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Slenderverse(?) ARG idea (more so a ramble)
(Side-Note: This is mainly a ramble, like I've said twice already, so I don't really care about the grammar or spelling of this. Just getting my thoughts out somewhere, maybe I'll fix the it? idk)
Hi, just going to say it one more time, this a pure ramble and I'm just getting my thoughts out.
Like was around for the posting of Marble Hornets a while and basically I had an idea for an ARG late last night and to be honest while I'm not super sure if it's original or not mainly because nothing is really original nowadays and also I just like the idea, so please be forgiving.
I'm not sure what gave me the idea to be honest, since I was off in LaLa Land and procrastinating doing Uni work but, here's the rough outline:
There are three (maybe four) people, they don't know each other, they haven't even bumped into each other on the streets. Then one day one of them wakes up (Let's just call them A) and A finds a random camera recording them obviously they are like freaked out and try to get rid of it. It doesn't work and just appears again when they enter a new room this repeats for a bit before they just go "f--k it" and just take it with them, just recording their life (maybe some little weird stuff happens?). At some point (you can probably tell this is literally coming to my head as I go haha) maybe when A goes to bed or they drop the camera it goes 'missing'. But in reality it appears in one of the other peoples houses (B, C or D. I can't be bothered to think of names right now). B finds the camera, freaks out a bit, ends up just recording their day since they can't get rid of it, camera disappears at some point and repeat.
Camera appears in one of their houses -> the person takes the camera around with them (A does it with reluctance, B, C and D will all have their reasons/ motivations.) -> At some point the camera 'disappears' and moves to the next person (may be a random order) -> Repeat
There would be a YouTube channel where the videos appear. I don't really know what I have in mind for the channel I have 2 ideas. The first idea is that the people don't upload their respective video's they just appear on the channel, they have access of the channel but none of them can delete the videos. The second idea is that they do upload them as a way of just trying to make heads or tails of the situation. The one thing I'm not too sure on is the idea that they can't see the other's video's, like A can only see theirs but not B, C or D's.
To be honest this could be it's own thing and not a Slenderverse ARG, I think I just said Slenderverse cause camera's and supernatural stuff.
Still, unless I can get help or more time this will just be an idea. I think I'll just leave this here and add to it as I go. Still don't know if anyone will see this but at least I got my thoughts out there, so there we go
Hiiiii wanted to reblog this cause I had more ideas for this
Still gonna tag it as a Slenderverse thing cause it feel like it still fits
First of all, for the whole youtube channel thing, I want to have it where the idea's are initially not uploaded by them but at some point someone (A,B,C or D no I still don't have names) decides to just start posting their pov and soon the others do too. Also I think I might have it where they still can't see each others videos right away, maybe later something happens and they can.
For like 'monsters' or maybe creatures? idk I have a rough idea for a kind of antagonist but I'm not sure yet.
Just wanted to update this cause I really do like this idea and would love to make it a thing. Or at least develop it more with people
Slenderverse(?) ARG idea (more so a ramble)
(Side-Note: This is mainly a ramble, like I've said twice already, so I don't really care about the grammar or spelling of this. Just getting my thoughts out somewhere, maybe I'll fix the it? idk)
Hi, just going to say it one more time, this a pure ramble and I'm just getting my thoughts out.
Like was around for the posting of Marble Hornets a while and basically I had an idea for an ARG late last night and to be honest while I'm not super sure if it's original or not mainly because nothing is really original nowadays and also I just like the idea, so please be forgiving.
I'm not sure what gave me the idea to be honest, since I was off in LaLa Land and procrastinating doing Uni work but, here's the rough outline:
There are three (maybe four) people, they don't know each other, they haven't even bumped into each other on the streets. Then one day one of them wakes up (Let's just call them A) and A finds a random camera recording them obviously they are like freaked out and try to get rid of it. It doesn't work and just appears again when they enter a new room this repeats for a bit before they just go "f--k it" and just take it with them, just recording their life (maybe some little weird stuff happens?). At some point (you can probably tell this is literally coming to my head as I go haha) maybe when A goes to bed or they drop the camera it goes 'missing'. But in reality it appears in one of the other peoples houses (B, C or D. I can't be bothered to think of names right now). B finds the camera, freaks out a bit, ends up just recording their day since they can't get rid of it, camera disappears at some point and repeat.
Camera appears in one of their houses -> the person takes the camera around with them (A does it with reluctance, B, C and D will all have their reasons/ motivations.) -> At some point the camera 'disappears' and moves to the next person (may be a random order) -> Repeat
There would be a YouTube channel where the videos appear. I don't really know what I have in mind for the channel I have 2 ideas. The first idea is that the people don't upload their respective video's they just appear on the channel, they have access of the channel but none of them can delete the videos. The second idea is that they do upload them as a way of just trying to make heads or tails of the situation. The one thing I'm not too sure on is the idea that they can't see the other's video's, like A can only see theirs but not B, C or D's.
To be honest this could be it's own thing and not a Slenderverse ARG, I think I just said Slenderverse cause camera's and supernatural stuff.
Still, unless I can get help or more time this will just be an idea. I think I'll just leave this here and add to it as I go. Still don't know if anyone will see this but at least I got my thoughts out there, so there we go