Armpit Kink - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

My boyfriend recently told me he likes feet. I was into it at first but it feels like it’s replacing our sex now. I wish he wasn’t into my feet anymore.

A genie in baggy basketball shorts and massive, neon sneakers is sitting at your dining table with a small sweet on a plate in front of him. It’s your boyfriend’s favourite. “Make sure he eats this,” says the genie, and vanishes with a burst of foot-fetid smoke.

It’s no problem to get your boyfriend to eat the sweet. The hardest part is distracting him from getting on the floor at your feet to sit at the table and eat like a regular person. The instant the treat disappears down his throat, he jerks back as if he’s been struck. For a moment, his eyes are glazed, then he blinks. Licks his lips. Stands and excuses himself.

After a confused moment, you get up and follow him. Wasn’t he just supposed to stop being into feet? Pushing into the bedroom, you stop.

Your boyfriend has stripped out of his shirt. His torso is sweating profusely, and he’s buried his face in his own armpit! You can see the rock-hard bulge in his pants. He glances over and sees you. Not pausing in sniffing and licking at his own pit, he lifts his other arm invitingly.

The stench of his musk hits you like a physical blow. Why wouldn’t he be obsessed with his armpit? The smell has you hard and panting from ten feet away. Not bothering to undress, you bury yourself in his sweaty pit, moaning loudly as you lick up your new favourite taste.

His obsession with your feet has been replaced. Now you have something you can share!

My Boyfriend Recently Told Me He Likes Feet. I Was Into It At First But It Feels Like Its Replacing Our

Another wish fulfilled.

Got a wish you need twisted? Send an ask! Remember to say “I wish” so the genie hears exactly what you’re wishing for.

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8 months ago

Adjusting To His New Reality

Adjusting To His New Reality

There’s just something so incredibly erotic yet wrong to be licking and tasting his jock neighbor’s armpits, Finneas thought to himself. Not that he had any plans of ever stopping the worship of his new body. His asshole of a neighbor had not only been a huge pain in his ass since his wealthy parents moved in next door, but also quickly become the object of his desires.

Now, the Chronivac had completely erased his old body and life from existence, and quickly transferred all that belonged to the former jock to him. His accumulated wealth, his perfect fit body… even his dank messy room…

Gone were the posters of video games and music groups, replaced by pictures of body builders, cars, and busty blonde women. His music instruments, his closet, now being fully replaced by work out equipment and work out clothes instead.

Surprisingly yet fortunately though, only his room had been affected. Stepping outside showed his normal house, and downstairs his parents were still as kind and humble as before, even though their pockets were now overflown with cash.

And as he would later find out, everyone now recognized him as Finneas, the rich jock. Part of the school orchestra, but also a main player in the school’s football team. Loved, respected, and lusted by literally everyone.

For now though, he just wanted to play with himself. Feel, smell, and taste what his new perfect body had to offer. Maybe he’d even invite the hot straight QB over to help him worship his body. After all, with the Chronivac in his hand… anything was possible…

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8 months ago

Teenage Boys REEK

Teenage Boys REEK

It was so nice being out of High School. It had been 2 or 3 years since you last had to walk the poorly lit halls of your horrible High School. You enjoyed getting out of your hometown too, being able to go off the college and experience the world for what it really is had been an amazing experience but now it was summer, Your Sophomore year of college was over and now began the long wait in your hometown until September when you got to go back to San Francisco for college. To pick up a few extra bucks here and there you were helping tutor kids over the summer so that they would retain the knowledge from what they had just learned over the past year until they got back into a classroom. Many of the kids you tutored were incredibly talented and smart kids who were forced to get tutoring by their parents. They didn’t even need your help for most of the stuff you were tutoring them on. But then there was Rico, his full name was Ricardo but he never let anyone call him that. He was a 18 year old Junior, held back 2 times in his school career. He was a baseball player who was dumb as rocks but an absolute prodigy when it came to baseball.

He always bragged about “Carrying his team to State every single year”, he always emphasized “his” everytime he said it. It was well known that he was only ever going to go to college based on his baseball ability, he didn’t have the SAT scores or GPA to get into any college minus community colleges. You were reached out to by his parents to help him or to at least try to help him with some of the subjects he struggled with the most. You agreed and had been coming over to help him 3 times a week every single week for the past month. It was a struggle but he seemed to really be getting a bit better at some of it.

It was a hot day in early July when you stopped by for your second visit of the week. He was the only one home and you could tell based on the fact that his car was the only one home and you could hear him blasting music from his room as you approached the door. You knocked but he obviously didn’t hear given that he didn’t open the door, you rang the doorbell, still didn’t answer the door. Then you simply tried to open it, it was surprisingly unlocked so you let yourself in and took your shoes off as you walked in the tidy house. You had never gone upstairs before because you always tutored him either in the living room or at the kitchen table. As you walked up the stairs you located his room by how loud the music was. It didn’t take very long to get to his door and you knocked on the closed door, no response, you knocked again, still nothing. So just like the front door you opened it and were immediately berated with the foul scent if an unhygienic teenage boys room. “OH SHIT” Rico exclaimed surprised to see you, it was obvious the empty headed boy forgot you were coming over, “Dude! What are you doing here bro”. To you and any person with a shred of intelligence would know that the obvious answer is that you are here to tutor him, like you always do, but this was news to Rico. “Reallyyyyyy?” He groaned, “Againnnnnn? This is like the fourth time this week!” It was only Tuesday, you hadn’t even made it more than 3 days in the week so far. “Well…I guess we can just do it here in my room” Rico said. Even though the smell was awful you decided that you would just do it in here. The difficulty was finding a place to set up. The desk was covered in beer cans, old food, one of Rico’s boxer briefs was hanging from the chair. The floor was even worse, Rico’s baseball uniforms sitting in a pile wafting out an foul aromatic scent, a pile of sneakers, cleats, and flip flops sitting near the bed, and even more cans and old pizza boxes on the floor. The only spot that was suitable for the tutoring session was next to Rico on the bed. Rico was shirtless and wearing his chain and a hat twisted backwards. You sat next to him trying not to disturb the small haphazardly stacked pile of socks on the bed. You put your bag on the floor and pulled out a textbook from it and got to work. Not even more than 10 minutes in Rico began to complain, “Man this is whack. My parents aren’t even here why do you gotta do this” You told him that it was your job and that you had to but this didn’t quell hia complaints. He kept going on about how boring it all was and how he could be doing better things etc. etc.

Teenage Boys REEK

After a while he got this odd almost devilish look in his eye, “How bout a deal?” He said smugly, “You let me teach you something that you’re not good at and then we’ll continue for the rest of the session”. You really didn’t want to but you thought that it would shut him up so you agreed. “ALRIGHT BRO!” He shouted out excitedly, “IM GONNA TEACH YOU ALL THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT BASEBALL!” Rolling your eyes you knew that you should have seen this coming and that this was gonna be a long day. Surprisingly it took about half an hour to grow bored, and you asked if you two could get back to studying something useful. Rico, obviously a little offended, said “Woah dude, I thought we had a deal!” he then proceeded to make a face that looked like he was thinking, “I know…” he said in a tone that made you uneasy, “I should just show you the results of my knowledge and all the hours i've spent “studying” my craft” He put finger quotes around the word “studying”.

You watched as Rico quickly bent down and grabbed one of his cleats from the pile beside the bed, with one quick move he pressed it into you face so hard that you were forced onto your back. As you lay on Rico’s bed, the tip of your nose touching the damp insole of the well used cleat, you quickly caught the first acrid whiff of Rico’s foot funk. Nasty and incredibly nauseating, the smell overpowering you and you began to try and push Rico’s funky cleat off of your face. Unfortunately Rico and his years of “studying” paid off with the result being arms that can hold you down just with a little bit of effort. You felt you eyes begin to heavy and your body began to weaken when suddenly Rico released you from the grasps of the malodorous shoe. Breathing in the “fresh” air of the room you were dazed and confused and about to gather the strength to yell at Rico when suddenly you felt him grab your arm. “Man you put on some muscle didn’t you bro?” He said as he squeezed your arm. You looked and to your shock and awe you now had arms like his. Confused, you tried to think of a way this was possible when he grabbed your thigh and said “Woah and you've got some beefy legs now too!” Looking down you confirmed this by seeing the tree trunks that sat beneath you.

Teenage Boys REEK

Utterly baffled, you watched as Rico suddenly sniffed the air, “Eughhh” Rico blurted out, “Bro do you smell that?!” You followed Rico’s lead and smelled something rotten, something that lingered in the room earlier but now was fresh. “BRO! HUHUHUH” Rico dumbly laughed, “ITS ME!” Lifting up his arm Rico revealed his pits dusted with hair stinking to high heaven. You heard yourself involuntarily let out the same dull laugh as Rico as you watched him sniff his pit and let out a proud sigh. You sat on the bed and shook your head violently as you snapped out of the stink-induced trance you were in. As Rico watched this he grabbed your head and pulled you in close as he kept his other arm held high. “Bro…” Rico dumbly uttered, “You gotta get a whiff of my pit stink” He said as he quickly pulled your face into his rotten armpit. Much like the cleat you tried to pull away and escape but even with your new found muscled bod, you couldn’t escape Rico’s pit stink. You felt yourself get used to the smell as it slowly turned from a noxious cloud infiltrating your nose into a fresh, pleasant scent filling not only your nose but also the room. The reality was that the ripe pit you were in was decaying your brain into mush but you were none the wiser.

Rico lessened his grip from your head but your head still stayed in the overripe pit and continued huffing the good stink it was letting out. Eventually you finally pulled your head out after you got your fill, you let out a long deep chuckle as you sat on the bed. Rico followed suit, letting out the same idiotic laugh and said “Dude, get a whiff of you!” he said as he jokingly fanned his nose. Following orders like a dumb puppy you lifted up your muscled arm to find your own sour scented pit with its own dusting of hair trapping the stink. Taking a deep whiff you felt yourself go light headed and your head bobbed a bit. Taking whiff after whiff of the decomposing smell streaming out of your armpit, you felt as the last bits of smarts in your block disintegrated and were replaced with the knowledge that Rico possesses in his empty head. Your years of learning were all erased and replaced with your years of practicing baseball with your bro Rico, the years you spent at college were erased as you regressed back to your 18 year old self. Baseball was all you knew, you were just another dumb jock who couldn’t even do simple math or read basic literature without stumbling over his words. You had entered the smelly boy’s room, a well-put together nerd and had left it as one of Rico’s baseball buddies, stinking to high heaven constantly and brainlessly going about life.

Teenage Boys REEK

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8 months ago

The New Gym Bro

The New Gym Bro

Beau was antsy as he was driving over to the gym, he had just gotten over a bad cold and finally felt good enough to return to the gym. You see the gym Beau goes to has something special about it, it is where he gets to see his gym crush. Upon entered the gym Beau realized something was off, the cute little twunk that worked at the front desk was now a buff jock with a porn stache, looking at himself in his reflection and flexing his arms. “Uhhhh hi do you know where the membership card scanner is?” Beau asked politely, “Huhuhuh oh broooooo” the hunky receptionist moronically spoke “ We don’t do uhhh memberships anymore broooo! New uhhhhh management brooo, everyone is welcome nowwww” The receptionist flexed his arms again. “Oh ummm okay thank you!” Beau cheerfully said, walking past the front desk towards the locker room, that’s when he smelled it. Wafting through the air was the smell of sweat and B.O., very normal for a gym but today it was something else, something strong, something potent and offensive to a normal nose. Beau being grossed out just simply groaned to himself and thought to himself, “I guess letting anyone in brought in more unhygienic teens”. Upon entering the locker room it was quite empty but he saw two guys round a row of lockers and start coming towards him, both pretty hunky, with porn staches and mullets. One had his arm draped over the other’s shoulders as they approached and the other looked dazed, almost like he had been drugged, as the two guys passed Beau smelled the most rancid smell ever pouring out of the guys and polluting the air. Beau covered his nose with the collar of his shirt and the not dazed looking guy said as they passed “What? Huhuh cant handle the smell of real men brochacho? That’ll change soon enough huhuhuh!”. Paying little mind to the weird comment, Beau went to a locker and got changed and went back out to the gym.

After working out for a little over an hour and a half, he was getting fed up by the manly stench filling the entire building, getting off of the treadmill, Beau grabbed his stuff and began walking back towards the locker room. That’s when it happened, Beau heard from behind “Yo bro! Wait up” and then felt a sweaty hand slam down on his shoulder, “What is it?!” Beau said a little annoyed that he just got slapped on the shoulder with a sweat drenched palm. Turning around, Beau’s brain went haywire, standing in front of him was his gym crush, and he was talking to him! “Huhuhuh brooo I uhhhhhhh couldn’t help but see you were leavin’!” His crush said. It took Beau a second to realize whi this guy was, it was his gym crush! But he looked so different, he was beefier and he resembled the receptionist and the two guys in the locker room more than he resembled himself from two weeks ago. “Oh yea I was about to head home” Beau responded, “Do you think I can like uhhhh huhuhuh interest you in doing a set with me homie?”, wanting to take his crush up on the offer but knowing he too drained to do it without embarrassing himself Beau politely declined. “Awww man” Beau’s crush said dejectedly, “I really wanted to do something with you! Uhhhh do you think I could maybe take you out to dinner then?”. Shocked that his crush wanted to wine and dine him Beau couldn’t muster a response for a second, but then he just nodded and shyly said “I’d like that, I would like that a lot”, his crush grinned and joyfully and boisterously responded “ALRIGHT! THATS AWESOME I'M SO HYPED BROOO! Oh my name is Maverick by the way let me give you my number homie”. Upon getting his number Beau made his way to the locker room absolutely giddy and unable to stop thinking about his (hopefully) soon to be boyfriend. Beau got changed and was about to close the locker when he heard from an approaching familiar voice, “Oh one last thing before I can take you out on the town!”. Beau turned around and was face to face with Maverick, maybe it was because the space they were in before was bigger or because the gym already had a cacophony of foul stench hanging in the air but Beau suddenly just noticed how rank Maverick smelled, especially since Maverick just raised his arm above his head. Maverick released a puff of stench from his unwashed armpit right into Beau’s face, coughing, Beau covered his nose and mouth, “Nuh uh uh brooo” Maverick proclaimed, “Let the stink help you let it helped me”. Not understanding what Maverick was talking about Beau just wanted to leave and no longer take Maverick up on the date offer, but suddenly he watched Maverick’s hand slink to the back of his head and Beau then felt as Maverick violently and suddenly pulled him into Maverick’s reeking pit. Catching a big whiff on accident Beau felt as taking a hit straight from the source made him feel fuzzy everywhere. As he slowly lost control of his body Beau heard Maverick utter, “Not much to change with you broooo huhuh, makes my job easier, normally having to transform the nerds and weaklings takes so long!”

The New Gym Bro

Trying to push back and resist, Beau was doing well and probably would’ve eventually escaped his funky prison if it wasn't for the fact that Maverick’s man-stink was essentially brainwashing Beau’s brain into liking the stink and craving more of it. Beau, against his own will, stopped struggling for his freedom and submitted himself completely to Maverick’s B.O. That's when it started, unlike other people Maverick had transformed, Beau was already quite the perfect specimen of masculinity, the only issue was that he didn’t follow the gym’s new dress code or follow the gym’s strict rules on fragrances. Maverick was going to help Beau fall in line. Beau felt his feet grow a bit, becoming cramped in his sneakers and then worse than that they got itchy, really itchy, at first it seemed like a random thing but then the itch kept growing and growing, refusing to stop. As his feet grew bigger and increasingly itchy, Beau felt his armpits do the same. Reaching into his left pit with his left hand, Beau forced his hand into his newly minted jungle of foul-smelling hair, just like a dumb ape. He felt his crotch get really itchy as well, with his left hand still in his own fetid armpit, Beau sent his right hand down to quell the itch in his pants. By the time he started scratching his crotch, he felt a forest of pubes coming in, a thick, curly, forest that reeked of sweat and cum. No matter how much he scratched Beau couldn’t stop the itchy feeling even a little bit, moving his beefy right hand down from his bush and onto his shaft, he began to slowly play with his fuckstick. Maverick watched jovially as he saw Beau reach the point of no return, once a man starts jerking it he is too far gone in the transformation to be saved…or so Maverick thought.

Suddenly as he was touching himself, Beau pushed away from Maverick, freeing himself from the pit reeking of decay. “Huhuhuh woah no one has resisted me this far into their transformation bro! You are something else!” Maverick cockily said. Beau, still affected by the pit funk clouding his brain, was unable to respond. “Well, it looks like I’ve been bested bro! You win!” Maverick said in the same cocky tone. Beau, now regaining more control as the fog wore off, retorted with “You…are…such a…freak!”, “That might be true,” said Maverick, “But do me a favor…smell your fingers”, Beau, trying to resist the influence that Maverick and his stink still had over him hid his fingers away in a clenched fist but, as he lost the battle of will, Beau unclenched his left hand, brought it underneath his nose, and took a big whiff. Feeling the malodorous scent of his own armpit rushing through his head, Beau returned his free will and walked back to Maverick, “Huhuhuh you are so weak bro! Welcome back to manhood tho!” Maverick announced as he watched Beau’s head slump down. Leading him to a full length mirror, Maverick made Beau look at himself and said to him “Look at you, tried to fight your destiny and now you are even weaker than before, how stupid. I hope you know that for your insolence, i'm gonna make you the stinkiest, dumbest, most incompetent gym bro I have ever made. You are gonna smell so nauseating and vile that you are gonna run off all of your friends and lovers, and you are gonna be so idiotic that you are gonna need someone to watch over you and keep you safe and happy. But don't worry, I love your stink and I don't mind watching over you, especially once I strip you down.” Maverick watched as Beau’s shorts grew a mountain in them as he heard what he was about to finally become. “Good boy,” Maverick said as he groped Beau’s meat stick.

The New Gym Bro

Grabbing the back of his head for a second time, Maverick took Beau’s head and stuck it right back into his stinking pit. Beau’s transformation, beginning where it left off, started to force a mustache out of his top lip. A torrent of thick, dark hair pushed out of his upper lip creating a porn stache perfect for a 70’s porn star. Being so close to the Maverick’s musty pit, Beau’s new stache became tainted, stinking to high heaven with Maverick’s pit funk, constantly dumbing Beau down as he will now always be forced to huff the funky stench. Beau returned his hand back to his long fuckstick as he began to play with it again, just in time for his brain to melt into the cum churning in his big smelly balls. As Beau huffed more and more of Maverick’s armpit, his mind began to fade, more and more of his memories dissipated and dissolved, not even being replaced, just leaving an empty space in his mind as to keep him as dumb and empty as possible and the same thing began to happen to his intellect, leaving Beau with the intelligence of a 9th grader but leaving all the knowledge Beau has on how to pleasure a man fully intact.

Beau, completely transformed, began to feel his balls grow too full to comfortably hang normally, he knew he was about to abdicate his seed. Gaining more and more pressure, Beau couldn’t keep it from happening, all at once he shot out the biggest load he ever had right into his shorts. As a huge wet spot appeared, Maverick finally released Beau from his funky armpit, not like the locker room smelled much better at that point. Maverick kissed Beau and said “I'm so glad to find the perfect new gym partner and a perfect new boyfriend all in one tight package, especially one that smells as putrid as you!”, flexing his arms, Beau sniffed both is pits and guffawed like the big oaf he just became.

The New Gym Bro

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5 months ago

My boyfriend recently told me he likes feet. I was into it at first but it feels like it’s replacing our sex now. I wish he wasn’t into my feet anymore.

A genie in baggy basketball shorts and massive, neon sneakers is sitting at your dining table with a small sweet on a plate in front of him. It’s your boyfriend’s favourite. “Make sure he eats this,” says the genie, and vanishes with a burst of foot-fetid smoke.

It’s no problem to get your boyfriend to eat the sweet. The hardest part is distracting him from getting on the floor at your feet to sit at the table and eat like a regular person. The instant the treat disappears down his throat, he jerks back as if he’s been struck. For a moment, his eyes are glazed, then he blinks. Licks his lips. Stands and excuses himself.

After a confused moment, you get up and follow him. Wasn’t he just supposed to stop being into feet? Pushing into the bedroom, you stop.

Your boyfriend has stripped out of his shirt. His torso is sweating profusely, and he’s buried his face in his own armpit! You can see the rock-hard bulge in his pants. He glances over and sees you. Not pausing in sniffing and licking at his own pit, he lifts his other arm invitingly.

The stench of his musk hits you like a physical blow. Why wouldn’t he be obsessed with his armpit? The smell has you hard and panting from ten feet away. Not bothering to undress, you bury yourself in his sweaty pit, moaning loudly as you lick up your new favourite taste.

His obsession with your feet has been replaced. Now you have something you can share!

My Boyfriend Recently Told Me He Likes Feet. I Was Into It At First But It Feels Like Its Replacing Our

Another wish fulfilled.

Got a wish you need twisted? Send an ask! Remember to say “I wish” so the genie hears exactly what you’re wishing for.

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