Straykids Felix - Tumblr Posts
Shopping List

Pairing: Felix x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
{Word Count: 383}

You groaned annoyed as your sibling shouted from your phone.
You huffed and rolled your eyes. "I thought I had grabbed it, but it turned out to be lix's brownie recipe." After saying all you hear from your phone is silence.
"Hello?," You say, just as you were getting ready to say your sibling's name you get interrupted.
"You got Felix's brownie recipe!?!! How!?!," Your sibling shouted.
"He made brownies last night for a movie night at my place last night.." You mumble the last part hoping they didn't catch it, but luck isn't on your side today.
"Aaaw!! Felix made you brownies last night for an mo-.... Y/N!! Really.. He stay ... The night.."
You gulped nervously as you kept walking down the sidewalk heading towards the store, you and Felix normally go and where he is meeting you today since rehearsal ended early for him.
“I have to go now, I'm almost at the store,” you say before hanging up after your sibling says bye. Walking slower than you were before, you tap on Felix’s contact, getting ready to text him when you hear him call out your name.
“Y/n!” Felix called out excitedly with a smile on his face when he saw you turn towards him. You smiled warmly at him, slipping your phone into your pocket before Felix grabbed your hand, pulling you alongside him. Entering the store, you let go of his hand and grabbed a cart, unbeknownst to you of Felix's smile faltering a little from the loss of warmth.
Steering the cart alongside him, you hummed, "Did you get the shopping list?" as you looked at the different things on the shelves.
"Yeah," he replied, taking the folding paper that was slightly rumpled from rehearsal. You let a small chuckle leave your lips as you looked at the paper when he unfolded it.
You glanced at the list in Felix's hand, skimming over the items on it. Pushing the cart towards the first aisle you're going to.
After going on your mini-adventure with Felix through the store getting all the items and ingredients, you both headed towards the checkout.
Once all the items were scanned and paid for, you thanked the cashier before heading towards the exit.

Taglist: @turtledove824
(A/n: Let me know if I missed anything or if you want to apart of the taglist, or request someone from my masterlist.)
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All rights go to ©Lelestarmy, Don't copy, translate, or repost any of my works onto other sites without my permission.
Albedo fan art but it’s giving Felix

Renascence: Hwang Hyunjin x OC
Part 3

Summary: The arcane are everywhere around you they are actually more normal than you think, but what of the anomalies in the arcane like Y/n? It definitely isn't easy. Specially when the nature is always out there to get you and the ones one you love. Loosing a loved one is difficult but when you've done it a couple of times. No matter how many births he took, watching Hyunjin fade wasn't easy for you. How far are you willing to go this time to protect him? Would things be different this time round?
A/n: there are mentions of blood
<- Previous
"Hwang? Hwang?" The professor called out in annoyance.
"Yes Professor" the sound came as everyone looked towards the door
"Late again? Seriously Hwang If you come late to class one more time I'll talk to the dean!"
"I'm sorry!" Hyunjin said and rushed to his seat beside Yeosang.
As soon as the professor turned around Hyunjin whispered to him.
"You won't believe what happened" he said
"Why tell me if I wont believe it?" He said
"What-" Hyunjin whisper whinned
When Yeosang said yet again “I am busy right now, can I ignore you some other time?"
"Yeo is on his period, tell me later" Yunho said from the seat behind him.
"Dude you've been having this recurring dream forever, you sure it wasn't a hallucination?" Yunho asked to Hyunjin's claim to hearing the voice of the woman who visits his dreams in reality.
"You don't hallucinate sound" Yeosang muttered, "besides how can you even know? You've never seen a face" he said, finally looking up from his notes.
"I don't know, but something about the voice. But, I couldn't find who it was" he said
"And you also got late to class" Yunho added
"I call it a fail-faik situation" Yeosang said, shaking his head.
The bell rang indicating the end of the period, the students stepped out as Hyunjin met Jisung for their e-con class
"Guess who got an internship?" Jisung sung out
"No way?!" Hyunjin said and hugged Jisung.
"Yeah, and guess who also got an internship at the 143 Research Facility, me" Seungmin said from the back as the hugging duo cheered and the poor Seungmin was pulled into the hug, gaining strange looks from the passersby student.
"The 143 Facility, isn't it the one owned by the Kim industries?" Jisung asked.
"It's the one that's trying to produce blood synthetically" Seungmin said, as Hyunjin nodded.
Classes were over and the students piled out as Hyunjin made his way to the art studio, he had to complete this piece he's been working on today because the deadline is the day after tomorrow and he's been procrastinating.
He wasn't the only one there, seems like quite a few students wanted to do it there last moment, he smiled at the other students as he took his place on his counter. He had texted Yeonjun that he'll be late so the elder doesn't worry much. His eyes fell on the counter right opposite to hus, the flowers seemed so familiar. Flowers that's what their topic was.
What the painting looked like, it doesn't belong to me:

"Ryunijn? What flowers are those?" Hyunjin asked
"These are aconite", the girl said glancing at him before getting back to her painting.
He can't remember where, but he can swear he remembers those flowers from somewhere. He read about them.
He just returned to his painting, it was a little later than 9 when Hyunjin heard a familiar voice.
"Hey Jinnie" Yeonjun said
"I told you to not come" Hyunjin said
"So I'll take back the coffee and sandwich? FINE" He turned around, only to be stopped by Hyunjin
"No! No! Gimme that! I was hungry" he said with a sheepish smile "But hyung you should have not, you have work tomorrow"
"Listen I told mom that I'll take care of you. So I'm doing my job" Yeonjun said patting the younger's head. "How much longer?" He asked glancing at the painting.
"Like an hour?" Hyunjin said
"Okay I'll wait" Yeonjun said to go and wait in the car.
By then most of the students had gone home, leaving only Hyunjin and Ryujin. Suddenly, Hyunjin had a strange feeling, like someone watching him, he looked around to see nobody. However, the hair at the back of his neck stood up, he felt uncanny. He focused more and more on his painting. But, he kept checking around and outside the windows even. He's probably paranoid.
"You seem disturbed, are you okay?" Ryujin asked suddenly startling him.
"Huh? Uh yeah. I'm just tired I guess" He said.
Later while walking to Yeonjun's car he had the same feeling and he also felt as if he heard some footsteps.
He couldn't sleep that night, that feeling kept bugging him all through the night. He contemplated going to Yeonjun's room but he didn't want to disturb his brother. So he texted Changbin to pick him up the next day. If he couldn't shake the feeling at least he could feel safe.
He tried to sleep which eventually came.
Again he dreamt of her, the same voice he's been hearing and dreaming of since he was 16. There have been multiple times that he has heard a similar voice but he could never find her. Because he had never seen a face or even a figure. But something was different today, he saw a figure, no he didn't see the face, but he saw a figure. She was laughing talking in a place that seemed so familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time. The same voice that excites him and calms him. The. He sees, the eyes, those pretty (e/c) eyes that are so deep and conceal lifetimes of secrets, stories.
The next morning, Changbin picked him up, he found his friend strangely happy. Even his day went smoothly, the images from last night's dream never left his mind. He had finally completed his painting and went to the canteen to find his friends seated. Seungmin, Yeosang and Changbin on one side Yunho and Han on the other, he joined the later as he settled his food.
"Look who decided to join" Yeosang teased.
"I'm finally done with the assignment~" Hyunjin said
"Show! Show!" Han cheered
Hyunjin swiped out his phone and showed them the painting that he clicked, still wet.

"Nice, you've really improved man" Han said
"Interesting choice, forget-me-not?" Seungmin asked, with a strange knowing look in his eye, which only was noticed by Yeosang.
"Forget me not? What?" Changbin asked
"Forget me not Changbin's mom" Yeosang replied
"Leave my mom alone will you!" Changbin whinned.
"The flowers are called Forget-me-not, Bin" Yunho said.
"I chose this because, there are so many things forgotten in this universe which deserve to be remembered" Hyunjin said.
"Rich coming from a dumber like you" Yeosang said and the rest snickered.
"hey!" Hyunjin scolded.
Suddenly, Seungmin was seen waving at someone, Hyunjin looked behind him to see Ryujin waving back at Seungmin, on noticing Hyunjin she waved at her too and went off with the old blond guy who also smiled and Seungmin.
"How do you know Ryujin?" Hyunjin asked
"She's always around in my workplace. I don't know exactly what her and her friends do. But she's there, with the blondey with freckles you saw, Felix and 2 high schooler.
"High Schooler?" Yeosang asked
"What do high schoolers have to do in a research facility?" Yunho asked
"Well it's not a government facility, they must be close to the owners, children?" Hyunjin wondered.
"No the owners are like really young, CEO Park doesn't have kids and as for Director Liliac, they seem close to her, could be siblings" Seungmin shrugged.
"Liliac?" Hyunjin asked
"Yes, that's our director, very smart and very pretty" Seungmin said and winked.
"Look at his ass crushing on elder women" Yunho said
"What's wrong with dating elder women. They're better trust me" Changbin finally said
As the other shook their head.
"Liliac" Hyunjin whispered to himself and suddenly he felt like the world was spinning and everything went dark. Thank god for Yunho who was quick to catch him and the others panicked.
Liliac, Liliac.
Next ->
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Felix x Reader: Hair Dye? Die?

A/n: Just some good ole fluff.
Summary: Felix watched a tiktok video when the boyfriend dies his girlfriend's hair to a color she likes with her eyes closed. Well, of course he wanted to try that.
You and Felix have been dating for sometime now and its an established fact that when he's not working, he's at your house. Even at times when you're not, and you don't really mind it. On one such days when you were done by afternoon and were supposed to spend the rest of the day with your boyfriend, you were punching in the code and you heard shuffling from inside and smiled to yourself. As soon as you opened the door you found, your boyfriend who came and tackled you into a hug.
"Baby?" He cooed
"Yes babe" you said as you moved towards the couch in the odd position with Felix hugging you even as you moved.
"Do you trust me?" Now as soon as you heard the question, you knew this is something new again
"Of course babe" you say nonetheless.
"Then, can I dye your hair?" He asked with the cutest puppy eyes. How were you supposed to say no to this cute freckled boy.
"Just don't bleach my roots" you said and he cheered, doing a little victory dance.
And hence, this is how you found yourself in the washroom after freshing up and lunch, camera setup on a tripod.
Felix went in and brought a Froggie eye cover for you.

"What is this for?" You asked.
"Cause you're not supposed to look unless it's finished" he asked.
"So thats why you asked if I trust you?" You said and put on the cover, you trusted him to not do anything stupid, even though its Felix.
"Okay babe, be ready to get amazed" he said.
You felt tickly and cold from the touch of the dye and you almost shivered, seeing that Felix asked you to wait and you heard his footsteps fade away. Soon his retreating footsteps were heard you felt a towel wrapped around you. You couldn't help but smile to yourself.
"So tell me how was your day" he asked. And you started to tell him about your classes and this interesting project you've been working on. Him making a comment here and there and then applying the dye.
"Can you tell me what color you're using?" You asked.
"Babe the whole point of the blindfold is so you don't know the color unless it's done" he stated the obvious "Don't move!" He scolded and you pouted.
"Aww" he cooed and kissed your pout to change into a huge grin and he smiled to himself at your childishness. If your eyes were open you'd see the way he looks at you through the mirror, like you hung up the stars and moon in the sky, with so much, love, adoration and admiration in his eyes.
"What if I dye your hair Orange and Blue?" He said still applying the dye
"You wouldn't!” you said and gasped "FELIX!!!" you exclaimed and he giggled with the cutest sound, saying that he was kidding.
The two of you kept bickering until he said done, and he carefully went to cover the mirror with a towel. He then pulled your eye cover to your neck and said "Do not check your hair colour, I am trusting you" no matter how much you wanted to know the color, you knew this was his surprise and you would never spoil it for him, so you curbed all your wishes.
The two of you decided to play some Uno. So now you two are settled on the floor outside the washroom as you see Felix with a huge smirk as he says "Uno!"while you still had three in your hand. So you launched your secret weapon, A wild card and changed the color and find him screeching "NOOO!" as you change the colour of the set and say "Uno" and of course, you won. Even though Lix said 'he let you win'
"Okay bae! Its time!" He said, checking his phone.
He ushered you inside the washroom and positioned you in front of the tub with just your head hanging inside it. He checked the water to make it neither hot nor cold, exactly how you like it and rinsing. A sigh left your mouth as he gently rinsed your hair.
"Do you like it?" He said in his iconic baby voice
"Yes" you said smiling.
"Tell me baby do you like it?" He suddenly said in his deep voice. Damn that voice made you feel weak at your knees just by one word, and what he said was lewd. You could help but say "Yes daddy" and giggled making Felix flustered.
He dried your hair and brushed it.
"Are you ready to check your hair?" He asked
"Yes!" You exclaimed, yes Felix put the cover back on your eyes before opening your towel to use the dryer so you still have no idea what your boyfriend dyed you're hair to.
He brought the camera closer, with one hand and uncovered the bathroom mirror with the other and you were shocked.

You absolutely loved the color and he did it so cool.
"Babe! How did you do this?!" You asked and hugged him.
"I got a few tips" he said "You like it?"
"I love it! Let's go take pictures!" You said and pulled him. He turned the camera to throw a peace sign and ended the vlog.
You flaunted the hair to be your boyfriend's masterpiece to his members and your friends, who said stuff like how lucky you were, and you knew you were.
The video became a personal favourite of the two of you, since you watched it together the first time. How you clowned yourself, how Felix would get flustered at your comments and touches, and you knew, this was the end game.
Other Works
Felix x Reader: Felix Felicis

Summary: You always thought Lee Felix from Hufflepuff hated you cause he avoided you. But he is a literal sunshine, according to people? So what happens when you get paired up for potions.
A/n: To the person who drew me in and then I became a STAY. Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE FELIX. My comfort person, whose voice notes and videos have brought me comfort on tough days. The person who is the literal ball of sunshine. My emotional support! MAY YOU GET JUST AS MUCH AS YOU KEEP GIVING!!! Happy Birthday my love!!
W/c: 2.1k
"For the last time Ms L/n, I will NOT allow anybody switching partners without a reason" Professor Snape muttered, and you walked away in defeat from your 3rd and last attempt.
"Remind me, Why do you even want to change partners?" Seungmin asked and you rolled your eye. "Cause the guy is strange, I think he hates me!" You said as you made your way to your seats. "Him? He literally talks to everyone, is friends with everyone" He said looking equally bored. "Dude goes out of his way to avoid me, Meanie " you said exasperated, also using the nickname he hates, but you call it anyway cause he is a Meanie. "Maybe he's still afraid of you?" Seungmin suggested. "Dude, it was in the 2nd year and the quaffle went right past him, it didn't even hit him. And, I said sorry" you pointed out. You thought back to the years back to that day you were in 2nd year and were practicing quidditch your 1st month as the Keeper of the team. You remember how you had difflected the quaffle with your broom but the Chasers couldn't catch it and it went straight towards the ground, Lee Felix of Hufflepuff was passing and the quaffle went right past him, missing him by a few inches and onto the ground. You quickly rushed his way and apologized and asked if he was okay, but he ran away. Come to think of it, it was since then that he had started avoiding you, going to an extent to which, that he even stopped in his tracks and missed a complete stair as it was moving because you were in it. If you pass the same corridor he doesn't even look your way. All these time you've had so many classes together and he has never sat beside you. You remember that one time, the only empty seat was beside you and he forced his friend Jisung out of the bench and took a seat there as Jisung sat beside you with a shy smile. The guy has always gone out of his way to avoid you.
"Are you seriously still thinking about him?" Seungmin poked you on the side with his wand and asked and you shook your head, but he knew better. "Don't you have a match to plan Captain? Focus on that!" He said. "Fuck here he comes" you said and the freckled boy walked into the class scanning it and giving a smile as soon as his eyes settled on you and your eyes met. A shy smile, damn he's cute, you thought and scolded yourself. "Hey I'm Felix" he said, almost confusing you. "Y/n L/n" you said, smiling awkwardly. He sat beside you, much shockingly Felix spoke to you on his own throughout the class about the assignment and notes that you both exchanged.
You both were trying to decide the potion you wanted to work on. "Amortentia" (love potion) he had suggested. "Well I've overheard a lot of pairs brewing that and it's common. Cheesy too" you said and the two of you chuckled, "why don't we go for Felix Felixis" (liquid luck) you suggested, you missed the pink that immediately dusted his cheeks as he had made the smart remark. "Wow! You're really smart" he said in wonder. "It's nothing. I'm not" you said and shrugged. Later when you were leaving you saw Seungmin looking at you teasingly. "What?" You asked. "It's nothing~ I'm not~" he sang. "I DO. NOT SOUND. LIKE. THAT" you said glaring at him. "If that helps you sleep at night loser" he said and walked further into the dungeon towards his common room as you walked back towards the stairs.
You failed to notice the way Felix sighed as Jisung quirked his eyebrows at him.
"Why do I have to meet my partner at the same time as you?" Seungmin asked again. "I swear you never listen to me, do you?" You spoke. "I wouldn't say never" he said. "That's so Slytherin of you, Meanie" you teased. "Don't make me hex you” he said, but you knew he didn’t mean it. “Anyways Felix and Jisung are friends and I know him a bit too, so it’ll be less awkward for all of us. Besides the guy is a bit scared of you” you shrugged. “They’re scared of me” Seungmin smiled “Sweet” he added and you smacked him with the book in hand.
“Hey Jisung! Felix!” you chirped when you noticed them outside the library and waved. The four of you took a sat in a corner. Felix opposite to you and Seungmin beside you. “I saw this book we could use, I randomly found it while I was searching for something for my charms homework” you said. “You remember the name?” Felix asked and you nodded your head without turning it. “Nerd” you heard the remark in Seungmin’s voice and you glared back at him. You four or at least Jisung, Felix and you had a good time. You helped then figure out that the Draught of Peace was a good choice for them. You figured out the sources you were going to use and planned to go to Hogsmeade the following weekend. He offered to go alone if you had practice and would be too tired but you insisted to go together.
“Hey” Felix greeted you as he passed your table in the morning. You smiled and greeted a “Good Morning” when your senior and Vice-captain of Quidditch, Lee Minho slid beside you and stated in awe. “He speaks to you now?”. You nodded you head and told him how you were paired up with him for potions. “I don’t understand, he seems fine now, so why did he avoid me for this long? Is he acting?” you said. “It’s Lee Felix that’s impossible” you heard Seungmin say and he slid onto your table from his. “Good Morning, Meanie” you chirped. “Yeah” he said and continued eating. “But seriously, I wonder if I should ask him” you wondered. “Why don’t you ask him when you go to buy the ingredients to Hogsmeade?” Seungmin suggested and you liked the idea. “Anyways, practice at 4 remember that” VP Minho said and walked away.
“What else do we need?” Felix asked as he looked through the shelves of the corner shop. “Occamy eggshells?” you read out from the list and he walked to a specific shelf and grabbed a small amount. “I think this will do” he showed you, and you nodded. The two of you divided the price (Even though Felix suggested to pay the full as “You were all the brain?”) The two of you then decided to go to the Three Broomsticks for some butterbeer. You found out that only Felix’s Father is a wizard, he has two sisters and he is the middle child. Unfortunately, he and his younger sister were the only one with magical powers, but he loved them both. He told you stories of his childhood and you did the same. That was when you realised how pure of a person Lee Felix is, how true his smile is, how pretty his freckles are and how much you’ve started to like him over the time. You met up with Jisung and an annoyed Seungmin who said Jisung is way too chirpy for him, you smacked him with your hand as you assured Jisung you loved his company.
“You didn’t ask him?” Minho questioned as he passed you the water bottle during the practice break. “Didn’t he walk you to the dorm last night?” he asked with a smirk. “Lord yes! Were you spying?” you asked. “No but I was having my corridor rounds and I happened to see the two of you *Cough* hug” he said. “Why are you talking like it obscene?” you asked. “My girl! A Ravenclaw and a Hufflepuff is scandalous” he said and signaled that the break is over as all of you boarded the brooms and the game restarted. “Seonghwa! Move it” you said to the guy who was almost hit by the bludger yet again.
“It was so fun doing this assignment with you” you said as you stirred the potion, it was the final day when Professor Snape would test your potion and you will hand in your research. “Yeah, it was fun,” he said, mirroring your smile. The past 2 weeks were so different, apart from classes and practice you looked forward to seeing Felix. You often hung out with him and Jisung in the study hall as Meanie often tagged along and they both were fun. Minho had a field day teasing you about "the way he looks at you like a lost puppy" or "how he blushes like a poppy when you call his name" which you have never seen so you assume it's his imagination.
"Well see you during study hall today" he said as he packed his bags. "Okay! Professor said that he'd put up the grades on the board so Meanie will check it and I'll let you know" you said and you joined him on your way to the door. "Btw felix can I ask you something?" You said and he looked and nodded.
"Why did you avoid Before this? Like you used to go out of your way in avoiding me?" You asked chuckling to try and sound unserious. But Felix froze, he immediately mumbled an 'I have to go' and took off.
You went to practice not realising what happened but when he never turned up at study hall, you were concerned. The next morning you found him on his table, but he took off picking up a sandwich, the moment he entered. So you caught on to Jisung, as he was passing and found out Felix was by the black lake. You stomped to the lake where he was sitting with his griffindore friends. "Walk with me" you said looking at him. He gulped and stood up and nodded then excused himself as he followed you to a distance.
"I don't know whats going on! But if I made you uncomfortable then I'm sorry but please don't do this I can't handle this- I really-" you were interrupted by Minho's voice and you yelled "2 minutes!". "Y/n I-" he started but you spike up instead, "no, let me speak, I really like you Lee Felix and I thought we kinda could've had something going on. I don't know- Yes I'm coming" you saud as you heard Minho call your name again. "You know were up against Griffindore, and you have friends there. But if- if you feel the same, wear our colors" you said and walked away.
"You know the field is on tight schedule now! It's the quidditch season" he said dramatically. "Oh I know. I needed to do it okay" you saud and the two of you rushed.
You were double nervous today, the captain of Griffindore, Choi Seungcheol was a really good beater but you were extra tensed.
"It's gonna be fine" Minho said, patting your shoulder. On signal all the players flew out. You found Felix on one of the balconies, with Jisung and Hyunjin, his friends. He was still in Hufflepuff colors and your heart started sinking. However, suddenly his eyes met yours and he swept out his wand and seemed like the revelio spell, his attire changed to your house colors and his pretty cheeks fancied paint strokes of your house colors!! Minho cheered and whispered "now lets win this game and look cool infront of your boyfriend. You blushed and said "let's do this guys"
Felix gasped everytime you stepped infront of the Quaffle and difflected it. He noticed the way you winced when the Quaffle ones hit ine of your shoulder as you missed and made a mental note to check on it afte the game.
"Wow!" Good save by L/n, tge announcer Boo Seungkwan's voice echoed through the grounds. "What that?! The seekers are on move the snitch has been spotten. Lee Minho is hot on its tail as the Gryffindor seeker Choi Soobin is right behind him. And oh! Lee Minho caught the snitch! Ravenclaw Wins this game. What a successful game for the Captain Y/n L/n! Good job everyone!” Seungkwan ended the match. Felix rushed down as you took your victory lap. You flew down and were immediately engulfed in a hug. "I like you too! Oh lord! I like you so damn much I might love you. Fuck. I was so scared you're you, popular player and I thought you'd never notice and I-" you pushed him away and grabbed his neck and slammed your lips to his, shutting his rabling. You pulled away to hear an uproar of cheers immediately spread.
"Lee Felix! You're so mine now!" You said.
"you both are such losers, I almost spiked your pumpkin juices with your A graded potion" Meanie grumbled and you both laughed.
"we got an A?" He asked and you nodded. "This calls for a double celebration then" he said giggling.
I'll be taking requests, so please feel free to hit the ask me anything button!
I am currently writing for both BTS and Stray Kids! Please see below for a quick overview of my fics, if you wish to see a more detailed list click on the group you wish to dive into!

Endlessly yours,
Eucalyptus - 001 || 002 || 2.5
Gamblers Ruin
How Far
In Too Deep
Not Gonna Happen
Tell Me Again
The Price We Pay
Treasure - 001 || 002
Truth Or Lies
Gone Once More
Love Revocation
Must Be
Don't Tell Me What You See
The Restricted Collection
To Breathe Again
What I See

Camera Roll
Fallen Star
Fleeting Tempest *coming soon*
We Are Liars
Poisoned Discoveries
These Nights Can't Last Forever*coming soon*
The Restricted Collection
Completed Requests (for both groups)
Hello Sweet Peas! I'm just here to give you a quick update of the fics I'm currently working on and what I am hoping to start working on shortly!
What I See - mini series
Answers - stray kids drabble
Crown - series
Lucid - series
The Restricted Collection - mini series
I have some other ideas brewing, but for now these are the main ones I want to work on. However, I may or may not have a certain Hybrid au completion in mind. But I will neither confirm or deny anything.
-- Nym
Camera Roll

Warnings: Swearing, heavy thirsting,, stupidity at its finest.
Pairing: LeeMinho!College student x Femalereader!College student
Premise: Your best friend comes up with the dumbest plan you've ever heard of. The plan consisting of having all your friends believing you are dating, all because they accidentally found out you live together. How is this supposed to prove anything? The man of your dreams will just have to stay that, in your dreams.
Authors notes: Hi...... Please please please let me know what you think! I never meant to start writing for SKZ this idea felt so right being for them that I couldn't bring it back. Plus with their comeback and the fact that I am dying to go to their concert. Lord have mercy on Ticketmaster.

“Did you-” Chan breaks the silence, peering up from his laptop at the dining table in his apartment.
“No. Absolutely not.” You try to derail your best friend, not looking up at him at all. Focusing on the book in front of you. You know where this is going already, just by the look you can feel he’s giving you.
He knows you too well at this point. He waits for you to stop chewing on your lip before asking his question. “Did you or did you not sneak taking pictures of Lee today?”
You cringe inwardly, definitely not lying well.
“Felix told me he saw you” He scoffs at your terrible lying. Lying was easy when it was anyone other than Chan. It was almost second nature to you.
“Then why did you even ask me?!” You groan, falling back onto his couch. The book falls out of your hands with a thud, landing on the hardwood floor.
“Why are you stalking him?” You can hear his low chuckle from across the room. You fling yourself over to the side of the couch to look at him.
“I’m not! I’m just taking shots of him without him knowing so I can secretly drool over them later!” You try to plead your case. “Don’t look at me like that, shut up! Let me live in delulu.”
“You can’t be going around taking pictures of him, you freak.”
“OK, I’ll stoooop.” You whine. Ignoring his rude pet name, laying back to stare at his ceiling. “I don’t need to anyways.”
“You have hyunjin sending you pics from their practices don’t you.” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement.
“GAH! Why are you like this?” Grabbing a pillow you attempt to suffocate yourself into the fabric.
“ME? You’re such a weirdo.” He’s enjoying this too much. “Just talk to him”
“Um no.. have you seen him? Absolutely not. Brain is mush. And I will not embarrass myself more than I already do, thank you very much.”
“You are always over at his place anyways. How do you manage to go there and not talk to him?” He inquires as you toss the pillow back to the couch and stand up. Turning to face him you can’t help but shrug.
“Easy. He doesn’t pay me any attention. Besides I’m hanging out with the others and their place is the biggest next to yours but SOMEONE won’t let anyone in.” You remind him.
Chan had the biggest apartment out of the friend group, but for some unknown reason he wouldn’t let anyone over. No one other than you even knew which apartment building was his. Well you could understand why. It was a nice apartment, in a nicer, expensive building. Having all of you over at once was asking for disaster.
Having a game night at Changbins place proved right, when somehow the microwave caught on fire but no one could remember putting anything in there. The remains of the fire gave no clues either to what was actually in there. Changbin moved apartments shortly after that. Still they hadn’t been able to figure out who or what was the cause.
Chan was clearly trying to save his place. You weren’t much better, only a few people had been to yours so in hindsight it did make sense.
“Maybe one day, if they can all promise not to set anything alight.” He chuckles before mumbling under his breath as you leave the room. “Doesn’t pay attention huh? We’ll see about that.”
“The love of my life knows I’m living with you, and all of our friends think we’re dating. This is the worst day of my life.” You cry out from the kitchen floor.
Staying at Chans wasn’t really an issue in itself. You had been friends since you were kids, you left to carry on middle school and highschool abroad before he moved to Korea for college. In a blind leap of faith you applied for the same college, and fate decided you two were destined to reunite. You had continued talking the whole time you were apart. You made sure to make time for each other, no matter how hectic life became whether it be facetime or calls or just a quick message. It was constant. It was a constant you needed in your life, one that made you believe you could trust him completely.
Joining his friend group was easier than you thought. They were already a melting pot of different personalities, but all choosing music in some way shape or form as either a minor or major. They just made sense together, so you slipped right into what seemed like an open space they had left vacant for you.
One friend however made things a little more difficult for you. It’s not like he was mean or rude or anything, he just didn’t seem to have much interest in you. Simple conversations, simple answers mostly consisting of shrugs. Unfortunately, the beautiful man that caught your attention upon first meeting clearly didn’t show any signs of wanting to get to know you. But he never seemed like he was annoyed or angry at your presence, so you took that as a win. What you didn’t take as a win but a MASSIVE loss is you falling more and more in love with him.
First his looks caught your eye, then his voice had your ears peaking in interest. And then you had the misfortune of watching him dance and you felt yourself clinging onto the cliff's edge of a love pit. Telling yourself he was only good-looking, nothing else. He must be a terrible person, and must treat his mother badly. Just trying to convince yourself that he was heavily flawed somehow.
You were proven wrong very quickly. Overhearing a phone conversation he was having with his mother and grandmother shut that thought up quickly. And when you heard him ask about his cats back home you all but swooned on the spot. All of your friends were dog people, but you were scared of dogs. You had cats of your own back home, hearing his love for his cats and seeing them plastered everywhere on his phone case you still held onto the notion that he was hopefully a cold uncaring person.
Only yet to be proven wrong. You couldn’t help yourself from watching him. Watching his interactions with the people around him. See how much he took care of his close friends, asking for no thanks in return but silently willing to help any of them out with any problem.
That’s when you knew you were doomed.
And now, because of renos happening in your apartment building you had reluctantly moved into Chan's guest bedroom. The issue was that upon a misunderstanding and accidental cohabitation reveal, a couple of them had realized that you and Chan had hidden the fact that you were staying together. And before Chan could clear anything up, the haste of their departure and apology for being nosey into your lives, congratulations and whines of being kept in the dark left everything muddy.
So that’s where it left you after Chan came home and explained what happened to you, on the floor, mopping.
“No. No, this is perfect!” Chan claps his hands excitedly, sitting down next to you.
“You and I have very different ideas of ‘perfect.’” Complete exasperation forces your voice out. “not only does he ignore me most of the time, but now I have even less of a chance because he thinks I’m taken.”
“Would you shut it a second and let me explain.” He huffs at you.
“Sorry I can’t hear you over my heartbreak” You dramatically cry.
“Well, turn it down and listen because I have a plan.” Sliding to lay down next to you on the cold tiles.
“A plan for what?” You crane your neck to look over at him.
“To prove to your blind ass that he does feel the same way.” He gives you a little shove, your body slightly lolling as you ragdoll.
“Have you been drinking today?” Your suspicion grows. He was out with Felix and Hyunjin this evening, chances are he was.
“…yes but that’s not the point.” Chan scoffs. “If he really thinks you and I are together now, there’s no way he won’t be jealous.”
“Elaboration please.” You are still confused, how could this possibly prove anything.
“Making me do all the work here.” His warm voice mumbles through the cold air. “Think about it. It’s not like we have to act any differently than we normally do. We are affectionate and close anyways. They don’t know that you’re in my guest room, if they ask we just keep things ambiguous. We don’t have to lie, but not give them the whole truth. Let’s let them assume it on their own. If he does truly have feelings for you, like I know he does, then he’ll show it. He may not talk about this kind of thing but his actions speak a lot louder than anything.”
“I see where this is going. And it sounds terrible.”
“Cmon what have you got to lose?” He had a point, but you were too stubborn to agree already.
“My reputation for people thinking I’m dating you.”
“Ok, ouch and here I am just trying to help.” His hand clutches his chest dramatically in pain. “Seriously, it’s a good plan. I’ll prove I’m right once and for all.”
You don’t need to mull it over. It does make sense what he’s saying, but the fear of you being right instead of him is what makes you hesitant. You let out a deep sigh.
A few weeks after Chan's self-titled ‘Compromising Lee’ mission discussion, he had reluctantly agreed to let the boys come over for dinner. Much to their persistence and whining, only if they agreed to be on their best behaviors. Unbeknownst to you but very obviously to Chan Seungmins now interest was a clear sign of Minho wanting to get closer to find out if you were really dating.
Or at least that's what Chan tried to convince you of. Seungmin never voiced a desire to see his friend's place, he rarely cared about these things. But your best friend was overly excited about it, chirping on about how he was going to ‘show you Channie is always right’, to which you had scoffed and feigned a gag.
So now it came to this. Chan leading a tour through his large two bedroom upscale, top floor apartment, with everyone in tow. Except for you, you had been charged with starting to cook dinner. In hindsight, you don’t remember how you specifically got roped into this.
“What’s in this room?” Felix’s voice echoed from the hallway towards the bedrooms.
“Ah it was an empty guest room, but right now all of Y/n's stuff is in there.” Chan chimed happily bounding his way back to you on the completion of the tour.
You had just finished preparing all of the meat and vegetables when they shuffled back to the open kitchen and living room. Some moved to check out the entertainment system, some to aimlessly look through Chan's things scattered about the room.
“How much stuff did you bring?” Hyunjin snarked as he sat down on an island stool.
“I did have my own place before I moved in here.” You match his sass, eyebrow raising to him in mirth. “What did you want me to do, leave all my furniture behind? I just shoved it all in there for now.”
“Makes sense.” Felix nods in understanding, joining Hyunjin. As they start conversing, your eyes drift over to Chan, the excitement is written all over his face as his hands wildly animating whatever he’s talking about to IN and Jisung. In your peripherals you can finally take in Minho sitting on the couch with Seungmin discussing something you can’t hear, his face as beautifully stoic as ever. Bare faced, hair slightly messy, black pants and his favourite grey baggy hoodie. Your favourite hoodie. One that if you could you had any chance to, you would steal and wear 24/7. How cozy would you be surrounded by his scent? His warmth?
Your mind begins to wander dangerously away to your fairytale land, eyes drifting to stare down at the raw cut vegetables in front of you. However, you are quickly shocked out of it when you feel someone lean into you from behind. Chans giggle gives him away instantly.
“Seung, do you think you could help me sometime this week with a vocal project I’m working on?” The chest rumbles behind you as the arms caging you snuck out and stole a piece off the cutting board to munch behind you. “Actually Lee it would be great if I could get your help too.”
“Sure Chan, whatever you need.” He states quickly, the tone in his voice made a weird feeling crawl up your skin. You look up just in time to see Minho look away abruptly to turn to his phone.
Only offering a grunt in response. Weird. Something about Seungmin’s voice made you feel uneasy, you peer back to look at the man still clinging to you. The only thing you get from him is a shrug and a slight smirk. Clearly you had missed something, something he very much will taunt you about later.
“What do you think?” Han whispers, joining the mins on the couch.
“Well she definitely lives here. No doubt about that.” Seungmin flatly declares.
Minho doesn’t try to hide his annoyed eye roll. He can see you and Chan in the kitchen, flirting back and forth like normal, your normal friendly flirty banter. He’s starting to regret coming here, the signs of you cohabitating causing tension to ride in his body.
Chan continues to glue himself to you as you continuously brush him off to keep cooking. He had been stunned momentarily when you answered the door, your long hair in soft natural curls falling down your back, cute bunny slippers on your feet, and mint green fuzzy lounge set making you look like the most amazing thing to cuddle when falling asleep. But like the pro he has become around you he managed to stonewall himself, into indifference.
“She knows where everything is and she hasn’t asked him once if she can use anything.” Seungmin elaborates swiftly, noticing the look on Minho's face.
“Right and all of her stuff is mixed in with Chans. Instead of segregated spaces.” Han nods.
“It doesn’t confirm that they are actually dating though. Neither of them have said that they are.” Seungmin looks to a tense jawed Minho. “I told you, you needed to make a move before someone else did.”
“I know. I just-” Minho trails off. It’s not that he didn’t want to tell you how he felt, it was just that he felt like he couldn’t. You were so independent, so opinionated, unafraid to be you, and he… well he was possessive, clingy and unintentionally stiff. He liked your spunk. It was so you. So What was he supposed to do? Try to chain you to his side because he’d want to be with you 24/7, wanting to feel you against him in any way he could, hear your voice telling him all the sweet things he imagined?
Besides, the chances of you actually returning his feelings were zero to none.
More so now, with Chan being an uncalculated option.
“I know you know, but now I have to live with a very moody…you.” Seungmin groans outwardly, reclining back on the couch.
He sends a not so subtle glare in Seungmin’s direction as the man leans back. As he does he catches your eye, upon making eye contact the glare falls from his face and his eyes widen slightly. His breath hitches and catches in his throat, you give him a soft shy smile before turning back to Felix. His whole body feels stuck, his mind reels. He can’t forget that smile, the smile that reached your eyes. The smile directed at him.
That smile was for him and him alone.
He blinks rapidly back to his two friends sharing the same confused look. He forces his body to remember to breathe again. He avoids your eyes for the rest of the night, afraid of the never settling butterflies threatening to erupt out of his stomach.

“Bin, is it alright if y/n swings by to grab something from me?” Chan breaks the concentration in the room.
“Yea, fine by me.” Changbin nods absentmindedly before looking up to the older. “What’s she up to tonight? Felix wanted to hang but she said she had plans.”
“She’s going out with the girls tonight, I think she mentioned something about the Insomnia club? I don’t know.” He shrugs, keeping an unconcerned aura about him, before excitedly sending you a final text. ‘Changbin says you can come by’
Minho starts to lose interest in the words in front of him. The project being slowly forgotten by the thought of getting to see you tonight. But his mind recalls a very significant detail about Insomnia, thankfully he doesn’t need to say anything as Changbin voices his unheard uneasiness
“The one with the handsy bartender? Damn, ballsy.”
Thank god for Changbin. Minho continues to stare at the papers in front of him, trying to really force a mask of indifference. His body reacting slightly to the conversation betraying his discomfort to the one person set on exploiting it. So, if it’s an indifference battle, Chan is set on winning.
“I guess” And like that, he watches Minho hand tighten around the pen he’s holding, sitting up a little straighter before slumping completely over his textbook and pretending to completely immerse himself in it.
“*whistles* Shit yn, looking good” Changbin calls out to you as you let yourself into his apartment.
“Nice to see you too Bin” You wink as you walk over to the table, resting against the end before looking at your best friend.“Chan can I have my portable charger please?”
He blinks at you momentarily before remembering his own plan.“Yea it’s in my backpack give me a second.”
Shifting weight from one leg to another, slight heels extenuating your leg muscles. Dress length to mid thigh, hugging all the right curves on your body. You had gone for a soft glam makeup look tonight, making sure you were dewy in all the right places to catch the light. That included your exposed collarbones and shoulders. Your hair was in your go-to loose waves, it did what it wanted anyways, so why fight it?
You try your best not to look at Minho as you wait, ignoring your need to look at the beautifully soft man. Seeing his sweatpants and baggy blank t-shirt with messy hair upon entering. One of your top 5 looks on him. His dance performance attire was something to drool over for sure, but something about him looking so comfy made your stomach do flips.
“What time will you be home?” Chan asks, handing over one of his portable chargers.
“I don’t know? When we’re bored?” You shrug, answering normally. He gave you a partial idea of what to say, so the rest you figured you were to keep it as true as possible.
“Ok. what about a jacket? Aren’t you going to get cold?” He looks you up and down quizzically like he wasn’t the one to tell you to wear it.
You scan down your outfit before you recall his instructions. “I couldn’t find the one I wanted. I think my leather one is still in a box somewhere. And I wasn't about to ruin my outfit with the other ones I have.”
“You should have grabbed mine.” Amused blase dripped from his voice. You have no idea where this plan of his is going but you do your best to maintain it.
“I would have if I thought about it. But I don't have time to go back now, and I gotta go or else I’m going to be late and I do NOT need Lia nagging at me again.” A pout creeps onto your lips before you turn to leave. “Bye guys have fun with your homework”
Two out of three of the boys wave to you as you depart, heading back into the taxi you arrived in to meet with your girls. You need to relax, one night you need to not be thinking about Minho as you fall asleep. Maybe the partying and alcohol would help, hell maybe even finding someone nice to flirt with.
After a few silent breaths and he’s sure you’ve left the building he can’t help his anger rise. Chan on the other hand is fighting within himself to stay calm. Not wanting to get too excited as he waits for the inevitable reaction from Minho.
“You’re actually letting her out dressed like that without you around?” Minho fists clench under the table, knuckles turning white as the image of you in that unholy dress engraves itself into his very being.
Chan looks up confused, like he wasn’t expecting to have to talk about you. “Huh? Oh yea.”
“Seriously?” There’s a slight bite to Minho. Chan does his best to stone face and seem annoyed by Minho's tone.
“Yes Lee *eye roll* I am. She’s a big girl, she can handle herself.”
“I’m with Minho on this. The last time we all went to that bar the bartender was really pushy and we were all there next to her. I can’t imagine what that slimy sack of nothing is going to try without us there. Not to mention her looking like an 8 course meal.” Changbin agrees.
A gasp escapes from Chan, a hint of laughter bubbling from him now. “Changbin, What would your boyfriend say?”
“He would agree. All 8 courses.”
Minho becomes increasingly uncomfortable with Chan's dispassion at your whereabouts. His possessiveness makes his skin itch, he knows he has no right to be. But seeing you dressed up, look even more stunning than you normally do is making his brain short circuit.
Chan might be able to just sit here and do nothing, but he can’t.
“Soooo are you gonna tell me what happened or do I have to force it out of you?” Chan sings happily as he flops down on your bed next to you. His face screams with eagerness as his body shakes with excitement.
“I have no idea what youre talking about…” You bite your lip and look over to the leather jacket hanging on your closet door.
“So you’re telling me, you’ve been stupidly happy since the night you went out because you finally accepted the advances of creepy mc creep and NOT because I saw you walk around the next day wearing Lee’s jacket in the house?” He tries to pout at you, but it only looks ridiculous on him. You can’t help but attempt to stifle a laugh behind your hand.
“Shut it. Nothing happened.” You manage to huff.
“Uh huh…..he went to the club and?” He starts for you.
“Aaaand, nothing. Seriously. He said he was out for a walk because you guys were taking a break and he happened to wander my way and remembered I didn't have a jacket so he wanted to check up on me for you. Then he saved me from a very shifty moment with said bartender and let me borrow his jacket and then left.” You say out in a rush, the need to defend yourself as well as his motives becomes increasingly necessary for your heart rate. “See nothing happened.”
“How the hell is that nothing? I’m starting to get worried about you.” Chan blanks at you, shaking his head at your dismissals. “I never asked him to check on you, you know. That one was all him.”
He adds before shuffling off your bed and out the door. “He was worried about you.”
You blush, hope ignites deep within you. But like a kindling flame you burn it out quicker then it started. He was just looking out for a friend's girlfriend. He hadn’t taken an interest in you before. He was just in the neighborhood, that's all.
He’s just a good friend to Chan.
Since that night it was like Minho seemed to appear around you alot more. Or was it the same and you just noticed even more because of that stupid bud of hope Chan planted in you. But days like today are when you noticed it. Normally when you were over at Seungmin and Minho’s place, Minho would be hiding in his room, only coming out for food occasionally or to just see what you guys were up to and then he’d retreat back.
Today however he had opted to stay in the living room with you Seungmin, Felix, and Hyunjin. You all had started the evening with ordering food and playing a new board game Felix had found and now it lay abandoned half played on the coffee table as the group began to look through Netflix for a movie to watch. And abnormally, there was Minho sitting on one of the big comfy chairs, watching the game progress with his phone untouched next to him. Which once again was strange, he was always on it when you were around.
“Oooo let’s watch this one. I haven't seen it yet!” You point excitedly at the thumbnail of a new horror movie that just came out.
“It was nice having you over y/n you can leave now.” Seungmin barks at you.
“Oh come on, I’ve been begging Chan for weeks to watch it, but he’s too scared.” You exasperatedly sigh. “You’ll vote for this movie right Minho?”
You knew Minho liked horror movies too, Jisung had told you. Unfortunately you had somehow forgotten that he probably didn’t know that you knew. Or maybe it was your own shock from remembering that small fact, as Jisung let it slip over a year ago and you’ve never forgotten.
His blank gaze stuns you for a moment before you scrunch your nose up in defeat, grabbing another bite of food.
“How is Chan by the way? I haven't talked to him in a while. He’s always busy.” Felix changed the subject unknowing of your rising heat from embarrassment.
“I don’t know” You shrug at him.
“What do you mean you dont know. You live together.” Hyunjin pipes up.
“I mean yea, but he hasn’t been home for like a month or so.” You snatch the remote from Seungmins grasp and continue scrolling.
Everyone's attention snaps to you.
“A MONTH?!” Hyunjin squeals.
“Calm down drama llama, he’s got upcoming production projects and presentations. He’s got a lot on his plate.”
“But still, he doesn’t take a break to come see you? Or facetime you? Or call you?” Felix tries to find some hope in your communication.
“Last time we talked was 2 weeks ago I think?” You think back. “That was only cause I was asking him where all the extra comforters were, because Innie and Ji were over for a movie night.”
Minho remembers that night. He was jealous that Jisung got to spend the night at your place. He felt stupidly bitter when he told him. But even when Jisung had extended the invite he couldn't bring himself to go. He may have decided being in love with you from afar was enough, but recently it was getting harder and harder to hide his feelings. Times like this he wanted to out himself, claim he could treat you better then Chan ever could. But he couldn’t do that to a friend, no matter how much it hurt to secretly love you now.
“If there was anything wrong he’d let me know.” Your only reasoning.
But there was something very wrong with it. All of it. How could Chan treat you like this? He once again feels his anger rising, so without saying anything or looking at anyone he leaves the room. Three of you back to bantering about the movie, all oblivious to Minho holding his bottom lip in a vice grip between his teeth in order to silence himself. Not quite all, Seungmin remains silent as he watches Minho leave the room. He knows how Minho is, as best friends and as roommates he knows the signs. He prides himself on being able to read Minho pretty well, but most recently in times like this watching his friend become physically displaced by his jealousy and his brooding makes him wish he couldn't.
Leaving the coffee shop with a blushing Chan in tow you couldn't help but coo at him.
The ever so lovely blonde barista there giving you two your drinks for free. The same barista being the only reason you two went there. The coffee was good, but Chan’s need to embarrass himself in front of her was even greater.
“I’m telling you, she likes you.” You mused at him. “Next time get her number and then you can finally invite her over. Once I’m out of your hair, you have free reign again.”
The renos for your place were almost done, you were given the notice for moving back in next week. You two would have to separate again. Over this past while everything just felt like it made sense being together. That sense of home you’ve both been missing being made up by each other's presence. A part of you was sad about it, but you needed your space again.
You sip on your iced coffee as you keep making the walk back to Chans apartment. Upon realizing that he stopped some step behind you, you turn to him. The shades of red in his cheeks now gone, but now replaced with scrunched eyebrows and a look of agitation.
“What if I want to make this permanent?” He finally looks up at you.
“I need my own space, Chan.”
“I’m just saying. Stay. Live here. Don’t go back.” He looks down at his feet again, sadness now evident. The only person Chan was ever selfish with was you, just like you were with him. Some unspoken right to want more and receive more. “I know it’s selfish of me, but is it so wrong that I really love having you with me?”
Unheard by the two of you in your sappy declarations in the middle of the sidewalk, Minho comes to a stop just around the corner upon hearing your voices. Catching part of chans speech, he hid, not feeling like he was allowed in your moment but also not being able to drag himself out of earshot.
“I love being with you too.” You agree, searching his face for any hidden emotions. “I’ve always loved being there.”
“Having you around 24/7 is my favourite thing keeping me sane right now.” Chan almost pleads to you, needing to justify himself for doing what you’ve both always done. Be that constant. “Being able to breathe, relax and have fun. I need you here, you are my family, my home away from home.”
“Alright.” You step towards him, arms coming up to encircle his shoulders, you feel his body relax as he hugs you back. “I’ll sell all my extra stuff. I’ll come home.”
The arms around you tighten.
Tighten, just like the pain in Minho's chest as he hears your words. You and Chan mean so much to each other, no one would have ever had a chance with you. Chan was your everything. He had to let this go, he had to get over you. Had to accept that you were happy with Chan. Accept the rejection that was never actually given to him.
Regaining his surroundings he takes off back the way he came. The reason he came down this way is completely forgotten by the need to lock himself in his room.
He’d let it go, for you and for Chan….and for himself.
You burst through the apartment door, your body in a flurry. Face red from sprinting all the way there. Jisung and Seungmin shoot up from the couch, completely taken by surprise by your entrance.
“Where is he?” You shout, spewing with anger. Eyes darting around in search of your target.
“What?” Seungmin asks, confused.
“Where is Minho?” Out of breath, you fight the urge to snap at them.
“His room?” Jisung points timidly to Minho’s room, jumping at each move you make.
You stomp your way over to his door, reaching out for the handle and turning. Locked. Another angry flash, you knock aggressively.
“Minho, open up. We need to talk.” You can’t stop your voice from coming out as a yell.
Great now you’re yelling.
“What's going on y/n?” Seungmin asks cautiously, having followed you to the doorway. There’s no way you would be acting like this, especially toward Minho if something serious didn’t happen. You weren’t the type to fly off the handle, yes sometimes you acted a little dramatic, but for the most part you were extremely level headed. So this right now in his apartment, he never would have guessed in a hundred years would be happening. “What's wrong?”
No answer from inside, so you bang on the door harder this time. The urge to break the door down growing stronger as his silence continues.
“Minho!!” You roar, your voice almost burning as you force it out. “This is ridiculous. OPEN THIS DOOR.”
A still nothing creeps out, you’re almost seeing complete red now, so this time you kick at the wooden slab in your way.
“You don’t get to punch my best friend in the face and not expect me not to do anything! GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THERE!”
“You Punched CHAN?!” Jisung squeals in horror, slightly shielded by Seungmin.
“Holy shit.” Seungmin mumbles almost to himself. But unfortunately not to himself enough for you to not hear it. “could it be because of what Chan said to that blonde girl at the coffee shop?”
“You think? Chan really backpedaled hard when we caught him flirting with her and getting her number” Jisung whispers in return.
Once again not quiet enough.
“He punched him because of….What the actual hell?!” You can’t believe it. All you can hear is the blood pumping in your ears. You are angry….you were angry…..wait what were you…
The boys think you and Chan are dating.
The boys think Chan neglects you as his girlfriend.
The boys think Chan is trying to hookup with other girls when he’s with you.
The boys think Chan doesn’t care.
They all know how important Chan is to you. That you two describe each other as home.
None of them have said anything concerning. They all have seen what has happened and accepted it.
But Minho showed up at the club, jacket in hand.
Minho threatened the bartender.
Minho was always around.
Minho began to stare at you, you’ve caught him on numerous occasions.
Minho leaves the room when you talk about Chan.
Minho punched Chan because he thought your boyfriend was cheating on you.
Chan's words ring in your mind. ‘If he really thinks you and I are together now, there’s no way he won’t be jealous.’ ,‘I’ll prove I’m right once and for all.’
“Minho come out please, we really need to talk. Fuck, everything is so messed up.”
You think about what you know about Minho. Minho always speaks in his actions. What are his actions pointing towards? It’s now or never, you need to know.
Turning to Seungmin and Jisung, you hold your gaze firm. Mind made up. “I need you both to tell me this right now. Yes or no. Does Minho have feelings for me?”
“Y/n…we can't say–”
They shift awkwardly on the spot, eyes darting from you to each other trying to divert attention. That was all the confirmation you needed.
Without letting your anxiety talk you out of it you quickly pull out your phone, unlocking it and opening the photo albums. Your sneaky Minho album, that you’ve continued to add to without Hyunjins help even after Chan's plan was put in motion. You slide it under the door, well you can’t turn back now.
“Please just look at my phone. Please?” You almost end up begging against the cold door. “You all just assumed that Chan and I were together. Of course we love each other, but we're just friends, like brother and sister. I’ve been staying in his guest room, since my building is under renos. Chan has a crush on the blonde girl barista in the coffee shop near his place. I’ve been helping him flirt with her for months”
Deep breath.
“I’m in love with-”
The door flies open. Your breath hitches as you see the man of your dreams, smile so dazzling you feel as though you’ve entered one of your fantasies again.
You finally mumble out.
Without saying anything he reaches an arm out, holding something towards you. You expect to see your phone when you look down but you're shocked to see his phone, screen unlocked, photos open to an album titled ‘mint-bun’ filled with candid photos of you, selfies you had posted and cropped group shots.
Shocked is an understatement as you look back up to him.
“I’m in love with you too.” His eyes are strong and determined, looking directly into your own, as he confesses.
Maybe sometimes Chan was right, even if his plan was stupid.

hii!!! I was just wondering if I could maybe request a fic where y/n lives in a cottage next to the beach where they farm and live a normal life but one day when they're walking down the beach they see a siren (which is felix) who is injured. y/n then fixes him up and they kinda fall in love (??)😭 idk but I want it to be super angsty but to have a happy ending.
Hello SweetPea! 💜
I'm sorry it's taken so long to get back to you. I was originally planning on just doing this as a reply, but I AM OBSESSED 😍😍. And it's become a lot longer than when I started. Soooooooo, for you my lovey:
Keep an eye out on my masterlist for Fleeting Tempest! 🥳🥳🥳
I'm hoping to have this one up within the next two weeks, please forgive me for taking so long 🙏🏼. Life has been throwing some hard balls at me while my eyes were closed. 😔

Premise: Being alone and ignored was one thing, you were used to that by now. But having each member of an idol group barrelling into your safe little sanctuary was not something you could have imagined. Now being torn away from your tiny cozy room all you wanted to do was get back to it. Even it meant losing home.
Warnings: Swearing, death, mentions of kidnapping, torture, stalking, obsessions, reincarnation, ANGST ANGST ANSGT.
Word count: 9.2K
Supernatural au // drabble
Poisoned Discoveries
Premise: Moving to a small town and opening your own vet practice, finally you had achieved your own freedom. No longer dragged down by your 'family', free to choose who to trust.
Warnings: Mentions blood, violence, stabbing, poisoning.
Word count: 1.3K
Supernatural au // drabble
“The Restricted Collection”
Premise: You’ll have to enroll to find out.
Warnings: *will update*
Hogwarts au’s // Mini-Series

Bang Chan
These Nights Can't Last Forever
Premise: A predestined moment in time. If you didn’t believe in things like fate and destiny, now was the moment that they seemed real. This forever in a moment.
Warnings: *COMING SOON*
idol skz // drabble

Lee Minho
Camera Roll
Premise: Your best friend comes up with the dumbest plan you've ever heard of. The plan consisting of having all your friends believing you are dating, all because they accidentally found out you live together. How is this supposed to prove anything? The man of your dreams will just have to stay that, in your dreams.
Warnings: swearing, heavy thirsting, fluff, and stupidity.
College au // drabble
Pairings: Nonidol!Changbin & Nonidol!Minho x Reader
Premise: Omega Primes were rare, being forced to reproduce with other Primes. You never liked the idea of mates, forced or not. A runaway Prime, with two alphas to catch their fall and open up a whole new realm of possibilities.
Warnings: a/b/o dynamics, aggressive alpha tendencies, swearing, near-death experiences, mentions of heat and suppressants
abo au // drabble

Seo Changbin
We Are Liars
Premise: He needed an out of his mothers attempts to set him up. Your summer schedule was empty. Maybe him asking you to be his fake girlfriend wasn't the worst idea. It did make a lot of sense. But then again it was too easy to say yes...
Warnings: Fluffffffff
Fake dating au // drabble
Pairings: Non-idol!Changbin & Non-idol!Minho x Reader
Premise: Omega Primes were rare, being forced to reproduce with other Primes. You never liked the idea of mates, forced or not. A runaway Prime, with two alphas to catch their fall and open up a whole new realm of possibilities.
Warnings: a/b/o dynamics, aggressive alpha tendencies, swearing, near-death experiences, mentions of heat and suppressants
abo au // drabble

Hwang Hyunjin
Fallen Star
Premise: A mistake always turning to the stars for an escape. But it turns out the star you had always wished for had fallen right in front of you.
Warnings: Much angst, toxic family, controlling home life.
Princess/alien au // drabble

Han Jisung
Premise: When the overly flustered Jisung has a crush on you. Do you ignore it or fall with him?
Warnings: FLUFF, TEASING but like in a cute way?, clueless Han Jisung (my favourite type along with;), flustered Han Jisung.
College au // drabble

Lee Felix
Fleeting Tempest
Premise: WIP *request*
Warnings: Angst, fluff.
Siren au // drabble
**PLEASE NOTE: I will NOT be writing for Seungmin or Jeongin. As I am older than all of the members in SKZ and I feel an older sibling love for them, it feels inappropriate. Not to mention I struggle to write for them in general. As well, I will NOT be writing smut for any member of SKZ.
Was it Fate?

This is a reader request by @bethanysnow, who holds membership to my Patreon. Her request is as follows:
"I have a request~ what about San from Ateez getting paired up on a variety show with a designer that is getting popular in South Korea?? For plus size fashion? And I can totally see him just falling head over heels for her~ ^-^"
This is my first ever Reader Request, and I am more than happy to fulfill it as Bethany has been my main support for my story, American Mate!

Pairing: Idol!San x Plus-sized FemReader
Status: Reader Request, One-shot
Word Count: 11,194
Genre: Variety Show Fluff
Warnings: None
Thank you to @cyaspeedy and @animatedglittergraphics-n-more for this story's artwork and banners.

As a plus-sized woman, you intimately understood the challenges of finding stylish and comfortable clothing. The sleek jumpsuits, the simple evening gowns, and the flowy summer dresses that were supposedly one-size-fits-all never quite fit the bill for you. It was this personal struggle that sparked your realization that clothes were an art form, and you were ready to create your masterpiece.
Your decision to launch a clothing line exclusively for plus-sized women was a game-changer. It was a mission that resonated with many, and it took numerous visits with investors and hours of hand sewing before your line took off. The unexpected support from the long-standing House of Schiaparelli propelled your mission to new heights. While the House of Schiaparelli offers women the essence of bold style and timeless allure, your mission was clear–“Everybody deserves clothes they feel good in.”
Your brand's success was a whirlwind. In just 11 months, 17 days, and 18 styles later, you had a summer line ready to go. Your diligence and unique aesthetic caught the attention of some of the nation's top photographers and production directors. Once you pitched the idea to the producing director, it only took a few days to get the ball rolling.
Like most advertisements, you were blessed to work with some of the top Idols. However, unlike most brands that stuck with just one Idol or one Idol group, you wanted some from different groups because it supported your ideals of inclusion. Your concept was a couple having a date at a cat cafe; your love of furry pets is never-ending, which is reflected not only in your design but also in the ads.
While you had been a fan of K-pop music for many years, you found it easy to work with the different Idols. BamBam from GOT7 ended up adopting a cat from the cafe. Lisa from BlackPink surprised many, but her love for cats and the group's support for the LGBTQ+ community perfectly fit your brand's mission to include everyone. However, it was shocking that your advertisement also included Lee Know of Stray Kids and Yoongi from BTS.
Soon, your commercial played on screens nationwide, from Doota Mall to Starfield COEX Mall and even Lotte Department Store.

“Alright, can we please stick together this time?” Hongjoong requests the other members. “We really don’t want to leave Wooyoung at the mall again.”
“Hey! That was a one-time thing, captain!” whines Wooyoung, making the others laugh.
Shopping with the other members was always easier for San. Despite his onstage presence, he was, is, and will always be an introvert. San has often seen videos of the group with remarks about Ateez being out and about and San looking more like their manager rather than another member.
This fact makes San proud because he is all about being comfortable and looking good. Yeah, he wears clothes onstage to showcase himself for Atiny, and he loves it. In his everyday life, though, he likes to be comfortable in baggy hoodies and pants, loose shirts, and things that make him feel good but not showy.
Mosing around the mall with the other members, having already bought what he came for, San sees a new ad with Lee Know. Having worked with Stray Kids during Kingdom: Legendary War, he became close with Minho and Felix. Now that he thinks about it, Minho mentioned a new job that he thought San would be perfect for, but he was out of the country at Coachella and couldn’t join.
Stopping to watch the ad as it replays, the most angelic voice comes over, explaining this was the laugh of a new line called “Byeol” by Y/n, which is exclusively making a one-size-fits-all for plus-sized women. The clothing is eye-catching and flattering. The concept of the ad is charming, and at the end of the ad is you.
Your hair and makeup are done simply while you are wearing a lovely pant jumper that showcases the curves of your hips, the thickness of your thighs, and the beauty of your bare shoulders. When you say the closing statement, “Byeol, a plus-sized clothing line to make any woman a star because everyone deserves clothes they feel good in,” a smile seals the deal for San.
The visual component of the ad showcasing his friend and a lovely plus-sized woman in a summer dress at a Cat Cafe is long forgotten. The only thing of importance is you, the one who has stolen his breath and heart.
What San also forgets is the rest of his group. It doesn’t take long before Wooyoung realizes the dance master is missing, “Where did San go?”
“Dude, its either you or him that always gets sidetracked by shiny things. Hwa, can you find him please?” Hongjoong asks.
“Fine, but I am taking Woo with me. I swear he has a built-in San finder.” Grabbing the member mentioned, the two go off to find San, “Meet you back at the van!”
Turning a few corners, the two find San staring at the ad as it replays. Wooyoung bumps into San, “Hey San, what's up why did you stop?”
Breaking the stupor he had fallen into, San looks at the two members with a huge blushing smile, “Oh sorry, I just… well, look.” He points to the ad, drawing the attention of his best friend/soulmate and Seonghwa. Once you appear on the screen, it clicks. Both of them snap their attention back to San to watch his face light up and blush color his cheeks.
“Oh, I see what stopped you. The pretty designer has caught our Sannie’s attention, I see,” remarks Seonghwa teasingly. Wiggling his eyebrows at the younger member, he said, “Y/n, I haven’t heard of that name before.”
“She is new. This is her first line of clothes called ‘Byeol,’” San says while watching you on the ad, wanting to memorize everything he can.
“She named her line the same name as your cat? Do you think she is an Atiny?” Wooyoung asks.
“I don't know, but I wanna shoot myself for not pushing for that ad campaign that Minho tried to get me on. I think it was this one. I could have met her, spoken to her even.” San laments.
“Maybe Minho has a way to contact her, ya know? We are able to get in touch with our brands. I am sure he has a way.” Hwa, always the mother, says with hope.
“That’s right! I have to call him!” San lights up.
“But first let’s get out of here before people start wondering why three guys are staring at women’s clothes and word gets out that we are pervy, okay?” Hwa pushes the other playfully.

Several days have passed, and San is no closer to finding you than he was standing in the mall. Calling Minho had been a bust because, unlike most brands, your brand didn’t want to have long-term ambassadors. Minho mentioned that you seemed to live simply and cared for everyone there like they were your family. Paying for everything, and even holding a party at the end for everyone where you gave everyone a red envelope.
While he loved hearing how generous and caring you were, he did not love Minho’s affectionate tone whenever he talked about you. Was he interested in you, too, or was it just because of the great experience? Oh no, what if you had someone already? What if you didn’t want an Idol? What if you wanted someone like Lisa?
While it drove his bandmates up the wall, San pretty much had all of your advertisements running on replay, but now he was driving himself up the wall without being able to find a way to contact you. You had no social media accounts, your brand’s website was simplistic, and the contact number was for a messaging service. At this point, if it wasn’t for Minho seeing you, one might think you were AI.
Ring Ring
“Hey Sannie, it’s Felix.”
“Oh hey, Lix. I am not really in the mood to chat right now.”
“Yeah, I know. Minho and Woo mentioned you have been really down lately because you cannot find Y/n, right?”
“Seriously, they are telling other people?”
“We all care about you, Sannie. Especially Woo, and you should know that. But I think I may have good news for you. Woo said something about you guys taking a small break to get ready for your world tour right?”
“Yeah. Captain thought it would be a good idea. Be fresh and ready for Atiny in America. But what does that have to do with anything?”
“Would you be interested in doing something solo for half of that time? Say a variety show with me and Y/n?”
“No way! How? When?”
“The producers just booked me yesterday, and I happened to run into Y/n and found out she was going to join it as the ‘new up and comer.’ Something about trying to show the world that there are things worse in life than being chubby.”
“That is great! But Lix, how am I going to get on?”
“It turns out S. Coups from Seventeen was supposed to join, but his knee hasn’t healed enough, and now they are short an Idol. So, I may have dropped your name. They should be reaching out soon, and filming starts at the end of next week. Just a heads up.”
“LIXXIE! No way! I have to pack, I have to get a hold of my manager, I have to… I have to go!”
“Bye Sannie see you next week I guess.”

~One-on-one Interview with Y/n~
“Okay, sit there and face the camera. It will be a simple interview. You got this,” the MC, who you recently learned is Sung Hanbin from the new K-pop group ZeroBaseOne.
Nodding, you sit down, the production team milling around while fixing things like hair, makeup, wardrobe, and who knows what else. “Sorry, this is my first time doing anything even close to this.”
“Not to worry. You were requested by almost everyone here because of your ad campaign and the high marks you got for your debut line. This is my first time hosting a variety show, so we can both have our first together. Let’s start. Fighting”
The lights around the set dim, leaving you and Hanbin in bright stage lights.
“Hello and welcome to YouPlusMe, the newest variety show where up-and-comers take on challenges with some of the industry's most famous idols. Let us meet one of the “newbies.” She has taken the fashion world by storm with her bubbly personality, strong values, and unwavering determination. It’s time to be the powerhouse behind The house of Y/l/n and the mastermind of “Byeol”, Miss Y/l/n Y/N.”
“Hello! Everyone! I am excited and nervous to be here. I am Y/n. Thank you for all your upcoming support in my first variety show adventure.”
“Miss Y/n, it’s been only a week since your launch and you are already the talk of the town. What makes Byoel so interesting?”
“I think my mission statement and line challenges the conservative fashion views not only here but around the world. Being the talk of the town, as you put it, has brought both positive and negative conversations. I believe that you can be healthy and beautiful without being skinny and petite.”
“What a powerful statement. You are clearly a model for your work and have already stolen the hearts of many. You worked with some very powerful idols for your ad and I have a letter from one of the Idols you worked with, ‘Y/n-ah, Your beauty comes not only from your smile but from your heart as well. I cannot wait for the world to see the diamond that you truly are. I enjoyed working with you and cannot wait to see where you go. Always your supporter, Min Yoongi.’”
A blush creeps up your neck. “Oh my! Mr. Min was a pleasure to work with. Actually, all of the idols who worked on the campaign were professional and seemed to support my ideals.”
“Did you have a favorite idol?”
“Lee Know was the easiest to work with, which I thought was odd. As a card-carrying Stay, he really was down to earth, and once he warmed up, it was nice to see that he wasn’t always the stone-cold Lee Know persona that he is known for.”
“Oh you are a Stay? Did you know that Felix will be joining us?”
“Yes, I did, actually. We met by accident. I was coming and he was going.”
“The show will consist of three teams of two and compete in a series of games. One up and comer matched with one Idol for each team. Wonder if you will be teamed up with one of your Favorite Group Idols.”
“As much as I love Felix-ssi, I don’t know if we would make a good team.”

~One-on-one Interview with Felix~
“She said what? And admitted she is a Stay! Awh… Y/n you break my heart. I guess being an Idol doesn’t save you from that.”
“If you are not on her team, maybe you can use her Stay heart to fluster her into making mistakes.”
“Yeah, no. Lee Know said she gets very focused and didn’t even flutter when she met him. I mean the short meeting we had in the hall, all she did was say hello, introduce herself, and wish me luck in the show. I didn’t even realize she was a Stay.”
“It seems like Y/n is going to be a wild card.”

~One-on-one Interview with San~
“I cannot wait to meet the rest of the contestants for the show.”
“So, San, you were a last moment addition. What made you decide to join on such short notice?”
“Oh, easy, Y/n-shi. I love her clothing line, and once Felix-ah told me she was on this, I knew I had to be here too.”
“Oooo, so have you had a chance to meet Y/n yet?”
“No, I haven’t met anyone else. But hey, I get to work with Felix-ah again after Kingdom and I get to meet Y/n-shi. I say that I am already going to have a good time!”
“I think it’s going to be an interesting show to say the least. We have Felix from Stray Kids, the soloist Eunbi, and San from Ateez for our Idols. For our up and comers we have my ZeroBaseOne bandmate Kim Gyuvin, Ko Chanbin from Namoo Actors, and Y/n CEO of The house of Y/l/n. The teams have been picked by our viewers, so it’s time for them to meet for the first time.”

~Yellow Team Interview~
“Felix-hyung and Chanbin-ah, you were the first team to be chosen by the fans with a whopping 10.8 billion votes. How does that make you feel?” asked MC Hanbin.
“Shocking, really!” Felix says while blushing.
“I wasn’t sure I was going to be picked at all but I guess there are more BL fans out there than I thought. Thank you, everyone for your support,” Chanbin bows humbly to the camera.
“Between Stays and Yaoi fandoms, I am pretty sure we will become a strong team with their love and support guiding us, right Chanbin-ah?”
“That’s right Felix-hyung. We will fight for you!”

~Red Team Interview~
“Waaahh, talk about having the advantage. Both of you debuted with K-pop groups because you were able to survive the shows which created them,” comments MC Hanbin.
“Hanbin-ah, you survived with me too! You tell me if this is an advantage or not,” Gyuvin laughs as he points out his leader is the MC.
“Oh that’s right, you both are part of ZeroBaseOne! You are really new to the music industry Gyuvin-ah. Don’t worry. We survived one show, we can survive another,” Eunbi encourages.

It was almost time to meet your Idol partner. So many of the staff seemed to be giddy about your meeting. You could hear their whispers and giggles, but there were a few sneers and looks of hate. Who were you paired with that would cause this kind of reaction?
“Hey, Y/n-shi, are you ready to go? Oh, is that another one of your pieces?” your assigned manager asks. Today, you decided to wear one of the more classic items in your collection. Your shirt is a crop top that feels like you are wearing a cloud on your sleeves. It’s paired with a black pencil-like skirt with a white scallop edge that starts at your ankle and curves around the front to connect to the opposite hip.
“Yes, it’s from the professional line set to come out in early fall. I thought it would be good for the first meeting. Do you think it’s too much?” you question now, wondering if you are toeing the line of the rules and regulations.
“No, it’s gorgeous. You said it would be available in the fall. I am going to have to watch out for it. I think it would be lovely for my sister,” she praises.
“Oh, before the end of the filming, let me get your number, and I will send you one directly. Thank you for taking care of me!”
“Really? You are so caring, Y/n-shi. Thank you. Now, let’s go before we get behind.”
You walk onto the set and take your seat. Noticing you were the last one, you bow with apologies for your delay, and the interview starts.
Meanwhile, San was the first to arrive on set, his nerves going everywhere. He had learned from Felix that there was now a 50/50 chance that he would be teamed up with you. He wore a simple black suit jacket with black dress slacks and shoes. No one could ever go wrong with black, right?
Next came MC Hanbin, taking his seat with a smile and simple greeting, “Hello San-hyung. Did you know that Gyuvin-ah was on the show too? You met recently right?”
“Oh, he's here too? I didn’t know. Waaa, he would be fun to team up with, but hopefully, he could concentrate. He was so shocked that I was Soft Tofu,” chuckled San.
“He wouldn’t stop talking about it the whole next week. For the sake of my members, I hope you two are not teamed up because he will never stop!”
“Don’t you know who everyone is teamed up with?” San questions.
Hanbin only smiles and nods his head, then follows it with mimicking, zipping his mouth shut.
It takes a few minutes before a slight commotion comes from the side, indicating that the other teammate has arrived. Taking an anxious breath, San looks to see who is coming, only to lose it once you walk around the corner and sit next to him.
“Y/n-shi, glad you made it safely. Any problems?” Hanbin asks, his eyes shifting between you and San.
“Oh no problems. Just wanted to make sure my outfit was approved by PD-nim.”
“You're perfect,” San finally says, his eyes never leaving you.

~Purple Team Interview~
“I think Fate might be playing a hand in matching this team up,” MC Hanbin says, which only confuses you.
“Why do you say that? I am sorry but I really don’t know anyone here but Felix-ssi,” you ask.
“I think it's because of what I said in my one-on-one interview. I mentioned that I knew of your work and joined because of you and Felix-ah.” San says with a slight blush dusting his cheeks.
“Oh, well, you know who I am. Can I know who you are?” you ask, wide-eyed and slightly embarrassed to ask the “famous Idol.”
“Sorry! Of course,” San stands and bows. “I am Choi San, a main dancer of Ateez. It is my honor to meet you, Y/n-shi.”
“Oh, sit down, sit down. I am the new one here, and I should bow to you. I have heard of Ateez, but I am unfamiliar with your work. Sorry.”
“Did you know that Y/n-shi is a card-carrying Stay? She has even gotten to work with Lee Know and met Felix, two out of eight members. Lucky girl. How does it feel not to be recognized, San-hyung?” MC Hanbin asks with a gleam in his eye.
Looking Hanbin dead in the eye, San says, “Y/n-shi may have met and worked with others before me, and that is fine. What matters now is that she is mine.” San glances at you, noticing your tentative smile; he adds, “Go, team!”

~YouPlusMe: Challenge 1 Hunter Hunter~
“Welcome back to YouPlusMe. Today, all the teams are meeting us here at Buggy World in Chuncheon, Gangwon, to play ‘Hunter, Hunter.’ Our teams will not only hunt down other teams and their additional markers but also protect their own.” MC Hanbin walks around showing groups of balloons tied to various trees and ends with the teams wearing protective gear and holding Nerf-like airguns.
Team Purple is San and Y/n, Team Red is Eunbi and Gyunvin, and Team Yellow is Felix and Chanbin.
Both you and San are dressed in similar outfits. He looks like G.I. Joe but in dark purple. You discovered the team colors before you left yesterday and made one of your workout creations meet the requirements. You are wearing black leggings with a few neon purple mesh cut-outs and pockets. Your top, however, was a mix of dark, light, neon, and sparkling purple straps built over a black sports bra and connected with the leggings.
The other teams were also dressed to represent their team colors. You noticed yours was the brightest, but you hadn’t realized that this was a paintball mission or that you would also be a target. Your manager had tried to talk you out of wearing it, but you made it clear that your entire point of joining this show was to showcase your designs and their functionality for the plus-sized fans.
“Are the teams ready?” Mc Hanbin asks, followed by hoots and hollers from the different teams. “Good. Now go to your home bases, and when the horn sounds, it's time to play– Hunter, Hunter.”
Making your way to Team Purple’s home base, you take the chance to look around and notice that you can see Team Yellow’s base from here. “Hey, San-ssi. Yellow is right on the other side of the tree line.”
“Good eye! I think Red is on the other side of them. I have been to this park before, and we are on the edge, which can give us an edge. Oh, good. Our base is going to be relatively hidden from anyone trying to come in from below or from the right. We literally can only be attacked from the top.”
“That’s great. Which means we can focus on offense. Get Yellow out of the picture, and then maybe wait for Red to come find us?” you ask San. You looked him up last night and noticed that he is somewhat athletic. He is definitely the muscle-bound one of his group and has done well on other variety shows before.
Horn blares
“I am down for that. Let's go,” San's smile drops, and you notice it's game time.
It isn’t long before you come up on your first set of balloons, but you pass them by in an attempt to scout the Yellow base before letting them know you are here. However, that doesn’t seem to be San’s plan, as he starts shooting immediately. You turn sharply uphill to find the higher ground and watch as he plows through the balloon groupings.
Movement to the side catches your attention as you see Chanbin trying to sneak up on San. Quickly, you move and take a single shot to his back, the lights of his vest going off, indicating to him that he has been hit. Before he can turn around to see who hit him, you have already dropped back and are taking out the balloons he failed to protect.
Once the field is clear of balloons, you move to find San again to regroup, popping the remaining balloons along the way. It isn’t long before you find him and Felix battling it out, hiding behind bushes. This means the Red hasn’t made it here yet and is either on defense only or has gone after your base. This needs to end quickly.
Considering the terrain and their position compared to yours, you don’t have many options without being seen immediately. You could take the chance and believe that San would find a way to win against Felix so that you could go back and ensure your base was secure, but you also didn’t want to leave him to fend for himself. You made the quick decision to just meet up with San.
Right before you reach him, something to San’s left catches his attention, and you see Felix step out to take his shot. Without thinking, you leap forward, knocking San to the ground and shielding him. All while shooting at Felix, nailing him in the chest and leg. While Felix’s gear lights up, indicating that he is out, a voice rings through the area, “Team Yellow has been hunted. Team Purple and Team Red, the hunt is still on.”
Looking down, you see San looking at you wide-eyed and blushing. You smile brightly at him as you stand up, brushing yourself off, and say, “Sorry, but you were in my way. Now we have two choices: check Homebase or go after Red. Which do you want to do?”
Shaking his head, he also gets up off the ground. His mind was reeling, not from hitting his head or anything, just from you protecting him and laying on top of him. Trying to think of what to do, he can only say, “Offensive, right?”
“Sure thing. Let's go this way. You kept looking this way, so it might be something,” you say as you crouch down and start to walk… no prowl ahead. San happily follows behind you, watching your back in more ways than one.
Taking out the Red team was simple as they stayed by their base and didn’t hide themselves well. Everyone returned to the lobby after having a once-over by the team to make sure no one was injured and gave a few touch-ups for the cameras. Each team sat together on smaller couches, and MC Hanbin was in his own chair.
“Wow, talk about total domination. Team Purple, you took out both teams and didn’t lose a single balloon. The MVP certainly goes to none other than Y/n-ssi. You not only took out three competitors but over 60% of the balloons. How do you feel?” MC Hanbin asks. The rest clap and San pats you on the shoulder.
“I am honored, really. I think there is a stigma that shooting is a man’s game and that because I am plus-sized, I cannot be sneaky,” you respond, a little timid from all the clapping.
“I don’t know how she did it. She was like a ghost or invisible, and I mean, it’s not like she is hard to miss!” Chanbin says, still irritated to be the first one out in the game.
At his comment, San looks at him with fire in his eyes. How dare he imply anything negative about you? Felix tugs on Changbin’s shirt and glances at the now-present demon-like San. Trying to backpedal, he says, “I mean, with how brightly she is dressed, I figured she would shine and glint in the sunlight. Come on, neon and sparkles?”
“I guess this just shows us that you cannot underestimate her or her abilities, does it?” San sneers.
Laughing to ease the tension, MC Hanbin says, “Looks like the competition is on fire! Well, it’s time to rest up because tomorrow you will take on ‘Kitchen Crimes.’ Team Purple, you have an advantage.”

~YouPlusMe: Challenge 2 Kitchen Crimes~
“It’s Day 2! It's time for our next challenge, Kitchen Crimes, based on the American reality show Crime Scene Kitchen and hosted by Joel McHale. Our three teams will have two minutes to search a kitchen where something has been made. Once their investigation time is over, they will have one hour to recreate what they thought was made. Afterward, they will present their dishes to our guest chef,” MC Hanbin informs the audience and viewers.
“Team Purple, you won the advantage for this round. You get to steal thirty seconds from a team’s investigation time and add it to your own. Which team do you pick?”
“Yellow,” San calls out. His eyes pinned Chanbin in his place. You glance up at San with shock because he didn’t even consult you.
“Y/n-shi, are you in agreement with your partner?” asks MC Hanbin.
“Umm, yeah. He is the idol and has played these games before,” you smile gently, not wanting to cause a scene. “Sorry, team Yellow.”
“It’s okay, Y/n-shi. We know Sannie is just playing the game. No harm done, right Chanbin-ah?” Felix smiles, trying to play everything off as part of the game. He knows it isn’t, and he is pretty sure his partner knows he put a target on their back with his offhand comment. Felix just hopes that there are no other chances for San to strike out at him and his partner.
“Eunbi-shi and Gyuvin-ah, how do you feel about the challenge?” asks MC Hanbin, smirking at his ZB1 bandmate.
“Hanbinnie, you know I don’t cook but the world knows that Felix-hyung can make killer brownies. So I am very happy that San-hyung took away some of their time and I just hope that it isn’t a desert dish we have to cook,” Gyuvin says with a whine.
“I am with my partner on this one. I cannot cook to save my soul. Trust me when I was with IZ*ONE, the members were constantly saving me whenever we had to make something. We pretty much are gonna lose this one,” laughs Eunbi.
“Well, there you have it. Team Purple stole 30 seconds from Team Yellow, and they have 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Team Red follows with 2 minutes, and last is Team Yellow with 90 seconds,” recaps MC Hanbin.

It was show time again, and while you knew cooking was involved, you wanted to showcase your line still. You decided to wear something from your comfort line, trying to show that the plus-size woman can be fashionable but comfortable without looking like a lump on a log.
The shirt was a tank top made from breathable neon purple material with a built-in bra that had almost as much support as yesterday's sports bra but a bit more silky feeling. The pants resembled parachute pants, with white and neon purple artistically placed spray paint marks. Topping it off was a black trainer and a high-waisted, jeogori-inspired jacket that matched the pants.
San asked you what you would wear last night at the end of filming. Today, he arrived dressed to match your style, wearing black parachute pants, a deep purple tank top, and a leather jacket. He also wore black trainers but playfully had his hairdresser find a matching neon purple to add as a streak in his hair.
As before, each team continued to wear matching-colored outfits. However, none seemed to stand out as you were with San. It made your heart soar with the hope that the viewers liked what they saw. But right now, it was not time to concentrate on that; it was time to investigate.
It seems like seconds have passed, not anywhere near your extended time. You and San figured it was a cake with strawberries and a whipped cream topping.
“What do you think it is?” San asked.
“I have an idea. We both agreed there were strawberries, cream, and really fine flour in it. So maybe we just make a very fluffy cake with strawberry filling and a whipped cream topping?” you responded, chewing on your lip as you reviewed your notes.
“Ah, yeah. That sounds good,” San agreed, focusing on your now red, puffy lips instead of the paper you showed him.
“Do you know how to make any of it? San-ssi? San!” you attempted to get his attention. Once his eyes snapped to meet you, you asked again, “You zoned out on me. Do you know how to make any of it?”
“Only if it comes in a box and Wooyoungie is with me. Even then, we end up ordering from the bakery,” San says shyly. Not only is he embarrassed that you caught him staring, but you also just learn he can’t cook for the life of him.
“Well, I have tried a few times with a recipe, and I know how boxcakes are made. My mom used to make them with me every weekend, but the filling… I haven’t a clue.”
“That is better than nothing. Let me help get the ingredients,” San says, heading to the pantry. “Wait, what am I grabbing?”

“As you all saw, the investigations went smoothly, and the cooking was a mess. Team Yellow sounded very certain that the dish was Strawberry Shortcake, Team Purple thought it was Strawberry Cake, and Team Red followed their gut with a Strawberry Crepes Cake.”
Now it is time to introduce our Guest Chef,” MC Hanbin looks to the side of the stage. “After 50 years of cooking experience, losing his sense of smell due, and appearing on ‘Chef & My Fridge,’ our guest judge is none other than Chef Yeon Bok Lee!”
“Hello, everyone. It is an honor to be here. I am Chef Yeon Bok Lee, and as a Chef, it is my job to protect the kitchen, but today, it's my job to judge your cooking,” the Chef says with a smile and bowing slightly.
“Welcome, Chef! It’s our honor to have you. You were the one to make the secret item in the kitchen, right?” MC Hanbin prompts, to which the Chef nods.
“I wanted to make something that always brought a smile to the faces of my guests. It is simple in nature, sweet but not too sweet, and a perfect dish to top off a summer picnic.” The Chef gestures to the table before him, where the lights all focus as a covered dish rises, “Today I made strawberry shortcake for you!”
Mixtures of yeses, noes, and other exclamations at things not being fair come from the competitors. “Oh my, that was a mix of reactions,” Chef muses.
“It sure was, first up we will have Team Red. Please come and present your dish to the Chef,” requests MC Hanbin.
Taking their dish up to the judging table, Eunbi and Gyuvin’s Strawberry Crepe Cake starts to look like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Eunbi smiles gently, trying to use her cuteness as a distraction. She says, “Hello, Chef. It is an honor to be cooking for someone as esteemed as you are. We thought with the fine flour and the strawberries, you had created a Crepe cake with strawberry and whipped cream topping.”
“Thank you,” the Chef replies, laughing at the team's appearance. Both competitors are flour-covered, making them more Team White than Red. Your crepe cake has structural problems; half has now slid onto the floor. Shall we taste what we can before the rest follows?”
Gyuvin cuts slices of the remaining crepes and adds whatever strawberries and whipped cream he can find before serving a slice to the Chef and his bandmate MC. Giving them both a cringing smile, he says, “We used fine flour, eggs, cream, sugar, and yeah… it should be good. Umm… Enjoy.”
Both MC Hanbin and Chef cut pieces and inspect the creation before eating. Immediately, coughing and choking start. While the Chef spits out his piece, being a good bandmate, Hanbin swallows his and forces a smile, commenting, “Well, at least it isn’t crunchy or burnt this time.”
“Ah, Team Red, I think you may have mistaken salt for granulated sugar for the whipped cream and strawberry sauce. I will say that your crepes are well made, though, with a good consistency and not overly cooked,” the Chef says before he downs half a glass of water.
“Sorry, Chef. We ran out of time to taste everything,” Eunbi says as she backs away, embarrassed. Gyuvin just avoids eye contact with either man, taking the disaster of a dish back to their kitchen.
“Next up we have Team Purple. Please bring your dish to the judging stand,” directs MC Hanbin.
You take the cake and walk carefully to the stand, hoping to keep it from dropping it like the other team. Meanwhile, San hovers around you, whispering when it's time to step and encouraging you with small praises of how well you are doing by walking gracefully. You are trying not to turn beet red the whole time because praises have always done something to you, and it's not what you want the world to see.
After successfully placing the dish down, San and you bow to the Chef. With a large but sweet smile, you say, “Chef Yeon Bok Lee, it is a pleasure to see you again.”
“You know each other?” San askes, ignoring the side eye from MC Hanbin.
“Miss Y/n, it is you. It has been some time now, hasn’t it? How is your family? Does your father still run the little noodle stand back home?” inquires the Chef with a genuine smile.
“Yes, Chef. It has been a long time and my dad still runs the stand but now he has my brother joining him. Logan-ah is already 13 now and has shown great interest in cooking and baking,” you reply.
“Cooking and baking, you say? I may have to visit your father and brother to see this myself. Maybe he could come and take lessons from me one day. But now, let's see if you have a talent for baking. Eh?” The chef smiles, looking at the well-presented cake.
“Well, Chef, we have presented you with a Vanilla sponge cake with macerated strawberry filling and a whipped cream frosting topped with candied whole strawberries,” San proudly announces.
After inspecting the cake, MC Hanbin says, “Well, it survived the trip here. Please serve us a bite to try out and see if it tastes as good as it looks, hyung.” This is followed by San cutting each piece and serving it to them, including a candied strawberry.
Following the same procedure of cutting, inspecting, and eating as before, you and San hold your breath. Your hand grips San’s wrist as you await their reaction. San, however, has been watching you since you touched him. He brings his other hand, gently rubs your upper arm, and whispers, “It’s okay. We got this. You did amazing.”
You smile at his words, remembering having saved the poor idol from burning off his fingerprints when he tried to dip the strawberries in the hot sugar to coat them without using the dipping fork.
“Waaaahhh! Such a light a fluffy sponge on the cake. I really wish you had made a shortcake and not a victoria’s sponge cake. A minor change to your egg, sugar, and water ratio and you would have made a delightful version of my strawberry shortcake,” the Chef comments with a slight frown.
“Those strawberries done in two ways is amazing given the limited time you had. I suppose as a CEO and fashion designer, you understand time management well,” compliments MC Hanbin.
“Well, that is true, but I also have someone who was a good boy at following directions in the kitchen,” you say, smiling at San, who only dusts his cheeks a deep rose and stutters his breath.
Stepping forward, you take your cake and retreat to your kitchen, with San in two, still reeling from you calling him a good boy. Looking at the closest camera, San says, “See, Captain and Seonghwa-hyung, I can be good! Y/n-shi said so!”
“Last up, will Team Yellow present their dish to the Chef and me?” asks MC Hanbin.
Team Yellow shines like the sun because they know they got the right cake. Not only that, but they were the only ones, which means they automatically won. Placing down the cake on the stand, both smiling so widely that their eyes turned into crescents.
Felix wastes no time introducing himself: “Hello, Chef Yeon Bok Lee. Most know me as Felix, but my name is Lee Yong Bok. It is an honor to have you taste something I have baked with the help of my competition partner, Chanbin-ah.”
“Oh my! We have a significant similarity there, I see,” smiles the Chef.
MC Hanbin laughs, “Not only does he share your name, in a sense, but Felix-hyung is also known worldwide for his brownie recipe. Isn’t that right, hyung?”
“Yes, my mates love it when I make them. Though our trainers don’t like it so much,” Felix giggles.
“Well, I should love to try them another day then, Yongbok-ah. Make sure to reach out when this is all over, ya?” asks the Chef.
“I would be… Yes, Of course. It would be a great honor!” Felix replies, bouncing on his toes with happiness.
“First, he should try out the cake, hyung,” Chanbin interrupts. We present you with a take on strawberry shortcake. It is made with classic shortcake soaked in a simple syrup made with strawberry juice and topped with fresh strawberries, mint leaves, and whipped cream.”
“I can see that you have a keen eye, Team Yellow. You are the only ones to get it right, Congratulations. Now please cut us a slice, “ praises the Chef.
After receiving the pieces, inspecting them, and tasting them, MC Hanbin speaks first, saying, “Wow! Your shortcake is so moist with strawberry flavor, and the whipped cream is the smoothest we have tasted. No wonder you are known for your bakes, Felix-hyung.”
“Hanbin-ah is right. You both did a great job with this bake. I can tell you must have sifted the flour and the sugar before incorporating them in, and the idea to make the simple syrup flavored adds a different dimension. Well done. It is clear that you are the winners of this challenge,” announces the Chef.
With bows of thanks and high-pitched squeals of joy, Team Yellow makes it back to their kitchen.
“I want us all to thank Chef Yeon Bok Lee for joining us today. It was a delight to hear your thoughts on our competitors' dishes—some good and some bad. Team Yellow, with this win, you are tied with Team Purple for first place. Both teams have a chance to win the show by winning the challenge tomorrow, or Team Red, you have a chance to make it a three-way tie,” recaps MC Hanbin.
Looking at Team Yellow, he continues, “As winners of today’s challenge, Team Yellow, you won the advantages for tomorrow’s game, which is– Dance Battle. Each of our Idols will have 24 hours to learn the choreography of their assigned K-pop hit. They then have the next 72 hours to teach their competition partner.”
“In the First game, Y/n is a ninja. In the second game, Felix is a baking master. Now, in the final game, we got this Noona because we are both Idols and are used to learning dances quickly,” remarks Gyuvin to his competition partner.
“I wouldn't be so sure, Gyuvin-ah. San is one of the main dancers for Ateez and is known for his determination and competitiveness. Not to forget, his dad is a Taekwondo instructor, so I am pretty sure that he has picked up some teaching skills from him,” Eunbi replies.

~Dance Battle Song Selection~
“Hello, Team Yellow, and congratulations again on your win in Kitchen Crimes!” exclaims MC Hanbin. Both Team members bow in thanks and show their excitement to the cameras.
“It is time for your advantage! As you know, the next challenge is a Dance Battle and your win today allows you to pick the K-pop songs for all three teams,” he announces.
“No way! That is awesome!” Chanbin says, “We can pick an easy song for us and harder ones for the others. I have two left feet so, yeah. Felix-hyung, you know more about these dance challenges than I do, you pick please?”
“I know the perfect songs, easy peasy lemon squeezy,” Felix says with a smirk.
“Oh, you already know what songs to pick, Felix-hyung?” asks MC Hanbin.
“Yeah, for Eunbi-shi and Gyuvin-ah… we don’t want to give them something easy because they are both idols. I have seen both of them dance, and they are good. So, we pick– Black Swan by BTS,” Felix declares.
“OH! Gyuvin is going to hate that,” laughs MC Hanbin. “It's a perfect choice for them. I can’t wait to see him try to lift Eubin-shi.”
“I think we can handle– My Angel by B.O.Y. It’s already choreographed for two males, and while it’s intricate, it’s not hard. What do you think?” Felix says, looking at Chanbin questioningly.
“Oh! I know that one. Yeah, I can manage that… I think,” agrees Chanbin.
“Chanbin-ssi, you may know your song now but you have to play fair and not start learning it until your dance practice with Felix-hyung, okay?” MC Hanbin warns the competitor, to which he nods in understanding.
“What song are you thinking about picking for San-hyung and Y/n-shi?” questions Chanbin. A smirk plays along Felix’s face while he rubs his hands together.
“Sannie and I have known each other for a while, and I remember he used to struggle with learning dances. For the competition, though, I want to challenge his ability to teach someone else not only to dance but to dance with intense emotion and strength. I want them to dance to– Red Lights by my hyungs, Bang Chan and Hyunjin.

~Dance Battle Idol Practice Day: Eubin~
“How do you practice Black Swang alone?” asked Eubin as she watched the modeled dance practice video. “See that! It’s a lift, and that is a spin. Do you have someone for me to practice with today?”
Eunbin says, looking at the camera, “Apparently, all of the Idols have to learn what they can alone today and then figure out the rest with our partners tomorrow. I just hope my partner is a lot stronger than he looks.

~Dance Battle Idol Practice Day: Felix~
“Well, now I kind of feel bad. I didn’t know that we would be alone for the first part of this dance practice. I thought we were going to be taught by someone. Not teach ourselves.” Felix laments.
“Lucky for me and Sannie, our dances don’t have a lot of paired movement but more of mirrored or synchronized movements. Sorry, Noona Eubin! If it helps, I know that Gyuvin picked up Work by Ateez really quick according to the members. Soooorrrry!”

~Dance Battle Idol Practice Day: San~
“He did what?” San stands frozen when the producer tells him what song Felix picked for his team. “He does realize what this song is about, who dances it, and the… ahh… maturity level of this dance, right?”
Shaking his head, he watched the video again, “There are minimal lifts, but there are accessories, and touching, and like… Can Y/n-shi dance? Does anyone know if she will be alright with this?”
He spends most of the first few hours just pacing and watching different videos of the song his “friend” picked for him to dance to with his current crush. While he doesn’t mind learning it or dancing it, especially with you, he wants to make sure you are comfortable with the sensuality and emotions of the dance.
San’s head just spins, trying to figure out how to remain stage-appropriate while having to run his hands on your body, wrap you in chains, and press against you. His heart is aching as it comes up with a million reasons why you would be able to feel like that with him.

~YouPlusMe: Challenge 3 Dance Battle~
“Welcome back to YouPlusMe,” smiles MC Hanbin. “While you saw our Idols' reactions to learning what song Team Yellow chose, you also saw that we gave them a dance room, a boombox, and a practice video.”
“We want to surprise you with the reactions and the dance practices with their competition partners. To watch the team practices and additional behind the scenes videos, please check out our YouTube channel. Don’t forget to like and subscribe!”
“What kind of competition can we have without a judge? Lucky for us, we have someone who started as a backup dancer Jason Wang. Now, he is known for his choreography skills and has worked with Enyphen, TXT, BTS, and Super M. Let me introduce none other than Mr. Nick Joseph!” introduces MC Hanbin.
“Hello, everyone,” Nick walks about with killer pop and lock moves. “It is a pleasure to be here. I have always been the one competing in these and never judging. I cannot wait to see what the Idols have been able to teach the newbies.”
“Now it’s the time we have all been waiting for. It’s time for… Dance Battles! Team Red is up first with their dance cover of BTS’ Black Swan,” introduces MC Hanbin.
They were dressed in solid black body suits covered with sheer drapes. Their faces were donning black and silver feathered masks. Eubin and Gyuvin lost themselves in the song. They moved around the stage, decorated to resemble a dead forest with fog machines and hanging twinkling lights. They gracefully engaged each other and made the lifts look effortless. It was like they controlled everyone who witnessed it with every beat they hit.
“That was breathtaking,” comments Nick.
“Gyuvin-ah! I never knew you had that kind of strength and elegance! I cannot wait for the rest to see this episode; you killed it. Eubin, how do you think your newcomer did?” asks MC Hanbin.
“He did really well. It took him a bit to trust himself with the lifts, but in the end, he gave 110% and never once made me concerned that he was going to drop me,” smiles Eubin and her partner, just blushing at the praise.
“Thank you, noona, for being patient with me and trusting me to have the skills not to embarrass you. And Felix-hyung, thank you for the challenge, your song choice showed me that I am capable of more than I realize,” bows Gyuvin.
“Next up, we have Team Yellow. Nick-ssi, this team won the advantage in assigning the songs for the battle today. They chose My Angel by B of You. Let’s watch,” prompts MC Hanbin.
The multicolored spotlights have cleared the stage of everything, allowing the shiny black floor and dark-colored walls to showcase the two dancers taking the stage. Felix and Chanbin are dressed in black-on-black pinstripe suits, soft yellow shirts, and no tie.
Once the dancing started, it was clear how well the suits fit but allowed for ease of movement. The crisp movements and synchronization between the two were clean and well-timed.
The newcomer's solo piece only had a minor timing mishap, which was quickly corrected when the idol joined back in.
“I loved the simplicity and the teamwork between the two of you,” compliments MC Hanbin.
“Mr. Ko, are you a dancer?” the guest judge asks. Chanbin simply shakes his head and then looks at Felix with a frown. Felix simply pats him on the back to comfort him in the moment. “Mr. Ko, I am impressed. I am assuming that the solo went a little off track because it didn’t move with the beat. Am I correct?
Both Team Yellow members nod as a staff member hands Felix a microphone: “Ah, yes. There was a sequence that got thrown off beat in the solo, but Chanbin-ah claims to have two left feet, which is why I chose this song for us.”
“Wow. Great choice of song, Mr. Lee. Mr. Ko, if this is your first time really dancing like this, and you are this good after only a couple of days. Bravo! You have great skills as a student, never lose that in life,” advises Nick.
“So far, Felix-hyung has picked songs that fit the teams well. During the selection process, he was trying to challenge his competitors and give his team the edge,” MC Hanbin tells the guest judge.
“Ah, I think he missed his mark because Team Red killed it. His team struggled slightly, but we still have one more team left. What was Mr. Lee’s goal for the last team?” inquires Nick.
“He was hoping to challenge San-hyung with a song that would require him to teach not only dance but also the emotional side of dancing. Team Purple has Y/n-shi, a fashion designer.” MC Hanbin answers Nick.
“Oooo, yes, emotional understanding and ability to convey that is key for most duet performances,” comments the long-time choreographer.
“It’s time! The stage has been set, and our team is in place. Here is Team Purple and their performance of Red Lights by Bang Chan and Hyunjin of Stray Kids,” announces MC Hanbin.
The only light on the stage comes from the back wall, which pulses red. The viewers can see an outline of you kneeling on a four-post bed. Your elegant but staccato movements sync with the deep breathing in the room as the song starts.
A chain in your hands goes across the stage, bringing the focus to San lying on the ground. As the words start, you pull him across the floor as you climb off the bed.
Meeting in the middle, you pull him to his knees before you, and just as another breath is heard, the stage floods with lights, revealing your costumes.
San is wearing skin-tight black leather pants. His black shirt resembles a leather leotard with strategic cut-outs, long sleeves, and fingerless gloves. The tightness of his outfit shows off his muscular figure and leaves nothing to the imagination. Everything is lined with red ribbons and smaller red chains.
Your outfit is a short-sleeved curve-hugging leather body con dress and booty shorts that match San’s. It is also littered with cut-outs lined in red ribbons. Your forearms are decorated with the red chains you used to drag San across the floor.
Both of your makeup designers went gothic, using thick black eyeliner, red eye shadow, and deep red lips. San’s skin was flawless and tan, while they used skin lightener on you, trying to bring a bit of a vampire vibe into the mix.
The two of you honor the mirrored dance of the Red Lights music video. Your fluidity and the power of the interactions between the pair of you has everyone shifting in their seats.
As the song progresses, you both dance back to the bed. You shove San to lay on as you take the focus towards the end. Moving around the bed, you seduce the viewers. Using the chains wrapped around Sans pants as bindings, you connect them to the bottom posts.
The chains from your arms unwind and connect to the cuffs of Sans's shirt. Using the chains, you guide San in his movements as the bed slides to the center of the stage and starts tilting toward the judges.
The song is close to the end when you latch the chains over to the bed's headboard and raise San’s arms over his head. Using the bed's angle, you slide off the bed. Soon, the bed is standing on end.
Chains rattle as San struggles against the restraints, hindering his movements. His face is filled with desires and yearning for your touch.
With a deep roll to your hips, you walk up to San and run your nails along his body from his legs up to his abs.
When the song ends, you lean in, ghosting a kiss over his lips, and then walk away into the night.
San’s deep panting was the only sound heard.
The lights in the studio come back on. The other competitors and the judges are stunned at what they just witnessed. San has been released from his chains and joins you at the front of the stage.
The attention without reactions has you nervously nibbling on your lower lip as you look up at San, who smirks down at you with his eyes still dark and dreamy looking. These last three days have been hell for you.
The first time you heard the song, you were so excited because you loved it. I mean, how could you not be thrilled? Bang Chan was your bias. You already know the dance from the trillions of times you have watched music videos and YouTube dance practices.
After showing off your moves to San, you blushed as he and the camera crew were floored. San couldn’t wait to make it fit the two of you. He quickly decided that you would be one of the two of you in charge.
After some discussion with the production staff, the whole thing came together. The hardest part was making the bed work into the dance more than a stationary prop.
San knew he didn’t want to end it with you and him suggestively on the bed because he wasn’t sure he could stop. When you came up with the idea of taking a more Dominatrix video for the dance and wanting just to leave San locked at your mercy, everyone laughed, but San thought it would be perfect.
Not only did he want to see that side of you, but he also knew it would keep him in check. Then, he also asked if you could help figure out what the two of you would be wearing. Your creative juices were flowing.
You were excited to design something for both you and San. You had never made men’s clothing, but it was a challenge you were willing to take on. Everything came together quickly with the help of the show’s wardrobe, production, and props team.
All these thoughts ran through your head as your focus remained on San alone. It wasn’t until the room exploded in applause that you finally relaxed into San and allowed all the jitters to disappear. Everyone is yelling out variations of acclimations.
“Ok ok okay… Felix-ssi,” MC Hanbin looks at the idol. “I don’t think they struggled with anything with this song.” Felix is just standing there trying to collect his jaw off the floor. His eyes stare into San’s skull with shock and many questions he cannot ask on air.
“Miss Y/n, you killed it,” comments Nick. “Do you have any dance experience?”
While still trying to catch your breath, you answer, “Actually, I do.” pant pant pant “In high school, I was in a show choir, did some musicals, and I was part of a hip/hop and stomp club.”
“Period! That is why you know how to work the stage like it’s yours,” Nick exclaimed.
“You should see you dance the original choreography to this song,” San beamed next to you. “I didn’t have to teach her a thing with that. Our time was spent making the dance more of a duet than a mirrored dance.”
“San-hyung,” MC Hanbin asked, “how did you feel having Y/n-shi do the killing part in the dance?”
“Easy.” San looks down at you while wrapping his arms around your shoulders in a back hug. “The moment she walked into the practice room and showed me what she could do, I knew I had to show off what an amazing and sexy partner I had.”
This caused the room to ooh and ahh, to which you tried your best not to blush. You just hoped the heat on your face was attributed to the dancing, not the comments or the feel of San behind you.
“Well, there you have it. Now, Nick-ssi, as our teams all gather on the stage, you have the wonderful job of selecting the winners of today’s Dance Battle challenge. Who is it going to be?” MC Hanbin looks at the guest judge.
“You know, as a dancer and choreographer, I can see so much talent between everyone on the stage. Each team found ways to work the songs chosen by Mr. Lee to their best abilities.”
Nick’s eyes dance over the teams, “Red Team, you swept us up with your grace. Yellow Team, you showed us what rhythm and teamwork mean. Purple team, you took us on a ride that was powerful.”
“So which team is it?” prompts MC Hanbin.
“I am going to have to go with… Team Purple!”
This caused you and San to jump up and down, hugging and congratulating each other. The other teams came over to pat you on the back and personally remark on how great the dance was.
“Nick-ssi, what was the reason why you finally chose the Purple team?” asked MC Hanbin.
“If I hadn’t known that Miss Y/n wasn’t a trained dancer, I would have thought that this was M Countdown's special appearance. The quality of dance, the passion between the two, and the costume design are top-notch,” explains Nick.
“Want to know something? Y/n-shi not only designed her costume but San’s as well in less than 72 hours,” informs MC Hanbin. “She really is a force to be reckoned with.”
Looking at the camera, MC Hanbin says, “Well this has been an amazing week of challenges for our Idols and our newbies. After three challenges, the clear winner of YouPlusMe is San-hyung and Y/n-shi!”
Cannons go off at the announcement of your team’s win. The stage gets covered in purple confetti as Red Lights starts playing again.
Everyone just grabs random partners and starts dancing. Felix is the one you end up dancing with as he pulls you farther and farther away from San. He wanted to dance some of the music video moves with you to send to his bandmates.
You do not see San's look of longing and desire as he, too, gets swept away by the others.

After the song ends, you find yourself back in your personal dressing room. You would think you would be euphoric after winning the show, but your mind is focused on something else.
You came here to show your work. Use it to your advantage and get your line out there. Challenge the Korean beauty standards and start a fire with the Fashion Industry as a whole. Apparently, the universe had more for you in mind, but you weren’t sure what to do about it.
This last challenge is what broke down your walls. You weren’t expecting to feel something during all of this. You had thought it was just the rush of the competition, the thrill of showing the world who you were and working with someone who was just as excited to be here as you.
You weren’t blind.
You noticed San from day one; who couldn’t?
It was easy to dismiss because you wanted to focus on the show. After the first meeting and exchange of numbers, you soon learned that he had a charming personality.
You found yourself looking forward to filming with him and smiling when he sent a text, but now that it’s over, you feel tight in your chest at the thought of never seeing him again.
It wasn’t until the second day of dance practice that you realized it wasn’t the show that you were excited about but San. Though you weren’t a morning person, it was early for anyone.
Opening the door to the practice room, you froze at the sight. The Idol ran on a different schedule than you, and it was clear he had been there long enough to build up a sweat.
His face was half covered by a baseball cap pulled low. He wore baggy sweatpants that rode low on his hips, showing the band of his boxers, and no shirt. He was lost in his own world, dancing to It’s You by him and his bandmates Yeosang and Wooyoung.
His body was moving like water. The body rolls, the hip thrusts, and the floorwork caused such a primal reaction from you that you had to leave. Your mind had gone into San becoming your partner in unprofessional ways.
A knock on the door brings you out of your thoughts. Walking to the door, you finish putting on your jacket and pull open the door. As if conjured by your thoughts, there stands San.
“San,” you breathe, trying to keep your thoughts from seconds ago to yourself.
“Y/n,” smiles San. He seems fidgety tonight.
“Thank you for everything.”
“Oh, it was nothing. I had a blast. This was my first challenge with someone who was really good at pretty much everything. It made me feel like I was the newbie of the two of us.”
“Oh, never. You are way too talented to be considered a newbie.”
The two of you stand there in the doorway of your dressing room. San is still fidgeting, and you don’t want him to leave yet.
“Are you going to the after party? I think Felix said something about it being at a Noraebang nearby. I think everyone else is going and may have invited others too.”
“I was thinking about it. I am pretty sure he invited my bandmates and his. It would be a perfect chance for you to meet the rest of your favorite K-pop band. Maybe get Chan-hyung and Hyujinnie to sing Red Lights for you?”
You giggle at the thought but hesitate, looking down and saying, “I would only want them to sing it if you were there to dance with me.”
A shy smile blooms on San’s face. Taking a chance that you might see the hidden question, he asks, “Do you want to keep dancing with me?”
“I would love to keep dancing with you, Sannie.” You look up, smiling, hoping he means more than what he says.
“Then, will you be my date to the after-party, and then maybe we can go to dinner some other time, just the two of us?” he asks again, stepping forward.
Resting your hand on his chest, you lean into his warmth, “I would love to go out with you tonight or any night.”
With a smile on both your faces, San leans in and gives you a chaste kiss—just enough to settle your minds from the roller coaster of emotions you both experienced this week and light up your hearts with the excitement of a future together.
The last thought in your head is that agreeing to this show was more than you expected. You never expected to grow as much as you did, to win, or to find what may be love, but…
Was it Fate?

Happy Birthday, Felix!
My insomnia paid off this time, and I watched the YouTube Live celebration with Felix from StrayKids for his Birthday. I know he will not see everyone's comments, but sending the universe my wishes for his birthday and next year was excellent. I will repeat it here, just to ensure the universe is listening.
Dear Felix,
Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with the world. You may not have thought your talents would reach this far or capture the hearts of this many, but you are a ray of sunshine for many, including myself.
I almost died at the beginning of August 2024. I was forced for several weeks to refrain from listening or watching anything that was not in English because the sepsis had stolen my language skills, and the doctors didn't want to slow the healing process. I knew I had to improve for myself and my family, but I never wanted to miss out on supporting you, your members, and other idols I hold in great regard and respect.
Felix, I wish this next year brings you healing, health, good food, sweet rest, genuine smiles, and true happiness for yourself. Remember, your fans are here to support you, and genuine fans will only want you to do things you are excited about and willing to do with your time.
Please make sure to eat well, take care of your back, and get rest in your busy schedule.
I will always be here to listen to your good and bad times, achievements and failures, and all the health rollercoasters that you may go through.
The version of Felix that I am excited to see is the Felix that Felix is happy and wants to be. Don't change yourself for others.
Happy Birthday, Felix.
《H-Honey, breastfeed me please》
[Skz Felix, R18 oneshot]
Pairing: Catboy Felix x Fem!reader
Note: Image(s) is not mine and credit goes to its original owner.

Summary: Catboy boyfriend became a baby from breastfeeding.
You and your catboy, Felix, are laying around on the couch. You had your eyes glued to the television while Felix was preoccupied looking at Tik Toks on his phone. It was then he saw a video of an adorable kitten licking a bowl of milk hungrily. His eyes then shined with fascination and excitement. He turned around and asked hopefully, "Honey, can I have cuddles?"
"Mm, sure, come into my arms." You opened your arms wide. He sat in between your legs and laid his head on your shoulder. He hummed, "Mmm~ how can your boobs be so warm and comfy?" He then showed you the Tik Tok video he had watched just now. "Can I play with your boobs honey? They look so soft, make me want to touch them." He gave a tiny poke to your boobs and giggled at them jiggling. "Sure, kitty, anything you want." You chuckled and booped his nose back.
He helped you lift your sweater up and placed it on the floor. To his surprise, you were not wearing a bra and your nipples glistened bright red under the lights. He almost drooled at the sight of your extra soft and bouncy boobs. He jumped on you and groped them softly. Your boobs were softer than he expected, leaving his mouth agape.
"Hehe, kitty, are my boobs that mesmerizing?" You teased at his reaction. He gave a slight nod and continued playing with them. "Honey, can you breastfeed me? I'm hungry for you right now. Please, I want to taste you!!" He groaned, nuzzling his head into your chest. “They’re so full and juicy,” he whimpered before taking one of your now leaking nipples into his mouth. His tongue danced around your nipple before sucking the whole of it with great force. He tugged at the tip with his lips, stretching your nipple upwards, then let go, leaving your nipple extended and wanting.
"Kitty..." You moaned and he pushed you back to settle into the sofa. His mouth explored your neck and traced down towards your nipple again, which was slightly leaking. His large warm hand held your full breast and squeezed gently, so that more milk trickled out, and with a moan he lapped at you.
"You taste heavenly," he licked his lower lip with a seductive look. "Can I have some more milk, please?" He quietly asked. I stroked along his jaw as he looked up at me, and he turned his face to lick at my fingers. "I’m still hungry…" he breathed. His lips surrounded my nipple again and he slowly sucked. "Ahnn~ milk s-so...tasty," he moaned with delight. It was then I felt something hard slapping against my core. I looked down and saw an evident bulge in his pants. (Oh, I see what's happening here. Let me help him.)
"Kitty, are you ready? I'll make you feel even better." You purred excitedly, then began rubbing his cock at a slow pace. His eyes fluttered a little, and he groaned, sending vibrations through my chest, and I smirked.
"I’ve wanted.." *sucking sounds*
"to do this…" *lapping sounds*
"ever since…" *kissing sounds*
"your boobs can produce milk"
You started to tremble in pleasure, and Felix held your hips still with slight pressure from his hands. "H-honey, let's go faster! Stroke me fast till I c-come," obeying his words, you stroked his length quicker -- up, down, up down and again. His cock twitched and more drops of yellow liquid oozed out from his tip by the minute.
"Ahnn~~ honey, i-i may come s-s-soonnn~ ," he stopped licking to take a breather. You stroked his hair gently as he gazed into your eyes and he began to trail kisses up towards your nipple. You hurled your head back in pleasure, eyes rolling back, feeling exquisite pleasure, eventually reaching your climax.
He moved his mouth from your breasts and pressed close to your body, kissing you as you moaned into his mouth. He gazed lovingly into your eyes and you rhythmically moved his cock against your hand. "Omg omg so g-good, your hand feels s-so niceee," he held you tightly as his orgasm shuddered through his body.
You held each other gently, you still sitting on the couch, him still on your lap, softly smooching your hair, forehead, cheeks and your lips. He softly smiled and gazed at you playfully.
“What…?” I whispered.
“I was about to ask if you want some milk and cookies for dinner later? Since we have breast milk from you..."
"Nonono don't you dare use my breast milk! You are going to get it from me if you do!!" You stood up and started a game of chase with Felix.
(Well of course, you both knew who's going to win.)
~The end~

There's not as many Han screenshots cus I only watched five minutes of his live😢