8 years ago
Marie Mummy
Marie Mummy
Marie Mummy
Marie Mummy
Marie Mummy
Marie Mummy
Marie Mummy
Marie Mummy

Marie Mummy

Martine, do not make a mess!! 🍼🍭

  It was Saturday morning and Jasmine was starting to write down things for the upcoming lunch whilst little Jimmy was doing the dishes of last night supper. - Mom, may I go to Aunt Arrietty House? – Requested Marie. - Oh Marie, you could indeed help me like your brother is doing instead of wanting to give your aunt a hard time. – Argued Jasmine. - But Mommy, I really want to play with Martine… I swear I will behave. I promise! – pled Marie. - Do you need your father to drive you there? – Asked Jasmine. - No, I can go with my bike. – Replied Marie. - Then go upstairs and dress a warm coat because there’s a cold wave around and I will ring to Arrietty in the meantime. – Stated Jasmine. - Can I come along, mommy? – Begged Jimmy. - Not today. After lunch, we are also going to see our new home. – Said Jasmine. - I’m never allowed to do anything. – Cried out Jimmy while running to his room disappointed. (…) - Behave, Marie Jane. I will catch up later with your aunt to check if you’ve been a good girl.

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