And This Fic Right Here Did Exactly That - Tumblr Posts
Sunflowers | Lee Haechan

soulmate au
pairing: haechan x reader
warnings: character death, hanahaki disease, mentions of blood, one sided love, angst
word count: 1.8k
genre: angst
sypnosis: When you find your soulmate everything falls into place and you're guaranteed a happy ever after....right?
You feel the familiar feeling rise in your chest. The burning sensation in your throat becomes stronger and stronger. It has already been months since it started but you still can't get used to it.
You excuse yourself and run to the bathroom. Each step feels heavier as the pain becomes unbearable from trying to hold in your cough.
As soon as you step into the bathroom you let everything out. The petals keep coming and you feel like you'll pass out any minute.
Much to your horror, the usual bright yellow coloured petals are a deep shade of red this time. Only by the little specks peeking through here and there you can tell that they are sunflowers.
The first few weeks you were fine. But as the weeks turned into months you started to become weaker. And it became much harder to hide.
You would expect that in a world where your significant other was decided for you before you were even born, everything would be easy. As most people would even dedicate their whole life to finding their soulmate.
You too had always dreamed about bonding with your special someone. And unexpectedly that day came when you met Haechan.
The moment you locked eyes everything seemed to fall into place. As if the world around you seemed to move in slow motion. And he was the center of it all.
The more time you spent with him, the more sure you were. It felt different when you were together. It felt like you have known each other forever. He’d understand you and you would too.
The way he looked at you, you could have sworn he felt it too. That he knew what was going on inside of your head. So you finally ask him.
“Do you believe in soulmates?”
You feel the butterflies go wild in your stomach waiting for his answer.
“No,” he says.
“I don’t think everyone in our world is meant to have one. And I believe that I’m one of them, I think it's an idea created by people who seek fulfillment in others. But I don't think you need anyone for that” he states.
You bite back the confession lying on the tip of your tongue as his indirect rejection hits you hard. That's when the butterflies turn into a sharp pain and it becomes harder to breathe.
That was the day it all started. The first time you had coughed up flowers. The first time you understood what was happening to you.
You've always believed that if something was meant for you, one way or another it would come to you.
So you held on to the hope you had. But as time went on, you started to doubt that. Because while you became sicker by the day. He started developing feelings for someone else.
At first, she was just the new girl in town. But once she started working at the same place as Hachan, they became closer as ever. And it started going downhill from there. They started hanging out more and you started seeing Haechan less.
You even noticed how the way Haechan looked at you changed. He was still there for you whenever you needed him. But you saw how the spark in his eyes was only reserved for her.
The knock on the door brings you back from your thoughts. You see your hands covered in your blood and the floor around you is filled with sunflowers.
Standing up you look at yourself in the mirror and see blood covering your whole mouth while a few petals stick to your chin. And that's the first time in your life you feel pity towards yourself.
You know that your life is on the line but you don't even know how much time you have left. Small tears start to fall silently as if they emphasize with you.
For a moment you let yourself cry, allowing your pain to ease.
But that doesn't last long when you hear another knock on the door. Pulling yourself together you clean up everything and decide to go to the one place you felt at peace.
"You're here once again," Haechan says as he sits down next to you.
"I wanted some fresh air," you tell him.
He looks at you with a worried expression and asks "Are you alright? Something seems off with you these days."
You look back at him and a million things come to your mind. Everything you want to say to him lays on the tip of your tongue once again.
But when the image of him looking at her flashes your mind. Nothing comes out of you. All of it shatters into a million pieces.
So you just put on a fake smile and lie to him.
"It was getting too hot inside which made my head dizzy, But I'm okay now."
"Alright, but tell me if something is up, okay? We're best friends, I have to know," he tells you while smiling back at you.
You nod at him and stare into the void as his words keep repeating inside of your head. "We're best friends, we're best friends, we're best friends..." as if they're mocking you and your pitiful situation.
"Do you like sunflowers that much? I keep finding you here," he asks as he looks to the field in front of you.
The question breaks you more than you imagined.
After a moment of silence when you feel like your voice is stable enough again, you answer him.
"Yes, I do."
"Why?" he asks again.
"Because I'm envious of them," you tell him.
He gives you a confused look and you laugh at him as he furrows his brows and tries to think of why you would be.
"I'm envious of them because they follow their sun across the sky as their sun shines back at them. And every single day he comes back to do the same." You explain to him.
"That's a beautiful way of looking at them. Although I'm not sure about the being envious part" he laughs.
"They are my favourite too."
You didn't have the heart to tell him that you already knew that.
"My grandparents had a field just like this one. We would always pick the seeds together but I was too small to reach the top. So my granddad made me this small ladder with a bucket attached to it. I would always be the last one to finish because I couldn't pick them as fast as everyone else. But my granny always waited for me without saying anything, even though she was tired from working all day." he reminisces with a smile on his face.
"You would have been so cute trying to reach them with your small hands," you say.
"Of course I was! I have always been cute" he says proudly.
Which makes you laugh even if you roll your eyes at him.
But the cute moment doesn't last long as his phone starts ringing. You see how his eyes shine when her name appears on the screen. And you feel your throat burning again.
"I have to go, they're waiting for me," he tells you. "It's okay, I had plans too" you lie again.
You wait until he is out of sight and start coughing once again. But this time you don't see any specks of yellow anymore.
Comforting yourself with the thought that at least Haechan is happy even if it isn't with you, you decide to write him a letter. Pouring all of your feelings into it so you won't have any regrets when you leave.
The more time Haechan spends with her, he starts to rethink his stance on soulmates. Because when he is with her, he feels like his soul is at peace.
So he decides to tell her. But when the words come out of his mouth, they leave a very unpleasant taste in his mouth.
You drop your pen on the desk as you feel the string that is connected to your heart is cut off, and you finally let go.
You close your eyes as your head falls onto your desk that is filled with beautiful sunflowers covered in blood and the letter addressed to Haechan.
When Haechan gets a call about you, his head starts to spin as his vision blurs and the unpleasant taste comes back.
On the day of your funeral, he stays with you even if everyone else has left. Still not being able to accept that you're gone, he blames himself for not being there for you.
A fresh set of tears roll down his face as he remembers your face that showed all the signs that something was wrong.
"She wanted you to have this," your brother says as he gives Haechan the letter you wrote.
For a while, he only stares at his name on the envelope written in your handwriting. Then he opens it and starts to read.
He feels a pain in his chest he's never felt before. As if someone has cut off a piece of his heart.
"My dear sunshine,
I always thought that I would get to tell you all of this myself one day sooner or later. Or maybe I just hoped for it, because somewhere in the back of my mind I did know that day would never come. Especially after I saw how happy you were.
I don't seem to have much time, a couple of months ago I discovered that I have the disease. And every day it becomes harder to breathe.
But I want you to know that you made me happy too, very happy. The day we met I got the feeling that everyone always told me about. The one we grew up hearing about. The one you feel when you finally meet your soulmate.
I admit, you not feeling the same way broke my heart. I always thought that from that moment on I would never experience pain again. But life doesn't always go as you think.
But I don't blame you for anything and I don't want you to blame yourself either. Because you taught me a lot and made even the dull moments beautiful. For that, I will always be thankful.
Thank you for being my soulmate Haechan.
Let's meet each other on the other side of the stars, maybe there is another chance waiting for us there."
The letter falls out of his hand. And everything starts to make sense.
The way you would call him your sun, the conversation you had that day, the flowers, your expression when he started talking about her, and why you seemed so off.
Everything became so clear now.
He starts to sob uncontrollably while he falls onto his knees. His lungs begin to burn and he starts coughing.
That's when he sees brightly yellow coloured petals all around him.
Tagging: @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l