Archibald - Tumblr Posts
Pt.3 of Giant!Wendigoon and Lore Lodge fanfic HC’s
Wendigoon definitely has a - comically large - giant cork board that changes weekly, sometimes multiple times a day; that’s full of whatever video idea or topic he’s hyper fixated on that day or time [JFK or Fed conspiracies, historical events, LOOOOOORRREE, icebergs, video ideas, video games, media he’s interested in, ARGs, books, etc.]
He may have or may have not used a tack to pin Mattis by the shirt to the board because he said Agartha wasn’t real; he said he’d do it again if he kept sending people to his email when talking about overthrowing the government (afterall, he may hate the feds as much as the rest of us, but he’d rather not try to fight off the entirety of the ATF and other 3 letter agencies by himself because someone decided that they all needed to be added to more watch lists)
Both Aidans definitely try to see how fast he is; to compare how proportional his strength, endurance, speed, etc. are compared to the average human
We soon find out that even his dog is giant; and it becomes the ultimate showing of how Archibald has no thoughts; and very little understanding of self preservation, with the mentality of; if it’s not fren, why fren shaped? (They’re both fine, but gave all of them ‘small’ heart attacks)
We find out that indeed Wendidad has made a notable amount of his own equipment using old human sized parts and a lot of duct tape and prayer; but has commissioned larger, more professionally made equipment pieces
When people ask about their first interactions in person; the Aidans say that while they were freaked out, but deduced it was actually Isaiah. Isaiah on the other hand, has a bit different retelling, with Mattis possibly grabbing out a box of salt, iron, bottles of white ash, and a gun. Thornbussy holding the blue snow shovel (tm); and getting shot at - none hitting him, but having to talk Aidan - Mattis - down essentially from blowing a gasket. The truth is somewhat in the middle
Wendigoon still deeply fears the ocean, since it’s one of the few places where he can’t have at least a decent visual or sensory understanding of an area surrounding him (plus the idea of even bigger things lurking beneath terrify him)
Now, onto my attempt at writing an excerpt; the opening meeting between the three (I suck at writing dialogue so forgive me in advance)
It was a decently nice afternoon as the two Aidans drove the jeep through the Appalachian mountains to finally meet their friend Isaiah, Wendigoon, in person. Archie “Archibald the great” was in the back row, next to some of their bags. Thornburry was driving, and Mattis was acting as the navigator in addition to the gps, map, and texted instructions given by their friend. Everything was going as planned, they had even left earlier than expected, so they were making great timing.
The sun was beginning to set as went down a long road, passing through the last town before heading onto apparently Isaiah’s property, right next to the park where they were going to shoot that Missing 411 video on Denis Martin too. The two Aidans soon got a text from him saying that about 2 miles down the road into the property, there’s a notable clearing where there’s a garage for them to pull the car in and that he’ll meet them there. Since, the actual house would be about a 5 minute walk for them from the garage, so he wanted to help them with their bags, but the house straight shot to the garage.
Both Aidans looked at each other, as it was a bit weird, but somewhat understandable; it was a big property after all. Soon enough they pulled up to that spot. Mattis noticing some oddly fallen down trees, looking somewhat recent, despite knowing that there hadn’t been any major storms within the week that they were planning on coming down to see Isaiah (both had been checking the weather to ensure the right conditions to hike safely in, as well as plan out travel time). The trees looked as if they’d been ripped out and snapped in half, and looked recent, as in that same day, due to the leaves still being healthy and no overgrowth on any fallen tree. Putting both on edge, but not thinking too much of it, the guys and Archibald get out of the car; grabbing their gear and bags. Both checking their phones as Archie begins to stare off into the dense tree line across the opening. Thornbussy looks up, and sees that there had been another path where those newly fallen trees had ended up, blocking off other ways to go it seemed, weird but could have been cutting down possibly diseased trees? (He didn’t buy it, but decided that there was a rational explanation that didn’t involve Wendi being a psychopath and serial killer. Right?)
Archie continued to stare at the dense tree line, seeing the figure waiting. The boys didn’t even realize that Archie had just been silently staring at something, rather focused on contacting Isaiah, to make sure they met up with him so he could help them get to the house. As they waited, checking to make sure they had their filming gear and personal items, they triple checked that their ‘hiking/camping gear’ was stocked up, both grabbing out the basics, attaching it to their backpacks. [the works; holy water, crosses, lighters, white ash, iron bar, salt, trace amounts of silver covered knives, guns with enough ammo to make an ATF agent blush, and their coveted blue snow shovels (tm)]. Yet, as they secured the gear on, a rustling began in the tree line, both on edge, but rationalizing it was either Wendi or an animal. Boy they were about to be very surprised.
The rustling turned into louder booms of large trees bending over with snaps as some fell down, other hitting each other wildly. As a figure, in shadow due to the fading light that was just noticed by both Aidans casted the figure, in darkness; the only thing they could both tell was that it was vaguely human shaped, and that it was BIG. (One could even say GIANT.) As it got closer they tried to both be ready to fight it, but also get into the car. But, thanks to whatever force in the woods messing with them at the moment had a sense of humor that included psychological torture, the car wouldn’t start.
Both frustrated and terrified, both got out different weapons to try and at least deter the thing as it continued approaching, walking slowly but directly to them. Archibald still unfazed, adjusted himself and sat, staring at the shape. Even as the rumbling of the ground and tremors began, knocking both humans off-balance to the ground, he stayed put, only looking back to check on both Aidans briefly.
The tremors continued, and at the halfway point across the clearing, both could better see the figure; giant, dark hair, seemingly human shaped except for the giant deer head - scratch that, a giant deer skull it seemed to be wearing which also had night vision goggles on top of the skull - along with human clothing… in fact a funky Hawaiian shirt being a very distincti feature…. As the two were attempting to make sense of the situation, a new rumble, one coming across the air, began to sound off; it was the thing laughing. The laugh was deep, loud, and even across the field, both of them could feel it in their chests, as if they were next to a huge stereo at a concert.
It had stopped at the halfway point still, so both took the opportunity to get their bearings, ready to fight the thing, as it seemed menacing, even from that far away. Mattis took out his shotgun, ammo packed with rocksalt and a mixture of iron and silver, shot at the shape a few times; but unsure if any landed as the figure dropped itself onto the ground, hands up and empty, as a form of surrender or peace. The laughing had briefly stopped when the shots when off, but suddenly continued as the thing lay on the ground, becoming more familiar sounding and almost unhinged.
Mattis looked at Thornburry, unable to know what to do, looking back to the road, they saw the exit had been blocked quietly it seemed when they hadn’t been looking, so even if the jeep started back up, it was be risky to try and escape. Unsure what to do, Mattis began to think, looking at the figure, the trees around him, and Archie - who looked unfazed and just interested in going up to the thing, which made him even more unsure of what to do. Yet, the details of the figure were so familiar, the outfit’s ‘drip’, the laugh, the area, and just only what one could call ‘the vibe’ of the situation made him yell out something that could explain most of the situation or possibly get them killed….. “Isaiah, is that you?!?!”
The figure looked up, and Thornburry looked at Aidan, like he was crazy, but did kind of see how it looked like him. Being the only sane one it seemed, Thornburry grabbed out one of his flashlights - industrial cranking flashlight - shining it upon the figure, beast, giant, whatever. With one look and a few double takes, the two realized Aidan was right. The figure, only responding with, “Hey, can you get the light out of my eyes? Ouch. Yeah it’s me.”
The two in shock, responding with, “really? What the hell, you really didn’t want to, I don’t know, give us a heads up or announce yourself first?!? Why would you sneak up like that?” After a beat of silence, and the light not being moved, Isaiah got up, definitely unfazed by the shots, and walked over to them the rest of the way, responding as he walked with, “Because I wanted to make your bones into bread like Jack and the Beanstalk. HOW WOULD I HAVE EVER BROUGHT THIS UP!?! Oh hey guys, by the way, I’m a GIANT who lives in the woods - but don’t worry! I don’t hurt people! I thought my whole giants bit was a good enough hint, plus, did you not notice the signs I made with the trees?” Both Aidans looked around obviously unable to see any sign, not just because of the darkness of the area, or Wendi blocking a majority view of anything around, but also because you could only apparently see the signs from higher up. All three realized it, but decided to continue talking it seemed, as Wendi finished walking over, with the light still somewhat following his eyes and face. When he gets closer, the crouches, scaring the two somewhat, and takes the flashlight, carefully turning it off and not giving it back.
The two Aidans weary as Isaiah walks over, unsure of what he’s going to do, but if Archie gave him a pass on the vibe check, it couldn’t be THAT bad right? Well, yeah, but it seems everything goes out the window when a giant crouches down and proceeds to take your main light source from your hands effortlessly. Once again, leading to Mattis pulling out the shotgun, despite seeming to know it would at most act like a bee sting to Isaiah. Yet, that set all three off enough to where Wendi almost kicks the jeep down the road, to the bottom of the valley close by, thankfully only touching the car, with no visible damages. After yet another moment of silence, Archie decides that since Isaiah is sitting, that he’s now safe to explore, making all three nervous, yet due to the sheer lack of awareness Archie had, it became comical. If this was going to work, a lot of explaining was due, and soon; as all three could hear the one thing both Aidans never expected to hear in person; a wendigo crying out.
The next few moments became a blur, as the trio froze up, and knowing an explanation could wait until later. With very little talking, they gave Isaiah their bags, other than their own backpacks, hoping it would make the trek to the cabin faster, but as they started down the trail, they could tell it was getting closer, and there was more than one. They could smell the rotten yet frozen smell of the Wendigos. Isaiah could see at least four trying to trick the two Aidans and Archibald into breaking off from him, as Wendigos knew that he wasn’t worth fighting, as the risk of being torn apart was too high. Instead of communicating that the safest way of getting to the house was Isaiah carrying them, he tells Mattis to pick up Archie and hold him tightly; then proceeds to grab both Aidans and Archie, booking it to the cabin.
The two didn’t know what to do, experiencing vertigo from the sudden grabbing and loss of solid ground, and speed that the woods went by, until not even a minute later, they stopped. The woods that surrounded them was gone, bad instead the soft lighting of the inside of the cabin and Wendigoon’s hand filled their vision. The two are set down on what seemed to be a table, Isaiah running off to lock up the cabin, ensuring no wendigo, or any other Cryptid, besides himself, gets in the place.
As the adrenaline runs out, Mattis begins to once again lose his shit. Yelling at Isaiah, but partly ranting into the void about how of course all this happens, and has a real existential moment, as the others are silent, waiting for him to calm down. Only really getting a sorry that he wasn’t really thinking from Wendi. Oh boy, this was going to be an interesting trip.
*Time skip to almost a week in, and the cork board incident*
The three had been planning a few videos, as well as planning on when they would go see Isaiah’s Cryptid collection. The three had been eating magic spoon - Isaiah had a giant pantry of it, so there wasn’t a chance of scarcity if the two humans had some. Archie was napping, totally still unfazed about it all. Suddenly, the Aidans decided to try and once again find out how or why Wendi was giant. Yet, the same answer as before; “I don’t know, it’s normal to me and some others I know, my best bet if Agartha, like I said for the eighth time, let’s talk about something else.” Mattis though, didn’t buy it totally, he wasn’t considering himself to be an ‘Agartha truther’ because it seemed so outlandish before, even now it still did! So, to rile up some other possibilities, Aidan decided to plainly say, “dude, Agartha isn’t real, it’s a government psyope (can’t spell, feds won’t let me, sorry), bet they made a lab experiment or something like that, or you’re related to the nephilim!” Now, it was partly joking, but seriously how else would one explain this? Only answers really were “I don’t know,” “probably Agartha,” and “I ate my vegetables and memorized scripture, that’s how I’m like this.” And Mattis, really both of them, wanted answers, but this was redundant.
Isaiah, huffed, clearly done with Mattis’ shenanigans, looked over at his cork board, getting a slightly depraved, but really funny idea. He whipped around and grabbed Mattis and a tack on his desk, spinning back around before either Aidans could make a sound, pinning Aidan up by his hoodie, and knowing full well it would support him. Silently, he grinned, and turned back around as not to immediately cackle, since he had unknowingly pinned Aidan next to the piece of the paper that has printed in bold letters: “WHAT IF JFK’S HEAD JUST DID THAT?” With a picture of the money shot from that day. Only a moment latter Thornburry sees that Aidan is fine and where he’s pinned, and begins laughing, Isaiah joining in almost immediately.
Once Aidan calms down, he’s not very amused, despite knowing full well that he got himself into this situation, but unwilling to just ask, he waits. For about a good 4 minutes to be let go. Thankfully, after dealing with both their laughing fits, Isaiah frees Aidan, asking both of them, “do you want to head to the wendigo farm or ‘Cryptid barn/box now? Aidan, you can try to get that Wendigo milk!” Thornbussy looking at Aidan, quietly joking, “We can get you a maiden finally, even if it’s a cannibal that is insatiable, you can finally get the wendussy!” Wanting to actually see what a wendigo looks like beyond that terrifying sound and shadowed darkness from a few nights ago, they agree, and head off to the nearby abandoned facility that Wendi kept his Wendigo ‘farm’ in. Hopefully he wouldn’t need to ‘euthanize’ a bunch of them again like he had to after the first night the two showed up, since apparently those had figured out how to escape, and wouldn’t have stopped. Although, having to capture them again, rip them apart mostly by hand and burn them was s tedious process and had left a bad smell on that Hawaiian shirt he’d worn during it. So, hopefully he wouldn’t have to do that again when they visited the Wendigo farm in a bit; but, then again, what kind of luck did they have? Thus he grabbed a bag, campfire starters, lighter fluid, lighters, and a knife - just in case a Wendigo got a bit too friendly when either Aidan decides to jokingly ‘milk’ one or take some photos for the ‘Wendussy’ content.
This was going to be a long trip wasn’t it? If those two humans weren’t the death of him first.
So? What did y’all think? My first full on storyline I’ve properly written besides head canons for in over a year! First story on tumblr too! Give me any feedback, HCs, ideas, etc. if you can, hope this wasn’t too bad. (Again, I suck at spelling and dialogue! I’m more of an essay writer or head canon writer!)
Again, sorry to Mattis (and Thornbussy and Wendidad) in advance! I hope it was mostly bearable at least!
I’ll be continuing this later (mostly after my youth group retreat this weekend!) Send ideas if you want more; happy Fourth of July and thanks for reading this far!
Giant!Wendigoon meets the Lore Lodge Head-canons:
Wendidad still has his classic shirts, no, we don’t know how he gets them, and the world may never know
The image of Wendigoon staring in at Aidan during the Weird Bible livestream still occurs, but he’s farther back and, still holding the gun, looks to be rapidly approaching
He somehow has a giant deer skull he wears around, and like the shirts, we don’t know and don’t need to know how he obtained it - but was probably a giant cryptid
When they meet for the Missing 411 video, Isiah (not good with spelling names btw) is just in the background of some of the shots, standing menacingly
He still has a dependency on Dr.Enuff
More people after the Denis Martin video go up believe that either the Lore Lodge, Wendigoon, or both are government sysops (can’t spell well)
Aidan tries to find out why Isiah is giant, but doesn’t find out, because no one knows why; could be because he’s been unknowingly sent from Agartha to gain intel, or just because he is Wendigoon
Aidan finds out that the cryptids in the forests around at least Appalachia are real, the feds know they exist; and it’s thanks to Wendigoon having an actual cluster of Wendigos in an abandoned building he found one day
The Aidans also see that Wendigoon has caught a mothman, multiple ghouls, and the Jersey Devil, and keeps them “because he thinks they’re neat”
While the Aidans we at first freaked out by Isiah, Archibald was not, as he is too thoughtless to even truly realize that something isn’t right or that he’s different (we love thoughtless doggo, the real Lore Lodge owner)
Wendigoon indeed does still have a magic spoon addiction, but it’s worse (he may or may not have a giant pile of magic spoon boxes in an abandoned silo for him to raid whenever he pleases
Isiah almost broke the jeep when he first met the Aidans, by almost kicking it down a hill - it was not damaged
(I did these partly last minute, if anyone wants to add ideas, feel free to throw them out there. I’ll probably make more later. Sorry in advance Aidan!)