Art Year In Review - Tumblr Posts
Everyone in Kaleeabos already was forced to got to see this but I spent a long time writing and assembling this so congratulations, you get to see it again. It's also slightly different from the one there so extra motivation for you.

A year in review of my art!
And yes, I'm in a spunky mode today so we're using colors. Red and purple are the enemies though so I'm not using them.
I favored traditional artwork a lot more this year than last year, so I decided to not include the few digital artworks I made this year in favor of an all traditional board!
I feel like I simultaneously grew a lot yet not that much. Additionally, some of these artworks used different types of references than others, making the styles vary a bit in quality. As you can see, I'm still working on conquering full bodies.
This year was very heavily fandom packed, as you can see, with 5/12 months featuring characters, 3/12 months featuring others' ocs, and 4/12 months featuring my ocs. Out of those four, August, November, and December all feature different variants of the same oc. (Ditch, my beloved!)
This blog also returned to its art blog roots (only the real ones had to witness all of that) near the end of the year as I adjusted my content from less Transformers clips to more fandom art. I have ✨ followers ✨ now though so I got to enjoy breaking the double (and sometimes even triple) digit note counts on some of those artworks, especially when geared towards specific fandoms that have a lot of enthusiasts here (*cough cough Transformers cough cough Ace Attorney*).
As a final achievement of this year, I also created an Instagram account where I gaslight my cousin's friends.
Thanks for reading this if you took the time, as a reward, you get this cookie: 🍪 Have a wonderful day! :)

my art year in summary! improvement was made, improvement was lost, but we did it boys! hell yeah! i can draw better then i ever expected honestly but i want to be even better

✨Every Month of 2023✨
(tagged by @baekhyunnybyun and @baekslight thank you!! plus i already had the pics from doing a reel)
Most popular post from each month:
Jan- Kai Birthday Cake Incident
Feb- John Deacon Valentine
Mar- CBX The One (personal favorite)
Apr- Annoying Baek at Rover
May- Exo group pic at Jongin's enlistment (top post of the year!)
Jun- Exo Pizza Party
Jul- SHINee Color Wheel (narrow win over Cream Soda BaekSoo)
Aug- ChanSoo Pizza Party (surprise hit of 2023)
Sept- Good & Great
Oct- SHINee AtLA
Nov- Good Enough
Dec- BaekSoo Seasons Greetings Comic
I think starting off the year with the 100 BBH project really put me on a roll! Even during my exam month I managed to draw one thing. A million thanks to every person who wrote something nice about my art in the tags it means the world <3

I think I remember saying I wasn't gonna do my end-of-year art reviews anymore because they made me feel pressured to do 1 illustration a month but uhhhh

nothing to say other than i'm proud that i'm still painting despite everything. and also that I did not, in fact, feel pressured to do an illustration a month. in fact I forgot about that pressure almost immediately. good job, me.

here's my year-in reviews from 2018-2021, for archival purposes. originally uploaded to twitter in December of their respective years.

hello gay people in my computer
this is a thing I do every year just to reflect on what i've done/where I can improve/ etc art-wise.
This year is technically my 'least productive' year (for reasons that are mostly 'I got really unlucky and caught back to back viruses over several months'), however I also think this is one of my more improved years... although I say that pretty much every year so idk lmao
last year (2022) here and years 2018-2021 here :)