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I knew this part bothered me for a reason. Poor Juleka, thankfully you have Rose who ACTUALLY does SOMETHING to try comforting you properly.
I suffer from intense anxiety and I know full well how guilt kills you from the inside-out, and in my experience, having friends just send hearts and stuff when I'm feeling like that just kinda pisses me off. Like, use words.
How hard is it to say something like, "Juleka, we're so sorry for not taking your feelings in full consideration. We all meant well and we just wanted to help lessen the burden for Rose after we heard about her hospital visit, but we see now that all of that was too overbearing and unnecessary." Or "You confided in secret with Marinette your concerns, and we had no right to involve ourselves in your business like that."
I can go on and on over this, but I'll try to keep it short:
If a friend tells you a secret or tells you about something that is very personal or meaningful to them, respect their wishes and don't tell anyone else. If anything, you step back and if your friend wants to open up to others, let them know that way. Don't go behind your friend's back. Because when your friend realizes that MORE people know about their problem and then start acting differently because of that, that just causes tension and panic and if it were me, I'd start having trust issues and be like "I can't tell you anything anymore because you'll make such a big deal out of it.."
And seriously, don't make jokes about sensitive subjects. In her defense, Marinette doesn't realize that Rose had to go to the hospital for her 'skipped-breakfast headache', but I personally find it in bad taste to make a comment toward the worried friend and how "if she doesn't eat her lunch, she'll end up just like Rose did."
Maybe I'm putting high standards on the characters, but they should all know how insecure Juleka is and I would expect them to be more careful with what they say or what they do. A neurodivergent's brain is a complicated thing, and I know because I have one and there's so many problems going on in it. It's just so frustrating being the only one (aside from her girlfriend Rose) that understands what this poor girl goes through. I get so heated over it, U G H
Ranking the texts that the Miraculous Class sent to Juleka after she ran to the bathroom to cry in Guilttrip
I'm not going to explain myself here
S Tier: An actual text!
Marinette is the only character that (explicitly) sent Juleka an actual text with actual words here. She apologized for the situation getting out of hand. Completely normal text. The only S tier.

Everyone else sent emojis. We're ranking emojis from here on out.
A Tier: A nice sentiment

Mylène, Nino, Kim, and Alix sent her hearts. Uncontroversial, sweet. Clearly telling her that they care for her. Alix chose a cupid heart, which is a bit of a choice, but I'll allow it.
B Tier: A bit confused, but they've got the spirit

Max's emoji is a bit too smiley for my taste given the situation (she just ran off to cry!), and Nathaniel's borders on flirting, but I think the sentiment they were trying to convey is clear enough, even if they missed the mark just a smidge. Still sweet enough for a B.
C Tier: Weirdly passive aggressive???

Sabrina, what were you thinking? Imagine someone in your class (who has helped bully you in the past!!!!) sent you this emoji while you were crying. I kind of love the audacity of it, tbh. I'm sure this isn't meant to be passive aggressive, so let's just hope Juleka knows that, too.
(Side note: we see later that Marinette ALSO sent this emoji? Presumably after the "I'm so sorry!" text? Marinette? ??? Why? I think this emoji actually undermines her text. Maybe Marinette should also be bumped down to C tier.)

And that brings us to last, and also least...
F(lirting) Tier:

Come the fuck on, guys.
Did you hear me???
It's fucking back

Part 173 of my bakery “enemies” au!
sorry for the long wait!
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bi** what you talking about? the look he gave to the camera reminds me of Jim Halpert *chefs kiss*

Villainess AU update!! I know yall been waitin for this one 😭🙏
“Um”- Adrien
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I Want More
I crave and starve

Villainess AU update!! I know yall been waitin for this one 😭🙏
“Um”- Adrien
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Y’all are missing the point of Stormy Weather 2
This episode’s purpose is to be a RECAP. It’s having all these flashbacks to build up to something, most likely in the episodes that are coming out soon. Remember that one episode of Avatar where they go to see a play of their adventures before taking on the fire lord? That’s exactly what this episode is doing. It’s obvious that a huge turning point is coming up, you guys just have to stick with it. I totally understand where everyone is coming from because I DIE EVERY TIME ADRIEN SAYS SHES JUST A FRIEND. Yet, on the other hand this episode clearly is just to catch everyone up before something major. Have faith in Thomas, guys. This episode is just a bridge to something far greater.


what is love?? babey don’t hurt me... don’t hurt me... no more....
A loving father

At this point, what doesn’t this episode have (x)

A cute and quick Marinette to be the very first post on my blog! Costume party AU because I love pretty dresses.

*Throws this into the void*

Chat Noir has what every girl in the world wants, pockets.
This comic is 100% in character and no one can tell me otherwise.

Who am I kidding, he would probably make Nathalie watch a youtube tutorial and pierce his ears for him.

I’m so behind on Inktober but have this experimental Marinette I just speed painted! I’m going to try and catch up and complete all the prompts I’ve been sent.
Inktober Day 6 (but not really)
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Inktober Day 9: Because Malediktor just came out and GIVE RENA ROUGE A PARTY
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Inktober Day 10: I’m not doing these daily prompts right.
My heart broke when I saw that scene in Frozer when Adrien went to talk to all the (human) guardians in his life and he didn’t feel any of them would be able to help him. I just want to adopt him and Chloe so they can have someone affectionate raising them who they can trust and open up to. PROTECT THESE BABIES.
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So we all saw that clip from Brazil, right?
I am ALL here for supportive parents and Marichat, but also… Tom pls
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