As I Was Reading This I Was Like 'yes. Yes. That's Him. Oh God.' - Tumblr Posts
This is absolutely incredible. The writing is really intense and this short look into Touya's feelings and thoughts was beautifully worded and unbearably sad. The childish voice and the desperation in it, the starvation for fatherly love, the helplessness and yes, the terror, that are conveyed through the text fit perfectly the idea I have of the character as I read about him in the manga, which made this even more painful to read -and reread.
Obsessed with this paragraph that makes my heart hurt for multiple reasons.
"Dad's anger didn't scare him. He could always read something.. not loving but caring and gentle, buried deep, deep beneath the surface of the anger. Not to be exposed to the open, but still as elemental and firm as an old tree's roots. His science teacher once mentioned that the deeper the roots of a tree are; the harder to pull they become. Something is stronger and truer the more it's deeply hidden. It was a fact. Besides, truly valuable things are kept away, aren't they? Mom never wears her grandmother's neckless, even though it was the last birthday present she gave her before she died. Before she married dad. She says it's too precious to be put on display."
I'm not much of a fanfic writer, but I was challenged to pick a fandom and write a one-shot fanfic for it. And of course; I chose baby Touya Todoroki and his dear old dad, heh. I just started writing but it's going great so far. I think I'll be done with it tomorrow, hopefully. Here's a quick, unedited snippet:

Edit: I finished it!