Aster Arcadia - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
When You're In A Slow Artist Nijien-lover Competition And Your Opponent Is Me
When You're In A Slow Artist Nijien-lover Competition And Your Opponent Is Me
When You're In A Slow Artist Nijien-lover Competition And Your Opponent Is Me

when you're in a slow artist nijien-lover competition and your opponent is me

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2 years ago

Finally doing my ILUNA impressions since it's been a week since their debut! (Tumblr totally didn't delete the draft I wrote a week ago definitely not-)


Maria Marionette: Maria is absolutely precious and I would die for her. The fact that she immediately started singing during her debut and then released a cover right after?? And she sounds amazing??? I like having her streams on in the background because of how soft her voice is! Bonus points because she streams right when I go to bed, so I can listen to her while trying to sleep!


Kyo Kaneko: I'm gonna be honest, I wasn't expecting to like him as much as I do! I'm not gonna lie I almost cried watching his lore video. I love his energy and overall I'm definitely gonna try to watch more of his streams! (Side note: the Vox ASMR bit killed me-)


Aia Amare: I love how chaotic she is! She definitely had the funniest lore video and my friend (who agreed to watch it with me for some reason) we're losing it the whole time. Also her Getting Over It stream was hilarious


Aster Arcadia: Aster is absolutely precious. He's super sweet and I would die for him as well! Also he's a million years old??? Wouldn't that make him the oldest EN member so far? (As far as we know anyways)


Scarle Yonaguni: This wave's victim of the EN curse unfortunately. I really appreciate that she redid her debut stream right after though! She's really sweet and I've been enjoying her streams!!


Ren Zotto: I have had Blue Sugar on repeat all week. It's so good???? I'm definitely looking forward to possible future songs! Overall, he's just as adorable as the other members of his wave! (I know I keep saying they're all adorable and precious but am I wrong??) I was dying during their first collab yesterday, they all have great energy!!


Final thoughts: I adore them!! They're all super sweet and I'm definitely looking forward to future streams!!

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