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2 years ago

hii!!! I was just wondering if I could maybe request a fic where y/n lives in a cottage next to the beach where they farm and live a normal life but one day when they're walking down the beach they see a siren (which is felix) who is injured. y/n then fixes him up and they kinda fall in love (??)😭 idk but I want it to be super angsty but to have a happy ending.

Hello SweetPea! 💜

I'm sorry it's taken so long to get back to you. I was originally planning on just doing this as a reply, but I AM OBSESSED 😍😍. And it's become a lot longer than when I started. Soooooooo, for you my lovey:

Keep an eye out on my masterlist for Fleeting Tempest! 🥳🥳🥳

I'm hoping to have this one up within the next two weeks, please forgive me for taking so long 🙏🏼. Life has been throwing some hard balls at me while my eyes were closed. 😔

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2 years ago

Will there be a part two of answers? 🥺 is okay if not but the pain of that ending 😭💀 it’s not on the wip list I just wanted to hope ❤️ and if not can I ask the characters their reaction when they heard the message 🤡


I still haven't decided yet, but I do have an idea for a part 2.

HOWEVER, feel free to send in those character asks! As many as you want 💜💜💜

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2 years ago

Hi! I just read Gambler's Ruin and I love it so much!! Do you plan on writing another part to it?


As of right now, I don't have any intention of continuing this story. But I am always open to writing more! 💜💜

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2 years ago

Hi Myn ❤️ I I’m a fan of BTS but I found you through SKZ, there aren’t enough writers for them it’s so sad. Congratulations on 300 followers 🥳 for your milestone can I ask you for a sneaky peek of t the siren story on your WIP list please? 🤩🧜

Hello sweet pea! 💜💜

🥺 I am so glad you made it here and I love that it was SKZ that lead you to me. I'll tell you a secret, you can't tell anyone else ok? 🤫 I'll be writing fluffy drabbles for all 8 members. Soooo if there's anything you'd like don't hesitate to send them my way 💜

Thank you so much for stopping by and celebrating with me!!! 🥰 🥰 🥰 🥰 

As for a sneak peak.....

"Just for a moment you’re overwhelmed by the sight laid out before you. The slender beautiful man sitting up in your bed, his figure accentuated by the moon casting into your window from behind him. The moonlight dances on his features, his blonde hair almost seeming to glow. It was practically cruel how pretty this man was.

You would willingly drown in his eyes."

-Sorry it's so short but I don't want to give too much away!

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2 years ago

Will you be updating Eucalyptus?

short answer: YES!

longer answer: I am currently in the process of writing a part 2. I have a taglist in my bio you can add yourself to to stay updated!

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2 years ago

hello! may i ask why you are choosing to not write for seungmin or in? thanks :)

Hello lovey! You are more then welcome to ask 🥰

Now this might be an unpopular opinion, but i will say it’s purely how I see them. They are the 2 youngest members of the group and for me being older then them, older then chan, I felt it seemed inappropriate for me? 🤔

I know some people will argue that Felix and Han should be in the same category by the logic. But it’s also how I feel for them individually. IN and Seungmin are my babies, so I find it hard to write romance for them. It may change in the future but for right now that’s how it’ll be.

As well as my BTS fics do sometimes contain smut. In the case of skz I will not be writing anything containing smut for them.

I hope this made sense and answers your question! If you have any other questions or need me to explain more don’t hesitate to send me!

This applies to everyone else as well, my anons are on and I’m always here to answer questions like these 💙

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2 years ago

Looking forward for this🥺

Hey mimi! What’s the mutual help text thing people were talking about?

Oh I made text messages (sort of au??) for mutual help, it’s only a couple of screenshots of their conversation but I can’t find it. I forgot to look for it 🥲 but when I get home, I’ll try to look for it and will reblog it so y’all can read it 🫶

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1 year ago

seu icon tá me dando vontade de assistir hilda furacão

Aí assiste amg! Ela tá aqui por que tô viciada demais nela, e a mulher tá ocupando um lugarzão no meu coração 🙈❣️

Seu Icon T Me Dando Vontade De Assistir Hilda Furaco

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1 year ago

oiee, amg infelizmente não encontro muitas coisas com os meninos do bts por aqui por isso eu gostaria de perguntar se você poderia escrever algo com o jungkook por favor ♡

Oie anjo, tudo bem?

Você tem alguma preferência de alguma coisa? Por que esses dias vou postar o primeiro capítulo do projeto bookverse (BTS x Harry Potter), e os três primeiros são com o Jungkook.

Caso você queira alguma outra coisa, pode falar que escrevo sim 😊

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7 months ago

Me: Get back here, bully Nobody messes with my friends

I throw a knife to Hit the face water person

He looks at me in horror

Me: If I were you, I would start running

I Throw A Knife To Hit The Face Water Person
I Throw A Knife To Hit The Face Water Person
I Throw A Knife To Hit The Face Water Person

Before I ran after him gave alinoria Some of towels and new clothes

else here's your favorite food & candies

Chase music started When I started running after them with my chainsaw

I Throw A Knife To Hit The Face Water Person

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7 months ago

You kill us. Don't make me laugh

Either you are stupid or we hit you hard in the head

Did you really think you would kill us?

Oh boy You don't realize the situation you're in

You have no power over us And you know what that means

me: Point To the rest of the you guys

I'm sure they would like to play with you.

You Kill Us. Don't Make Me Laugh
You Kill Us. Don't Make Me Laugh
You Kill Us. Don't Make Me Laugh
You Kill Us. Don't Make Me Laugh

get him guys

*pull out rope and tied Rope on Biggest Crucifix*

*pull Out Rope And Tied Rope On Biggest Crucifix*

@lazyslimetime @mysterybooks-world

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7 months ago

While we eat popcorn and enjoy the show

While We Eat Popcorn And Enjoy The Show

*Blows up hate Anon with comically large bomb*

*Blows Up Hate Anon With Comically Large Bomb*

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