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2 years ago

Seems I kicked the TERFs nest

Seems I Kicked The TERFs Nest
Seems I Kicked The TERFs Nest
Seems I Kicked The TERFs Nest
Seems I Kicked The TERFs Nest

Honey, Trans women ARE women! Narrow-minded bigots like you have no right to decide who or who does not deserve feminism!

Trans women are valid and deserve a place in feminism.

Funny how you claim not to “slut shame” only to earlier vilify prostitution and sexual expression. After all, you also describe yourself as “kink critical” and “anti-porn”.

Using the “Trans women are men praying on innocent girls” myth? Seriously, if you were a real feminist (which as we all know, you are not), you would know that is utter DOGCRAP invented by the far-right and their pawns (like you) to hurt trans women because-let’s face it-you never cared about the safety of anyone but your own ego so you needed a scapegoat.

Your bio says “Anti-porn”. Porn is sex work so yes, you are a slut shamer.

You’re bio says “Gender Critical” and “Gender Critical” is just a fancy way of saying “Trans Exclusionary Radical (fake)Feminist”. In other words, you are an out-and-proud TERF.

Denying the rights and existence of trans women? demonizing sex work? Claiming to hate the patriarchy even though your anti-trans bigotry helps serve it even more? Congratulations! You truly are a puritanical fascist. 

“I’m a feminist who actually supports women and cares about the rights of women” Ah, no you’re not. If you were an actual feminist, you would care about the rights of ALL women, including trans women. 

“Pathetic asshole?”, “Internalized misogyny?” *breaks into uncontrollable laughter* Dear sweet summer child, everyone can see the only pathetic asshole with severe internalized misogyny is you. 

This here, is also you:

Seems I Kicked The TERFs Nest
Seems I Kicked The TERFs Nest
Seems I Kicked The TERFs Nest
Seems I Kicked The TERFs Nest
Seems I Kicked The TERFs Nest
Seems I Kicked The TERFs Nest

In short, Trans women ARE, HAVE BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE women, and screw you infinitely for thinking otherwise.

@mack3030, @anachrosims, @xldkx, @deir-emmett, @th0rki, @jupina-baby, @simdertalia, @skatermusic, @shiraz0, @dairingly-different, @dianarox22, @pinkys-plan, @naughtybodypillow, @echo-adler​ , @staff​ and many more: Block and report @radkindoffeminist and her blog for cyber-harassment and transphobic hate speech.

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2 years ago

there are certain questions that you can ask people and make assumptions about their entire belief system off the answer, because if you have a foul opinion on that then you're going to have some absolutely foul opinions about other things. for example ask a feminist what their stance on sex work is.

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8 months ago

the biggest thing i don’t understand about sw3rfs is a lot of them are pro choice for the same reason i am pro sex work.

Banning abortion doesn’t mean abortions will stop, it means abortions will become unsafe and someone in need of an abortion will be forced to put themselves in danger.

Sex workers deserve the right to their job. They deserve the right to have safe encounters, std testing of their clients, and protection from sexual assault. Sex work is real work and legalizing it will put more protections into place.

Banning sex work will not stop it from happening, it just makes it unsafe for the worker.

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8 months ago

Sex work is like abortion, you make it illegal you don't make it disappear you just make it unsafer

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7 months ago

Puritanism is getting worse around the globe and conservatives and fascists will absolutely be first going harder against porn, then use that against queer people. You HAVE to realise this and oppose anti porn measures and laws, be in solidarity with sex workers, and listen to them when they call this shit out. It's going to be vitally important.

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