Are We Gonna Get Canon Gahan Here - Tumblr Posts
I just read some of the webtoon episodes. It’s slightly different than in the drama. But there’s more scene, like when the bomb explosion happened (ep 2 in drama) webtoon version shows that Gaon had a dream while unconscious.
I’m going to try to describe the webtoon episode 10, after the explosion if any of you wants some Gahan crumbs again cause who can move on huhhhh😭
Gaon dreams of meeting his dad. He’s is crying so hard. His dad is saying sorry for leaving him so soon, and that he should move on from this house & get a nice girl. But Gaon said he still not sure about seeing anyone.
The dream progress to him meeting with Soo hyun who asked Gaon “why do you keep avoiding me?” Gaon said “I’m not avoiding you” in which Soo hyun responded with “is it because you’re too afraid to start another family? Are you afraid something willgo wrong?”. Gaon frantically said “NO! That’s not it!”.
And the dream progress to another scene, in his childhood classroom. He’s a boy here. And there’s a new kid in class which turned out to be Kang Yohan!!!! Gaon wonders why did he in the same class as Yohan. And the scene where Yohan kills the bird in the classroom shows in here, he heard Yohan said something about his father being a loan sharks etc.
I think this dream happened because Gaon has met with the priest and already talk to Yohan about his dad in prev episode.

The kid Yohan in Gaon dreams then turned into grown up Yohan. Yohan said to Gaon “So you met someone who knows about me? You want to know about my past? Why did you thirst after the knowledge of someone else’s past and the potential hidden therein, when you deny your own potential?”
Then Gaon wakes up from the dream in shock. Finding Yohan in front of him in bed.

He asked “where am i?” “You’re at my place” said Yohan. Then it progress to the scene where Yohan tending to his wounds and Gaon seems flustered. Gaon seems to have more injury in this webtoon version.
Then shows some flashback about the bombing last night, and eps 10 ends here.
I’m genuinely surprised that there are others story and scene in this webtoon! I’m so glad i try to read this ep particularly because of lawful husbands crumbs you know.
I’m probably going to share some other Gahan crumbs I found in the webtoon version if I can. The story it self is the same with the drama, but I will tag this as a spoiler for the webtoon tho.
the sexual tension is so high i see no lies