Anon Oct 024 - Tumblr Posts

4 months ago

Sorry to bother you but the Rules tag in Tag dump #1 just takes me back to Tag dump #1 instead of your rules list.

Anonymous ask

//You're not bothering me at all for that. I deleted my mobile rules and plan on rewriting the post in the morning due to additions and some information I wanted to properly portray on both mobile and hard rules pages. As soon as I wake up and come back from work I'll A. post the rules as it's own post with the rules tag and update those rules as well.

For quick ease here's a small rundown before bed.

1.) Don’t be a dick (that’s my job/JK)

2) There will be NO interaction with users under the age of 18

3.) No god-modding (i.e. my character can do this because, fuck you)

4.) Crossover and obviously OC friendly

5.) This is a hobby, so I reserve the right to drop threads but I'll make sure I inform you as I hope you'd do for me

6.) Any questions, ask. Inbox is always open

7) Please respect both Mun and Muse

8.) Lewd under readmore

9.) There are certain narratives that are 100% banned from being written within here. these narratives are as follows: incest, pedophilia, grooming, abuse, mass shootings, rape, sexual harassment, sexual assault, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and antisemitism.

10.) Straight rps only, no M/M

11.)  I don’t believe in holding grudges and I’m pretty understanding if you wish to drop a thread or a ship - there’s a multitude of reasons why and I completely get that and try my best to be understanding about it - with that being said, if you do wish to drop a thread or a ship or any sort pre-plotted thing we had going on, please let me know in private beforehand - I’m not a mind reader and this isn’t exactly the sort of thing I like to be surprised with.  I would do the same for you and as I said, there are no hard feelings or grudges on my end, I just appreciate being told privately beforehand.

12. Two week rule applies for ongoing threads, if I haven't replied then, please poke me.

13. I only rp on my blog, not on discord; sorry.

Rules would be added, as needed;

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4 months ago

Do you do RP on Discord or IM on tumblr? I didn't see anything about it in the rules you posted and wanted to know.

Anonymous ask

Do You Do RP On Discord Or IM On Tumblr? I Didn't See Anything About It In The Rules You Posted And Wanted

// No sorry, Discord is for OOC chatting and IM/DM's are for planning, after all I put alot of work into the blog to go on discord and rp. Never really liked the formatting on discord for rping.

So sorry but not really sorry, I rp solely on the blog created. And again the rules are being updated. //

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