Artgid - Tumblr Posts

"Dancing? I can’t imagine you dancing.'
"Me neither. I’ve never been one for it. I can’t think of a better time in my life to start dancing more."
I call bullshit, you danced your little heart out with Parker I know it.
This was really fun to draw, it's a big milestone in a bunch of my skills, like shoes, expressions, and poses. I would just like to say Parkthur is an underrated ship, it needs a ship name like Angeleyes, Puppy love, Private Eyes etc...
Drew my friends John's!!!
First @jude-began-pestering-you's John!! Their KiY, and fragments have the father, the son, and the holy Spirit symbology.
Mine is the one on the bottom, theirs is on the top

And now @/silliest_sp00ks on tt. They draw John as a octoling.
Same as before mine is on the bottom, theirs is on the top

I was gonna do their Arthur's but I lost motivation, and those seemed harder for whatever reason.
@sunshinecryptid sry it took so long, but you told me to @ you if I posted their Splatoon designs <3