Ask Anon - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Found the video!!! Obvs not JK lol


I saw it and the comment 🥹 It popped on my fyp

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2 years ago

Oiii, tudo bem? Faz lockscreen da hailee steinfeld

Essa é a pessoa certa? Desculpa não conheço

Oiii, Tudo Bem? Faz Lockscreen Da Hailee Steinfeld
Oiii, Tudo Bem? Faz Lockscreen Da Hailee Steinfeld
Oiii, Tudo Bem? Faz Lockscreen Da Hailee Steinfeld
Oiii, Tudo Bem? Faz Lockscreen Da Hailee Steinfeld
Oiii, Tudo Bem? Faz Lockscreen Da Hailee Steinfeld
Oiii, Tudo Bem? Faz Lockscreen Da Hailee Steinfeld

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1 year ago

NOT EVERY WHITE RAPPER BUT ALWAYS A WHITE RAPPER. I hate it, wish he would do a collab with Troye instead. Yes, he's 26, sings about sex, whatever. Just do it in a good way, not like this.

I agree. It’s not the subject matter of sex that I have a problem with. It’s how manufactured and impersonal it feels. Hell, if JK needed to sing about hetero sex there are better songs that do just that. Idk it probably comes down to it not being my taste. And I know he wants to be Harry Styles level huge (I say him because he’s the only really huge male pop star right now in the west) but I wish he wanted to stick to his roots a little bit more that’s all.

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1 year ago

"Part of me wonders if he kind of was burnt out creatively, says to his team I have nothing in the tank, nothing I want to write or say, so this was the compromise?"

I was discussing about it with my partner and this is exactly what he suggested to me. Maybe he was suffering from the blank page syndrome, which I guess is bound to happen to all artists at some point in their career. I feel like he enjoyed his break very much until some turning point and he got more and more anxious as time was passing by. The pressure must be have been unreal (+ it’s obvious to me he was missing Jimin deeply and having a hard time being separated from him but this is another topic) He was witnessing all his hyungs releasing their albums, going through promotion and doing great, and I’m sure he was trying to write songs but nothing was really sticking and working as he wanted it to be? It’s what I’m getting from the interview released earlier today. I think V was going through the exact same process, he did say he wrote songs but then deleted them because he wasn’t happy with it and started from 0 again. That could also explained how the two of them got closer again the first semester of the year. Sharing this obstacle together might have been a huge relief. I guess it wasn’t an easy experience to go through. I think at some point they decided to take a whole new direction and asked for help? They probably still had a rough idea of what they were going for but the production and artistic teams put that into songs and concepts. The lack of a clear direction is common for both in my opinion. I liked Layover but it missed something more personal, and so far I feel the same with Jungkook’s solo releases. This is total speculation though, don’t take this too seriously!

I’m really leaning towards this being the most obvious answer based on his behavior at the beginning of the year. I also think he probably really wanted a break being the youngest with as much pressure as he had on his shoulders all those years. Because otherwise the timing doesn’t make sense. It was no surprise that if one of them would be a breakout star, it would be JK (Jimin could too but he’s not as into the idea of the western market) so for JK to release his music so late to me says that he wasn’t feeling it. Either he wasn’t coming up with anything he liked or he simply didn’t want to. I’m sure he does want to break into the western market and he’s not lying about that. I just think there is more to the story especially with the timing of his releases if that was truly his goal.

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4 years ago

hi this is fran i redownloaded tumblr just to send you a hate anon 🤬🤬 ur a het 🤬🤬 ok love u byee

JXJZJZJZJ WHEN WILL MY TORMENT END WITH YOU I STG PLEASE 💔💔💔💔💔 anyways I guess I live in ur mind rent free all the time you gigi goode steve rogers stan sayonara see you never 🥰😘 (JKJKJKJK ilysm I'm honored to be the reason you redownloaded tumblr ❤️)

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3 years ago

To the 100 people following me now 💜💜, you guys are amazing ( also the people who constantly likes my posts ) . Thank you all so much , it just helps me to keep going. I adore y'all.

To The 100 People Following Me Now , You Guys Are Amazing ( Also The People Who Constantly Likes My Posts

Although I really am sorry If I don't follow you back Because I do know I don't follow a few people , it's only to keep my account safe tbh ( it got deactivated last month because of suspected following )

Other than that I ALWAYS follow fanpage's obviously and I love them all . thank you for your lovely follow , you people are incredible .

Ps. 1. I'd take down some posts btw , apparently some are shit

2. I'm taking prompt requests so hop on !

Now on A03 at sorryishipdrarry

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3 years ago

200 followers appreciation .

You kind, Beautiful, gorgeous, chaotic human beings existing upon this whole Wild world who chose to follow me, I am drowning in your love. I fail to put into words how much your notes on my account and your follow means to me.

So basically I mean thank you by the way for everything. I know I didn't had to go all Oscar Wilde shite, but eh, I'm sleep deprived 🙂

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3 years ago

Do you have one those days where you're just


But also

I need someone to hug me right now

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3 years ago

Top harry or bottom Harry

I don't believe in top and bottom establishment created by the society. It is purely absurd why there should be such establishment....


( Ps. Tho It keeps changing for me with the things I read, it was top draco before )

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3 years ago

List the Drarry tropes that make your heart and stomach go- 😩💗😭🦋🦋🦋😳🥰😍

I think I enjoy anything as long it's a got a good beginning that gets me hooked but here's a few that I like

1. ENEMIES to " I might care about you a little " to " I thought you were different " to " prove me wrong " to LOVERS, TROPE

2. A domestic drarry trope, with friends to lovers. I read this work by @slytherco one or two month's ago and I made a post about it too, it's fairly domestic with fluff and it's my favorite one.

3. The secret relationship drarry. If anyone's ever read it was all just a game by writeme_227, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

4. the " I don't love you but I'm jealous to see you with anyone else " kinda trope when Infact they love each other. So jealousy drarry trope with smut, maybe.

5. Lastly I love any trope with slightly literary language, something that I can't explain, but might have references like " anatomically saying.. " or " according to Greek mythology.." . I don't think it's a trope but this sort makes me jump.

I ask you the same.. tell me what makes you 🦋🦋🦋🥺🥺😭😢🥰😍😩🦋

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3 years ago

I just figured out how to follow someone on Tumblr 😭 I'm new here (my best friend asked me to make an account to read your prompts) and I am so proud of myself for figuring it out-

I probably know who you are, if I'm not mistaken honestly but I'm very glad you enjoy my prompts. Thank you so much, it means a lot to me.

Also welcome to the land of chaos.

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3 years ago

Hi. Can you please recommend more draco!bottom blog? I feel so overwhelmed by the fact that some blogs with draco!top content specially put the #draco bottom tag It really hurts me as an autistic person.

I'm sure people have very different preferences, tho here are some bottom Draco blogs that I personally know. I may not be entirely sure, but I hope this helps

@drarrywords @drarry-is-my-therapy @dracobottoms @thebusyfangirl @malfoydusk @draco-and-harry-malfoy-pottah

If I'm mistaken please correct me, these are all I am somewhat sure of. And I'm sure there's plenty but these are the few I know.

And I'm highly apologetic for anyone making you overwhelmed. It's a safe place to talk to, personally me if you ever need me.

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3 years ago
I'm Sorry Anon But I Couldn't Post The Actual Ask, I Don't Want To Create Hate ( Hope You Understand)

I'm sorry anon but I couldn't post the actual ask, I don't want to create hate ( hope you understand) . I understand why you must dislike someone like them, and your feelings are valid, and I agree not every draco!bottom fans for being nasty.

Truth be told, there's plenty of people in the fandom getting offended by someone else's preferences which I believe should not be such a thing, it's unfair to call out on people's opinions. I don't stan dramione, harmione ( never will) or hinny for that matter but I give people every right for believing in whatever they want to. If someone have other preference's like bottom!draco or top!draco, it is people's different opinions, it doesn't stand right to call out on someone who chooses otherwise. I prefer top harry but I would never act upon people who prefer bottom harry, they have their reasons, I have mine and it's quite alright. It's simply a part of growing up to accept peoples different opinions. I hope this was a better place than Someone calling nasty things to someone for their preferences.

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3 years ago
2 Things Before I Get Down To Actually Replying This Ask
2 Things Before I Get Down To Actually Replying This Ask
2 Things Before I Get Down To Actually Replying This Ask

2 things before I get down to actually replying this ask

1. I'm still keeping the account holders name confidential because I don't want to be the reason there's hate here

2. Please, please I request do not trample me after This..

Now getting to the crux of it, I am sorry you have to go through this, and whoever the Anon Before this had addressed this to me. I'm extremely sorry for how you've been triggered.. but I must say, I must put emphasis on ITS PEOPLE'S CHOICES. Whoever you ship, whoever you stan, whomever you prefer as top, whoever you prefer as bottom is entirely your own personal preference, which have nothing to do with anyone else. I wish I could go deeper and help you out with whatever it is but I don't, I strongly don't want to be meddled into something like this which have too much dramatics. You can call me out for keeping the blogger confidential but frankly all because this is drarry community and even if there's hate, I need you to know there's love here too. We're all sitting on the same boat, some at the front, some at the back, but at the end of the day, we are on the same waters, in the same boat. I'm sorry for everything you have to go through but I can't,and I don't want to be the reason Someone tramples me or my friends or any of the rest of my mutual blogger's and i don't Want to be the reason someone hates me or hates my mutuals. Making an exclusive blog as such takes guts which I may never have, but I will strongly say, the way it's been addressed back isn't right.

I hope I've tried my best to convey whatever I had in mind and you understood it too. It takes a lot in me to say this, but please, I say it in the kindest ways possible, do not meddle me into Dramatics as such. You can always text me personally and I promise to always reply, but this, I request you not to drag me into this or for that matter any of my mutuals.

All the love.

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3 years ago

☹ why are you asking to stop..

Why are you making me cry... 😭😭😭.

I accept now, I do. Thank you so so so so much × Infinity

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3 years ago


I'm going to have to turn off the anonymous asks 😂 but thank you so so so so much. I cannot begin to explain how much this means to me. Thank you anon.

All my love.

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3 years ago

Hi, honey! I'm so sorry you had to face the hate. I feel guilty now😭 I didn't mean to stir up conflict between the-boy-who-bottomed and the rest of the fandom at all. I'm really sad about what's going on right now😭 As an autistic person, it really hurt me that the-boy-who-bottomed added tags incorrectly, specifically to piss off the other Draco! bottom stans. This is wrong. And I really wanted to discuss it with someone. Thank you for listening and supporting me! I'm very sorry that the-boy-who-bottomed received hatred and wishes for death. It's horrible. But that's no reason to feed this vicious circle of "hatred" between the two sides. So if you want to write a hateful message to the-boy-who-bottomed or anyone else, PLEASE don't do it. I think that's all I wanted to convey. Please, can we just be kind and respectful to each other? Love and peace to all! ❤️

Hey dear, only one thing I'd like to correct, i didn't receive hate as i expected or at least not the explicit hate Frankly but I understand what you mean but please don't feel guilty. The supporters outcasts everything else.

Secondly, if you didn't mean it, it sort of happened but I can assure it's settled now.

Thirdly, they have corrected their mistake and will make the improvement of not adding wrong tags and if they do so accidentally, plead forgive them.

I'm always here and I'm glad you reached out to me, not that I believe it became a huge drama but a little one and I think it did at least something. And to be honest if you hadn't reached out I might've never heard their side of the story, so I'm actually thankful for that.

I agree of requesting to not throw hate on them and also my fellow pals who faced it because of me.. it's saddening to see my dear friends like @drarrywords being hated upon when they don't deserve it, nor as well @the-boy-who-bottomed deserves it..

Spread love and peace.

(To the rest of the messages I haven't been able to get back to, I will. I don't want to bother people with the compliments over their feed page)

Still tagging- SHIP AND LET SHIP

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3 years ago

Is drarrywords still receiving hate?

I hope not. We haven't talked in a day or two and she haven't told me anything like that so I'm really hoping not..

@drarrywords are you?

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3 years ago

Is they hybrid story you’re talking about Eucalyptus? 👉👈

Mayyybeeee…..maaayyybbeeee not

Is They Hybrid Story Youre Talking About Eucalyptus?

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