Anthony Perkins - Tumblr Posts

point proven

some times I leave posts in the drafts cuz I just don't have the power to put these stupid ass brainrot tags 😭

come with me dance my dear
winters so cold this year
and u are so warm
my winter time love, you'll be ♡♡♡

he doesn't "suffer" from autism. He excels in it
“I’m dumb but I’m romantic” TONY I LOVE YOU

Anthony Perkins in "Someone behind the door" 1971 dir. Nicolas Gessner.
Genuinely getting upset thinking about how Anthony Perkins contracted AIDs but he didn’t even know it until it was in a fucking newspaper article and just how shitty AIDs patients were treated in the 1980s because of the AIDs crisis
I let tiktok filters pick the movie and song for a fancam and thought some of you weirdos (affectionate) might enjoy this

I have learned more about love, selflessness and human understanding from the people I have met in this great adventure in the world of AIDS than I ever did in the cutthroat, competitive world in which I spent my life.
Anthony Perkins
Whatever you say, living a double life is better than denying your nature.
Today it is easier to be open about your sexual inclinations, at least for certain kinds of passion.

Anthony Perkins, "Psycho" (Alfred Hitchcock, 1960)

Paul Newman cooking eggs for Anthony Perkins, 1958, photographed by Leonard McCombe
Psycho (1960) by Alfred Hitchcock, music by Bernard Herrmann, with Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh

Jane Fonda & Anthony Perkins

Anthony Perkins, "Psycho" (Alfred Hitchcock, 1960)

Anthony Perkins (1932 - 1992)

PSYCHO (1960) dir. Alfred Hitchcock

“We all go a little mad sometimes…”
Psycho (1960)

The Black Hole (1979)
This is a weird and strange sci-fi/horror movie that scared me as a kid. I watched it again to see if a Disney movie could be a horror film. It’s not as terrifying to me now, but waaaaay creepy. If you’re trying to make your own Star Wars, best not to feature scary music, part human-part robot people, or Maximilian Schell in crazed maniac-mode. Also, best not to have one of the creepiest robots of all time (I’m looking at you Maximilian) next to one of the cutest (Vincent is freaking adorable!).
Robert Forster and his crew (including Yvette Mimieux, Ernest Borgnine, Anthony Perkins and Joseph Bottoms) get pulled off track by a black hole. When they try to scan the area, they come across Schell’s ship that just seems to be hanging around outside of it. Turns out it’s a lost American probe ship that’s been missing for 20 years and also had Yvette’s father as crew member. Against Forster’s instincts, they go take a look.
It’s not long before the crew is introduced to Schell’s creepy robot army of sentinels and black robed worker bees. They also meet his giant, evil robot servant (master?), Maximilan, that controls all the robots. Schell’s goal is to travel through the black hole and discover what’s inside of it. Unfortunately, it’s made him insane. Forster just wants to repair his ship and get the heck out of there. Too bad Schell’s not quite ready to let non-believers go so easily.
Soon we get extended laser gun fights as Forster and crew try to escape. Perkins (actually playing a normal smart doctor) wants to stay and work with Schell - that is until he realizes that the black-robed worker robots are the former crew members that weren’t hip to Schell’s plan to take over the universe. When he tries to get out, Maximilian kills him.
Eventually, Forster and crew escape (after Borgnine turns coward and tries to escape without the others, resulting in their ship being destroyed), leaving Schell to go through the black hole alone. Too bad a really weird asteroid shower (why are the asteroids glowing red? Why isn’t everyone killed immediately when the hull is breached?) destroys what’s left of the ship.
Forster and crew and also pulled into the black hole, but after a truly trippy adventure, they manage to get through alright. Meanwhile, Schell manages to meld with Maximilian and become a real humanoid/robot as they seem to be left to rule Hell (?) in the middle of the black hole.
This is such a weird, strange movie, that really is not intended for kids. The cute robot, Vincent (voiced by Roddy McDowall) does help save things. I’m sure he’s based on R2D2 from Star Wars, but he’s great in his own right. Plus, Mimieux can mentally chat with him! He makes a friend in a similar robot, named Bob (voiced by Slim Pickens) that was badly mistreated by Maximilian and the other robots. When Bob sacrifices himself to save the others, it just made me want to cry.
After watching this movie years after being traumatized as a kid, it’s really not as scary as I thought. It’s still hella creepy and strange. Apparently, Disney tried to license some toys, but I imagine that didn’t go very far at all. Great to see Robert Forster playing a heroic captain (such a great actor and he will be missed) and Roddy McDowall saves the day as the voice of Vincent. I almost wish we could get spin-off Vincent adventures. Are you listening, Disney +?!