Animorphs - Tumblr Posts
What if you ended up losing a leg? Can you get a prosthetic one? Would that affect how much time you spend eating due to the loss of a hoof?

[Korr: Sort of? (Gods forbid.) Prosthetics definitely exist, but…Korr: …they’re probably not as advanced as they could be. And yeah, food would be a little annoying.
Korr: It doesn’t really matter what’s available back home, though. I don’t know where I would get something like that here.]
Some humans walk over hot coals barefoot

Korr: *inhale*
Korr: I don’t know how you humans have survived for so long, but something in me admires your sheer tenacity.
((A/N: Apologies for the quality drop; photos turned blurry for some reason.))
In your opinion, what would be the worst morph to be trapped in?

Korr: Well, being a nothlit in any form but my own would be truly awful. Why would I ever want to live as anything but an Andalite? But out of my current morphs…
Korr: Probably one of the bugs. (A hiveminder would be worse, but I don’t have any of those acquired.)
I mean, Humans didn't start right of doing those things Korr. Someone had to invent those ideas. by the way, the 'knifeshoes' are called ice skates. I wouldn't recommend trying it, mainly because it requires a skilled balance I'm sure someone only morphed human wouldn't achieve. Heck, I'm a real human and I enjoy slipping on the ice more than skating on it. By the way, have you tasted human food yet?

Korr: I suppose that makes sense. I have enough trouble tailless and with two hooves - feet - even on solid ground.
Korr: And oh, yes! Human taste buds are really quite marvelous.
Are Andalites okay with same gender relationships?

Korr: Oh, yes. Andalite society usually has no issue with it. In fact, it’s considered normal for adults to have partners of both binary genders at some point.
Korr: Of course, you’ve always got stiff-tailed puritans, but those crop up in every society.
Korr: Certainly nothing like the obsession some humans have over it. Goodness.
Have you ever talked to a tree? (There are semi-sentient trees on your homeworld, right?)

Korr: Yes, but it’s… been a while.
Korr: The trees here are… really nothing like home.
Korr: I do have a Garibah, a Guide Tree, back home. An old therant tree named Kama Sehr. I miss resting under its branches, listening to it sing in the wind, reading its vines and bark. Kama Sehr always was a good listener.
Korr: I left Kama Sehr - and most of the rest of my family - behind on the Andalite homeworld.
Do Andalites have any kind of pets on their home world like humans do with their domesticated species?

Korr: Andalites never really domesticated any species. No need. Anyway, not much can keep up with us.

A N I M O R P H S { but make it pretentious }
M A R C O ↪ black m a m b a : it will swallow everything . d e v o u r the world w h o l e .
R A C H E L ↪ the g o d d e s s of w a r . legend, obscurity, or horror story .
J A K E ↪ n o n e will love the b u t c h e r . don’t take it too personally .
C A S S I E ↪ all the b i r d s return in the s p r i n g , listen to them s i n g i n g : robin, blackbird, lark, and wren, whistling, piping, h o m e a g a i n .
T O B I A S ↪ mother make me a b i r d o f p r e y .
A X I M I L I ↪ your h u m a n i t y is the largest b u r d e n you will bear .
kids book are insane because they'll have corny jokes and simple writing (affectionate) then a description on a god eating a man's heart
Animorphs are the best ever books to read about awesome psychological torture from body alterations and sharing your brain with a non-human psyche, psychological torture from hidden enemies that can be anyone, including your own immediate family, that want to kill you horrifically, psychological torture about body dysmorphia from being trapped as a bird of prey that has all the needs and biology of a bird of prey, including eating and sexual attraction, and knowing you are trapped by your own mistake, all the psychological torture that comes with guerilla warfare, psychological torture from near omnipotent eldritch horrors that have beef with you and your friends, specifically, and the psychological torture of being an American teenager with hormones and feelings and thoughts and things.... they also have gay and trans allegories!
I love these books so very, very much.

Guys, guys, let’s get back into Animorphs!!!
Some more Animorphs Spoilers:
Atlantis is real.
Animorphs Spoilers:
Jake doesn’t make the basketball team.
“I guess the visions made the Visser cranky. He was on the mother ship at the time and decided to shove a Hork-Bajir out of an airlock because he broke the Visser’s concentration.”
Animorphs: The Message

Visser three needs to learn to control his temper lol