Anti Radfem - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

"Aphrodite loves terfs" do you really think a goddess of love formed from a literal penis and the mother of Hermaphroditus, an intersex god who was associated with androgyny and feminine men, fucks around with transphobia?

she is a literal trans icon and to deny that will get you smited by all the gods

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1 year ago

Also, being a lesbian radfem is fucking ironic, because they're acting like radical feminism didn't see and labeled lesbians as hypersexuals and a patriarchy replica for the masc/butch & fem labels and relationships.

why is it that the terf lesbians are always the most disgusting, unashamed and vitriolic in their hatred. terf lesbians imply that sleeping with trans women is a form of a corrective rape and that trans people are disgusting perverts for simply existing. wild.

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1 year ago

That's what I've been saying on my post. Misandry is a result of patriarchy. If you abuse someone, they'll obviously hate you, sooner or later. But you should not bring that to your feminism.

we should not, in fact, bring back man-hating feminism

like you can say your post isn't a safe place for radfems and terfs all you want but you specifically said we should bring back man-hating feminism

man-hating feminism hates trans women of color first and foremost.

man-hating feminism hates muslim men, trans men, intersex people. and i say this again, most of all, man-hating feminism hates trans women of color more than anyone. (more on this point)

we do not need to bring that back. the idea of bringing that back should sicken you. it should anger you. it should be unthinkable that you would support that.

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1 year ago

When in reality they are white, cis women who are straight but appropriate from lesbian culture because liking men is wrong, in their words.

TERFs want to be oppressed for being a TERF so bad and it shows

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1 year ago

You forgot to add: They're also racist and extremely ableist.

Just a bit of a reminder: 'Radical Feminism' is not simply 'any feminism that is radical' or 'any feminism based on radical politics', it refers to a very specific branch of feminism centred on bioessentialist ideas, and that views misogyny as the central, most important form of oppression throughout history to the detriment of any other marginalised groups. It is overwhelmingly anti-porn and anti-kink. It rejects any queer label that doesn't meet its prescriptivist definitions, excluding anything beyond their rigid criteria for lesbians, gays, and bisexuals.

Unfortunately, we're not yet at a point where we could reclaim the term, you're best bet is to specify the school of thought ala 'intersectional feminism', 'Marxist feminism' or 'anarchafeminism', if you want to make it clear.

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1 year ago

TERFs out here saying you can't be a woman if you don't have a uterus. I didn't realize I was non-binary until my late 30s.

At 31 (family record), I had a full hysterectomy so I could function as a person. Do you have any idea how much pain you have to be in to be 31, no kids, and get your uterus removed?

It's a lot.

Anyway, I had a TERF tell me once (before I was identifying enby, so she was only mostly terrible) that, yes, she did see me as less of a woman because I had removed my womb.

Other than fuck TERFs (and radfems and tradfems, the world's worst appetizer platter, truly), I don't know that I had a point here.

Oh! Wait! It's been 10 years! 10 years without crushing pain and depression every fucking day because I could barely walk for two years due to said pain!

And some fuck said I was lesser for making my choice.

Fuck 'em. It ain't parts. It's you. You make yourself who you are, you got me? You.

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1 year ago

Just a bit of a reminder: 'Radical Feminism' is not simply 'any feminism that is radical' or 'any feminism based on radical politics', it refers to a very specific branch of feminism centred on bioessentialist ideas, and that views misogyny as the central, most important form of oppression throughout history to the detriment of any other marginalised groups. It is overwhelmingly anti-porn and anti-kink. It rejects any queer label that doesn't meet its prescriptivist definitions, excluding anything beyond their rigid criteria for lesbians, gays, and bisexuals.

Unfortunately, we're not yet at a point where we could reclaim the term, you're best bet is to specify the school of thought ala 'intersectional feminism', 'Marxist feminism' or 'anarchafeminism', if you want to make it clear.

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1 year ago

The terf pipeline that assigned female at birth trans folks are just “little girls with internalised misogyny and want to be males to escape misogyny” is bullshit! Feat. My experience as an afab transneutral person.

Hi, everyone! For those who don't know me, my name is Angel and I go by all pronouns (neos & xenos included), and welcome to this simple, but big, post.

I think everyone knows the radfems, also known as terfs. You know, these women whose feminism is just transphobia, racism, ableism, generalisation of womanhood and plain exclusion of anyone who isn't a cishet, white, middle to high class women. Maybe, a little bit of queer women, but only in their criteria.

And I think everyone here knows on their infantilization of trans men and assigned female at birth trans people in general. They always say: “Oh, poor little girl, consumed by outside and internalised misogyny, so she tries to be male so she can try to live happily!! =((”

And I say, bullshit, bullshit, FUCKING BULLSHIT! Talking from experience, even!

You see, even though I was raised and socialized as a girl... I didn't experience that much of misogyny. Hell, probably not at all.

“Omg, that's impossible, how would you do that?” Rapunzel. That's the secret, I lived and live to this day like Rapunzel.

I don't go out to stores that often, I only have one way on my daily basis: Home → School → Home. That's it, that's all it. This is how my life goes since forever.

And when I go out somewhere, I'm 9/10 times around one of my parents or my brother. So, my chances of getting catcalled, s/a'd or something are quite low.

I am a hyper protected kid, that's why I am a pussy. And while my mom was mean and a bigot in general in many points of my adolescence, she had enough sense to not be misogynistic throughout my childhood (things started to go wrong in my life, between me and her, when I started to show signs of non-cisgenderness and gender non conformity, to summarize).

And that gave me time to discover my identity without women hating structure of patriarchal society on the way (gender imposition on max.). In fact, I was reluctant to accept that I identified in a masculine way sometimes, because cis femininity (and probably some internalised transphobia) was too impregnated on my brain, at that point. So when I started to feel side effects of an misogynist society, my identity was already constructed, I already knew who I was, so misogyny couldn't really play a role in it.

To give y'all an idea, the first time I've ever been a victim of misogyny was in 2023, when I was 15, close to turning 16 years old, and I was getting romantically harassed by a boy (he changed schools, so I won't see that nigga's face ever again, THANK YOU LORD 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽) and that same muthafucka went on to say, in the middle of class, that women bad and they be the reason why we fail (based off that fucking Adam and Eve story, btw), directed at everyone who was read as a girl in that class, aka all the girls of my class and me. And, since I'm closeted, I had no choice but only be disgusted at that remark of his.

But, key word, disgusted. Not guilty, not deeply affected like any normal woman would; But disgusted. Because misogyny is disgusting to everyone who's not a misogynistic.

See where I'm getting into? My first contacts with what is misogyny in practice came too late to be experienced from a girl's perspective. Maybe from a fem presenting perspective, since I'm closeted, but I only can view it from a transgender perspective, now.

My transgender identity cannot be affected deeply by misogyny now, because misogyny came too late.

And that's not a case only for me, but for many other trans minors. Many trans kids understand that they diverge from the gender they were assigned at birth, even before getting a grasp of misogyny and/or gender related violence, even when they don't even know the existence of the word trans.

So, in conclusion, transness is not a result of internalised misogyny, but being a nasty girl who dismiss other girls just to get male appreciation is (and not only that, tho, patriarchy has many faces other than just sexual violence).

Bye!!! =3

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1 year ago

The terf pipeline that assigned female at birth trans folks are just “little girls with internalised misogyny and want to be males to escape misogyny” is bullshit! Feat. My experience as an afab transneutral person.

Hi, everyone! For those who don't know me, my name is Angel and I go by all pronouns (neos & xenos included), and welcome to this simple, but big, post.

I think everyone knows the radfems, also known as terfs. You know, these women whose feminism is just transphobia, racism, ableism, generalisation of womanhood and plain exclusion of anyone who isn't a cishet, white, middle to high class women. Maybe, a little bit of queer women, but only in their criteria.

And I think everyone here knows on their infantilization of trans men and assigned female at birth trans people in general. They always say: “Oh, poor little girl, consumed by outside and internalised misogyny, so she tries to be male so she can try to live happily!! =((”

And I say, bullshit, bullshit, FUCKING BULLSHIT! Talking from experience, even!

You see, even though I was raised and socialized as a girl... I didn't experience that much of misogyny. Hell, probably not at all.

“Omg, that's impossible, how would you do that?” Rapunzel. That's the secret, I lived and live to this day like Rapunzel.

I don't go out to stores that often, I only have one way on my daily basis: Home → School → Home. That's it, that's all it. This is how my life goes since forever.

And when I go out somewhere, I'm 9/10 times around one of my parents or my brother. So, my chances of getting catcalled, s/a'd or something are quite low.

I am a hyper protected kid, that's why I am a pussy. And while my mom was mean and a bigot in general in many points of my adolescence, she had enough sense to not be misogynistic throughout my childhood (things started to go wrong in my life, between me and her, when I started to show signs of non-cisgenderness and gender non conformity, to summarize).

And that gave me time to discover my identity without women hating structure of patriarchal society on the way (gender imposition on max.). In fact, I was reluctant to accept that I identified in a masculine way sometimes, because cis femininity (and probably some internalised transphobia) was too impregnated on my brain, at that point. So when I started to feel side effects of an misogynist society, my identity was already constructed, I already knew who I was, so misogyny couldn't really play a role in it.

To give y'all an idea, the first time I've ever been a victim of misogyny was in 2023, when I was 15, close to turning 16 years old, and I was getting romantically harassed by a boy (he changed schools, so I won't see that nigga's face ever again, THANK YOU LORD 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽) and that same muthafucka went on to say, in the middle of class, that women bad and they be the reason why we fail (based off that fucking Adam and Eve story, btw), directed at everyone who was read as a girl in that class, aka all the girls of my class and me. And, since I'm closeted, I had no choice but only be disgusted at that remark of his.

But, key word, disgusted. Not guilty, not deeply affected like any normal woman would; But disgusted. Because misogyny is disgusting to everyone who's not a misogynistic.

See where I'm getting into? My first contacts with what is misogyny in practice came too late to be experienced from a girl's perspective. Maybe from a fem presenting perspective, since I'm closeted, but I only can view it from a transgender perspective, now.

My transgender identity cannot be affected deeply by misogyny now, because misogyny came too late.

And that's not a case only for me, but for many other trans minors. Many trans kids understand that they diverge from the gender they were assigned at birth, even before getting a grasp of misogyny and/or gender related violence, even when they don't even know the existence of the word trans.

So, in conclusion, transness is not a result of internalised misogyny, but being a nasty girl who dismiss other girls just to get male appreciation is (and not only that, tho, patriarchy has many faces other than just sexual violence).

Bye!!! =3

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1 year ago
Heavy, HEAVY ON THIS PART, Radical Feminists Are The Reason Why Lesbian Separatism And Lesbian Radical

Heavy, HEAVY ON THIS PART, radical feminists are the reason why lesbian separatism and lesbian radical feminism exist in the first place. They were the ones to call us hipersexual and say that butch/femme culture was associable with the patriarchy, which would result in the assimilationism that is lesbicofeminism.

Every single anti- bi/pan-lesbian post i make goes the same way.

I go "hey lesbians dont experience attraction to men actually."

And some fucknut goes "thats exclusionary!! Lesbians can fuck men!!"

And i go "so thats rape culture. Youre advocating for lesbian corrective rape"

And they go "you dont respect diverse genders/sexualities!!"

And i go "i dont care what people call themselves, feel free to make up new labels, but lesbianism does not include attraction to men"

And the circle back around to "youre being exclusionary!! And a terf!!"

And i go "excluding is not inherently morally bad. Including is not inherently morally good. Also, im only talking about not being attracted to men, why do you think i mean "trans women" when i say men"

Then they go "well theres a long history of lesbians fucking men! Dont deny history!"

And i go "those lesbians were bisexual women who fought hard to have their own label and identity. You are being biphobic by erasing their struggles. Additionally, something having history doesnt absolve it of any crime"

And sometimes theyll go "but men fucking lesbians is a kink! You cant kinkshame!"

And ill go "something being a kink does not automatically mean it can't be criticized. Are pedophilia and beastiality a kink? Are they something that should be allowed? Kinks are not some magical, untouchable item that can do no harm in any situation."

And they'll go back to "some people just have open or fluid genders/sexualities! You cant box us in!"

And i go "sure. And you cant tell me how open or closed my sexuality is. You cant redefine a sexuality for all lesbians just because you want to. A sexuality is not more morally correct when open, and not more morally condemnable when closed. Aren't you against political lesbianism? How is political fluidity any better? (fluidity just for the sake of being more Politically Correct)"

And they go "but youre being mean!! Youre being loud and mean and your tone is bad"

And i go "well im a sexual assault survivor advocating against sexual assault of lesbians. My tone is probably indicative of how strongly i feel about this issue. Plus, its fucked up to ask an oppressed class to try and get the boot off their neck as prettily and quietly as possible."

And then they devolve into calling me a transphobe-terf mean scary fat lesbian who doesn't care about other people. All over me saying "lesbians do not fuck men".

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11 months ago

Radfems finding out that the 2nd biggest victims of transmisogyny are black women in general (many cisgender black women got kicked out and harassed in women's restrooms because of the hipermasculinization they get): 😳😲😨😰

Radfems when u tell them that a movement spearheaded by white women who dont want to share a bathroom with a minority might not actually be a "radical" movement meant to think against the grain :


wow so shocking, amirite ladies ??? 😱😱😱

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11 months ago

Feminism has always, always had a history with Racism and White Supremacy - particularly in a way that promotes fascist leaning "Protection for Me and Mine" type "activism".

There have always been several Upper Class, White, Women at the helm of Feminist movements and it is something Poor, Working Class, Women of Color have been vocally criticizing since the First Wave.

I mean, US Americans, did you not learn about Sojourner Truth? Have you not read "Ain't I A Woman?"? It is one of the most famous early accounts of the racialized nature of gender. It perfectly highlights the way the social aspects of gender have always been barred from People of Color in a way they aren't barred from White People in a firsthand historical account.

Women's Suffrage, and subsequently the First Wave of Feminism was an actively Racially Segregated movement. White Suffragettes intentionally campaigned for themselves and themselves only because they thought that campaigning for Black, Immigrant, and Indigenous Women would undermine their own movement. They did not seek liberation for women, they sought the Systemic, Institutional Power of their White Male Peers and they got it - by intentionally leaving Women of Color behind them.

This is most evident in the fact that White Women received the right to vote in 1920, but Black Women did not receive the right to vote until 1965 with the Voting Rights Act. Almost 50 years later. That is over half a lifetime. This was also only approximately 2-3 years before Radical Feminism and the Second Wave began around 1967~1968.

If you think racial segregation and racism in the Feminist Movement ended with Black Women's suffrage and completely dissipated within the two years it took for the Second Wave to pick up it's feet, you are naïve at best and actively racist yourself at worst. The Women's Liberation Movement / Radical Feminism have always been White Woman's movements riding the coattails of the Suffragette's racism.

Look at the website for the Women's Liberation Front. WoLF is one of the original Radical Feminist organizations. It was founded in the late 60's and is one of the largest Radfem organizations to date. Now. Look at their board. Look at the photos of women they choose to include across their site. Look at the women who are speaking at their events. Beyond one or two token Black Women, it is a sea of Whiteness.

You know who is a special advisor to WoLF and the founder of the group "Standing for Women"? Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, aka Posie Parker. Kellie-Jay is the woman who popularized "Woman means adult human female" as an anti-trans slogan. Kellie-Jay is also real good buddies with - you guessed it! Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists!

WoLF also takes money from the Alliance Defending Freedom, (ADF) a Right Wing Christian Organization, and it's members have worked directly with the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative organization founded during the Reagan Presidency.

Radical Feminism as a political movement cares about the lives and held power of White Women under the guise of "Women's Liberation" in the exact same way as their foremothers, the Suffragettes. It's a foundationally White Supremacist movement. Black Feminists, Indigenous Feminists, Immigrant Feminists, and Colonized Feminists have been talking about this for over a century but it falls on White ears so why would they listen.

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11 months ago
theasexual-jackson - Angelle diPoetry


Thank you, @stop-stealing-my-username

its so funny seeing terfs be tranphobic and saying transfems just want to abuse the benefits of girlhood and rape them in bathrooms when most transfems i know just want to be pretty (me included)

like i think im trans purely because i like girls too much

that's such a valid reason to be trans

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9 months ago

#in case youre wondering i think the rest were opinion articles or were about rare instances of trans people attacking cis women in the bathroom

Or the day when cisgender men who were sent to pretend to be trans women just to attack women in the restrooms by the creator of the “woman means adult human female” quote. She's also friends with nazis and facists, so it doesn't surprise me.

remembering the time I came across a radfem blog that shared links to articles that supported radfem beliefs, and one of them was literally about how gender and sex is different. like yes ???? that's what we've been saying the entire time ???? you guys are soooo close 😭

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9 months ago

And let's not forget their lesbophobia. Bitches were the first ones to call lesbians hipersexual, the lavender menace and try to cancel butch culture, because, quote on quote, “it was misogynistic and/or patriarchal”.

"radical feminism" is inherently transphobic in the way that it divides people into one of two categories. it's never been good. y'all GOTTA start learning about different kinds of feminism. God bless

ok ngl the tone of this makes it sounds like you meant to send this to a radfem but sent it to me accidentally /silly

BUT VERY VERY TRUE well said anon 👏

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8 months ago

Imagine being a woc radfem, when radical feminism is racist and had multiple occasions of alignment with nazism/facism and anti-semitism.

A shrugging 3d yellow emoji.

Women of colour who claim to be anti-imperialists while being radfems are fucking clowns. Imagine advocating for transphobia when transphobia is interconnected with White supremacy and colonialism. Decolonize your minds harder

Women Of Colour Who Claim To Be Anti-imperialists While Being Radfems Are Fucking Clowns. Imagine Advocating

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10 months ago

my official stance is a pregnancy is whatever the pregnant person wants it to be. if it’s a 4 week old clump of cells and they want to call it a baby it’s a baby. if they're 20 weeks and they want to call it a parasite it’s a parasite. if they're 39 weeks and call it a fetus it’s a fetus. “why are you so sad about miscarrying at 6 weeks it was literally just an embryo” because that was their baby. “how can you get an abortion at three months” because that wasn’t a baby. hope that helps.

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6 months ago

Why do terfs hate trans ppl blocking them?sorry that someone blocks a content they dont like+hates them???

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6 months ago

The Bishop was here today for the start of the season of creation and I was the ONLY woman covering her hair. Shows how much the standards have changed due to modernisation.

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