Arguements - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

I like how sometimes I'll post something and then someone will just HAVE to be in the comments disagreeing and trying to argue with my opinion like dude. it OBVIOUSLY wasnt meant for you then. why the fuck r u getting offended on a post thats meant to be silly and directed to people who OBVIOUSLY arent you. like if their respectful about it its okay like thanks for being respectful i understand where ur coming from, but if ur js being a total dick and not even TRYING to see my perspective or view??? like some people on tumblr are so fucking entitled n need to fuck off dude. its literally like arguing with a fucking wall too

only way to survive tumblr is to js block them

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ML Drabble: Who would you pick?

“Who would you pick as my replacement?”

The question came out of nowhere, the cat hero nearly choked on his croissant.

“What did you say my lady?” The black clad hero asked as he regained his composure.

“Lets say I couldn’t be ladybug anymore, for whatever reason, what civilian would you, Chat noir,  give the Ladybug miraculous to?” The red clad heroine clarified.

“Wow… that is… quite an interesting question. What brought this on Ladybug?” Chat noir inquired.

“Just been thinking, if I get akumatized, and there is no way I could help purify the akuma, I need to know what you would do.” Ladybug explained. “So, who would you pick?”

Chat noir understood her reasoning, it wasn’t far fetched to believe that he or ladybug could get akumatized or be unable to fight once or twice. Oddly enough he had a candidate in mind.

“Marinette.” Chat noir answered. He was certain it was a good answer, but ladybug gave him a weird look.

“Marinette? The one I had you protect when we were fighting the Evillustrator?” Ladybug questioned.

“Yea, she would be a pretty good ladybug. She is pretty smart, creative, always willing to help. If you weren’t Ladybug, I would say she should be ladybug.” Chat noir confessed.

“Okay…” Ladybug said her tone was clearly off, as if to say she wasn’t on board with that pick. “And what about anyone else?”

Chat noir squinted at her,

“Why? Marinette would be the best candidate to be ladybug. Don’t tell me you don’t like her.” Chat noir asked, clearly suspicious of why Ladybug would not be okay with the designer girl as her back up.

“What no! She is… okay. But maybe someone else. Like… Alya the girl who writes the ladyblog, or maybe…”

“You don’t like Marinette.” The black cat exclaimed in disbelief. “How could you not like her?!”

“I am not saying that! She is a nice girl and I am sure she would make a great hero. I am just suggesting maybe, another back up. Cause… its good to have.”

Chat noir was not buying anything she was saying.

“Okay, if you say so. How about the same question but about me. Who would you pick if I couldn’t be chat noir anymore.”

Ladybug paused for a moment and thought about it.

“Adrien Agreste.” Ladybug answered honestly.

Chat noir looked at her with eyes wide.

“The model?” Chat noir spoke with surprise.

“Yea, he is a good hearted person, he is a fencer so he is athletic, he is polite and courteous. Plus it would be nice to see him in a costume.” Ladybug unintentionally over explained.

The cat hero smirked.

“I see, so my lady has her eyes on another man. Or specifically a model.” Chat noir teased.

“It isnt like that! I am saying he would be a decent fighter so he would make a good chat noir.” Ladybug defended. “Besides, you wouldn’t be jealous would you?”

Chat noir shook his head.

“He would be a good choice, if I did have to have my persona passed to another, I wouldn’t mind it being given to him if cruel fate were to befall me. But lets say the model is… off somewhere or busy. Who would you pick?” Chat noir said as he tried to hint that maybe someone else would be better.

Ladybug was perceptive and caught on that his words were misleading.

“You don’t think Adrien would be a good chat noir do you?” Ladybug accused.

“Well you don’t think that Marinette would be a good Ladybug!” Chat noir countered.

“I think you are jealous that Adrien would probably be a better chat noir then you.” Ladybug argued.

“And I think you are afraid that if Marinette were to become Ladybug she would somehow be a better partner then you.” Chat noir shot back. “And trust me Adrien couldn’t be a better chat noir then me if he tried.”

“Marinette could not be a better partner to you then me.” Ladybug exclaimed.

“Because I am Her/Him” They shouted in unison.

They both paused as they looked at each other in surprise.

“Did you say that you were….” they asked at the same time.



The two teen heroes looked at each other, both beet red. Unaware of exactly what to do now that they had accidentally revealed their identities to one another.

(Let me know what you guys think of my little Drabble)

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