Art/perihelion - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
The first page of a comic featuring feed visualisations of Murderbot and ART-drone. They are both humanoid, with Murderbot in a grey hoodie and ART-drone with a cylindrical head and light blue markings on its cheeks and chest. ART-drone also has two antennae on the top of its head, and two rounded rectangles floating above each shoulder. In the first panel, Murderbot is surrounded by a spread of feed panels, frantically looking through them. It says, "We have to make them leave. We can't let this happen to them." Behind it, ART-drone crosses its arms, saying "We can't force them." The next two panels show ART-drone with one hand behind its back, holding up feed panel of multiple pages, then closing its hand and dismissing them. Its saying, "It's against the University's charter. It is immoral."
In the top panel, Murderbot looks back at ART-drone, with its hands up and pointing forward. Its expression is angry as it says, "It would be kinder to kill them." ART-drone looks annoyed, responding "It would not." In the bottom panel, ART-drone starts with one arm behind its back again, its other hand bringing up an array of feed panels. It says, "Not unless they were in physical extremity with no hope of medical intervention, and even then, they would have to agree to it." A cut-in panel in the corner snows Murderbot's face, its head tilted slightly, looking extremely annoyed. In this panel, a thick line around Murderbot's neck, like a collar, is visible.
The top panel shows ART-drone with its arms crossed, looking over at Murderbot with a raised eyebrow in a doubtful expression. It says, "Would it have been kinder to kill you," finishing its sentence in the lower panel, "before you disabled your governor module?" In the lower panel, the background is a darker shade of blue, surrounding Murderbot at it stares at ART-drone with an angry, somewhat disbelieving expression. Its hands are up in front of its chest, defensively, as if it's recoiling.
In the top panel, taking up a majority of the page, Murderbot has its hands raised, palm-up, its shoulder hunched, fingers spread. Its expression is angry, but also desperate. Small beads of tears can be seen in the corners of its eyes. It says, in all caps, "YES." In the lower panel, Murderbot and ART-drone stare at each other. Murderbot's body language has slackened, its expression flat and wary. ART-drone still has its arms crossed, but its shoulders have dropped, and its eye is wide with surprise. Its antennae are pointing straight backwards. Behind this panel, the background turns to black.
This panel takes up the whole page. The background is black, and Murderbot and ART-drone are rendered only in grey and blue lineart. Murderbot's arms are crosssed, its shoulders hunched. Its fingers are digging into the fabric of its hoodie, and its looking down and away from ART-drone. Its expression is angry and hurt. The line around its neck now has long, thin spikes that point outwards in all directions. Behind it, ART-drone stands with its shoulders slumped, holding its upper arm. Its looking at Murderbot with a resigned expression. Instead of the rounded rectangles, it has an array of differently sized eyes. It says, "You know I am not kind."
The background is back to pale blue. In one lower corner of the page, Murderbot slumps to the floor, one hand over its face barely concealing a frustrated expression, the other pointing out towards ART-drone with the middle finger raised. It is alone on the page. It says "fuck off," and the text is slightly tilted.
In the top panel, ART-drone is looking down towards Murderbot, shoulders slumped, a slightly worried expression. The middle panel shows Murderbot curled up with its head on its knees, and ART-drone's legs walking towards it. The last panel shows ART-drone sitting down next to Murderbot, not touching it. It pulls up an array of feed panels with one hand, looking bored.
A thin panel at the very top shows a sliver of Murderbot curled up in a ball with ART-drone sitting next to it. Then, under it, a series of three panels shows Murderbot with its head buried in its arm, then raising its head slightly, frowning, and then raising it more with a look of soft realisation and concentration. Behind these three panels, the background changes into a darker blue, the transition at an angle, making a slowly rising line behind them. The bottom half of the page shows Murderbot, half-uncurled, one hand on the floor behind it and one hand raised slightly in front of it. Its expression is of intense concentration. Behind it, an array of textboxes spread out across the frame, lines connecting them like a conspiracy board. They read 1. "murderbot_2.0", 2. "helpme.file", 3. "secunit_3", 4. "log extract: SU3: i will still help you. ART: why? SU3: stories in the helpme.file." 5. in italics: "what do you want?", 6. "curated logs", where the "curated" is underlined. 7. "sanctuary moon", 8. "Bharadwaj's documentary" 9. "tell your story," 10. "tell their story."
Feed panels show a video labelled "helpme.file", another video labelled "SM-S4-E23", and a chat log. The panel next to it shows Murderbot pulling those panels up in front of it. Below this, Murderbot sits with a concentrated expression, a large array of feed panels spread out in front of it. ART-drone is sitting beside it, and glances over. The panel at the bottom shows ART-drone looking intently at Murderbot. Behind it, feed panels show a query ping from AdaCol2, a drone camera showing Tarik waving his arms and saying "Secunit?, and a chat log from Ratthi saying "SecUnit? Is everything alright?". ART-drone holds up a hand, saying "Wait."
The first panel shows Murderbot in profile, frowning in concentration but with a wide-eyed realisation, a wall of feed panels behind it. In the next panel, the feed panels are gone, and Murderbot has raised its head. Its expression is wide-eyed and open. In the panel below that, it glances over at ART-drone next to it, who is saying "what happened?". ART-drone is leaning towards Murderbot as if on all fours, one hand raised. Its expression is intense and curious. In the next panel, it gestures at some feed panels behind it, saying "I didn't want to interrupt while your stats indicated a positive development." A feed panel labelled "diagnostic overview" shows "performance reliability" at 78.38% and climbing, and "internal temperature" at 298.25K. A panel at the bottom of the page shows a chin-to-waist shot of Murderbot, sitting on the floor, one hand raised palm-up. ART-drone is next to it, on its hands and knees. Murderbot says "I..."
Murderbot and ART-drone are sitting on the floor facing each other. Murderbot has an intense expression, and a fist clenched in determination. ART-drone is staring at it with an expression of open curiosity and mild surprise, looking slightly off-guard. Murderbot is saying, "I had an idea."

We need media, visual, audio - we'll need music - and text. We had to hit them with everything.

still not over That conversation from System Collapse. what a two-hit combo. what a scene. chefs kiss 🤌

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