it and you were half filled with amusement. The other half was fear…as you’d only heard him this angry when you betrayed him. You much preferred his playful attitude over whatever was currently going on. 

“How about you give it to me and I can hold onto it for you? That way, it never leaves the box!”

You crossed your arms, the word easily leaving your tongue. “No.”

“Ugh! Why are you being so difficult?! Just hand it over to me!” 

“What is it, really?” You leaned on your desk so you were right beside him. “I have the funniest feeling that there’s something you’re not telling me here.” 


“Andrew said you hid this from him the moment you broke free. You didn’t want him to see it. But..” You furrowed your eyebrows together in confusion. “..He couldn’t even read it. So why bother?” 


“What’s in this book and why do you not want anyone reading it?”


“Curioso, come on. You can tell me.” You waited a minute before adding, “-You can trust me.” 

“ Get rid of it. ” He repeated. You could hear the strain he was putting himself through and decided this would be the most you would get out of him. You decided to approach something else in the meantime. 

“Alright, then…” You leaned against the desk. “Andrew also told me Willy gave you to him from the circus. Is that true?

“I am not telling you anything until you get rid of-”

“Fine, fine, fine.” You snapped, growing impatient with this game. If he wasn’t going to answer your questions right now, then you weren’t going to pry. “Forget that I asked.” 

As you were about to storm out of the room, his voice stopped you. “Detective…that part is true. But I am not willing to indulge you any more until you’ve listened to me.” 

“I’m not going to get rid of this book just because you don’t like it.” You turned around impatiently. “Even if it’s bad, I’ve got to know what it is.” 

He was exasperated at your stubbornness. “Why?” 

“Because…it’s a part of you, and I want to know everything.” Your heart beat nervously as you said these words. “If you like seeing the dark vices of human souls, then I want to see yours .” 

It was a fact you didn’t want him to know…that you were curious about him and his past. Where he could’ve come from and what he is exactly. You were determined to learn about this creature no matter how difficult it would be. And that included whatever was in this book. If it turned out that it had nothing to do with him at all…then you would apologize. But you had the greatest feeling that it was some secret he was trying to hide. 

He grew silent, and you took this opportunity to leave. You’d have to find someone who could help you translate this book.

Tags :
11 months ago

his teleporting is so cool

Tags :
11 months ago

His Soul (Chapter 10)

His Soul (Chapter 10)

Show and Tell

Summary: After saving the abducted collectors, you were trusted with Curioso's box. What seems like a dangerous possession slowly turns into an opportunity to learn more about this creature and his curse. Can you earn his trust, and possibly, his affection?

Pairings: Curioso/Reader, Curioso/The Detective


It took a bit of searching on your end, but you finally tracked down a translator who was able to make any sense of the book. You had reached out to several other people for a week, all of whom sadly informed you that they couldn’t understand it. Still, you remained determined and you were glad your patience finally wore off.

You were sitting in a small office across from a woman who wore a blue suit. Her eyes were wide as she read the book that you left open on her desk. You were still dumbfounded with the news she’d just given to you. 

“You can really read that thing? I haven’t met a single person who could.”

She nodded and leaned back in her seat. “You see, Detective, I used to delve into magic - divination back in my day. This book was written by an enchantress. I recognize the spell that is decrypting it from normal eyes.”

“Huh…” Your mind went back to the time Curioso disabled a concealing spell on that house in your last case. Had he done the same thing to this book to make sure Andrew couldn’t read it? “Are you sure it was an enchantress? Not a…creature of some sorts?”

“Her name is written right here. I can translate this for you, but I’m afraid it will take some time.”

“That’s fine; I’m in no hurry.” You waved your hand. “Just…do you know what it is?”

“Instructions, I think,” She rubbed her chin as she observed the pages. “But what they say and what they are for…I will have to get back to you on that.”

“Great. Just call me on the phone when you make any progress - I’ll pay you in advance.”

She stopped you when you stood from your chair, her eyes lit up in fascination. “I am curious, where did you get this book? I have never seen anything like it.”

“....A friend of mine gave it to me. I’d like to know what it says.” 

“Very well. Expect to hear back from me in a few days…thank you for such an interesting job. I will have fun translating this.”

You stood and dusted off your pants, relieved to have finally found someone for the job. You were antsy to know what this book contained…if she was right, then they could possibly be instructions for Curioso’s box. You desperately needed that, as you couldn’t keep relying on him for its codes and instructions. He lied to you about that before and you were sure he would do it again if it benefited him. 

You handed over some cash and shook her hand, already wishing time would move forward. 


You returned to your office and sat down in your chair. If Curioso sensed that you had the book before, then he must know it was out of your possession now. When you looked up, you found his box lighting up from your shelf. A sign of his presence.

Before he could say a word, you beat him to it. “I don’t have it. Are you happy?”

“Did you destroy it?” 

“No. Just…loaned it to someone. I’ll get it back, but I still don’t know what it is.”

Mist pooled out and you found the projection of his mask greeting you from across the room. He tilted his head. “Who did you give it to?”

“A magician,” You spread your hands out theatrically. 

You thought he might take it as a joke, but that didn’t happen. “You’re smarter than you look, Detective.”

You narrowed your eyes with skepticism. “You still don’t want to tell me what it is? Even if I don’t have it with me anymore?”

“You should have gotten rid of it, that’s all I’m telling you.”

You paused. Something just occurred to you that you should’ve thought about before. “Just a silly question here, but…it’s not going to kill me, right? Or bring a sudden end to the world?”

“Only an end to mine.”

You jumped out of your seat. “It’ll kill you!?”

Curioso laughed really hard. It made you feel ridiculous as you slid back down into your seat. Your face was as red as a tomato for overreacting the way you did. 

“How kind of you to care about me..! But, no. That won’t happen. I’m sorry.” 

You groaned and tried to hide your face. “Believe it or not, I actually WANT you here. Otherwise, I would’ve given you right back to Andrew.” 

“Yes, that’s right. You want me here as part of your things …your collection. Your memories.” 

“No, I-” You were getting flustered over this and you didn’t know why. “I want to get to know you. Isn’t it obvious that’s what I’ve been doing?” 

“You don’t need a book for that. You can ask me all your questions, Detective. I don’t really have anywhere else to go.” 

Your face was still hot and your heart wouldn’t calm down. Something about this conversation was embarrassing you. You grabbed a piece of paper from your drawer and took a deep breath before walking over to Curioso’s box. You held it up and prepared to enter the correct pattern, then you hesitated.

“Do you…want to come out? I mean, if you’re not still mad at me?” Your voice was timid. 

“I always want a breath of fresh air.”

You gave a wryly grin. “You wanna’ watch me do paperwork? Do all the boring detective stuff?” 

“Please. The anticipation is killing me..!”

You chuckled and let him out of the box. The same bright flash ensued and he was standing before you again. You rubbed your eyes as you stumbled back over to your desk. It felt like getting your picture taken with the flash on. You wondered if there could ever be a way to change that. 

“Take a seat anywhere, you can explore my office. Just don’t touch anything.” 

You sat down and grabbed a pencil, preparing to do some work. To your surprise, Curioso didn’t stray very far and instead perched himself on the edge of your desk. He really wasn’t in the way of anything, but his close presence made you nervous. His set of sharp teeth was closer to you than you were comfortable with. 

“There’s another chair right over there,” You pointed across from your desk.

“Ah, but this is annoying you, isn’t it? He grinned. 

“It is, actually. Yeah.” 

“Then I’m not going to move anywhere.”


You began filling out paperwork in spite of his close proximity. You pretended he wasn’t there and you were just doing some work as usual. You were actually able to get a bit done. You paused to stretch your arms and crack your back, suddenly remembering Curioso was right beside you when you accidentally smacked your elbow on him. 

“Whoops - sorry…” 

“I like your name,” He whispered.

You blinked twice before glancing back at the paperwork and found your first and last name signed on the sheet before you. You hadn’t thought he was seriously paying attention to what you were doing. Who in their right mind would willingly watch someone fill out boring papers instead of looking at pictures of your heroic cases? Curioso, apparently. 

“Ah, thank you,” You grew warm again and cleared your throat to change the subject. “So I can ask you questions, right?”

His voice was dramatic. “I guess you can.” 

“Apparently, that book was written by a woman. Do you know who she is?” 


“Her name is in there. I’ll be able to find it soon. Is she someone I should get into contact with?”

“NO!” He exclaimed loudly into your ear. 

You flinched and nearly stumbled out of your chair. He noticed your state and withdrew into himself, moving away from your desk and into the seat across from you. He was deliberately trying not to face you.

“Alright, geez.” You rubbed your ear in pain. “So, she’s nobody I should know, apparently?”

“Detective.” His voice cracked. Your heart broke at the sound. “Don’t dig any deeper than you already are. You’re keeping that book despite my wishes - please listen to me and never find that woman.” 

It felt like you lost all your strength. “Okay…I won’t. I promise.” You waited a second before adding, “Can you at least tell me who she is? Why is she so bad?” 

“Patience is a virtue.” He tapped a robotic finger on the edge of the wood. 

You wanted to groan and throw a fit, but now wasn’t the time. He sounded like he was on the verge of crying. You didn’t know if that was possible or not, but you didn’t care to test it. Your eyes traveled down Curioso and you realized you’d never gotten such a good look at him up close. Observing him for too long hadn’t been your goal back at Andrew Collins’ house. You’d been too preoccupied worrying about him getting into anything to really study him before. 

He wore a blue-and-red jester costume, but it was torn in places and had many holes in its fabric. It was also dirty, like it’d been through hell and back. His top hat was in a similar condition, torn at the ends with its colors dull. When you looked at his hand, you found holes, scrapes, and cuts on his mechanical digits and palms. Even his mask, when he turned to look at you, was damaged and missing pieces of its decoration. 

You never noticed how… rough he looked. Like he was something someone had left outside and forgotten about for years - equally as damaged from the weather as he was from the neglect of his owner. Pity swelled in your throat. 

“Are you alright?” The jester queried. 

“I remember you looking a little different,” You confessed. Something was off about him…he was missing those little hats on top of his big one, and you swore he was more colorful before. “Did something happen?” 

“This is how I’ve always looked.” 

“But..” You leaned forward and squinted your eyes. You probably looked ridiculous doing this. You didn’t care. “Your mask isn’t supposed to look like that, is it? Your hands…they’re all damaged. Did…did something hurt you?”

He promptly moved his limbs out of your view. “Just wear-and-tear. I’ve been around for a long time.” 

“When we were in your box-” You pointed at him, the memories flooding back to you. “You looked perfect. Your mask was glittery, your clothes were bright, everything was fine…what happened?”

“I can bend anything to my will there. Anything I want.” His voice grew quiet. “Even myself.”

“You mean you made yourself look like that?” 

“Do you ever want to relive your glory days?” He threw his head back and grinned widely at you. His teeth still remained pearly white and as sharp as always. The only part of him unchanged and intact. “That’s how I used to look. I’m sure you remember a time when you were young and full of energy…” 

You shook your head and sat back down to give him some space. “Alright. I don’t know anything about your kind. But I’m going to assume that’s normal unless you tell me otherwise.” 

“Completely normal.” He insisted. “If you had to wear the same clothes everyday, you’d look just like me after a while.” 

“I don’t have holes in my face or my hands,” You pointed out. 

Curioso slouched in his seat. He clearly wasn’t happy that you were pressing this as much as you were. “They’re artificial. It’s not me. Not really.” 

“What do you mean..?” Why was it always a guessing game with him? Why couldn’t he explain anything to you? “Curioso, I don’t really understand what you are. Can’t you just tell me?” 

“I wish I could, but even I don’t know what I am.” 

“I still don’t understand…”

“What is there to know? I’m a jester in a box. I like collecting human souls and exposing their dark secrets. That’s all there is.”

“I don't think that’s the case. What were you at the carnival?” 

You could’ve sworn his smile grew smaller. He must’ve thought you’d forgotten about that detail, but you didn’t. He confirmed himself that what Andrew said was true. If you couldn’t find out WHAT he was, then you could at least learn where he came from. 

“I was a jester,” He responded. “Telling jokes, making fun, you name it.” 

That , you could believe. But it felt like he was only telling a half-truth. “Really? With all your powers, you only told jokes?” 

“They were good ones..!” 

“Tell me one.”

“ ‘Why don’t cannibals eat clowns? Because they taste funny !’”

“Yeah, there’s no way you were telling that to kids.”

“Maybe I didn’t perform for kids..?”

Now you are getting concerned. “Curioso-”

“-Honest, Detective! I was an entertainer at the circus. For both adults and kids! They loved my show, I’d been doing it for a long time.”

You went quiet as you tapped your pencil on your desk. You were neglecting your paperwork now, but you were far more invested in learning about your friend. Not many people could say they've held conversations like this one. 

“Did you like it?”

He sounded strained. “Of course.”

“Then why did you come out of your box angry? Why did you threaten Andrew? If you loved what you did, why did you want revenge-”

He did something you did not expect - which was to learn towards you, pinch your cheek in between two white fingers, and pull a little too hard.

“You’re so nosy.” He hissed. “Must you know EVERYTHING?”

“Ow!” You swatted his hand off and rubbed the red spot left on your skin. “You said it yourself - I’m a detective. It’s in my job description.”

“Hmm. And you’re putting together the mystery of my past ?” You swore you saw a small flame flicker in his mask’s eye socket. You blinked twice and it was gone.

“If you’re going to make it this much of a challenge, then I might as well.”

He tittered. “You’re so fun. That’s why I like you.” You blushed at his words and scolded yourself for feeling so flattered. “I suppose I can help you solve it, but…you may find things that you don’t like. Are you okay with that?”

“I found a room full of bodies in my last case.” You shuddered at the image left in your mind. “I’m sure that whatever it is, I can handle it.”

He hummed, looking at you for an awfully long time. Then, he said, “I’ll tell you when I feel that you’re ready.”

You wondered when that was going to be.

Tags :
11 months ago
Cannot Emphasize How Lovely This Game Looks. Bonfire Stories My BELOVED
Cannot Emphasize How Lovely This Game Looks. Bonfire Stories My BELOVED
Cannot Emphasize How Lovely This Game Looks. Bonfire Stories My BELOVED
Cannot Emphasize How Lovely This Game Looks. Bonfire Stories My BELOVED

Cannot emphasize how lovely this game looks. Bonfire Stories my BELOVED

Cannot Emphasize How Lovely This Game Looks. Bonfire Stories My BELOVED
Cannot Emphasize How Lovely This Game Looks. Bonfire Stories My BELOVED
Cannot Emphasize How Lovely This Game Looks. Bonfire Stories My BELOVED
Cannot Emphasize How Lovely This Game Looks. Bonfire Stories My BELOVED

Tags :
10 months ago

His Soul (Chapter 11)

His Soul (Chapter 11)

Passing Time

Summary: After saving the abducted collectors, you were trusted with Curioso's box. What seems like a dangerous possession slowly turns into an opportunity to learn more about this creature and his curse. Can you earn his trust, and possibly, his affection?

Pairings: Curioso/Reader, Curioso/The Detective


Having a dangerous magical jester around you wasn’t the worst thing in the world. Actually, the more you brought Curioso out of his box and allowed him to linger, the more his presence grew on you. Your paranoia and distrust gradually simmered into slight wariness, as you were no longer focusing on his every move and worrying about the possibilities of what could happen. You trusted him to follow your rules. So far, he hadn’t done anything that was a cause for concern. 

…Well, that wasn’t entirely true. There was one instance you weren’t all too happy with. 

Your friendly neighbor, Audrey, had stopped by one morning to drop you off some sweets and breakfast. She wanted to catch up with you due to your prolonged absence from her shop. You usually frequented it to get some of your groceries and the morning paper - something you’ve been neglecting to do ever since your jester friend had captured most of your attention. You’d been meaning to visit her again, but time kept slipping out of your hands… 

You’d let out Curioso an hour prior and had been in the shower when she stopped by. After you dried yourself off, your apartment sounded eerily quiet. It didn’t assure you when you found the creature completely missing from your home, which meant there was only one other place he could be. 

…He had scared the living daylights out of Audrey by greeting her at the door. His tall frame and sharp teeth evoked an immediate scream from her - it wasn't helped when he insisted on getting closer to her. He backed off when you came rushing down the stairs screaming out his name. You trapped him back in the box again and it was mutually understood as to why.

You recall how silent he had been after putting him back, seating down Audrey and placing a damp rag on her forehead. She was clutching at your arm tightly, fear laced in her brown eyes when she turned to you.

“Detective, what - was - that?” She breathed deeply, flickering her gaze repeatedly to the box sitting across the room. 

“My…new friend,” You sat down beside her and patted her shoulder. “I’m sorry you two had to meet like that.” 

She sounded distraught. “What is he!?” 

You felt worse knowing you couldn’t give her a good answer. What was Curioso, really? You focused on getting your friend to calm down instead and offered her some tea. It was a long conversation you two had that day - catching her up on your situation while also trying not to disclose too much. You made it clear that he couldn’t escape from the box, which was her biggest worry as she was constantly watching it behind you. 

It took some time, but she finally came to terms with what you were saying. With your assurances that he meant her no harm, she was able to relax and have a proper chat with you. You caught up on what she’d been up to and made a firm promise to go back to visiting her again. 

After she left, you gave Curioso a good scolding for scaring her, but he didn’t respond to you. You were positive he heard it, though, and put him in a “time-out” that day.

Otherwise, you were fine with regularly letting him out to venture around your office and home. He was curious and seemed to enjoy the freedom, despite how limited it all must feel. Neither of these places were as spacious as Andrew’s home. You always felt some guilt about having to cage him in here. 

But his encounter with Audrey reminded you why this was necessary. 

You walked up the stairs back into your apartment and shut the door behind you. The tall jester caught sight of what you were carrying and followed after as you headed to the kitchen. You dropped the box onto the table with a flourish and grinned.


He clapped his hands. “Finally ! You’re eating something not healthy!” 

You snickered as you threw open the top. His trademark expression seemed to have fallen when he got a good look at the fruit on your dinner. His disgust was evident as he clambered onto the counters and pointed at it like it offended him. 

“ Pineapple!? You’re mad!” 

“What?” You defended with a shrug, sitting down and chuckling at his reaction. “This place has the best ingredients. I tell you, nothing’s better than fresh pineapple on pizza.” 

He crossed his arms and refused to be any closer, choosing to watch you eat from the counter. You got a kick out of his behavior and made a show of enjoying your food, causing him to dramatically turn away. When you grabbed a second slice, he dangled his long legs from the edge and glanced in your direction. 

“Pizza is what I most miss eating,” He confessed sadly. “I liked mine with anchovies.” 

You made a face. “-And you think pineapple is bad?” 

He jumped off and sat with you, reaching over to ruffle your hair. You didn’t necessarily hate it whenver he did that, but it made you feel like a kid again and you were getting picked on by your parents. You shot him a glare when he sat back and attempted to flatten down your hair. 

“Fine. I guess we both like something pretty abnormal.” 

You shook your head and finished your serving for the night, closing the box to store in the fridge in the meantime. You really wanted to make a plate to give to him, so Curioso could try your favorite topping and confess that it wasn’t THAT bad. But you couldn’t. It wasn't possible to have that exchange.

It bugged you more than usual.

He must’ve noticed the change in your demeanor. You were still staring at the inside of your refrigerator, clenching a fist at your side. He curiously called out, “Detective?” 

“I’m fine,” You insisted sternly, moving to take your seat again. When he tilted his mask at you, you sighed. “I just wish you could try it. You’d probably like it.” 

“I wouldn’t. But the thought means so much to me.” His grin grew wider. You smiled back and fidgeted with your sleeve. 

“...By the way, I’ll be getting that book back next week. She called me while I was out today and told me she’s nearly done translating it.” 

His posture fell. “I see.” 

“...It’s a book full of instructions for your box.” You stated, seeking out eyes that he did not have. You wished you could have that contact right now. “..Do you care to tell me about it? Before I get it?” 

“My words won’t change anything. You’re going to get that book and you’ll be able to read it. What is it you want from me?” 

“Your input. Your feelings. They do mean something to me, you know.” 

He studied you for a while. After this long pause, he told you, “Then you’d be the first.” 

You blinked. “You mean the first to…care about how you feel?” He nodded and your lips fell. “Curioso…will you tell me now? About your past?” Your eyes flitted around his mask nervously. “Am I ready for that yet?” 

“I"d rather wait for that conversation,” He bowed his mask. “But I promise I will reveal everything.”

You nodded in understanding, appreciative that he was willing to tell you. He certainly didn’t have to - he could keep everything about himself a secret if he wanted to. You were grateful he was choosing to open up to you, but you felt that the presence of this book was warranting that somehow. 

“I’ll be patient,” You promised. Curioso leaned forward and booped the end of your nose, making you squirm in your seat and bat his hand away. 

“You have no choice!” He exclaimed cheerily. 

Really, it wasn’t that bad. You didn’t normally have company around your house. You once thought of taking in a pet of your own - a cat or a bird, maybe. But you decided it wasn’t worth the hassle of having to take care of it while also juggling your job. Sometimes you were out of town for cases and had to spend nights elsewhere. You hated the thought of leaving a companion of yours frequently like that. 

Curioso was more or less your guest. Except he had no use for any of your amenities - he didn’t drink water and he couldn’t eat food. He didn’t even wash himself in your bathroom, though you had a feeling his limbs and clothes could use a good cleaning. He mentioned something about not being able to take them off, and you weren’t sure if asking him to undress was a conversation you were comfortable with having right now.

All he did around your apartment was watch television, read your books, play board games, and join you while you ate. He did sometimes look out of the window for a long time. You assumed he was enjoying what part of the outside he could see. There were times you debated offering to take him on a walk, or a quick trip to the park, but you weren’t sure if those experiences would be the same if he had to be in his box the entire time.

While you were washing dishes, you decided to be curt about your curiosites. He was right - he had nowhere to go and couldn’t possibly evade whatever you chose to ask. Sure, he was stubborn about some things and refused to give you an answer, but you still had the opportunity to pry. 

“Can you sleep?” You asked, raising your voice so he could hear you over the faucet. 

He was currently fiddling around with a small puzzle box he found in one of your drawers. He seemed to love puzzles as much as you did. “I can and I can’t.” 

You arched an eyebrow. “Meaning..?” 

“In the box I can.” Something clicked and you smiled hearing his small victory. “But when I’m out, there’s no need. I can be awake for weeks..!” 

“Another reason to keep you in at night, then.” 

“I can pretend to sleep if that’ll make you happy...” 

You scrunched up your nose at the thought. “I’d rather not keep you up for eight hours. Wouldn’t it get boring?” 

“It’s not any worse than inside that box.” 

You grabbed a towel to dry the dishes and turned around. He had disassembled the puzzle box so he could try again. You knew he was attempting to get a personal record, a habit of yours as well. 

“What do you do in there?” You crooked your head to the side. “I remember there being a lot of puppets and mannequins, a little theater stage and a room…do you use those?” 

“Perform without an audience? I can’t think of anything worse,” He scoffed. “To answer your question, Detective, I draw and make things. Sometimes I write little plays and act them out…hoping that, someday, I can show somebody.” 

“Now why didn’t you do that instead of kidnapping all those collectors?” 

“It was a fun game..! You played along and enjoyed it, didn’t you? You got to see some of those acts yourself. Remember when you uncovered the mystery of Nancy?” 

You shook your head and turned back to the sink. “I wouldn’t call that ‘fun’.” 

“Agree to disagree.” 

He redirected his focus back to that little puzzle box. You liked seeing him enjoying himself…you had to get more things for him to play with. You would hate for him to have nothing to do around here if there wasn't anything to distract him with. 

He might cause mayhem again, and you didn't want that.

A few days passed and you spent your time with Curioso. You had the free time to spare while you waited for your next big case. You were glad for the distraction. The way you passed the time before was through picking up a new book or getting invested in a TV show. But having your eyes continually glued to something all day wasn’t healthy. You did try to get out more, jogging to the park and back…but you were only ever able to keep it up for a week before you’d be dragged into your next job. It was a ruthless cycle. 

You were playing Operation with Curioso. Something to pass the time with before you’d have to go to bed. You made it a goal of yours to engage in something with him every night. It was the last fun you two would have before he’d return to his box and you would turn in for the evening.

Your fingers slipped and the tongs came into contact with the metal edge, sending a strong vibration to your hand and causing the printed man’s nose to light up brightly, announcing your failure to retrieve his Adam’s apple. 

“Ugh!” You scowled, passing the miniature instrument over into Curioso's artificial hand. You watched as he smoothly grabbed his next piece and dropped it aside.

“Don’t worry, you’re not as bad as I was at this,” He assured you. “When I was little, I couldn’t grab anything for the life of me.” 

“I bet it’s easier with those hands,” You gestured over to his flexing digits. He smiled at you. 

“It is! I have no nerves to give me jitters anymore. I bet you’re jealous.” 

“Oh, terribly.” You rolled your eyes. You were finished with this game so you collected your cards to tally the total. The end result wasn’t surprising at all. “You win, I guess.” 

“Don’t be a sore loser. You did wonderfully..!” 

You eyed all the plastic pieces he had on his side and snorted. “No wonder you beat me at Jenga.” 

“That was fun..! It was hilarious when you knocked the pieces over yourself!"

You cleaned up the game and returned it to its box. These were old ones you’d found at a yard sale years ago and kept around in storage. You only recently surfaced them while trying to find things to do with Curioso. A deck of cards could only play so many games, and you had the faintest feeling he was cheating in them, sometimes. 

“Well, time to hit the hay. Tomorrow we’ll play Monopoly. Probably.” 

He stood to his feet and watched as you returned the game to its cabinet. When you came back, he grasped onto your shoulder tightly and looked you straight in the eyes. At least, you believed he was doing that, with how close his ‘face’ had suddenly gotten to yours. 

“Detective,” He breathed, his voice quiet. “I believe it is time.” 

“-For bed?” 

He shook his head. “To tell you everything.” It clicked in your head and your eyes widened in surprise. “You get that book tomorrow, don’t you? It’s best if you know all of this beforehand.” 

“Are-Are you sure? It’s getting late-” 

“-Please.” He implored. “I’ve been holding off all day. If I procrastinate any longer I may never tell you."

He sounded desperate and anxious. It made your chest swell in anticipation. What was he going to tell you? And why did you need to know all of it? He leaned even closer to you so his set of teeth was only a few inches away. You gulped at the close proximity. 

Two small blue flames lit the sockets of his mask. “Would you like to see inside my soul?”

Tags :
10 months ago

Also I think I incidentally stumbled on one of Dorian Gray Syndrome's references

Also I Think I Incidentally Stumbled On One Of Dorian Gray Syndrome's References
Also I Think I Incidentally Stumbled On One Of Dorian Gray Syndrome's References

Tags :
10 months ago

What would you guys say are the BEST and WORST Hidden Object games you've played, and why? 🤔

Tags :
10 months ago

His Soul (Chapter 12)

His Soul (Chapter 12)

Reliving a Memory

Summary: After saving the abducted collectors, you were trusted with Curioso's box. What seems like a dangerous possession slowly turns into an opportunity to learn more about this creature and his curse. Can you earn his trust, and possibly, his affection?

Pairings: Curioso/Reader, Curioso/The Detective

Contains spoilers to the Bonus Chapter of the game.


Curioso’s wording surprised you. ‘See inside his soul’? You assumed he wanted to have a deep conversation with you. Despite how tired you felt right now, you were more than willing to endure a few more hours of consciousness if it meant you could get an insight into this creature’s past and feelings. It was everything you’ve been waiting for. 

Filled with trepidation, you nodded your head, the words failing to leave you as you were stunned into silence. 

That was when it happened - you got a clear look at the blue flames flickering in his mask’s eyes when he moved closer towards your face. Your eyes widened as your heartbeat quickened, unsure of what he was going to do. Bite you? Kiss you? Both of those options had your head spinning. Before you had a chance to protest, a bright flash blinded your sight and senses.


. . . 

. . . 

When you opened your eyes, Curioso was gone. You could only see in black and white until your sight adjusted and the color gradually returned to your surroundings. Your eyes darted around as you realized you were no longer in your small apartment. Instead, you appeared to be standing in a run-down bathroom. 

Actually…you weren’t standing at all . Your perspective was farther down below, like you had fallen to your feet and were sitting in the far corner of the room. When you went to stand, your knees buckled beneath you, and you realized this wasn’t what you thought at all.  

You were already at your full height, but that couldn’t be. You felt little and…different? When you held your hands in front of your face, a small pair of light-colored palms met your eyes. You felt the familiar sensation of fear and anxiety swell in your chest. You were about to call out to your jester friend - ask what exactly was going on here, but you were interrupted before you could.

“Curioso! Unlock this door! You can’t change the fact that nobody wants to see you at the party!”

You jumped at the voice and whipped your head over to the door - where a woman’s silhouette met you on the other side. She appeared to be holding a piece of paper in her hand, but you couldn’t make out what was on it. You blinked stupidly at the sight and frantically searched around the room. She was talking to Curioso, but how did she know him? Where were you exactly? 

The woman attempted to open the door but the handle would not turn. She banged angrily on the tinted glass, hard enough that something abruptly fell off from the wood and landed onto the floor. It looked like a panel, which had clearly been concealing something underneath it. Before you could move, another figure joined the woman across from you, urging her away with a hand on her shoulder. 

“Come on, mom! I don’t wanna be late! Leave the freak!” 

She was led away despite her insistence. The paper slipped from her fingers and slid underneath the door. As their footsteps disappeared, you realized your chest was heaving and you were pressing yourself  flat against the wall. You felt terribly confused and disoriented.

“Curioso?” You called out weakly, your voice still sounding as your own, but everything else about you was feeling…odd.

“I can feel that you're scared, Detective.” His voice sounded from around you, distant like he was in another room, but clear enough for you to understand. “None of this is real. You can calm down.”

“What is going on?” 

“You’re inside my soul, reliving a memory of mine. A day I remember so clearly…” 

“Huh?” You looked at your arms and legs confusedly, knowing this was not your body and definitely not your clothes. “Where am I? Where are you ?” 

“You’re seeing things from my perspective. And as for me…I am still here with you. Don’t worry.”  

You noticed the bathroom mirror above the sink and walked over to it. It was too high for you to peer in, but a smaller mirror was sitting on the back counter. There, you finally caught your reflection - which was the image of a young brunette child. There was an open wound on your upper lip. Now that you realized it was there, it started to sting with a harsh reminder that it was fresh. 

Your hand hovered over it and you flinched in pain. You looked around the room for a second time, unsure of what was happening exactly. 

“So, what are you saying? I’m in your memory?” Your gaze returned to the little mirror, staring back at yourself in awe. “...Is this what you looked like?” 

“Yes. That cut on your lip - it happened before I ran into this bathroom. I got into an argument with my mother when I got that invitation in the mail…I was hurt and I locked myself in here.” 

Your eyebrows furrowed together in concern. You wanted to ask more about this injury, but decided there were more important things to worry about right now. You looked around and started gathering useful things, taking a look at the open panel on the door before you decided to speak again. 

“I guess you were serious about me ‘seeing your soul’. How exactly did you manage to do this? Am I inside your box?” 

“It’s magic, Detective. I can make almost anything happen. And letting you inside my soul was the best way for you to understand what happened to me. Find the missing pieces to the lock and leave the restroom when you’re done.” 

His voice disappeared, which was a good indication that he wouldn’t be here to entirely guide you. You supposed he still got some enjoyment out of watching you solve puzzles and move forward on your own. Except this time, it wasn’t a game you were playing - it was a memory of his. You were inside Curioso’s soul right now…which you still had a hard time wrapping your head around. 

During your brief search of the bathroom, you stumbled upon a photograph of what had to be Curioso and his family. He was standing next to a man and a woman. The boy’s name was Albert and his mother was simply labeled…’mom’. Your eyes lingered on the old picture for a long time, noticing that he was the only one not smiling. It had to be a relic of the past. 

Why was he letting you see this? Why now ? 



It was the most confusing yet intriguing experience you’d had. 

You got to experience this memory of Curioso firsthand. You got to maneuver the world around you as a child again, except it wasn’t your own past. You saw your friend’s childhood home, but you also learned that Curioso’s family despised him. You learned of his feelings for Emily when he was a child, a little girl who was famous for collecting figurines, and that he and his brother fancied her. You used his hands to make one special for her Birthday party. Then you chased after a cat who had stolen your finished work, and learned that Emily wanted her guests in a mask and costume with a gift. When you found a disrepaired jester outfit someone left on a bench outside, and won a special mask from the machine next to it, you quickly pieced together the source of his attire. 

As you went to walk through the masquerade-themed event in the park, you were quickly drawn away from the memory. You had no choice but to watch the scene from afar, everything happening completely out of your control.  You watched with mesmerized eyes as he approached his childhood love and presented the gift he had worked so hard on. 

..You realized he had spared you from the embarrassment he must’ve felt. You were filled with the emotion secondhand as you witnessed it all. When Emily ripped off his mask, being the only one who had his true identity revealed. The ridicule. The laughter. The mean faces of the children around him - who had to have been his friends and acquaintances at the time. The girl he crushed on, mocking him like the rest of the crowd was…Like his own family had treated him. 

His voice sounded around you as you faced this difficult scene.

“ Nothing went as I’d imagined. Of course, Emily wanted to see the mysterious presenter’s face. I was ridiculed and humiliated. I felt like my world was ending. But then I met someone who seemed to accept me.” 

That was when you were forced back into the memory, shifting back into the small figure who sniffled and tripped on small rocks and dirt. You were facing a wagon surrounded by pitched tents and colorful flags. It reminded you of one of those traveling circuses who hastily set up their tents in focus for their performances…not that you’d been to many before… 

When you approached the wagon, a woman was sitting on the other side, looking at you with her eyes full of sympathy. She had curly, brown hair and big silver earrings, wearing one of those outfits you’d often seen fortune tellers in. 

“Why would a nice boy like you cry? Perhaps I can help,” She leaned towards you. You sensed clear intent in her actions. “But I need your help first. I’ve lost a precious medallion from my collection. Please find it.” 

And so you lived through this next part of Curioso’s memory - solving different puzzles from various boxes and things, getting from one place to the next, in the task of fixing this stranger’s medallion. You wondered why Curioso had so willingly done all of this…you understood he was vulnerable and lost, but you had a hard time understanding what this lady’s deal was. After all, what adult would recognize that a child needed help, but didn’t call the authorities or try to find his parents? She refused to assist him until he found something she lost - which wasn’t something any reasonable person would do. You just couldn’t grasp why she had taken advantage of a lost child for her own personal gain. 

..You eventually learned why , and it wasn’t a good reason at all. 

It was after you finally fixed the medallion and proudly placed its cover back on. You handed it over to the woman, who looked delighted with your compliance and greedily snatched her possession from your hands. Her grin was wide as she regarded you from above.

“What a wonderful job! Here, open this box and find your great reward.” 

She handed you a box… Curioso’s box . Your jaw fell agape and you refused to touch it, but your hands acted on their own at that point. You didn’t feel in control anymore and watched with fear as your fingers worked at restoring an image on the top of it. It looked to be of a specter in a hooded outfit conjuring blue flames. When it was reassembled, more parts of the box opened itself to you - where you had to match magical symbols that you were sure you’d seen before. 

The image deconstructed itself again, disappearing in the air with an ominous sound. That was when you felt something peculiar in your chest - and your surroundings faded into those black and white colors again. You were pulled out of the memory once more, faced towards the kid as the box opened itself in front of him and began to pull him inside…

“No!” The child exclaimed, his eyebrows furrowing in anger. “You will pay for this! All of you!” 

The woman grabbed the box and looked inside of it longingly, with that sinister smile played out on her lips. “Such a nice, trusting boy…you will serve me forever!” 


It felt like the memory itself was being peeled from your eyes as the colors returned and you were finally back in your apartment. Curioso was in front of you, sitting on the edge of the couch with his mechanical hands clasped in his lap. He regarded you as you returned to the present, speaking in a sad tone: 

“I’d been her servant for so long…until the box came to Andrew. You already know that story.” 

You wiped your eyes with your hands, looking around to make sure everything was real. You touched your chest and looked at your arms…everything looked normal. You were at the right height and you felt like yourself again. You sighed with relief as your gaze returned to the jester, who bowed his head at your reaction.

“I’m sorry for putting you through all that, Detective, it’s just…I don’t know how I could have told you using words.” 

“That…” You narrowed your eyes suspiciously. “...Was all of that real?” 

“It happened so long ago ... .but everything was as I remembered.” He seemed to look away as his mask faced elsewhere. “Except maybe for a couple of things. But they’re not that important.” 

Your mouth fell open as everything came rushing back to you. That bathroom, the house, the party…it felt like you had lived every second of it. But you didn’t, really. You were merely reliving his memory. Every emotion you felt in there felt just as real as everything around you. You could feel pain, embarrassment, excitement….how had he managed to pull you from your apartment and bring you somewhere else? 

You shook your head. That wasn’t important. What mattered was what you saw…what you heard…you clutched your jaw as your stare focused on Curioso - the image of that child conjuring up in your mind, trying to match the two together…

“What…what happened to you?” You whispered. “You were human. A child…” 

He looked down, not saying anything at first. Your throat tightened as tears threatened to sting your eyes. You don’t know why, but you were getting emotional. Thinking of that woman, of Curioso doing everything for her, of him getting trapped in that box after he opened it…

The jester brought his mechanical hands to his mask, clawing around it like he was searching for skin. “I was fine at first. But then she brought me out, and she kept sending me back in . Things started to happen. It was like the flesh and bone fell off of my body, while I was being squeezed into something that was too small for me. Everything I was…I wasn’t anymore.” His voice lowered in defeat. “I had nothing left.” 

Your eyes watched his hands and his arms as he moved. You observed the joints connecting them. You pointed weakly at his limbs. “..Where…how did you get those, then?” 

“I took them. They were from decommissioned puppets at the carnival’s theater. I made them my own.” 

“So, wait…” You knitted your eyebrows together, trying to piece it all together. The room was getting hot and stuffy. “You were reduced down to nothing? You had to take possession of dolls to make yourself whole again?”

“Oh, Detective. I’m far from whole.” His tone dropped. The grin permanently etched onto his being failed to convey how sad he sounded. “There are still so many parts of me I have never gotten back.”

He sounded so sad and it honestly broke your heart. You had no doubt in your mind that he was telling the truth. It all made sense. Why he was so aggressive over that woman, why he’s wearing what he is and the source of his obsession for collecting…it had something to do with Emily, you thought. Iit didn’t help that it was a medallion part of a collection that brought his undoing. There was something deeper to it; you were sure you’d learn about that soon.

..For now, you inhaled sharply and moved forward, wrapping your arms around Curioso and crushing him in a tight hug. 

It was one of the most peculiar sensations you’d felt. 

His clothes felt empty yet they weren’t - like you were touching a presence that was there but also was not. Despite it all, you knew he was there and that you were embracing him. And that was all you needed as you held your jester friend. After a minute, you felt the clothes shift and artificial hands clutched at your back. He was returning your hug. It filled you with a special warmth and elation. 

You wanted to take back all the pain he’d gone through. You wished you could give him his body back.. He was missing so much. A family, a body, a face…it was all taken from him. You shivered imagining it happening to yourself…to lose everything and be trapped under someone’s service for decades…it explained everything yet didn’t. 

Your gaze traveled the floor, tracing the moonlight coming in from the window. You had so many questions. But one particularly found its way out of your lips:

“What…didn’t you remember? You said it was a couple things. They’re important to me.” 

He released you and you found this opportunity to step back, not even feeling embarrassed for comforting him. You wanted to do it and you felt that he needed it…come to think of it, how long has it been since he’s shared any human contact? 

“My name,” He replied weakly. “I don’t remember what it was. And I never learned my mother’s, either.” 

You rubbed the back of your head, feeling confused but nodding along anyway. “Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone naming their son ‘Curioso’...” 

Something about him looked tired…or maybe he was just feeling vulnerable right now. “Curioso is…was…my stage name. She never bothered learning my REAL name before she trapped me.” 

“...She said she made you her servant. What did that mean? What did she do?” 

“Exactly what you think. She made me run her errands, do everything she pleased. Carry out all her hard work so she could sit back and take it easy.” He spat this out spitefully and you couldn’t blame his anger. “But then the box changed me, and…I had no choice but to don this costume and these limbs…it gave her the idea to lend me to the circus. I was part of a theater puppet show.” 

“A what?”

“A puppet show. The ones with marionettes. She thought I could pass for one…I was forced to play in these ridiculous shows, wearing these stupid clothes I’d stolen years ago for a party…I had to perform well, because if I didn’t, she would force me into that box for weeks. I was craving nothing but freedom at that point.

The name ‘Curioso’ became my whole identity. I used my magic during the shows, and the crowd loved what I could do. They thought it was all a performance - that everything was fake. They had no idea I was real.” 

“Is that where those things came from in your box? The plays?” 

He sounded giddy. “Dolls and figurines were my very first collection, in remembrance of Emily. I made a lot on my own, but I also collected some of the puppets from the retired acts. I would make more for them, anyway. They kept me company in the box and I got to practice my performances each time I was trapped inside.” 

“That sounds…terrible...” 

His enthusiasm died down at your words. “It was the only escape I had from it all…” 

You were learning so much about him and his past…it was like all your questions were being answered. But it all felt terrible, because they weren’t the happiest things to learn. His past was tragic and you felt nothing but sympathy for him. You still couldn’t help searching for more. “I get why you got obsessed with collecting things, but…why human souls?” 

He folded his hands and stretched out his pearl-colored legs. “I spent decades observing everything around me. There were some awful people in the carnival business. People with their own obsessions. I got to see the ugliest parts of their souls, behind closed doors." 

He picked his head up to stare at the moon outside. "-And then I realized: I'd done nothing to deserve my imprisonment. I was a mistreated child, lost and vulnerable. Meanwhile, these people willingly take advantage of others and feel no remorse for it. They even made money off of tricking them like she did to me..! Why must I be cursed, while people like * them * get to prosper?"

"They didn't deserve their souls getting taken. That doesn't justify-"

"--That's the thing, Detective…they were suddenly regretful over everything they'd done, once they were in my hands. They didn't realize the harm their obsessions caused until I had them. Isn’t that proof of justice?"

"But it could have been done another way! Just like Raymond or Julia, they got to atone for what they did."

"And that's why I so badly wanted your judgment. You proved how fun my game could be…although I wished you’d made different decisions.” 

He was returning back to his usual playful self. You were relieved to see it, but had a feeling it meant he was going to stop answering your questions. This might’ve been a good place to end, anyway. You learned a lot and had the whole night to digest everything. You’re getting the book tomorrow, so…you’ll continue this conversation then. 

Still. You had to show your appreciation…you were grateful he finally told you more of himself and his past. It was more than he had to do, and although you wished he wouldn’t have poured this on you so late at night, you were ever so grateful for it. 

“..Thank you for telling me all of this. For trusting me.” 

“I wouldn’t call it ‘trust’...” He tilted his mask. “...But a precaution.” 

You arched an eyebrow. “A precaution?” 

“...If you truly care about me, Detective, then it is nothing more than a precaution.” He sounded uneasy. Why did he always have to confuse you like this? You held down your frustration. “You can send me back now. I hope you sleep well.” 

“...You, too.” 

You sent him back in the box, still reeling from everything you learned.

Tags :
9 months ago
Commission For @arsene-fixates , Biiiig Fan Of Their Ship And I'm Honored To Make Some Art For It!! Will

Commission for @arsene-fixates , biiiig fan of their ship and I'm honored to make some art for it!! Will always be grateful for you introducing me to the Informant, what a handsome fellow <3

Tags :
9 months ago

His Soul (Chapter 13)

His Soul (Chapter 13)

I Would Rather Be Your Prisoner

Summary: After saving the abducted collectors, you were trusted with Curioso's box. What seems like a dangerous possession slowly turns into an opportunity to learn more about this creature and his curse. Can you earn his trust, and possibly, his affection?

Pairings: Curioso/Reader, Curioso/The Detective


You woke up that next morning with your mind still buzzing from everything you learned last night. You’d thought about it endlessly, determining how this would change your relationship with Curioso. You had a few questions you wanted answered, so you let the jester out for the morning and told him you were going to have some breakfast. He was happy to watch you move about your apartment, perching himself on your counter like he always did. He didn’t look to be affected at all with what he revealed to you. But how could he be, if this was the reality he had to live with for so long? 

It probably wasn’t as jarring to him as it was for you. 

“Hey,” You spoke up while pouring some orange juice. “I’ve been wondering a few things. You don’t mind me asking some more questions, do you?” 

“I don’t really have a choice, do I?” He answered playfully. 

“I mean, you do …I don’t want to overstep anything.” You winced as you replaced the container in the fridge. You hoped that wouldn’t be the case. “Did you ever see your family again? After what happened?”  

You took a seat at the table and started eating, choosing to watch him out of your peripheral vision. You didn’t want to make him uncomfortable by staring at him. Curioso shook his head.

“No. They saw me as a burden and wanted me gone. They were probably glad I went missing. I bet their lives got better when I wasn’t there.” 

You whipped around defensively. “I’m sure that’s not-” 

“-You saw it yourself, Detective. Everything in that memory is what I had to live with every day. My brother and my mother hated me. My father wasn’t in the picture, but if he was, I’m sure he’d despise me, too.” 

“But what if that wasn’t the case? What if your absence made them change and realize who they were missing?” Your mouth moved faster than you could think. “What if we went out to find them again-” 

“Not a chance in Hell! They’re probably old now, anyway.” 

You chewed on your lip in thought. “..What about Emily? Have you ever seen her again?” When he shook his head ‘no’, you pressed some more. “..What about finding her someday?” 

He hesitated. Something in your chest twisted anxiously in fear of his response. “I don’t feel too kindly about her anymore. She revealed my identity that day and ruined my life. It’s because of her I’m trapped in this curse. I don’t love her anymore.” 

Well…you couldn’t blame him for that. Your lips thinned into a line as you decided to stop your line of questioning. You finished your breakfast in silence while he watched you. You washed your plate in the sink and handed it to Curioso, who placed it on your drying rack. You smirked at the sight. At least he was being helpful. 

“I’ve got that appointment to get the book in a bit…you want to watch something to kill some time?” 

He nodded enthusiastically, following after you as you went to check the day’s programs. 

A few hours later, you were sitting in Audrey’s shop, enjoying a cup of hot chocolate and reading from your newly-obtained folder spread out on the table. You held a small doughnut in your left hand, which you nibbled on while you read. After some time, you had to set it down to digest what you were reading. Your friend came by to check on you and even poured you a second cup of the treat. You thanked her with a kind smile, which dropped the moment Audrey was out of your sight.

The translator did an excellent job and you saw to it that she was tipped appropriately. Your first impression was that it would be something simple - a list of ways to open and close the box, the patterns one would have to enter for it…but it was much more elaborate than that.

It wasn’t just about the box itself - it was about Curioso’s curse.

Admittedly, that part of the book was one you thoroughly read through, learning everything you could about your friend. The curse itself had an odd name you weren’t sure you could pronounce correctly, but it was where a victim’s soul was magically sealed in a box and acted as a servant to its user. It made the victim immortal, but at the cost of their physical being - they instead existed as a space, who could manipulate and possess objects. It ultimately rewarded them with magical powers - at a cost of their autonomy. 

It answered a lot of your suspicions. Now you were skimming the pages about the box itself…until you stumbled on the passage you were on now, which listed all the possible combinations and outcomes one could enter on the box.

One particular line caught your attention, which claimed that there were two types of ‘freedom’ .. Judging by what you read, Curioso was under what was called a ‘limited’ freedom, which meant that he could only be freed from the box at the owner’s control. A ‘temporary’ freedom, the book informed you, was where he could freely return and emerge from the box on his own accord, whereas his current situation was reliant wholly on who controlled it. 

It got the gears in your head turning. You searched some more through the book and found some material that made you…uncomfortable.

‘Victim’ was the best word you could describe Curioso, or anyone under this curse for that matter. You found a page describing a spell that could trap him forever in the box - and a few more pages listing ‘punishments’ that the user could give, should its servant disobey or rebel against them. Your stomach twisted as you read through a list of instructions on how to make the victim feel ‘pain’. At that point, you promptly snapped the book shut. 

..Is this why he didn’t want you to have the book? Did he think you were going to punish him? Make him feel pain? Just the thought made you feel sick. Why would you ever do that? He was your friend ! Not a… servant…

..But that’s what he was, wasn’t he? His purpose? His curse ? To serve and belong to the owner of whoever held his box? 

You decided to stop reading and paid the bill for your meal, leaving a tip for your friend and receiving the day’s newspaper in exchange. You opened your umbrella once you were outside, using it to shield yourself and your bag that held the book and translated folder. Your trip to the office took only a few minutes. You shook off the excess water as you headed inside. You hung up your coat and took off your gloves, climbing up the stairs quietly into your apartment. 

You’d left Curioso out of the box while you were gone. You trusted him not to do anything bad. But you wanted to get that impression out of your mind - he was your guest and friend now. It wouldn’t be right to keep assuming these things about him. But you couldn’t exactly erase his wrongdoings, either. You weren’t sure how to proceed with things…but you were hoping, with his good track record thus far, that he wouldn’t resort to anything bad again. 

..And besides, now that you learned more about his past and his curse, it was all making sense. That enchantress couldn’t have treated him well, trapping a vulnerable child and forcing him to serve her for decades. It made sense why he’d snap, but he took his anger out on innocent collectors…well, they all had their faults and things to certainly learn from, but he could’ve handled it… better! Agh ! It was too much to think about right now.

You opened your door and took off your shoes. You found the jester sitting on your couch with his hands folded in his lap. The window was open, which made the room a little humid, but you could also hear the sounds of the raindrops and occasional rumbles of thunder. When you stepped forward, his mask turned to you and he bowed his head. 

“Sorry, Detective. I just wanted to listen to the rain.” He confessed. You didn’t bother closing the window, sitting in your chair nearby and gently setting your bag down by your feet. 

“It’s fine. Were you outside?” 

You noticed that his hands were wet. He shook his mask. 

“I…had my hand outside to feel the drops. I apologize if that wasn't allowed.” 

“Well…” You bit your lip. “It might be safe for you to be on the balcony, if my neighbors aren’t home. Is that all you’ve been up to?” 

“Wondering about you , of course.” He turned to face you completely. “Have you finished the book?” 

“...Not exactly. I skimmed and read a bit of it.” You frowned as you leaned down to grab it and set it in your lap. “I need to ask. Have you read it yourself?” 

“Never. I wasn’t allowed to.” 

“..But you know what’s in it? Your reactions-” 

“Here’s the thing about the book , Detective-” He held up a long digit and gestured to it in your hands. “I only ever saw the Enchantress bring that out when it was bad . Awful things happened when she used it. Does that make sense?”

You winced as your eyes fell to the cover. Yes. It did. 

“Look…” Your voice softened. You decided to get up and change seats. You were next to him now. He made a brief flinch and leaned away from you, which you ignored. “Whatever you thought I was going to do with this book, I’m not. I just wanted to learn about you. And now I know about your curse.” 

He sighed. Which was an interesting sound and sight, because he had no lungs to do it, but he made it possible, anyway. “I never read it, but I knew it meant bad things. I didn’t want you to resort to her methods…” 

“I get that. Look…would it make you feel better if I read it to you? I mean, is it possible for you to follow the instructions?” 

“I have no control over the box. Only the owner of my soul does, which is you , now.” 

You leaned forward, intrigued. “Does that mean Willy owned your soul when he got the box? Did Andrew own it when he had it, too?” 

“Neither of them did. You see, Detective, it’s part of the seal to my curse. It’s the only control I have over it. Anyone can own the box, but I am not their servant until they own me. I allowed you full ownership of my soul…and let you trap me.” 

“Wouldn’t you have been trapped, anyway, if they didn’t own your soul? Since no one could take you out?” 

“If being stuck in that box was my alternative to being owned by somebody I didn’t want , then it wasn’t much of a trap to me.” He answered adamantly. “But letting someone own my soul…I wanted that to be my choice , for once.” 

Your mouth fell agape in surprise. “So, you let me own your soul? Why?” 

“I would rather be in your hands than left to be in many others for the rest of my life. On shelves or in garbage somewhere. With you, at least I know I’m safe.” 

Your heart thudded rapidly in your chest, completely mesmerized by this creature sitting beside you. “You trust me that much?”

“You’re the only one that I can ,” He replied softly. 

You stared at him for a minute with moistened eyes before swallowing and moving your sight back to the book. You reached over to grab the translations and opened it before you two. “Okay, even if you can’t do anything, I think you at least have the right to know what I can and can’t do.” 

“Are you sure you want to show me all this?” Despite his hesitancy, he was eagerly reading what you opened to him. “You’d have no control over me..I’d know everything you’re doing.”

“As you should!” You replied firmly. “That Enchantress had no right to hide this book from you and hurt you with it. You deserve to know what your owner’s doing, if they won’t tell you.” 

He looked awestruck with you. You cleared your throat as you moved your attention back to the page, pointing to the lines and reading them out to him. The two of you got to discuss the book openly, and Curioso seemed very appreciative of this. You still couldn’t believe he’d never read it and only saw it when he was getting punished…it was all terrible. You were determined to make things better for him and get to him to understand the situation he was in. 

While you two were reading, something occurred to you and you looked at him. “So, wait. How did this book end up here if it belonged to the Enchantress?” 

He clapped his hands together and sat back in the cushions. “It was a very wicked thing. She wanted to see to it that no one but her could ever own my soul - so I would be trapped in that box for the rest of my existence. She even put a spell on the book so no one else could read it, so that I truly belonged to her.”

“My god…” 

“Willy got a little nosy when he bought the box. He looked around her belongings when she left and grabbed anything he thought was valuable. I saw the whole thing happen. It was a good thing, anyway, so I could keep track of it. 

“So if she encrypted the book, and Andrew couldn’t read it, how did you escape?” 

“I guess it was a bit of a loophole..! Since I grew obsessed with collecting things of my own conjuration, my magical aura got powerful and allowed me to escape. I didn’t know I could break free, but I sure as Hell am glad I did.” 

“But if Andrew didn’t own your soul and couldn’t control the box, then why did you destroy it?” 

“To give me my complete freedom..! If the box was out of the way, I would never have to go back in it. I intended to never return to that thing, but…you beat me in that game for my soul, so here we are.” 

“Well…” You dropped your head to look back at the pages. “I’ll make sure it’s not all that bad. In fact, I think I’m going to give you temporary freedom from now on.” 

Little flames flashed in his sockets. “You will?” 

“Yeah, that way, I don’t have to keep looking around for that combination to let you out. You can just…come and go as you please.” You narrowed your eyes. “That is, if you agree not to cause any trouble and stay in this building. We still need to have an agreement before I do anything.” 

“Oh, of course..!” He sounded excited. “I will work on your terms!” 

“And since you are a servant, I think you should start doing some chores around here.” Your smile was smug. 

“Detective, I am more than happy to do all of these things…I just have one thing I want to ask in return.” 

At this, the smile was wiped from your face and you sat up attentively. “What’s that?” 

“You remember when you brought me on that case with you?” You nodded, still a little on edge remembering how that ended. “Can you… will you…bring me with you on another? I so enjoy watching you do your detective work, and I’d like to help! I can even be your partner..!” 

Your eyes widened. “Really? Even after what I did?” 

“All water under the bridge.” He sounded like he genuinely meant it, which relieved you. “I’ll be a very good boy if you make good on this promise. That's all I really want.” 

“I’m surprised you’re not asking me to just destroy the box and have you be done with it.” 

He slouched in his seat. “It can never be completely destroyed. You were able to reconstruct it for a reason…I’m afraid, I’ll never have my freedom again.” 

You fidgeted with the end of the page shyly. “You’re free with me .” 

“-Under the condition that I stay only here and out of sight...” 

“Alright, I get it. But can you blame me? You scare people. You nearly made Audrey faint when she saw you..!” 

You meant this lightheartedly, but it affected him more than you intended. He looked down as his posture fell. “I know I do. I’m no longer human and I never can be. I understand why it needs to be this way, but it doesn’t mean I’m still not a prisoner.” 

You hesitated before reaching over and patting him on the shoulder. The same sensation as before reached your hand. “I promise to make things better, at least. For one - you’re not my servant. You’re my friend . And two - I care about you and I promise to never hurt you.” 

His teeth moved over to you. But you didn’t even notice them with the way you were determinedly looking into his mask. “That’s a big promise you’re making.”

“And I intend to keep it.” 

He looked away for a moment before turning back to you. “What do you get out of this, exactly? What is your goal in treating me this way?” 

You blinked in surprise. You hadn’t expected such a serious question. “I believe you can be better. You were just mistreated. I can’t blame you for lashing out at the world which had done you wrong, but…I want to show you that it’s good, too. That not everyone is corrupted by their collections or want something out of you.” 

He took you aback by taking your hand and clutching it close to himself. You jumped at the tight grip, but it wasn’t hurting you. You looked up at him in alarm and he simply grinned, moving closer towards your face. 

“You are the only person who has been so kind to me, Detective,” He stopped only when you were inches away. “I will make sure the favor is repaid.” 

You didn’t know what he meant, but you had a feeling it was going to be a good thing.

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9 months ago

The Art of a Moment

The Art Of A Moment

Summary: This wasn't art.

A look into one of the most intense moments of the game, in Sam's perspective.


Sam clutched his handbag close when he faced the cold weather outside, shivering involuntarily at the gust of wind that hit him and wiping his nose using the end of his sleeve for the seventh time. The weather was the last thing on his mind right now; he was focused on saving the love of his life and solving the puzzles of this masked maniac. It was hard enough to constantly keep track of what items he had and where he needed to go. His mind was always working and thinking - he doubted he would have a moment of rest until Anna was back in his arms. 

He entered the generator and the intercom above flashed a green light. He was met with the familiar voice of Oscar: 

“I heard once that true art lives in a sparkling moment… that it’s a flash, leaving a bright trace, and is remembered for a lifetime… it never becomes routine…. Do you understand what I mean, Sam?”

He was going on about art and immortality again. Sam really couldn’t care about Oscar’s monologuing. He was constantly putting himself and his ‘art’ on a pedestal. It was enough to have to see the embalmed vessels of dead bodies, but he also had to put up with this man’s justifications for them. He didn’t care how it was done - murder was murder , and he was going to put an end to this bloodshed of young people. 

Sam was grateful for the green scarf wrapped around his person, as he had to return indoors and re-enter the freezer so he could smash some ice to obtain what was underneath. As he reeled back into position, wielding the icepick in both hands, he could hear a voice enabling him from around the room: 

“Go on, Sam, smash that anger out of you, but things are going to change… soon.” 

 And maybe he did. Maybe those grunts weren’t out of exhaustion, but of anger , of realizing what predicament he was in, of thinking of all those innocent people immortalized in green chambers. From musing how a murderer like Oscar could convince himself that thieving these people of their lives to entertain his sick view of mortality was nothing but a favor done to the victims he claimed. 

Sam scowled as he dropped the icepick. Anna was what was important. He could deal with all of this later. 

He pressed a button and a keycard emerged from the frozen device. He knew what it was for. He traversed the house and returned to a locked room he previously could not access. He slid the keycard in and was prompted to enter a code. He grabbed his journal and flipped through the pages until he found the combination he’d written down. A smart move - he had a hard time memorizing what he came across with all that was going on. 


The moment he entered the code, the door unlocked itself and he threw it open impatiently. He was once again taunted by the cool voice from the intercom above: 

“Ready or not..!” 

This was nothing more than a sick game to him..!

Sam grit his teeth angrily as he moved forward. Anger was a very powerful thing, something he normally did not feel to such a degree, and he felt it pooling more and more inside of himself. He’d reported on stories that sickened him and exposed unjustful doings of people and companies…but nothing stirred him like this . 

He wasn’t surprised to find himself in a rubber room. Someone like Oscar probably needed it. The door across from him was open and feeding light into the dim room. He could see a sliver of elaborate wallpaper beyond it and determined that it led somewhere new. As he moved to cross the threshold, the door suddenly slammed shut - trapping Sam in the padded cell. The light above him flickered off, closing him in complete darkness. 

His heart raced as his eyes widened, overcome with a sense of fear. Yes, Oscar must have control over the doors and lights. It made sense, if he had gone through the trouble of wiring up his intercom system and placing these puzzles everywhere. But he hadn’t done anything like this before - and it took Sam completely aback. 

He had no time to react any further. Oscar’s voice became the only sound in the room. The giddiness in his tone made Sam’s stomach twist unpleasantly. 

“Well, I’ve decided, Sam. I decided to try a new kind of art. The art of a moment will fill the house today. Get ready..!” 

There was a pause, although he was not done recording. Sam took this opportunity to attempt to find a handle on the door, but there was none. He tried banging on it but it did not budge. It was clear that the only way it would move was when Oscar decided to control it again. 

He listened intently to the sound of the killer’s own footsteps. He was clearly walking down a hallway, as Sam recognized the sound of heels hitting hard tile. Why was he still recording if he wasn’t speaking? Whatever was coming next didn’t bode well, and the journalist found himself holding his breath and tensing every muscle in his body so as to prepare for it. 

Oscar started speaking again, but it clearly wasn’t to Sam. There was the sound of glasses moving, of murmured voices and conversation carried far in the background. Were there…other people here? Besides him ? 

“Distinguished guests, as you all know, today I prepared a private presentation of my new variety of Goldvale Whiskey. Its wonderful taste and aroma will astound you. So let us drink.” 

He listened - horrified - to the audible sound of clinking glasses. There were groans, he even heard a voice asking ‘what was that? ’, before the recording was overcome with coughing and exclamations of agony. There was the sound of tables being knocked over, glasses shattering on the floor, woman audibly fainting and exclaiming…Sam processed all this with his jaw agape and desperately tried at the door again. No matter how much he pounded and attempted to rip at the padded walls with his fingernails…nothing happened. 

He didn’t even know when he started screaming. He was exclaiming at the top of his lungs to warn those people to get out of there - don’t drink the whiskey! - this was a murdering madman and they were at his mercy!!! 

The column he’d written in the Wellshire Telegraph briefly flashed before his eyes. His warning to the public, of the man who moved in the same rich, highly educated circles who was firm in conviction. That he could be anyone - even naming a random situation like a business partner inviting someone to a charity dinner in his mansion. He compared him to a chameleon - changing to fit his surroundings, suspecting him to reside in a country mansion. 

Has Oscar gained inspiration from his column? His random example of masking himself and inviting others to dinner? Except now it was a whiskey presentation? 

Sam wanted to pull his hair. He wanted to scream his lungs out. The murderer’s voice rang over the intercom, sounding disgusted and disappointed with what just happened. 

“And they call this The Art? Mass murderers are not worthy to stand with me! Oh, now I ruined so many beautiful showpieces and I will never forgive myself for that!” 

The light flickered back on and the door opened again. Sam hesitated before moving out and into the room that he had been sealed from. A horrifying sight greeted him - five bodies laying limply on the couches and chairs, facing a table with a bottle of poisoned whiskey and four full shot glasses. He could see the shattered remains of one by one of the bodies, who had dropped his share in the fit of the moment. 

He was in a room full of dead bodies. Not one embalmed and dressed person - but several people, who had been breathing and talking mere minutes ago. The aura of death reeked heavily here and he could almost taste it on his tongue. He feared touching them because he knew they would still be warm. They were fresh and effective kills - not a sight of a massacre, but several murders, nonetheless. 

As his eyes studied the scene, widened and full of discernment, Oscar’s voice surfaced in the room. 

“Are you condemning me? Well…I must admit you’re right. That was…sloppy.” 

Sloppy . 

That was how he was going to describe it? Because they weren’t preserved pieces of ‘art’? Oscar single handedly poisoned five people by hosting a fake presentation, while also monitoring and steering Sam in this gigantic circle of a puzzle. How and when did this happen? Had he planned for this to happen, and have him witness the sounds of people dying? 

He felt sick. He felt numb. He had no idea how to grasp this situation as his eyes hovered over the slumped bodies. He started imagining Anna as one of them, eyes shut and no longer moving. Just the thought caused him to retch a little in his mouth, and he adamantly turned away from the sight. 

His hand shook as he went to record this in his journal. 

This wasn’t art.

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9 months ago

WHY am i so picky with hidden object games. Like I know I need to play and find more of them but each time I play a free trial of some new HOPA game I'm always looking at it like this

WHY Am I So Picky With Hidden Object Games. Like I Know I Need To Play And Find More Of Them But Each

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