As Much As I Love Stickvin Polythreat Will Always Have A Special Place In My Heart - Tumblr Posts

okay, listen… i know stickmintober has basically ended, but ive only JUST started. prepare for me to post stickmintober during the month of november. anyway have day 1 and day 2!!
choice explanations under the cut!!
for day 1 i didnt choose triple threat as my fav ending only because i just find special brovert ops more genuined ig?? idk how to explain it, but its the fact charles didnt have to get the pickup sanctioned by the general + henry wasnt expected to help, AND he was officially enlisted at the end too!! in triple threat henry and ellie have to help bc of the pickup, and at the end they dont officially enlist, theyre just there just in case. however, i do absolutely ADORE the triple threat/polythreat dynamic, don’t get me wrong. tldr: i prefer that in special brovert ops henry isnt pressured/expected to help as payment for getting picked up, unlike in triple threat. Other than that, triple threat is only second to this ending.
for day 2, i chose toppat civil warfare as my least favourite bc henrys lowkey a major asshole in this one?? like he just comes waltzing into the airship acting like a leader knowing he left ellie behind, and then he gets mad shes upset with him?? and that the toppat clan dont want him as their leader anymore?? like dude cmon have a lil self reflection here. also the toppats siding with him?? get outta here. i was a bit disappointed dave was on henrys side but then i realized he technically doesnt know WHY henry got denounced, he just knows henry got him out of his cell and out of the airship so hes probably just thankful for that. anyway tldr: i dont like it when one of my fav characters is protrayed as an asshole and i also dont like it when theres conflict between two or more of my fav characters, so thats why topoat civil warfare is my least fav ending.